Hearts Aflame Collection III: 4-Book Bundle (9 page)

BOOK: Hearts Aflame Collection III: 4-Book Bundle
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Lucy sat staring at him for a moment, letting all he said sink in. She knew he was right, of course. And she was trying to remember what her plan was as far as a quick exit. She did not know if it was his presence or the wine, but all she could think of was how his kiss would taste.  Jake could not help but notice how beautiful Lucy truly was. Her cheeks were flushed from the wine, her eyes glazed. He could not help but wish it was his kiss that brought this out in her. All he could think of was taking her face in his hand, tilting it up and feeling his tongue slide past her lips. Would she melt into him? Would she let him caress her lips with his and ravish her till neither could breathe? To end up entwined in each other, not knowing where one began and one ended. He was afraid to stand, for if he did, she would most certainly be able to see the effect she had on him; it was most evident, and he did all he could to tame it.

“Fine, Mr. Logan,” Lucy said, snapping him out of his daydream. “You shall have your wish and be at the command of this shipment. I will expect you in my office on Monday to sign the shipping agreement and lay out your course for transport so I may also add this to the proposal. As for the proposal, I would like to take it with me, signed of course. Let me retrieve it from my car and I will be on my way.”

Jake came around to her side of the table as she arose. When she did, the full extent of the wine hit her hard and she stumbled slightly and to her horror landed squarely against Jake’s chest and he caught her. As she looked up into his eyes to thank him, she saw it, the raw passion, every thought on his face and determination in his eyes.

She had no desire to stop him.

Jake had noticed her getting tipsy by the second glass, and she had drunk five. She arose too quickly, only to stumble as he reached her and she fell right into his arms. Jake knew he should be a gentleman and let her go, but she felt so right in his arms. He knew this woman was meant to be his wife and right now his thoughts were anything but gentlemanly, but it was wrong to take advantage of the situation, especially when she had been drinking.

It was at that moment he noticed she had
pulled away; in fact she was looking at him with as much passion as he felt.
Chivalry be damned
. He reached down and gently touched his lips to hers, parting her lips with his tongue and feeling her velvet heat intertwined with the taste of wine. He was lost, there was no going back, and he did not want to. He let his hand slide up her back to envelope her and hold her to him. She sank into him and parted her lips, and her tongue met his for a dance he could never have imagined.

Lucy could not stop him if she wanted to. The feel of his lips, the taste of him as he claimed her mouth as his own, was sending heat to parts of her body she didn’t even know she had. She felt herself move against him, felt the tightness in his chest and was lost. All she could think of was how he would feel against her bare skin, and she was determined to find out. Lucy wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him back with all the passion of a woman lost, she was thirsty and she was drinking from his soul.

Jake started kissing her jaw while moving down to her throat, and she let out a moan that only stoked the embers more, urging him on till they both found release. He knew at that moment she consumed him completely, and he needed her. He raised his head and saw that same fire in her eyes; he knew she wanted him as much as he wanted her. Jake led her to the couch and gently kissed her, then hesitated, giving her a brief window to escape if she wanted, yet she did not.

Lucy reached out to him and put her hand under his shirt, feeling the quiver of his muscles as she gently caressed his abs. She knew she should stop, but her body was speaking now and it was crying out for a sweet release that only this man could give her. Lucy grew bold; she unbuckled his belt as he gently laid her on the couch. Never had she felt so free. Lucy moved down and gently ran her tongue over a nipple and heard the sharp intake of breath.

Jake moaned as he removed her shirt, feeling like he was going to explode any second, but knew he could not, because he wanted to make sure she knew she was his and no other man would ever do for her. Jake moved down and ravished one breast as his hands gently massaged her hips. Lucy started moaning and writhing beneath him as he claimed her soul as his; she did not know how or when, but Jake had managed to remove every bit of clothing she had on.

She was the most beautiful woman he had ever seen. And she would be his. Jake was going to claim her heart, body, and soul. He reached down and gently kissed her again then moved down and kissed her very core.

Lucy bucked against him at the feel of his lips against her heat. She had died and been brought back to life all at once, at this second she was reborn. She screamed his name as he sent her over the edge of bliss, yet she knew the best was yet to come as he gently kissed his way back up.

She could feel the throbbing of him against her leg as he moved up to claim her. He kissed her as if this was his last time and entered her in one swift move. Lucy cried out at the joy she felt at this moment and wrapped her legs around him to allow better access, she wanted all of him, and she was going to give back all she had.

Jake cried out when he entered her. This was where he belonged, her heat, the feel of her writhing beneath him, her breath hot on his neck was everything he dreamed it would be and more. He caressed her breast as he moved inside her, claiming her from the inside out. He ran his tongue across her lips as she cried out his name again. He felt her tighten around him as she reached the peak of bliss. As she arched into him, he looked into her eyes and was lost. Together they reached for the stars, and both touched them.

One tear slipped from her eye as she fell from the heavens. Lucy had never known such bliss could even exist.

Jake lay next to her and enveloped her in his arms. He had never felt such passion, such longing; he knew he would never have enough of this woman. She was the epitome of everything he wanted in a woman and more. He realized that this was most definitely a case of love at first sight. And if the look in her eyes spoke her feelings, he was sure it was for her too.




Lucy awoke as the sun was breaking through the day. It took her a moment to realize where she was. The full horror of what she had done the night before was replaying in her mind. As she berated herself for being in the wrong, her body spoke otherwise. While her mind was horrified, her body ached in places it never had and was asking for more.

All she knew was that she needed to escape. As she dressed, she heard the shower running. Now was her chance. With shoes in hand and hair askew, she bolted for the door and the safety of her own home; wondering how she was going to be able to look Jake in the eyes again and ensure that this
happened again.




Jake got dressed and prepared to meet the day. He had it all planned out. First, he would start by taking the delectable Lucy out for breakfast, then do some sight-seeing, cook her a wonderful dinner again and cap it off by ravishing her over and over by the fireplace.

He was taken aback when he came out of the bathroom and found her gone. No note, no nothing, just gone, only the scent of her lingered. That and the ache in his groin were the only evidence she had been there. He reached across his desk to call her and left a message as he was sent to voicemail.

Well, it appears we have a runner.
He chuckled. What Lucy did not realize was that he could run much further and faster. Come hell or high water, she would be his.




On Monday, Jake Logan strolled into the outer office of Smith Shipping and introduced himself to the receptionist with the proposal signed and at hand. In Lucy’s haste to exit his presence, she had forgotten the proposal.

Lucy opened the door to her office to usher him in, ready to deal with the business at hand and escort Jake out of her office and out of her life once and for all. “Mr. Logan, please have a seat.”

Jake gave a low chuckle and there it was again, that slow burn that started low in her stomach and spread like a wildfire. She forced herself to remain calm and collected. “Ms. Smith it appears you forgot something at my house in your haste to run away.”

“I did not run away, Mr. Logan, I just did not see the point in staying any longer.”

Jake chuckled. “Had you
not run,
Ms. Smith, I would have spent the day showing you many reasons as to why you should have stayed.”

At this, Lucy blushed. “I must apologize. My actions from the other night were due to partaking of too much wine. I should have mentioned it sooner, but it seems as I have a two-glass limit. I can assure you that this will never happen again and hope we can both forget that night.”

Jake snorted in indignation. “
? I do not think that either you nor I could ever forget what happened. Not only am I
going to forget that delectable event, we are going to have many more for years to come. You see, Lucy, I plan on marrying you.”

Lucy was thoroughly taken aback. “
Marry me?
You do not even know me, Mr. Logan!”

“Jake, my name is
, and I think we can do away with the niceties, don’t you?”

Mr. Logan,
I do not see any reason to do away with the “
” and I assure you we
will not
be getting married, not now, not ever. Let me make myself clear. I have no plans of ever seeing you again after this deal is over. We have managed to not cross paths in the past and I see no reason we can’t continue to do so in the future. I trust you have signed the proposal and inserted your shipping plans, and I have taken the task of having your captain’s contract drawn up. You may take it with you and go over it with Mr. Hall. But I need it back in my office by Wednesday at noon.”

Jake chuckled at this. “You are absolutely gorgeous when you are angry, and I cannot wait to see you in this state as you lay across my bed.”

Lucy wanted to throw her pen at him and tear up the contract, but she had the company to think of.

“Now,” Jake went on, “as for the captain’s contract, I trust you. After all, I have seen the deal you drew up with the proposal and know you are fair and forth coming, so I will sign it now. As for the shipping plan, I trust we will get this deal. I will be leaving on Thursday evening for Hong Kong. I anticipate our win on this bid and I have prepared a crew and the ship for leave. It is up to you to bring home this deal, but you are a very capable woman and I trust you to do just that.”

With that, Jake signed the contract, took out the proposal and walked over to Lucy to put it in her hand personally. “Oh, and one more thing, Lucy.”

“What!” snapped Lucy, as she stood toe to toe with him, trying not to notice how good he smelled.

“This,” said Jake, as he bent down and kissed her deeply on the lips. As he pulled away, he gave a knowing grin.

“What was that for?”

“Proof!” said Jake.

“Proof of what?”

“That one day you
come around and agree to be my wife. You see, Lucy, not only did you not pull away from me, I felt you tremble at my kiss.” And with that, he walked out the door, closing it just before the pen Lucy was holding hit the door.

As much as she hated to admit it; Jake Logan was right, not only in his business plan but also in her reaction to his touch.

Lucy sent the proposal to her client on Tuesday. She spent the next two days dodging Jake in his determination to see her before he left. It was a battle of the wills, and she felt as she was winning.

So what was this coldness she felt as the watched the ship pull out of port on Thursday? She felt a loss, as if she was suddenly alone; and it bothered her.




Lucy hung up the phone with Hong Kong. She was being summoned to a meeting with the client as to which company would end with a signed proposal. She was going head-to-head with the largest shipping line in the world. Everything she had worked for hung on this contract and she was bound to see it through, even if it meant sitting in a boardroom with the gorgeous Mr. Logan.

They did not just want to speak to her, but with Jake as well. And she would have to do it if they expected to bring this deal home. She had her secretary send notice of the plans to Jake.

Lucy made plans to leave the next day and went home to pack and retrieve her passport. She had a fitful night of dreams about a gorgeous man who claimed she was going to be his wife.

As she boarded the plane to Hong Kong, she could not help but wonder what it was she would be flying into. The deal of the century for her company? Or straight into the arms of the man she was trying desperately to forget?




Ten days after pulling out of port, Jake got a message from the home office. It appeared that they were in a dead tie with another shipping company. The client wanted to meet with the owners of each company in person. So he would be sitting in the same boardroom as his beautiful soon-to-be wife, going head-to-head to close this deal and seal the fate for Smith Shipping
and, God willing, give him time to woo and win the woman of his dreams against the exotic backdrop of beautiful Hong Kong.

BOOK: Hearts Aflame Collection III: 4-Book Bundle
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