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Authors: Delilah Devlin

Her Only Desire (5 page)

BOOK: Her Only Desire
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With a hand resting at her back to guide her down, Serge bent her over the bench and secured her hands and ankles.

Boone accepted the lube, spread her buttocks with his fingers, and then squeezed the tube to lay a stripe atop her tiny hole. He rubbed the gel into her with his thumb, his motions quick and clinical. Then he accepted the plug, coated it with more lube, and slowly tried to insert it inside her.

Her asshole clenched, resisting the intrusion.

Boone grunted. Perhaps she wasn’t as experienced as she pretended. His irritation softened. “Breathe, Mandy. Unless you want this to stop now.”

Her indrawn breath was a little more ragged this time, but she took another deep breath, and her bottom relaxed.

He slid the plug inside her, the narrowing at the base ensuring she couldn’t easily expel it. Then he stood back, admiring the view. The ugly black plug stretched her hole—something she obviously enjoyed, because her pretty sex swelled even more. Moisture was beginning to trickle from between her folds. He dipped his fingers inside her and swirled, satisfied with the fluid slicking his fingers.

Her body was primed. Her feminine heat softening, and the thought of how snug and tight she’d be surrounding him, tugged at his cock.

Standing back, he caressed the pinkened skin of her ass, enjoying the feverish heat. The state of her bottom was symbolic of their exchange. Mandy hoped for a firm partner, someone who would push her beyond herself, fulfilling needs deeper than the transitory pleasure of release, something she likely didn’t yet understand. For him, he needed the focus this session brought. For their time together, he craved control—over her body, over his, but especially over his mind. Here, he could concentrate on the raw emotions he produced, guiding Mandy through the power exchange—taking hers, but giving her pleasure and fulfilling her deeper need to surrender her trust. The moment a partner gave that trust, a rush like no other, a deeply satisfying pleasure eased the grip of his tightly held pain. He wasn’t Boone, the boy who’d fled his home in shame. He was a man in charge of his own fate. However, he doubted he’d achieve that state of nirvana this night.

Sighing, he raised his hand and gave each pink globe a stinging clap that rocked her against the bench.

Mandy groaned, and her head dropped. Her back shivered.

He walked around the bench and knelt in front of her, studying her face.

Gone was her bravado. Her blue eyes were moist.

Boone softened at her tears. “Sweetheart, do you know what you did to displease me?”

Her lower lip trembled. “I sucked your toe when you didn’t ask.”

“That’s not everything, dear. Your expressions give you away. When you really want something, you try to maneuver your Dom into giving it to you. It’s called topping. You play at submitting, but you haven’t learned any discipline.”

“But I want to learn.” She bit her lower lip, likely knowing she’d once again broken protocol by speaking out of turn.

He arched a brow. “Do you? Really?”

“Yes, please, sir,” she whispered. “Teach me?”

He shook his head. “I’m not taking you on, Mandy. I don’t have the time. But I don’t want to leave you unfulfilled. The next time you play, watch that mouth,” he said, tapping her bottom lip. “No pouting. No glaring. Don’t make a move unless you’re instructed. How’s your bottom feel?”

Her lips twisted. “Burns, sir.” Her gaze went to his flagging cock and she sighed. “I don’t want to leave you disappointed in me.”

His lips quirked at her childish tone. “Then there’s hope for you. Will you do whatever I ask? No complaints or pouting?”

She nodded, her expression growing more hopeful.

“I need a bit of a workout.”

Her eyes brightened. “I’d enjoy a flogging, sir.”

Really? Boone grunted. The lesson had gone completely over her head. He heard Serge’s chuckles and shook his head. “Then how about practicing a bit with me. I’ll flog you until I think you’ve had enough. You’ll forget all about rules and simply give yourself to me. No holding back. We’ll both get what we need for now.”

Sniffing, she nodded.

Boone went to the cupboard and opened it, searching among the implements mounted on pegboard backing for just the right flogger. He chose one with long purple strands made of deer hide and another of a stiffer suede.

When Boone returned, Serge stood beside her with his arms crossed over his chest.

Boone leaned toward him and whispered, “Get a bench ready to place in front of her. I want you to fuck her mouth.” He tapped Mandy’s ass. “Don’t you dare bite my friend.”

A choked giggle made him smile, and Boone relaxed, forgetting about the problems waiting at Maison Plaisir.

Summoning a pleasant image of Tilly Floret with her clothing askew, her dewy eyes wide, and her mouth begging, he swatted Mandy’s sweetly rounded bottom with the deer-hide flogger, striking side to side in a steady rhythm that had her moaning in delight, her pussy drenched. While careful not to strike one spot too often, he worked, warming her backside, her back and thighs, the steady strokes calming his mind.

When she lay limply draped over the bench, her sighs soft and thready, he bent toward her ear, whispering, “Serge will give you his cock. Pleasure him with that pretty red mouth.”

He nodded to Serge, who placed a bench in front of Mandy’s lowered head and dropped his trousers. Taking a seat, he gripped his cock and slowly fed it into Mandy’s waiting mouth.

Boone tossed down the deer-hide flogger and picked up the next one. He slapped the flanges against his palm, liking the sting and the sharper sound it made.

Mandy’s bottom lifted, anticipating the first stroke.

The marks he and Serge had left so far would fade quickly. Her skin was warm, but not a single welt had been raised. That was about to change. By the time they left her, she’d have tender stripes and knots she’d feel acutely for days. Then perhaps the point he wanted made would stick.

Mandy had a fiery spirit. Some Dom might treasure it, but she wasn’t a true submissive. If someone wanted a woman who begged for punishment but would never truly give herself into another’s care, she’d be perfect.

She wasn’t for him, though. Before he’d even entered the room, he’d known it. His interest was locked on a different target—Tilly Floret. He wouldn’t find true satisfaction until Tilly knelt at his feet and declared her willingness to serve. It would probably be a long seduction, requiring patience on his part, as he introduced her to his world and peeled away her layers to hold her mind and body in thrall.

At the thought of Tilly, a fierce hunger coursed through Boone. His cock stirred, filling and lengthening. He paused in the whipping to stroke his shaft with the suede flanges, root to tip, then gave Mandy’s ass straight up-and-down pops with the ends of the flanges.

She gave a muffled cry and her bottom wriggled.

Serge gritted his teach and petted her head. “Watch the teeth, sweetheart.”

Boone watched her head as it bobbed over his friend’s rigid shaft, and imagined his own being sucked just as eagerly, wet slurps and thick groans accompanying each strong tug of a feminine mouth.

Again, he popped her, choosing a new spot, and then rubbed it, feeling the heat and the slight rounding. She’d have a bruise there. He pushed his thumb at the center of the rising knot and watched as her pussy released a fresh wash of fluid.

She’d said she was willing, liked a little pain. She certainly hadn’t been lying.

He dropped the flogger, her lesson forgotten as his own lust deepened. How long would it take to lure Tilly to his bed? How many nights would he sit before the security monitor, watching her bedroom, imagining every faint moan she made in her sleep bore his name?

With quick moves, he rolled a condom onto his dick, lubed up, and knelt on the bench behind her. He pulled the plug from her ass and nudged the widened hole. Then, with a narrowed glance at Serge, whose mouth was smirking, he thrust slowly inside her ass.

The grip of her tiny muscles caused his breath to hiss between his teeth. He palmed both cheeks and pressed them apart to ease the constriction around him as he tunneled deeper.

Her buttocks quivered, her thin moans coming faster as her head continued to move up and down at the same speed.

“Jesus, she’s gonna suck me dry,” Serge groaned, his eyes squeezing shut.

Boone dug deeper, giving her short, deepening thrusts until his groin was snug against her. He slipped a hand between her body and the bench, curling his fingers to find her clit.

At first contact, her body jerked, and a shiver worked its way down her spine. She was plenty wet, her pussy soaked with silky fluid. He dipped his fingers inside, keeping time with the gentle rocking of his hips, and fingered her tightening little bud.

Mandy’s cries became muffled, choking sobs.

Serge wouldn’t let her up. He palmed the back of her head and kept her working, even while she quickly flew apart.

Boone leaned over her back and gave her sore bottom a hard pinch. “You can’t come until Serge does. Do you hear me?”

She bobbed her head, and then wagged her face side to side, sinking deeper on Serge’s shaft.

His friend’s body hardened, the muscles of his chest and abdomen bunching, sweat gleaming on his skin. “Close,” he gritted out.

Boone leaned away and slipped three fingers in Mandy’s pussy while applying pressure to her clit with his thumb, and continued fucking her with ever-sharpening strokes. He’d force her over the edge—see if she could hold back just long enough to first give Serge what he needed.

Serge’s head fell back, a low groan sounding. His fists gripped the bench where he sat as he pumped up into her mouth, spending himself inside her.

The moment the tension in Serge’s body eased, Mandy sobbed and bounced shallowly on the bench, grinding her ass against Boone, her pussy clenching hard around his fingers. Her orgasm was fierce and hard.

When she peaked, Boone pulled free and bent to release her hands and ankles. He slid off the used condom, and rolled another on. “Push up on your arms.”

“Can’t,” she sobbed. “I’m shaking.”

“Do it anyway if you want me to fuck you.”

Mandy shook her head in silent protest, but pushed up, changing the angle of his thrusts.

Boone pressed against her engorged lips, and pushed between them, sinking deep. He had a straight shot toward her womb. Her engorged slit cushioned the end of his hard strokes.

Boone gripped her hips. “Serge, flick her nipples.”

As Serge leaned forward to play with her clamped breasts, Boone gathered her hips and pulled her down his cock at the same time he thrust upward. Hammering hard, he bounced her against his groin. When her cries grew louder, he slipped a hand around her belly and toggled her clit. His body tightened the moment she screamed and crested again. His balls exploded; cum spurted in steady scalding spurts.

When he could draw a breath, he pulled out and padded toward the shower. He shook out a towel and wrapped it around his waist. As he walked toward the door, Serge rose and lifted an exhausted Mandy in his arms to carry her to the bed and give her the gentle aftercare she’d earned. He gave Boone a wink and then gently removed the clamps from her nipples.

With the sound of her heartfelt groan of appreciation, Boone let himself out the door and headed to the locker room. His body was sated, but his mind was already racing. Making plans for a sexy campaign to bind a woman to him—one who didn’t have clue how to handle his darker appetites.

He’d show no remorse. But he would give her gentleness. He’d be merciless, relentless in his pursuit, but she’d be lavishly rewarded.

Smiling to himself, he reached into a stall and turned on the spigot. Tilly Floret might suspect he wanted her, but she didn’t know just how far he’d go to possess her.

Chapter Five

The next morning, a knock sounded on Tilly’s front door. Having just finished a light breakfast of buttered toast and coffee, she tightened the belt of her bathrobe and headed to her door. A moment later, she wished she’d peeked through the peephole before opening it.

Boone Benoit stood on her porch.

Her throat dried. She touched her hair, groaning inside because she hadn’t showered or even combed her hair. Feeling at a distinct disadvantage, she eyed his dress shirt and dark trousers, his neatly combed dark hair, and the gleam in his cool blue eyes.

Forcing some starch into voice, she lifted her chin. “Do you follow up with every prospective employee personally, Mr. Benoit?”

“I couldn’t wait for an answer.” With a narrowed gaze, he glanced at his watch. “I have a helicopter being fueled now. We leave in forty minutes.”

Her mouth gaped. “We? Seriously? I haven’t said yes.”

“But you planned to, right?” He waved a hand. “Go dress. Wear something casual. We’re heading to a conference in a private compound, so don’t worry about putting on a suit. Unless it’s a bikini,” he said, a dark brow arching. “You might get a chance to catch a swim in the pool.”

She shook her head. “I can’t leave at the drop of a hat. And it would take a sight longer than forty minutes to bathe, dress, and pack.”

“No need to pack. Jump in the shower and dress. I’ll have everything you need brought to the villa. Hurry up, Tilly.” He pushed through the door.

His actions forced her to back away or be pressed against his chest.

His gaze swept the small living area. “Is the furniture yours?”

“No, it’s Mrs. Nolan’s.”

He gave a nod, seeming relieved.

Did her home not meet his higher standards? She straightened her shoulders. “Mr. Benoit—”


“Boone, I’m not going anywhere with you. Not right now.”

His gaze swung back. A frown dug a line between his dark brows. “Why not?”

“Because I haven’t said I’ll work for you, and you haven’t given me notice of any travel plans.”

Both brows rose. “I told you now.”

“Precisely.” She stared. “Does everyone jump when you say?”

He shrugged, and then gave her a grin.

That grin surprised her because the gesture seemed almost boyish.

He sighed and raked a hand through his hair. “Look, something’s come up. Last-minute business. I’m in a hurry.”

Muscles tensing, she folded her arms over her chest. “And I’m not.”

His mouth pursed. “If I ask nicely, will you shower and get dressed?”

“I was going to do that anyway before you came. If you leave, I can continue with my plans.”

“You’re coming with me.”

She fisted her hands and glared. “You’re impossible.”

“Tilly,” he said, “I can make anything possible. Was the salary not enough?”

His voice had softened into a seductive rumble. First he bullied, now he was trying to cajole her? She sputtered. “The salary was ridiculous.”

“Want me to lower it?”

“No!” Her chin jutted upward.

He shrugged. “Then you’ve agreed.”

“That I will come to work for you, yes. But—”

He raised a finger. “No buts. Get showered.” He sat on the arm of her couch. “I’ll wait.”

She realized her mouth was agape and closed it with a snap. Then, giving him a glare, she retreated to her bedroom and locked the door.

“Fifteen minutes,” he called.

Fifteen minutes! Her answer had never been in doubt. Stalling had been a salve to her pride. He likely knew it. His persistence despite her stubborn refusals sent an odd surge of excitement zinging through her veins.

She flew out of her robe and pulled her nightgown over her head. She rushed to her closet and pulled out the first thing that met his specifications—a baby-blue sundress and white sandals. In a flash, she searched her drawers for pretty white underwear and a lacy bra, not something that she wore every day, but which would give her confidence a little boost, and then headed to the shower.

Fifteen minutes later, she skimmed her lips with pink gloss and stood back from the steamed-up mirror. Her hair was still wet, so she’d pulled it into a ponytail. It would have to dry on the trip. Because she hadn’t had time for much makeup, she’d brushed blush on her cheeks, dabbed her eyelids with pale gray shimmer, and brushed mascara on her lashes.

So she didn’t look sophisticated. He’d just have to deal. Next time, he could give her a little warning.

Picking up a straw handbag, she let herself out of her bedroom, careful not to open the door too wide so he wouldn’t see the mess she’d left in her wake.

Boone glanced up from where he still sat, his ankles crossed in front of him, his dark lashes lowering as his gaze swept her.

A blush heated her cheeks, and a secret thrill ran through her body. “I’d have managed better with a little more time.”

“You look perfect.” He straightened and held out his hand. “Give me your keys.”

She shook her head. “Why?”

“I’m having a crew move you while we’re away.”

“M-move me?” Her heart and mouth stuttered. “Where?”

“To the estate. I’m giving you the old foreman’s house. It’s newly renovated. You’ll be quite comfortable.”

Her mind whirled. He wanted her to move to Maison Plaisir? Impossible! The thought of living so close, of never escaping his attention or having time away to fortify her resistance, left her shaking. She shivered, trying to think of a reasonable argument. “But I have six months on this lease.”

He waved a hand. “My man will settle with Mrs. Nolan. I’ll need you close at hand. Your keys…”

Feeling a little shell-shocked, she went to the key holder beside the door and began to slip off the house key.

A large hand closed around hers and took the entire ring. “Don’t worry about a thing. Your car will be moved too.” Then he reached around her and turned the doorknob.

A hand settled against the small of her back and guided her out the door and down the steps. She went as docile as a lamb.

Tilly angled her head toward her landlady’s window to see Mrs. Nolan with her nose pressed against the window. The whole town would know she’d left with Boone Benoit. Blood pounded in her ears. And, good Lord, she hadn’t yet informed Mae she was quitting the restaurant. She drew away from his hand. “I can’t go. I have things I have to do. Mae doesn’t know I’m quitting.”

“Jonesy’s already informing Mae Baillio you’ve left her employ.”

Anger flickered inside, warming her. “You had no right—”

Boone stepped closer, sucking away her air. “Don’t fight me, Tilly. You were going to say yes. I’m making this easy.”

This was happening too fast. She blinked at him—trying to read his expression, the stillness of his features, the rigidness of his posture. It would be easier not to have to face Mae or Leon or anyone else in the town. They’d try to dissuade her. Remind her about family loyalty. To them, she’d be working for the man who murdered her cousin. She was the only one who believed he hadn’t—she’d never believed it. She’d remembered his kindness with Denny, his patience over her cousin’s mercurial mood changes. Instinctively, she’d known Boone Benoit was no cold-blooded murderer. And now she possessed a clue, something that pointed at another suspect. Although the direction it pointed was one she couldn’t think about without being sick.

Boone stayed quiet as she composed herself, and then stepped back and bent his arm, offering it.

Aware Mrs. Nolan watched, she slowly curled her hand into the crook of his elbow, sucking in a breath at the contact. His skin was warm, the muscle beneath her fingertips hard as steel. Her heart raced; her cheeks flamed. But she lifted her chin and allowed him to lead her to the Bentley parked so absurdly in her driveway.

During the ride to the estate, their seats faced each other, knees nearly touching. Her back was to the driver, who was separated from them by a thick panel of glass to ensure their privacy. The smell of rich leather and masculine cologne reinforced how foreign this felt. How out of her element she was with this man.

She wanted to ask him again, why her? She didn’t buy the quick answer he’d given her the day before. Boone didn’t act impulsively. He couldn’t while running a successful multinational corporation. He’d planned this. So why her? Because she was Celeste’s cousin? Was he using her presence at the estate to thumb the noses of the workers, who’d carry word of her every move straight back to Bayou Vert? She hated to think that was the only reason. But she couldn’t imagine what else could be motivating him.

“Would you like a cup of coffee?”

“We’ll be in a helicopter in a few minutes,” she snapped, then widened her eyes because she’d just been rude to her new employer.

“Right, you might have to pee,” he said, his expression neutral. “There are no accommodations in a helicopter.”

She glared at his crudeness. And predictably, her cheeks flamed. She cleared her throat. “Where are we goin’?”

“To Monterrey.”

“California?” she asked, her mouth dropping.


Her thoughts whirled. “But I don’t have a passport.”

“You won’t need one. We’ll be flying from one private airstrip to another. Authorities will be satisfied with your driver’s license.”

“Will we be gone long?” What about her brother?

“For as long as the negotiations take.” He drew his hands together in his lap. “Are we going to play twenty questions?”

“Am I bein’ tedious?” she asked, her lips tightening.

“No, you’re delightfully stubborn.” He sighed. “Let me surprise you. Soon enough, I’ll put you to work. For now, relax. Consider this a minivacation.”

“A vacation,” she said faintly.

“We’ll be sharing a villa while I’m working.” At her startled stare he tilted his head. “You’ll have your own room. Please don’t be concerned. I hired your

Her heart had stopped when he’d said they’d be sharing accommodations, but tripped with the gentle emphasis of “professional.” Was she disappointed? “You’ve hired me to work. Why not start me with this trip? I don’t need a vacation. It seems…”

“How does it seem?”

“Like you’re playin’ with me,” she whispered, barely able to speak through a tight throat.

“Do you think I intend to seduce you?” A dark eyebrow rose. “I could have called any number of women to accompany me if
I’d wanted was a playmate.”

And now she felt foolish. Why on earth would he be interested in her that way? “I guess I’m confused. You rushed me—I’m trying to catch my breath.”

The corners of his eyes wrinkled. “You’ll get used to the pace.”

The car slowed, and Tilly glanced out the window, realizing they had arrived at the parking lot outside the estate and the iron gate was open. A large man dressed the same as Boone held open the gate. They continued until the vehicle stopped beside another gate that opened onto a grassy field. The car door opened, and the large man extended his hand to help her out.

Startled, she stared. He was as handsome as Boone but more rugged. His face all angles and hard planes. His dark eyes studied her, but not unkindly. His mouth curved in a slow smile. “I’m Sergei Gun. Vice president in charge of security services. Call me Serge.”

Standing between both tall, beefy men, Tilly felt slight and feminine—and completely out of her element.

“Duck when we near the blades, but don’t worry,” Serge said easily. “We’ll get you safely to our destination.”

He held her arm as he escorted her through the gate and to the open door of the helicopter. She’d never flown on one and hoped she wouldn’t embarrass herself by getting airsick. The sound of the whirring blades was deafening.

Climbing the steps, she was acutely aware of the men climbing in behind her. Two more appeared behind Boone and Serge to join them in the enclosed cabin. A hand pressed to the small of her back guided her to the small row of seats to the left. She didn’t bother to look back to see who touched her. The imprints of Boone’s fingers burned through the thin material of her dress.

She settled into a seat, placing her purse on her lap. But Boone grabbed the purse and gave it to Serge, who stowed it away in a metal bin. Then Boone knelt in front of her and reached around her body, pulling out shoulder straps and clicking the fasteners together. When he leaned closer and slipped his hand behind her, she drew in a shocked breath because he skimmed her bottom.

But he was only searching for the waist belt, which he clicked into the harness. Then he took a seat across from her, a hint of a smile playing at one corner of his mouth. The two men who had joined them at the helicopter’s stairs slid in on either side of her.

Headphones appeared in front of her, but unlike the ones Boone and his men donned, hers didn’t have a wire connecting them to anything. Still, she was grateful for the protection they provided her ears, even if she was cut off from the nearby conversations.

When the helicopter lifted, she held her harness, her gaze going to the windows and her stomach dropping to her toes as they rose quickly into the air.

A tap landed on her knee, and she glanced up to find Boone’s steady gaze on her.

You okay?
he mouthed.

Fine time to ask whether her stomach would stand the journey. But apparently, it could. She nodded.

His eyes blinked slowly, and he smiled. He pointed at his watch.
Four hours.

So long? Having never traveled any farther than Houston, she hadn’t really thought about the distance. Now she had four hours with only her own thoughts to keep her occupied.

Four hours to think about how he’d bulldozed his way into her apartment and into this trip. Four hours to contemplate their destination and the fact she’d be living with him in close quarters. And thank God she hadn’t accepted the coffee!

Both Boone and Serge spoke into microphones beside their mouths.

She didn’t have to read lips to know they were talking about her. Their gazes touched her…everywhere. Rather than drive herself crazy trying to figure out what they said, Tilly frowned and stared out the window.

BOOK: Her Only Desire
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