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Authors: S.I. Hayes

Heart Of Stone (20 page)

BOOK: Heart Of Stone
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“Harold?” Donnella called from her office. She had been back to work about a week and the piles of paperwork were without end. All of her father’s holdings were still being compiled and new properties and shares were being found almost daily. Her head ached from all of the non-work, work she seemed to be doing. As for
, she was still waiting to hear back from the lawyers about

Harold popped his head in and over the stack of papers on her usually sparse desk. “Yes?” He asked with a mild chuckle and an eyebrow raise. A large document folder pressed tightly to his chest.

“Have you seen the report for this quarter on the
I was curious how the budget was for Matthew’s Show and I can’t seem to find it.”

“It’s back at
office. Boy are you distracted. I have a package for you. That you may want to open.” He handed her the document folder. “It was messengered over this morning. From Mcloughlin Financial.”

She looked up at him, her eyes wide. “It’s thick…” She reached for it. “Really thick.” She tore it open. “File to agreement of Mcloughlin Financial merger with The Stone Company…” She let the papers drop to her lap. “He took the deal.” She turned in her chair. “Harold…. Gerald, fuckin’ Mcloughlin took my deal! I’m going to be able to… Oh my fuckin’ God!” She jumped up hugging him. “I can’t believe it, how? I mean. Oh I don’t care. I’m so fuckin’ happy right now.”

He hugged her, knowing the reasons the deal went through, but keeping them to himself. That was Mathew’s secret to keep. “I’m happy to see you happy. This means you can continue with the plans for Battery Park and the Village.”

“It means
. Harold with Mcloughlin’s name behind me, I’ll need you more than ever. Be ready for some long nights.”

Harold nodded pulling away as she started to shuffle through the papers to a file in her desk. “Indeed, I understand, lots of files to copy and coffee to run out for.”

“No, Harold, I’m going to need my partner on this.” She held up a document. “I’d been waiting to do this until I knew we had a leg to stand on. And now I know, what you’ll go through to make sure we do.” She handed him his letter of promotion to Senior Vice President of The Stone Company.

A tear rolled down Harold’s cheek as he looked at the paper work. “No more errand runs? No more three a.m. calls? No more shopping for you?”

“Unless you want to come shopping
me, you need never see me outside the office except for social events which you will be invited to as more than a plus one. You deserve it.”

Harold grabbed her tightly, quickly and then grabbed a pen flipping through the document signing where needed hurriedly.

Donnella laughed. “Don’t you want to at least skim it?”

“I wrote the damn thing Donnella.
know what it offers… Hell yes I’m taking it. Before you have a chance to change your mind.” He smiled signing the last page. Handing her the pen to do the same.


Donnella jumped slightly as the cells clanged and Donavan Kelly was lead out to the meeting space. She had taken her lunch time to drive up to Rikers Island Correctional Facility, where he was being held pending his trial. A smirk curled over his lip as she came into his view and he sat down picking up the phone.

little dragon has learned to breath some fire after all.” He laughed as she stared at him. “What can I do for you my pet?”

“I’m not your
. Not anymore. I’m burning our bridge permanently.”

“Tsk, tsk. It’s too bad. We had good times though didn’t we? You always seemed to come on cue.”

“Enough of your bullshit, I want to know why?”

“Why what darling?”

“Why did you do this to me? Try and destroy my life? My career, my relationship. You stood to gain nothing from any of it.”

He looked her over. Not saying anything, but he kept smiling.

“Are you going to answer me?”

“Heard your old man kicked it. Sorry to hear it. Although I do hear he had it coming. Crippling fashion designers and all.”

“You’re out of your mind.”

“There’s your reasoning, then. I’m outta my mind. Donnella has it ever occurred to you that some people. We just like to light the match and watch the world as it burns?”

She stood up, with a smile. “Guess it’s a good thing I’ve got a fireman. Cuz guess what you fuck. I’m going to be just fine. You know that Mcloughlin deal you though you destroyed?” She leaned in close. “I got it.” She dropped the phone walking away as his face twisted in a rage.


“Are you sure you’re ready for this?” Matthew asked as they pulled up outside
The Keynote Gallery
. It had been several weeks since she had stepped out of the Stone Tower. Making her statement to the press about the events that took place at the Surry had kicked up the media once again and she was trying to avoid another outburst of verbal sewage. Now it was up to the prosecutors to deal with the drama, they didn’t need anything more than her grand jury testimony as the tape more than spoke for her. For that she was most grateful. Samuel Sinclair refused to name who had tortured and beaten him unrecognizable. Although the rumor was that it had been Matthew, no charges has been brought. He hadn’t even been questioned. She had worked via email and Skype using Harold as a go between, to set up everything needed to get the gallery ready for Matthew’s debut. His
Warrior Women Exhibit
. She had not seen it, but was looking forward to it. She just hoped that the reporters kept it to the work and not their personal lives.

“I wouldn’t miss tonight for anything in the world.” She smiled holding his hand with a gentle squeeze. He held it up and kissed it softly. She loved it when he did that. “How do I look?”

“Perfect as always.” He smirked.

She wore a deep Emerald and cream gown with a keyhole neckline, the back cut low showing off her dragon tattoo. “It’s not too much?” She turned, I’ve never shown this off before.”

“It’s just enough.” He kissed her just a little hard, biting her bottom lip slightly as he pulled away. Sending a shiver through her.

“Don’t tease me, not now when we can’t do anything about it.”

He let out a coy laugh. Taking her hand as the door to the limousine opened, photographers lined up along the red carpet as they approached. Donnella screwed on her smile, pushing a long red curl from her face, behind her ears. Her diamond and alexandrite earrings sending colorful lines and spots over her cinnamon freckled cheeks as the cameras flashed. Matthew squeezed her hand as they went inside.

The whole gallery was a buzz with people, the bright fluorescent lights and poles that usually filled the space were replaced by hues of pale incandescent yellows and purples. Cast by shades and silk tapestries which hung from the walls. Food and drink were being served for the moment as the guests awaited Matthew’s arrival, he was supposed to give a little speech explaining his visual concept before the exhibit was opened for the public. His palms began to sweat as he looked around. The place was packed. Donnella handed him a glass of champagne as Janet and Raj with Harold on his arm approached.

“It looks great in here.” Janet smiled.

Matthew looked at his best friend. “You look great. That suit suits you.” Janet wore a pair of fitted black slacks with a black sparkled vest over an ivory satin blouse with a thin red tie, topped off with her favorite pair of buckled and strapped combat boots.

“Yeah, had to look good for the girlfriend.” She smiled as Cattie came over, in a slinky red slip dress with a high front slit.

“Hey everyone!” She beamed.

Matthew nodded, seeing Raj and Harold he looked confused, but happy. “When did this happen?”

“Oh you silly boy, we’ve been flirting for months! It just took him forever to ask me out!” Raj snickered holding Harold by the hand.

“I’m sorry I was intimidated by the Great
Raj Ma Tall
. You’re beautiful and fierce. I was just a lowly Admin Assist. But now I’m a Vice President.” He held his suspenders proudly.

“Senior Vice President.” Donnella corrected him, holding up her glass of champagne.

“That’s right baby!” Raj cooed. As they laughed clanking glasses.

Matthew slugged his all the way down, reaching for another.

“Easy, Matty, boy. You don’t hold your liquor so good. Remember? Let’s not have a Summerfest twelve repeat.” Janet laughed, pretending to crawl and vomit at the same time.

“I’m nervous as fuck.” He bemoaned his hands shaking. “I don’t like to talk about my work. I think it should speak for itself. It’s art, it’s subjective.”

“So... Tell
that.” Donnella smiled as she reached up pulling him down for a kiss. “Just go up there toss the cards and be honest about the work. Speak from your heart.”

He lifted her up to hug her, loving having her against him and she could feel him harden against her stomach. She laughed as he crushed her against him. “Excuse us just a moment. We still have a few things to take care of.” She grinned as they headed for the stairs.

Harold sighed. “A couple of rabbits those two…”


Matthew pushed her against the desk, kissing the nape of her neck as she hiked up her gown. He reached underneath. “No panties?” He moaned into her ear. “You naughty girl.” She laughed as he unzipped his fly, his fingers finding their mark. She wasn’t there yet. He dropped to his knees, turning her around urgently, knocking everything from her desk, she braced back on her elbows, her right leg over his shoulder.

“This wasn’t supposed to be about
.” Donnella bit her lip, trying to hold out. “I wanted to help

does help.” He smiled against her, blowing lightly on her now glistening skin. He stood up, leaving his pants on the floor.

“You ready?” He teased her pulsing flesh, just pushing against her. She grabbed him by the ass, with her legs forcing him forward, and he slipped up and inside with a grunt. “I guess so.” He kissed her loving the taste of her, salty and sweet as she ran her hands through his hair taking it by handfuls as she came. He slowed letting her body ride it out, then sped up to bring on his own orgasm, she tightened up around him bringing her knees into his chest, and he could feel the tension build, until he couldn’t hold back anymore.

He leaned against her, his chest heaving, as she smoothed his hair, a knock came to the door, and it opened. Matthew dropped quickly trying to lift his pants.

Harold appearing at the opening. “Oh honey it ain’t nothing I haven’t seen. The animals are getting restless. And some could hear you, just fair

Donnella laughed, as Matthew’s head fell into her shoulder with a thud. “Well so much for inconspicuous.”

“So much.” She whispered. “Do you feel better?”

“I do in fact.”

“Sink or swim?”

“Sink or swim.”

“That’s the spirit.” Harold laughed as they exited the office. Coming down the stairs, they got a few hoots and hollers which turned into the entire room cat calling as Donnella tried to fix her hair.

“Fuck it.” She stopped them in the middle of the room and together they took a bow, before she led him to the podium, where she kissed him wistfully for the crowd. “Good luck.”

He nodded. Then stood staring at the sea of faces. Some were friends, he saw his mother who grinned with a shake of her head as Donnella hugged her, but most he barely knew. The art world stood waiting for him to unveil what had taken him years to originally conceptualize, to photograph, paint. Then in a few short months it had all changed. How was he supposed to explain
? The work was different now. It had a different purpose. It had a heart. He took a deep breath and began to speak.

“He-Hello, My name is Matthew Mayfield, and I’d like to start by saying thank you for coming tonight. When I was young my mother worked two, sometimes three jobs to make sure I had food on the table. Clothes on my back. See my father… Well he was not able to contribute, coming from a world that wouldn’t allow him to be a healthy fixture. So I grew up seeing women
. Strong. Independent. Fierce. They are not the lesser sex. They are the superior one. They go to war, every day. To jobs where men belittle them, ostracize and abuse them. They take it. More than any man ever would. They take the abuse at our hands, at each other’s hands… My work. It began as a project to raise awareness for wounded women soldiers. You will see them, as I did through the lens and through this artists eyes imagined as the warriors I know them to be. It may not be beautiful to you, some of it may even disturb you, but this is what the world has been for them. They are the forgotten ones. As I have worked I expanded my reach, coming to understand that there are millions of women who have been
. The work evolved. Now, it’s a glimpse into a moment in the lives of women who have fought for the freedom of others, but most importantly have fought for freedom for themselves… I hope that it touches you, as it has touched me. For it has been a labor of love. Thank you.”  He stepped down from the podium, walking to his mother and Donnella, who both smiled curiously at him.

BOOK: Heart Of Stone
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