Heart Song (The Erotic Rockstar Series) (16 page)

BOOK: Heart Song (The Erotic Rockstar Series)
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“Oh God” I groan, as I throw up for the second time this morning.

“Oh honey, what did you eat?” Reagan asks, patting my back.

“I think you need to go to a Doctor.” Jasmine says, wiping my face with a cool cloth.

“I am fine.” I croak.

“We came over to surprise you for your birthday and you are hanging over the toilet.”

My birthday, I had forgotten about my birthday and I didn’t care to think about it now. I retch again and then sit back and groan. Reagan hands me a glass of water and I sip it, my stomach protests a while, but finally it settles enough for me to walk out into the lounge. Jasmine sits beside me and gives me a funny look.

“You look pale; I think you need a Doctor.”

When I throw up the water, I don’t get a choice. They hustle me into the
car and force me to the Doctor’s. We sit in the Doctor’s office for an hour when finally, I am called in. The girls wait outside for me. I take a seat and stare at the old Doctor in front of me. She has a severe face, with a grey bun but she is lovely. She takes my temperature and asks me a few questions. It is the last question she asks that has my blood running cold.

“When was your last period?”

I stare at her rather stupidly for a moment.

“Um, it was, I don’t….”

“That’s ok. We can do a test.”

“A test for what?”
I cry.


“Oh no, I’m not pregnant.”

“Have you not been sexually active?”

“Well yes but…”

“Have you used protection?”

“Well mostly…”

“Then we need to test for pregnancy
. Have you been feeling off?”

“Nothing too unusual,
I feel a bit off in the mornings but I have been stressed and tired.”

She nods and hands me a small
cup. I give her a look and she explains I have to pee in it. I go to the toilet and do as she asks, then I come back out and hand it to her. She dips a little stick in and a moment later she smiles.

“Oh wow, certainly pregnant.”

I feel my blood rush from my face and drain to my toes.


“You have a positive test. I assume you would be about five weeks if that.”

“Pregnant?” I whisper.


She goes over all this information and
vitamins I have to take but I can’t hear her, Pregnant? She can’t be serious. This isn’t happening. It isn’t. When I walk out of the room, the girls jump up and rush over. I burst into a fit of hysterical tears and tell them my news. They go quiet a moment.

“Aw, honey, that’s not so bad.” Reagan soothes.

“It’s awful. We only just got back together, we are fighting and…oh no.”

“Shhh, come on,
let’s go somewhere so we can talk ok?”

“I can’t believe this is happening.”

We go to a nearby café and they spend hours telling me it will be fine, I can deal with it, nothing will go wrong. When they take me home, Trav is waiting in my apartment. The girls rush out quickly, rambling that they have something important to do. Travis walks over and takes me into his arms, holding me close and for a small moment, I feel better.

“What was that about?”

“Can we talk Trav?”

, let me give you this first.”

He hands me a box, and I stare down at it.

“What is it?”

“Your birthday present.”

I swallow and open the box, to reveal a beautiful diamond necklace.

“Oh Trav.”

“Happy Birthday beautiful.”

He kisses my cheek softly and I cling to him for long moments.

“It’s beautiful, I love it.”

“Ok, now we can talk.”

We sit on the couch and he turns to face me.

“First, how is Janice?”

“She is doing ok.”

“Trav, do you really believe her boyfriend is doing this?”

“I don’t know Mischief, but she was pretty messed up.”

“I don’t want to fight over this, but it bothers me that you run to her.”

He closes his eyes. “She has no one else.”

“She isn’t your problem anymore.”

“Look, I know ok? I told her I couldn’t help her anymore and that she needed to report it to the police because it wasn’t my place to keep running after her.”

“How did she take that?”

“Not well, but I had to do it.”

I nod.

“Ok, well then there is something else I have to tell you.”

He looks up at me, and narrows his eyes.

“Spill, your face looks terrified.”

“Trav…I’m pregnant.”

His face pales, rapidly.

“Say again?”

“I’m pregnant.”

He rubs his face and closes his eyes.




Ummm, I think you know how.”

“I used condoms

ot every time.”

“I fucking pulled out Mischief.”

“That doesn’t matter.”

God, this is such a bad time.”

I am a little hurt.

“I can’t change it.”

“Fuck….just fuck.”

“I told you I wasn’t on the pill!”

“I pulled out!” He yells, standing.

“What is the problem?”

“The fucking problem is we are fighting like cat
s and dogs, you won’t move in with me, you won’t get over the damn past.”

I feel like he has slapped me.

“I…that’s not true.”

“Isn’t it, then why won’t you move in with me?”



I swallow, God he is right, I am pulling back.

“I know how you must feel but…”

“No, you don’t know how I feel. You don’t trust me; you don’t want to be with me.”

God, that’s not true.”

“Why did you leave then?” He croaks.

I feel my throat tighten and my heart clench.

“I was hurt.”

“You ran from me, you didn’t give me a chance to explain and now you don’t trust me.”

“I do,
God Trav, I do.”

“No,” He says, picking up his keys. “You fucking don’t.”




“She’s pregnant.” I say, shooting back a shot of whiskey.

“That’s a good thing right?” Marcus asks, doing the same.

“She won’t even move in with me, but she’s pregnant.”

“Maybe it’s the step you two need.”

“I was harsh to her, poor girl looked like hell.”

“You were shocked, she will forgive you.”

“I don’t know if I can be a
Dad again, I am only just clean.”

“You will do
fine; you have even more reason to stay clean now.”

“If I hurt her again…”

“That’s what this is about right? The fact that you are scared she will bolt again, and this time it will hurt even more.”

“If she ran again, I would die, end of story.”

“I don’t think she is going to do that.”

“How can you be so sure? She won’t even move in with me.”

“Because the girl is crazy about you, she had a lot of fucked up things happen to her last time, it’s a little different now.”

“Yeah, I guess you are right.”

“Get your ass home and be with her Travis, don’t be out here being a jerk.”

I snort. “Trust you to tell me how it is.”

“Well, I know you better than you know yourself sometimes. Get home; give that sweet girl a fucking big kiss.”

I punch his arm.

“You are a pig.”

“Yeah, fucking ay. Later champ.”

“Later Marcus.”


I wait for Trav; he doesn’t come home. I stand in the kitchen heating a microwave meal, even though I probably won’t eat it. I pull out my phone and text Trav for the hundredth time.

I stuffed up. You are right, but I do love you Trav. I do want this and I will move in with you.

I eat my meal in silence and go to bed. I toss and turn, worrying about the fact that I am going to have a baby and the man I am having it with might not want that. I feel Trav slide into bed very early the next morning, and he grips my body, pulling it towards him. He splays his hand over my belly and rubs.

“My little bean.”

I open my eyes, shocked.


“Yep, my little bean.”

I roll over.

“You came back.”

He looks long and hard at me.

“I was out of line.”

“No, Trav, this one was on me. You are right, I am scared. I am scared to give you my heart again because you broke it before…”


“But here’s the thing Trav, you are my heart. I can’t give it to you, because you already have it and you always will. I am a fool, and I want to be with you, in all ways. I want to move in with you.”

He beams.

“Oh baby, you kill me but fuck I love you.”

Are you ok with this baby? I need you to be ok?”

He rolls me over and strokes my hair

“I was shocked, but I am ok with it.”


, really, I am already a Dad; it isn’t going to change anything for us.”

“I worry it is too soon.”

“Mischief, we have been meant to be since we were kids. It’s never been too soon.”

I smile, and snuggle into him.

“We made a baby rockstar.”

“We made a baby, Mischief.”


“What?” My
Mother cries, jumping up and down.

“I found out the other day
, I didn’t tell you because you were worried about Dad.”

“A baby,
my baby is having a baby?” She shrieks.


She grips me and spins me around, laughing and crying at the same time.

“What is going on with you two out there?” Chief calls
from the other room.

“My baby…oh Caden, our baby is pregnant.”


I meet her gaze and she gives me an
uh oh
look. We peer around the door and Chief is staring into nothing.


He looks over at me,
and then a big smile breaks out on his face.

“Well hell kid, a baby?”

I grin and make an excited noise.

“Fucking get over here!”

I run over and he wraps his arms around me.

“I’m too young to be an old gramps.”

I laugh. “Sorry!”

“I’m real happy for you Mischief. Always knew you and Travis would make me some little bikers.”

“Little bikers? Oh lord.”

He laughs. “Get over here
Angel, we are gonna be Grandparents.”

is still laughing and jumping around.

“I am so e
xcited. Oh, we need to get a baby bed, a change table, a high chair…”

Chief and I roll our eyes but we let her skip around making a list. She is happy and we are both thrilled to see that.
When I manage to pry myself away from my happy parents, I head into work. Trav is in a meeting when I get in, so I turn on my computer and get busy. An email pops up twenty minutes in from an unknown email address.

To: Violet Williams.

From: Anonymous.

Subject: Back off.


If you don’t back off I am going to get very angry. I have warned you and warned you and now you are pregnant. Wouldn’t it be tragic if something happened to you and your baby? Travis would be distraught. He would turn to women like he did when you were gone.

Walk away. If you value your life, and your child’s life, leave him and walk away. This is not a request. If you don’t, you will pay. That is a promise.


I stare at the screen for long
moments, wondering what the hell was going on. This girl knew I was pregnant, how did she know I was pregnant? I stand up and walk out of the office. I can’t see anyone so I head down to reception. Janice is on the phone; her face is still bruised and battered. She looks up at me and smiles.

BOOK: Heart Song (The Erotic Rockstar Series)
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