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Authors: Sherri Hayes

Hidden Threat (23 page)

BOOK: Hidden Threat
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Hearing the click of the lock on the front door, Cali’s head came up and found Matthew staring at her. Within a split second, he pulled her into his arms.

“Remind me to never invite my brother over to watch a double header again,” he said, running his hands up and down her back while burying his face in her neck.

“That was just torture.”

She laughed. He wouldn’t hear any disagreement from her. Cali’s hands were around his neck, holding him close to her. “Yes, it was,” she whispered in his ear.

He moaned in response and grabbed her hips to press her tight against him, which caused a similar moan to escape Cali as well. “We should clean up the kitchen.”

Matthew began placing small kisses along her neck, licking and nipping at the soft flesh. He mumbled an assent but didn’t let go. Today had been the longest foreplay of his life. He’d thought the previous three weeks of wanting her and not having her had been bad; it was nothing compared to today. Being so close, and not being able to reach out and touch her, kiss her like he wanted was worse.

The fleeting thought that they should tell Jason and Lisa passed through his mind, but he quickly squashed it. He couldn’t risk it. They were his gauge. If he and Cali could keep it hidden from them, they could keep it hidden from anyone.

Without breaking contact, he moved them back into the living room. Clothing was shed as they touched, kissed, loved. He laid back on the love seat they’d shared that day, pulling her down on top of him.

There was no doubt. He was in love with this woman, totally and completely. But as soon as he thought of telling her, he shot it down. Matthew wouldn’t do that to her. She was a doctor, not a businesswoman. And when her time was up here, she would go back to being just that in Africa, or wherever else they sent her. He wouldn’t hold her back. How could he?

That thought brought him up short for a second. She was only his for eight more weeks. Just eight weeks. His body rebelled against that knowledge, and as his mouth redoubled its assault on her, his hands moved quickly across her body, staking their claim.

The feel of skin on skin was amazing. Better than the first time, if that were possible. Maybe it was because he’d admitted that he loved her, if only to himself. Or maybe it was because he knew her body a little better. He didn’t know.

But he also knew this was different. She was different. He’d always cared about the women he’d been with on some level, but he’d never felt anything like this, this need to be connected with her. He’d never loved a woman before.

As soon as Cali’s warmth surrounded him, he released a cry deep in his throat, arching up deep inside her. He loved this feeling. Their joining seemed to leave Cali stunned. Her eyes shut, and a look of pure pleasure on her face. He was captivated.

Their eyes met and held. So much emotion. So much. Her eyes glazed over as he continued to thrust deeper, harder, faster. She let go and screamed his name. It was too much. He couldn’t hold on. With a final thrust, he found his own peak and jumped off.

Cali collapsed on top of him, breathing in short shallow breaths. With his arms wrapped around her, he didn’t want to let her go. Ever.

Chapter 31

Monday morning brought with it an entirely new set of challenges. First of all, their secret was quickly exposed when Jessie came upstairs to put some clean towels away, found Cali’s room empty, and came barreling in Matthew’s room.

She found the two of them still asleep, naked, with Matthew’s arm thrown possessively across Cali’s waist.

Jessie, unable to hide her surprise, dropped the towels and gasped. It was loud enough to bring Matthew’s eyes open with a start. He held the older woman’s gaze for a second before pulling the sheet up higher to cover Cali’s exposed chest.

With a deep sigh, he said, “I’ll meet you downstairs?” It was clearly a question, and the still stunned woman nodded before leaving in a hurry, not bothering to pick up the discarded laundry.

There went my plan to keep things completely between the two of us, he thought. I hope that I can convince Jessie that this stay between the three of us.

He’d been taught to roll with the punches, though, so leaning down, he began to place soft kisses on Cali’s neck and shoulder. After a few minutes, her breathing sped up, and her eyes fluttered open. Soon he was staring into those deep brown eyes of hers.

She arched her back to stretch, pushing her rear against his hips and causing a muted noise to escape his throat. Cali heard him and smiled, twisting around to throw her arms around his neck. “Good morning.”

He sighed. He wanted to make love to her again before spending the next nine hours in the same building with her, not showing her any type of affection.

Talking with Jessie was not how he envisioned starting his morning.

Cali sensed his melancholy. “Matthew, what’s wrong?” He moved his eyes to look over her shoulder. She turned to see what he was looking at and saw the pile of towels in the open doorway. With a confused look on her face, she turned back to him.

“Jessie,” he said simply.

Burying her head in his chest, she groaned. “What are we going to do?” 

He rubbed his hand along her spine and sighed. “Go down and explain. I don’t see we have a choice.”

After getting dressed, they walked, resigned, downstairs to the kitchen. Jessie was busy making breakfast but stopped when she saw them. She looked embarrassed along with smug. Cali didn’t understand the embarrassed part, but the smug she got clear enough.

Matthew understood both immediately and cringed. He knew Cali loved the woman like a mother, but he did not want to expose Cali like that again in the future.

The smugness, from his experience, was someone waiting impatiently for the details so she could spread the good news. He hated to burst her bubble, but he had no choice.

They both took, what had quickly become, their regular seats as Jessie set their food in front of them. Matthew took a casual bite of the ham and cheese omelet as the older woman leaned back against the far counter, her arms folded.

“You can’t share what you saw this morning with anyone,” he said in a voice that hid the desperation behind his words.

Jessie glanced at Cali and then back to Matthew. “And why not?” 

The woman’s tone made it clear that she didn’t approve of not sharing. Before he could speak up though, Cali said, “Jessie, it’s too dangerous for others to know.” The look on her face said she didn’t understand.

Matthew took over, leveling a look that would bear no argument. “Cali’s life, as we’ve seen, is in danger. It is my job to protect her, and I will. But if anyone knows, and I mean anyone, that Cali and I are involved, they could use it as leverage against her, me or the company to get what they want. I can’t let that happen.” He paused. “I won’t let that happen.” This last part was said with a fierceness that made Jessie jump.

She looked back and forth between the two and then settled on Cali. “Does your father know?”

Cali shook her head. “No. And we’d like to keep it that way.” Cali sighed and set her fork down. “Jessie, I trust Matthew. If he says it’s safer this way, then it is. Please?”

Jessie didn’t like it, but what choice did she have. “Fine,” she grumbled. “I won’t say anything.” She looked them over again. “So does that mean we will be moving someone?” When they looked at her quizzically, she almost laughed. “Well it’s obvious you two will be sharing a room. I just figured it would be easier if all of your things were in one place.”

“No,” Matthew said. “I want everything from the outside to appear that we are still in separate rooms. Of course, you will be aware that we’re not.” 

He was asking for her agreement. She sighed. “Fine, fine. Have it your way.” She turned back to the sink. “I just hope you know what you’re doing.” 


When they arrived at the office, Matthew followed the same routine as last week.

He escorted her up to her office. Leaving the door open, he nodded to Lisa and repeated his instructions that Cali was not to be alone with anyone.

Matthew’s day went faster than he thought it would. The time he’d been away from the office last week meant that his workload had piled up beyond reason.

He’d spent the entire morning deep in paperwork with Mariana adding more about half way through.

Keeping tabs on Cali was fairly easy. She had just as much work to catch up on as he did, so she’d confined herself to her office. He kept his phone close and, via the camera in her office, checked on her every fifteen minutes.

His plans to have lunch with her ended up in the trash when the production manager called, saying they needed to talk as soon as possible. So, instead of spending an hour with the woman who constantly occupied his thoughts, he spent it going over the shipping and route schedules for the next three weeks.

At three twenty, the alarm on his computer sounded, reminding him of his security briefing with Miss Stanton. He closed the reminder and picked up his things. His mind drifted to the changes that had occurred since the briefing last week: the two of them sitting at her conference table; Cali insisting on joining him at the jewelry shop; someone trying to run her over with a car hours later.

Matthew felt the tension fill his body and knew he needed to calm down. He couldn’t afford to let someone see the effect this was having on him, not even Cali. With a deep breath, he exited his office and let Mariana know where he was going.

Riding up in the elevator, he went over the details he needed to discuss with her.

The production manager had heard that another shipment was going to be hijacked. It had been a rumor, not from a direct source, and they weren’t able to track it.

He was trying to stay focused, but he kept getting sidetracked, knowing he was going to see his girlfriend, his lover in a few short minutes. He was not sure what to call her.

When the doors opened, Lisa greeted him with a smile, “Hello, Matthew.”

“Lisa,” he nodded. Matthew looked over and saw Cali’s door was open, but that didn’t mean anything given his instructions. “Is Ms. Stanton available?” 

Lisa was startled at his use of Ms. Stanton, but he couldn’t help it. It was what he’d called her before everything had changed, and he needed to keep up that same appearance. Seeming to collect herself, she replied, “Yes, she’s expecting you.” 

He nodded and smiled, hoping that it was enough to convey his thanks for not making a big deal out of his name choice.

When he entered the office, he closed the door firmly behind him. She looked up and their eyes met. It felt as if they’d been apart for more than a mere eight hours.

Cali moved from behind her desk and strode toward him, stopping with only an inch between them. “Are we alone?” she whispered.

Matthew answered by leaning in to press his lips against hers. Her hands came up to grip his arms. He tried to keep it chaste; he really did, but feeling her again was just too much.

The folder he’d been holding fell to the floor as he circled her waist with his arms.

His tongue licked her bottom lip, and she opened for him almost instantly. Tasting her again was heaven.

He felt his body respond to her closeness, as it always did, and knew he had to put a stop to this. It took all the strength he had, but he did it. Matthew slowed the kiss and moved his hands to the side of her face gently putting some air between them. She looked up at him through veiled eyes. “Hi,” she whispered.

He smiled. “Hi.”

They did manage to get some work done, but he wouldn’t exactly call the way in which they did it professional. Cali insisted they sit together on the sofa instead of at her desk or the conference table. Matthew spread the reports on his lap, and Cali rested her head on his shoulder while they had their meeting. It may not have been professional, but it was perhaps the best meeting he’d ever had.


When they arrived home that evening, they found two place settings at the table with candles in the center waiting to be lit. The obvious set up of a romantic dinner for two made Cali feel nervous. She had no idea what Matthew’s feelings were about the boundaries of their relationship. Were dates even an option?

Cali glanced over at Matthew. He unsuccessfully suppressed a smile while his shoulders shook from holding in his laughter. She took a deep breath and relaxed.

Matthew’s gaze met hers, and Cali’s lips turned up in a smile to match his.


At that, Matthew did laugh. “Why are you sorry?”

She cringed a little. “Jessie…seems to be a little…excited.” 

This got another laugh. “That’s okay.” He took a step closer and placed his hands on either side of her face. “I can think of nothing better than to spend a romantic evening with you, Ms. Stanton.”

Closing the gap, he pressed his lips lightly to hers. “Shall we see what she left us?”

“Mm,” was all she could manage as she looked up to meet the eyes that sent her heart flying.

The refrigerator only added to the setting. The housekeeper, who was clearly setting herself up to be matchmaker, had prepared salads for each of them and attached a note stating there was lasagna and bread in the warming oven. With another smirk from Matthew that she couldn’t help but return, they worked together to move everything to the table.

Their meal was pleasant. They talked a little about their time apart that day, but mostly it was just random information. She was learning so much about him and none of it was run-of-the-mill.

He was a patriot, and she wouldn’t be surprised if his blood ran red, white and blue with the way he talked. It reminded her of their conversation during their first meal together in that cozy little Italian restaurant just days after they’d met.

They were just dipping into the chocolate pudding Jessie had made when she decided to ask him, “You mentioned before that you used to be in the military. What exactly did you do?”

Swallowing the delicious chocolate, she scooped up another bite before looking up. Matthew wasn’t looking at her. He wasn’t looking anywhere really. His gaze was unfocused, and she reached out. “Are you okay?” Taking one last large spoonful of his pudding, he stood and took his plate to the sink.

BOOK: Hidden Threat
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