Read HeroUnleased Online

Authors: Anna Alexander

HeroUnleased (5 page)

BOOK: HeroUnleased
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And how could he not think about those curves? They had
beguiled more than one man on Skandavia, including him, if he was truthful. At
the time he had valued his position more than his libido and refused to dwell
on such thoughts. But now he was entranced by her breasts and hips that were so
lush, his palms itched to be filled with all that flesh and immerse himself in
her softness. Sinking his cock into her had been the last thing he thought
about before a restless night’s sleep and the first thing to wake him up with a
raging erection that still hadn’t ceased. If she only knew how badly he wanted
to give in to the temptation of her full lips, she’d probably…well, she’d
probably do every wicked thing he asked, which was not going to keep her safe.

At all cost, he must maintain his control.

“Make her see reason.”

Dhavin nodded. “I’ll do my best. She can be quite a

Lucian stopped him before he left the room. Though it wasn’t
his business, he had to know. “Was she worth the risk?”

He looked in the direction of the princess’s room. A slow
smile curled his lips when he turned back to Lucian. “For certain.”

Sincerity rang from his words like a tap on the finest
crystal. Envy the likes Lucian never imagined coiled around his chest,
squeezing the air from his lungs. In his mind’s eye visions of his cousin and
the princess rolling around naked on any available flat surface burned his

A shaft of lust speared from his gut down to his cock. The
reaction was ridiculous and entirely inappropriate. He had to get his mind off
the beautiful princess and on to eliminating the danger stalking them.

A modulate ring emitted from his pocket. Lucian retrieved
his phone and immediately pressed the green receiver button when he saw
Kristos’ name. “What happened?

* * * * *

“What did he do?”

Amaryllis glanced over her shoulder to see Dhavin leaning
against the open doorway of her room with his arms crossed.

She batted her lashes and innocently pouted. “Whatever are
you talking about?”

He rolled his eyes and stepped deeper into the room. “My
cousin is the most in-control man ever created and he is now acting like a cork
under extreme pressure. And you, little witch, are the fingers trying to pry
him loose. What did he do?”

She gave an elegant shrug of her shoulder. “He was just being
his usual bossy, arrogant,
-ass that I remember. He thinks he
can give orders and I will obey as if we were at home. I suppose he will have
to learn the hard way that circumstances are much different here than on

“I’m getting the impression that you are going to enjoy
every tortuous moment of his lessons.”

Her grin brightened for a moment before she tempered the
relish that flared when she thought about sparring with the general. “I’m going
to do my best to ignore him.”

“Of course,” he replied in a tone that spoke of exactly how
much he believed that.

He gestured to her grand four-poster bed with red-and-orange
drapery and the mahogany Chippendale settee with fat fluffy pillows nestled in
the corners. “Your home is amazing. It’s so inviting and warm. You really love
it here, don’t you?”

“Oh Dhavin, I do,” she sighed. “There is so much color, so
much life, especially here in America. Don’t get me wrong, there are ugly
parts, much as there is ugliness in every colony, but here, almost anything is
possible. It’s my home now.”

His smile matched the brilliance shining in his eyes. “When
you disappeared, I knew it was not for ill. I hoped that wherever you were
sent, you would find happiness. And look at you now. I hear you’re quite the entrepreneur.
A restaurant and a nightclub. Very ambitious.”

“They have the most amazing food here, and I wanted to be a
part of that, so I opened a restaurant. What have you eaten since you’ve
arrived? Have you tried vegetables? There are so many different varieties. And
dessert. There is an entire course devoted entirely to sweets.”

“And what about relationships? Do you have a lover to share
these experiences with?”

“I have several.” She tossed him a wink as she went into the
closet to find some accessories. “The men at my club have you to thank for
their pleasure.”

“You were an excellent student.” The curl of his smile
reminded her of the heat they used to generate. “I am sorely tempted to have
you give me a personal tour of that club of yours. But I know of at least one
person who would gladly cut my cock off if I mention it.”

“He can’t cut it off if it’s in my mouth,” she teased,
knowing he’d never take her up on the offer if she asked. When the illicitness
of their relationship had worn off, they realized they made better friends than

His eyes widened at her bold statement. “You are so bad.”

“And you love me that way.”

He tapped her on the tip of her nose. “I do.”

The truth in those two words rang clear and strong. Dhavin
knew her better than anyone and never hesitated to tell her how he loved all
that she was. He was the one person in the universe she felt free to be one
hundred percent herself with, and the unexpected freedom that came with that
knowledge brought tears to her eyes.

She leapt into his arms. “I’m so glad you’re here.”

Like always, Dhavin caught her.

In the stormy waters of court and propriety he was the
anchor that put all her troubles into perspective. He held her when she cried,
laughed when she dared to say something funny and forced her to see the beauty
in her body where she had only seen flaws and differences from those she was
held against to be an example to. He taught her passion and gave her an outlet
to express her needs. He was a true friend, and it wasn’t until he walked through
her door that she realized how much she missed having his companionship.

“What are you doing?”

The disapproval in the question matched the severity of
Lucian’s frown. Dhavin stiffened, but she clung on tighter, allowing the warm
ripple of pleasure she felt in the simple embrace fill the air.

“It’s called a hug, General. Perhaps you haven’t experienced
one before. It’s what you do when you wish to express affection.”

“Play nice,” Dhavin husked then swatted her on the rear. He
turned toward his cousin and stiffened at her side. “What is wrong?”

“Kristos called. Brett received word that a debris trail was
located in eastern Washington. There was no craft, but a quarter-mile swath of
wheat field was destroyed. The landowner was questioned. He was wearing a sling
and sported bruises, and was exorbitantly adamant that he witnessed nothing

“Bale,” Dhavin growled.

For the first time in years, Amaryllis tasted the bitter
bile of true fear. It was not the first time her life had been threatened, but
she had foolishly believed that the practice of constantly fearing for her life
was long over. And why? Because of the potential threat she was to a man who
lived millions of miles away. The injustice of it all had the well of rage
seething inside her.

“Princess, I said you must come with us,” Lucian barked,
oblivious that she was in her own head.

“I know,” she shouted. She was independent, not stupid. “I
have never doubted the seriousness of the situation, General. I understand the
danger and will go with you. You have three moons to eliminate the assassin
before I return to my home.”

“Three?” His nostrils flared as he crossed his arms over his
huge chest. “Unacceptable.”

“I also did not exaggerate my responsibilities. I have
people who depend on me for their livelihoods and I cannot simply disappear for
an undetermined length of time. As it is, it will be a challenge to arrange for
my absence on such short notice. Three moons is all I can afford. Is this Bale
such a formidable opponent that three
cannot defeat him?”

“Dhavin. I need a moment with the princess. Alone. Please.”

As her personal guard, Dhavin obeyed her will above all and
waited for her approval before he made a move for the door. “I’ll be close if
you have need of me.”

“Thank you, Dhavin.” Amaryllis straightened her spine. Never
would she show a weakness to this man. “I ask you again, General. Are you and
your men not up to the task?”

“We are. But we have to be cautious. I need to know that you
are protected at all times.”

“So you plan to have me tied and submit to your wishes the
entire time?”

His breath caught and a spike of arousal arced across the
room to ignite a blaze in her womb as her powers soaked in the hungers he
fought to control and hide from her.

Ah, so her general
want her tied and subservient
to his desires. What would it take to get him to loosen his restraint and give
in to those needs?

“Is that it, Lucian? Do you want me under your…thumb to
protect me, or for another purpose?”

A slash of red stole across his cheeks. “My job is to see to
your safety.”

“And I will be oh so safe if I’m within arm’s reach, won’t

Amazing, she thought, as the heat of his gaze fueled the
flames that raced up her body to lick at the undersides of her breasts. She
stalked closer and almost smiled as he staggered and backed into the wall
behind him. “Is that the only reason you want me close, Lucian?”

His hands fell on her shoulders to stop her momentum. “Don’t
think you can manipulate me as easily as you do Dhavin.”

She flinched. “You bastard. I’ve never manipulated anyone.”

His fingers tightened as she moved to draw away. “Stop. I’m
sorry. I’m sorry.” He closed his eyes and let loose with a long sigh. “Why
can’t we hold a reasonable conversation? Every time I try to talk to you, I end
up hurting your feelings and that is never my intention.”

“Maybe it’s because you insist on treating me as someone
that I’m not.” She leaned into his chest and released her own sigh as the big
man shuddered against her. The headiness of the danger of being so close to
such tightly leashed control made her dizzy. “Why can’t you see that?”

A mirthless chuckle rumbled in his chest. His hands slid
down her back in a slow sweep then curled around her shoulders again. “What I
see is a powder keg of trouble. You—you are unchartered territory, Your

“And I frighten you.” She smiled at the discovery as his
hips pressed into her belly. Oh yes, his body knew what he wanted, yet he was
going to do everything in his power to fight his attraction.

“I’m an adult woman, Lucian. I know exactly what, and who, I
want. What about you?”

He trembled again. His throat worked as he struggled for the
words. “What I want doesn’t matter.”

“It does to me,” she whispered.

His sigh ghosted across her lips as he bent his head closer.
He pressed his forehead to hers and breathed in her scent on a deep inhale
before gently pushing her away. “I am your guard. My sword will always be yours
when you have need.”

A wide grin stretched her lips as a delightful red flush
raced up his neck to the tips of his ears as he realized how she interpreted
his statement.

“I mean, to protect you. That is all I can give.”

For now.

The unspoken words hung on the air between them.

As she looked upon Lucian with new eyes, the humiliation she
suffered the night before dissipated.

Maybe it was his strength, maybe it was his honor, maybe it
was the potential pleasure to be found in those massive hands, whatever it was,
Lucian intrigued her like no other. She wanted to peel away his armor and
experience the man hiding within. The general needed a challenge, and the one
thing she excelled at was giving people exactly what they needed.

“If we are done now, General. I need to make arrangements
for my time off, and I still haven’t had my bath yet, so if you’ll excuse me.”

With a twist of her fingers, the lavender silk pooled at her
feet. She sashayed to the bathroom with an extra swish of her hips.

Those flares of heat washing over her back were becoming
incredibly addictive.


Lucian stared at the princess’s delectable backside with his
mouth agape until she closed the bathroom door between them with a knowing
smile on her pouty lips. He pressed the heel of his hand into the erection
threatening to bust through the zipper of his jeans and stifled a moan.

Damn the woman! Did she not know she was asking him to
tackle her to the tile floor and feed the throbbing length of his cock into her
pussy, whether she was ready for him or not?

Yes, the little witch did.

The princess was playing with an explosive that would burn
them both. This all-consuming need to savor her ripeness was a thousand times
more unbearable than it had been on Skandavia. At least then he had the
overseeing eye of her father and his other duties to temper the fascination,
but Amaryllis in her gloriously bare flesh was too much to withstand up close
and personal. And he was not unaware of the fact that she was going to make the
time they spent together very personal.

No! He would not think of his charge in such a manner. They
may not be in Skandavia anymore, but she was still royalty and he, her servant.
Keeping her safe was his top priority.

The sound of water flowing from pipes drew his attention to
the flimsy door and he thought of a very naked princess on the other side.

He raced from the room with his hands clenched at his sides
and went in search of a moment of privacy.

Dhavin was in the living room, his attention riveted to the
large-screen television. The remote was in his hand and he was laughing as the
channels flipped in rapid succession. A pair of breasts flashed across the
screen and Dhavin switched back to the channel that showed two women frolicking
in a swimming pool.

He sank on the ottoman and scooted closer to the action. “I
love this planet.”

BOOK: HeroUnleased
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