He's So Fine (A BBW Stepbrother Romance) (11 page)

BOOK: He's So Fine (A BBW Stepbrother Romance)
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“Give it to me, baby. Move your hips,” I grunted out my commands as I tightened my hand on the luscious cheeks of her ass, lifting her to me. I knew the angle of my thrust rubbed against the top of her mound. Her clit. With each downward thrust, I ground myself against her, making her whimper. She’d closed her eyes so I felt safe in watching her without guarding my expression. Before, for a brief moment, I’d been afraid to let her look into my eyes. Afraid she would see all the emotion rising up inside me.

Now I watched her and her innocent, honest display of feelings. Helpless need, hopeless desire. Damn, I was a shit for using her this way. But I couldn’t stop. Wouldn’t stop. Again and again I plunged into her warm depths, my cock moving in and out, pounding strokes, going as deep as possible, burying myself to the very root, bumping against her cervix. My body responded to the primitive call. The need to plant my seed inside her. Procreate.

The human race was screwed, I realized. All a man wanted to do was this—fuck. Plant their seed and move on to the next female. A woman, a woman wanted what I knew I would never be capable of giving. Stability. Caring. Love. Freaking emotions.

Moving faster, I felt the rise of my release. The tightening in my buttocks, the tingling in my balls. For once, I wasn’t concerned if I came before my partner. For once, I was savage in my taking, needing to conquer—and fuck me to hell and back—wanting to plant my seed. Only years of steadfast belief had made me don a condom earlier. Now I filled it, pushing with my toes in order to go as deep as I could inside Abby as I emptied myself into her body.

In the back of my mind, I heard her cry of release and I was grateful that I’d at least been able to last until I’d brought her satisfaction. I don’t know how long I lay on top of her, feeling the small spasms still rocking her body. Her arms had wrapped themselves around me and held me close. Corny as it might sound, I felt like I finally belonged somewhere.

Rolling to my side, I pulled her close. We lay there, not speaking as our breathing returned to normal and soon sleep overcame us both.



I woke up the next morning expecting to feel the warmth of Cage’s arms around me. Instead, I realized that if it wasn’t for the achiness between my legs and the faint scent of his cologne on my pillow I would never have known he’d spent the night with me.

I jumped when a knock sounded on the door and it started to open.
Hadn’t we locked the door last night? Wait. Cage wasn’t here. What did it matter if someone walked in on me? I moved and realized I was naked.

Double crap.

Just as I was pulling the sheet and light blanket over my shoulders, my mom walked into the room.

“Hi, sweetheart.”

My mother was happier than I had ever seen her, and that was saying a lot. If Pollyanna had a sister, it would have been my mother. I knew Horace had made her this way. Happy. I also knew I had no such hope of achieving that same state of mind with his son.

“Hi, Mom. What’s up?” I almost giggled when I realized what had been up only hours before. Cage’s cock. His yummy, hard, insatiable cock. I squeezed my thighs together thinking about the feel of him inside me. Yeah, it had hurt—and I emphasized the word hurt—when he’d first taken me. For a moment, I had wondered why women kept doing this. Why mothers didn’t tell their daughters to keep their legs tied shut. Then I remembered Cage had made good on his promise. He had made it feel better.

A hundred fucking million times better.

He had licked and sucked and thrust and swiveled until I didn’t know in which universe I existed. Now I wondered why humans weren’t all curled up together in a snake sex ball all the time.

Okay, so I’d been watching a little too much National Geographic Channel and apparently not enough porn.

I also now knew why Tiffany had looked at him like a meat stick she’d like to chew on. Being the slut that she was, she’d probably instinctively known how Cage would be in bed.

A flash of jealously burned through me at the thought of him with any other woman.

My mom sat down on the edge of my bed, smoothing the hair from my eyes as she had when I was a little girl. Some of our best talks had happened on Saturday mornings or during school vacations when there was no need to hurry out of bed.

“Are you cold, sweetie?”

I tensed, realizing she must have noticed the tight grip I had on my covers. Covers that were pulled up to my chin. “A little.” Good thing Horace liked to keep the temperature in the house the same as an icebox and there was nothing suspicious about my answer. My mother had even complained a time or two that it was like waking up in an igloo.

Not that I had noticed the cold last night. No, siree, Bob. I had been sweaty and wet … so, very wet.

“Horace wants to go out on his boat today. I was hoping that you would go with us. I think he’s going to ask Cage, too.”

I really didn’t know what to expect, having never done a morning after, but I was certain the word awkward would describe this one if we pretended to be one big happy family.

Looking into my mother’s face, I realized I didn’t have much choice in the matter. Unless I pretended to be ill, which would probably result in her insisting on staying home with me, there was little I could do except agree to the family outing.

My only hope was that Cage, not having the close familial relationship with his father yet, wouldn’t think twice about turning down his dad’s invitation for a day of family fun.




My heart had settled down to a normal rhythm by the time my mother, Horace, and I reached the marina. Cage had apparently not only left my bed in the early morning hours, but had left the house. Horace had tried several times to reach him, to tell him of our plans. So far, he hadn’t responded.

I didn’t know if I was disappointed or eternally grateful.

I knew that last night had been a one-time thing. I’d gone into the situation with my eyes opened. Well, there might still have been a pair of rose-colored glasses perched on my nose. But I wasn’t a dumb. A little naïve, but not dumb. Boys like Cage might want to fuck the shit out of girls, even girls like me, but that didn’t mean they were going to hang around for second helpings. I had a feeling that Cage rarely dipped his toe in the same swimming hole twice.

I thanked the deckhand who took my tote and held out a hand to help me on board. The guy wasn’t much older than I was, maybe twenty-three, twenty-four. Probably a local resident who did this every summer to earn extra money. He smiled at me and I automatically smiled back. Hey, I might be introverted, but I wasn’t rude. Besides, he was kind of cute.

Just as I was about to take the guy’s hand, a rough, angry voice sounded behind him.

“I got it from here, dude.”

I looked up so suddenly, I almost lost my balance on the narrow steps leading up the boat. The deckhand moved away and was replaced instantly by Cage. With the sun shining over his shoulder and glistening off his tanned chest he looked almost angelic. Until you looked into his eyes. Then he was all devil.

He took my hand and half-way lifted me up over the side of the boat. I landed on the deck with a jolt.

“I guess your dad got a hold of you.” I didn’t know what else to say. I knew what I wanted to do. I wanted to pull his head down to mine and kiss him.

“Yeah. Apparently, we’re having a family fun day.”

I almost smiled at his comment, but didn’t considering that I’d said almost the exact same thing a couple of hours ago. My sarcasm had been a little less apparent. I took the tight expression on his face and the disdain in his tone as a guide to treat what had happened last night as exactly what it had been. A bad decision, on both our parts.

I pulled away from his hold on my arms and gathered the tote the deckhand had left behind. Without a word, I turned and walked to the front of the boat. Stern, bow. I didn’t know the difference and I didn’t care. I just wanted to get away from Cage before he could see how his attitude had affected me.



I watched Abby walk away from me, cursing myself for how I’d acted. It had taken everything in me not to pull her in my arms and kiss the living fuck out of her.

Well, more accurately, I watched Abby’s ass as she walked away from me. A pair of khaki colored shorts hugged her rounded cheeks and left little to the imagination. If she bent over, I was positive I would see the lips of her pussy they were so damn short.

Another growl threatened to escape my throat. The first one had been courtesy of the piss-ant deckhand who had been ogling her breasts beneath the tight t-shirt she was wearing. Where the hell had she gotten those clothes? Last night had been the first time I’d seen her in anything so revealing. The tiny skirt she’d worn along with the slightly see-through blouse had been enough to break my iron control.

Lord help me if she had a bathing suit under that outfit and decided to work on her tan.

I shuddered thinking about it. My cock tented my shorts. I’d come straight from the gym when I’d finally gotten my father’s text. My cell phone service here was sketchy. I guess that’s what came from having a pre-paid carrier.

For whatever reason, I’d rushed out of there and to the boat.

I wasn’t ready to say it was because of her.

I followed her to the bow of the boat, watching that jiggly ass the entire damn way.

“I see you found her, Cage.” My father stood with his arm around his new wife smiling. Abby walked over and gave her mother a hug and a smile. For a brief moment resentment tried to swallow me whole. What would my life have been like if my father had known about me? Would this have been my life growing up? Loving parents? Family fun days on a luxurious boat? Everything I needed or wanted mine for the taking?

“Yeah. I found her.”

“Well, I’m sure we’re going to have a good time today.” Julie gave Abby a playful nudge with her shoulder. Her mother must have sensed Abby’s less than warm attitude toward me. I wonder how she would feel if she knew what was causing the cold front her daughter was sending my way.

I smiled, willing to acknowledge the fact that it was kind of nice to be here. Making Abby uncomfortable was icing on the cake. I’d never have gotten to experience something like this on my own. Not for a while anyway.

It wasn’t my plan to remain a punching bag for MMA competitors for long. It wasn’t even my plan to be a MMA competitor for long. I knew it would be a long time and take a lot of hard work to make my actual dream come true.

I also knew I could make that road a lot smoother if I asked my newly found father for help. That was something I couldn’t ever do. “I can’t wait to spend some time with everyone. Right, Sis?”

Abby smiled at me while cursing me out with her eyes. She had such expressive eyes. I remembered the expression in her eyes last night the first time I’d pressed against her virgin hole. I barely suppressed the moan that rose inside me. That image did nothing to help me get my body back under control. “I think I’ll go change.”

“Great. I’ll tell the captain to get underway.”



As soon as Cage left, my mother turned toward me. “What’s wrong, Abby?”

I sighed. I should have known she would sense my mood. Sometimes I think she planted some kind of mood stone on me that emitted signals directly to her. “Nothing. You know I’m not that comfortable around water.”

“What?” This from Horace. “You should have said something before now, Abby. We could have done something else.”

I immediately felt bad. I’d been on the boat BC—before Cage—and hadn’t said anything about my phobia. I smiled at my new stepfather. He was great, I’d come to discover over the last several months. But more than that he made my mother happy. “No, this is fine.”

There wasn’t much else I could say. I certainly wasn’t ready to tell them the real reason I didn’t want to be on the boat today. That I’d let Cage have my virginity last night.

Horace patted my arm. “If you need anything, let me know. I’m sure we’ve got some motion sickness pills on board.”

“Thanks. I think I’ll go get something to drink. Do you want anything?” Both of them declined and I made my way to the galley. Even though Horace had a crew to man the boat and a cook to provide meals, he didn’t have crew members to be at our beck and call like some of the other families.

Even if I didn’t understand the boat lingo, I knew my way around. This was not a boat. This was a mini-yacht. Oh, Horace had a boat. It was a fifteen-foot sloop that I had yet to set foot on.

I stopped when I got to the galley. Inside was the man I had been trying to avoid—and hoping to avoid for the next eight hours. His sudden appearance had thrown me earlier. I took a deep breath and decided I might as well get this over with. The awkward morning after. I was a grown woman. Or at least liked to think I was. “Hello, Cage.”

He stood in front of the refrigerator, the door open as he perused the contents. I knew there would be anything he could want inside.

I knew I couldn’t find what I wanted inside the metal box.

He closed the door and turned around, leaning back against it. “Hello, Abby.”

“Could you hand me a water, please?” While the boat might be big, the galley was still small. Barely big enough to hold a couple of people. With Cage in it, it shrank even more. There was no way I was stepping inside.

He just stood there, looking at me.

“Fine,” I snapped, turning on my heel to walk away. “I didn’t want one anyway.”

A large hand on my arm stopped me. It was quickly followed by the press of his warm body against my back. His other arm wrapped around my middle. I was held tight in his grip. He pulled me backwards and closed the galley door with a sharp kick of his foot. My heart started to race.

“Don’t flirt with the deckhands, Abby.”

I stiffened in his hold. “You can’t tell me what to do, Cage.”

“That’s where you’re wrong, Sis.” The word was a whispered reminder against my ear. A reminder of our illicit joining the night before. Stepbrother and stepsister. “I can and I will tell you what to do. Just like I did last night.” He licked the skin below my ear before giving the lobe a sharp nip with his teeth.

My body reacted as it had last night. It clenched and moistened.

“Do you remember last night, Abby? All the delicious things I made you do to me and what I did to you?”

“Do you remember what I did when you didn’t obey me fast enough?” His hand moved from my arm, to my torso, down the slope of my stomach to cup the juncture between my thighs. “I spanked this pussy. You spread yourself wide after that, didn’t you, Abby? So wide.”

He thrust his tongue into my ear and rubbed lightly along my slit over my shorts. I almost lost it. I almost jumped onto the counter and spread my legs for him. Almost begged him to spank my pussy again. The orgasm he’d given me in the midst of the pain had been—all that I had learned in my freshman creative writing class left me. I had no words to describe it or the night before.

As if he had read my desire, my needs, he whispered into my ear again. “Spread your legs for me, baby. Let me see how wet you are.”

Before I could stop myself, reason with myself, I was doing as he commanded. I spread my legs, and let my head fall back against his shoulder. He rewarded me two fold. His lips sucked the skin of my throat into his mouth, marking me as his fingers rubbed along my slit. It only took seconds for the juices of my pussy to wet the fabric of the bathing suit I wore and the crotch of my shorts.

“Oh, yeah, baby. You get so wet. For me.” His hand tightened on my wet flesh. “Only for me. You got that?”

“Yes. Only you.” His hold lessened and he rubbed me again. This time, finding my clit through the two layers of fabric. He pinched it, and rubbed it, varying his touch with long, strong strokes down and back up my pussy lips. It wasn’t long before I felt myself on the verge of release. I rocked against his hand, hoping to make him rub me harder and faster so that I wouldn’t have to ask.

I might have known he wouldn’t just give it to me.

“Use your words, baby. Tell me what you want. What you need.”

I reached behind my hand and dragged his head down to mine. “Make me come, Cage. Make me come now,” I demanded against his lips, seconds before I crushed his mouth to mine.

Our lips tangled and fought as his fingers pushed me up and over the edge. I screamed into his mouth as he made me come. So easily. He made my world fall apart so easily.

He turned me around in his arms, his hands clasped together in the small of my back. I wound mine around his neck. His eyes were heavy-lidded, a dead giveaway that he was aroused. Well, the press of his dick against my stomach was the dead giveaway.

When I’d awaken in my bed this morning, alone, I’d been devastated. I didn’t know what I had expected, but it hadn’t been for him to sneak away in the middle of the night without a word. “Why didn’t you stay?”

His body tensed, but I refused to withdraw my question. I wanted to know. Was it me? The taboo situation we found ourselves in? What?

“I don’t do sleepovers, little girl.”

So, it was none of the above. It was him. I squashed the need to ask the obvious follow-up question quivering on the tip of my tongue.

“Okay. But you could have told me goodbye.”

“I don’t do goodbyes either.”

I brushed the strand of dark hair away from his forehead. With his hair swept out of his eyes, he looked almost boyish. The rough and raw bad boy gone for just an instant before the lock of hair fell back into place. There were layers to this guy that I didn’t think anyone had ever uncovered.

Maybe not even himself.

“What do you do?”

“Fight. And fuck.”

“Which do you like best?” I allowed myself to relax against him, pressing my breasts into his chest.

He smiled down at me. “Now that’s a difficult question to answer, baby. Maybe I need to fuck you some more. You know, for comparison’s sake.” He thrust his hips against mine.

I slugged him in the arm, laughing with him. For the moment. I was realistic enough to know this was just a summer fling. Even if it was with my stepbrother.

BOOK: He's So Fine (A BBW Stepbrother Romance)
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