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Authors: Charles Arnold

Tags: #Erotica

Heather (19 page)

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She discovered rather quickly that although Maureen was devoted to General Shuka, she could be a friend. At the beginning of the second week Maureen asked her how her studies of the ape culture were going. Heather smiled, “I knew much of that already. After all I married one.” Both women laughed. “But there were things I hadn’t known,” she said.

“Such as?’

“The bonobo is the closest relative to man in the animal world, but the gorilla is next. Of course,” she was quick to add, “my Namba was the first successful crossbreeding of man and animal. He was half man, half bonobo.”

Maureen smiled, “Did he have long arms and long fingers and toes? Did he have a slanted forehead and broad nose? Was he hairy? Was his penis protected by a furry sheath? Did he always walk upright?”

Heather frowned, “I have to say yes to all your questions and sometimes he walked on all fours, but I don’t know what you’re driving at.”

“I’m suggesting that your Namba was not half man half bonobo. Your uncle managed to give him some human traits but Namba was mostly ape.” She continued, “Did you know that gorillas are generally non violent unless they feel threatened? Did you know that they have emotions, that they can think about the past and future, and many believe they have spiritual feelings?”

Heather shook her head, “No I didn’t realize that.” She paused, “Tell me more about Luther,” she said.

“One of General Shuka’s men was in the forest and found the mother dead. The baby was cowering by her side. This happened twenty-five years ago. The soldier brought the baby gorilla here. General Shuka took a liking to it. It suckled at Ochuwa’s breasts. The General made sure it was raised well and provided with care givers and trainers. Luther learned from and bonded with them. His only companions have been humans. He has never seen another ape except on the video tapes of Namba and yourself. He’s watched it hundreds of times, often masturbating to it.”

Heather felt herself blushing, “He’s a virgin then?”

“Yes, of course. I’m sure he believes you will someday appear and be given to him.”

Exactly three weeks from the day of her arrival Heather stood next to the gorilla’s cage, holding her vaginal lips open with the fingers of one hand, showing him her pink glistening cunt. Behind her the General said, “For you, Luther.” The huge ape pounded the floor of his cage and moved to stand upright at the bars of his cage, his cock slid out of its furry covering, long and thick and coated with the slimy lubricant. The scent of his animal sex was strong. Heather breathed him in. “For you,” she said thrusting her hips forward and spreading her labial lips wider. Without looking at the general, she said, “Please, my Master, permit us to mate. I want him inside me. I want that very much.”

“Have you been tortured or coerced into making this commitment?

“No, my Master. There has never been either torture or coercion.

“Are you drugged?

“No, my Master.”

“Are you in any kind of hypnotic state?”

“No, my Master. I am completely myself quite capable of making my own decisions, making my own choices.”

Shuka looked over at Maureen and the witch woman, Ochuwa, and smiled. Turning back to Heather he said, “Very well. This has turned out just as I knew it would. I want you to consummate your desire before an audience. We will have a large gathering here one week from today. It is then you will enter Luther’s cage to become his wife.”

“Thank you, my Master. Thank you, Maureen. Thank you, Ochuwa.” She pressed her naked body tightly against that gorilla’s cage, “For you,” she said, “for you, dear Luther.” The gorilla ejaculated. The puddle of his cum seeped beneath the cage and slowly spread to where she was standing. She slid her toes into it and felt its warmth. She touched her swollen clitoris and came immediately.

But the marriage didn’t take place. Two mornings after Heather had promised herself to Luther she was running on the track next to General Shuka’s soccer field when suddenly a helicopter came up over a rise and landed in the middle of the field kicking up a cloud of dusk. Two men rushed from the helicopter, grabbed Heather, hurried her back to the helicopter and it took off. The rescue took less than two minutes. The helicopter flew to the airport at Enugu where General Cruiz’s jet was waiting. Eight hours later she was back in her old room on his estate. He and Martin met her as she got off the jet. Both men hugged her and welcomed her “home”.

General Cruiz laughed and said, “I just couldn’t bear to think that bastard had you and was preparing you to entertain his friends by mating with a gorilla. Martin came up with the plan to rescue you. I sent Shuka’s fourteen million to his bank account in Denmark.”

Heather was laughing and crying at the same time. “Oh God, all the way back here I’ve been imagining what my life might have been like and thanking you.”

Soon she became Mistress of the Estate and shared the General and his handsome nephew. “It’s like an old French film,” General Cruiz remarked one morning at breakfast, ‘Jules and Jim’, a very happy threesome.”

And they were. Everyone was overjoyed to have her back again, even Madam Celia.

Her old friend Carmella felt tears form every time she looked at the girl she considered a daughter. There was shopping, the theater and fine dining, and tennis, and the huge sparkling pool, and parties; exciting parties with all kinds of interesting and often famous guests.

Best of all, she loved her two lovers and they adored her. Life was good. Ménage a Trois.

Chapter Fourteen

Toward the end of the third month she began to feel restless. It wasn’t unlike the feeling she had toward the end of her time with Namba in the little Eden her Uncle had made for them. Luther sometimes haunted her dreams. She’d wake up to find that she had been masturbating in her sleep.

On a hot and humid June afternoon while she was shopping in Mexico City, a black man, vaguely familiar pressed something into her hand and quickly disappeared in the crowd. She was holding an iPhone and a small sealed envelope. She sat at an outdoor cafe and opened the envelope. It read: “If you’re anything like me, and I think you are, you can return. I did. Just press the ‘talk’ button on the phone you are holding for instructions. Luther misses you. Maureen.”

Heather felt the old electric rush from her breasts to her crotch. She read the note a second time, her hand shaking. The waiter came by. She ordered a Tequila over ice, and then another. On her way back to the garage where her Mercedes was parked she stopped at a sidewalk trash bin intending to drop the note and the phone into it. She dropped the note and stuffed the phone in the bottom of her handbag.

A week later General Cruiz and Martin were off on a fishing trip. It was a Saturday, dark and raining steadily. Alone in her room she tried to nap but couldn’t. Impulsively she took her bag from the closet shelf and retrieved the phone. Immediately Maureen answered, her voice as clear as if she were in the room.

“Both General Shuka and I suspected it would be just a matter of time,” she said.

“You have the wrong idea...I-I...don’t...”

“You called us. We didn’t call you.”

“Yes, but...”

Maureen cut her off, “Remember what I’m about to say. There’s an Air Mexico flight that leaves Mexico tomorrow for London. It’s flight number seven. From London there’s a flight on British Airways to Abuja, Nigeria. It’s flight eighty-three. Master Shuka’s plane will be waiting for you there. Do you have all that?”


“Nothing will have changed except there will never be another rescue. If you come you will stay. You will mate with Luther. Say it.”

Heather waited a long time before responding, “If I come I will stay. I will mate with Luther.”

“You will come?” It was a question.


“You will mate with Luther. Say it.”

“I will mate with Luther.”

The next morning she was on her way for Air Mexico flight seven to London.

Other Charles Arnold Novels From Pink Flamingo Publications


Dick & Jane

Lisa, Her Initiation

Lisa, Her Education

The Penitent

The Penitent II: The Facility

The Penitent III: Marriage

The Penitent IV: Inner Circle

The Sweet Wife

The Sweet Wife II: Maureen's Choice

The Warden's Woman

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