Read Highway to Heaven Online

Authors: Harley McRide

Tags: #romance, #womens fiction, #new adult, #menage romance, #menage mfm, #mc romance, #biker mc romance, #biker mc, #biker mc menage

Highway to Heaven (4 page)

BOOK: Highway to Heaven
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“Yeah. I’m just trying to find something to
hook it to that the wind won’t blow over. This whole damn roof is
falling apart.”

“I think their problem is more than the roof.
The whole damn place is a shithole, baby.” Her head spun around,
not sure where the ‘baby’ had come from. Bitch wouldn’t have phased
her. Woman even. Or Whore. But baby? Hell, most of the guys didn’t
even call their ol’ ladies baby. Then again, he wasn’t like the
others. Not to say he was soft, just softer around the edges.
They’d all wondered what the hell he was doing in a club until
they’d learned how he’d been bounced in. He’d been a Prospect at
the young age of sixteen and waited almost three full years to
become patched. The night he’d been offered his cut, a group of
drug dealing scum had taken his girlfriend to a party and gotten
her spun off her rocker. Shark walked in during the middle of their
gang fuck and killed every last one of them. Some he gutted like a
fish, others he’d bitten noses and hunks of face off before he
single-handedly loaded them all up and dumped them in the shark
tank at the zoo. There wasn’t any evidence left of them to find
that would lead to him, and with the girlfriend floating on top of
the water with a dick in each hole and down her throat, she wasn’t
likely to talk. Besides that story, one wouldn’t ever think the
laid back twenty something cutie with a dimple ever had a

“This definitely isn’t the Ritz that’s for
sure. I’m just glad I brought a sleeping bag so I don’t end up
catching some sort of funk from the cum stains on the sheets. I
think I’d puke if a black light hit that room.” Heaven wasn’t
exactly a germaphobe, but the idea of bodily fluids smeared on
every surface had her half wanting to risk the coyotes and sleep
outside. As she looked around, the coyotes weren’t such a threat
here. It’d be more people or creepy crawlies that’d kill her in her
sleep. So dried cum and blood and God-knew-what-else was the best
of both evils.

“You brought a sleeping bag? Might have to
make that pretty little ass scoot over and let me in tonight. I
damn sure don’t want to think about what’s on those covers.” Okay,
so for a biker, it was even more strange for him to worry about the
cleanliness of the room. But at his insinuation about scooting
over, she couldn’t help but squirm a little. She wasn’t Sahara with
the curves in all the right places and reeking of sexual desire.
Heaven was short, petite, with big tits and a fat ass—in her
opinion—who frequently wore glasses. She preferred her contacts,
but some days she just couldn’t wear them. Thankfully the air
wasn’t as dry here as it was back home and she’d had them in for
over twelve hours so far with no issues. Which, standing this close
to Mr. Dark Eyes, she was glad.

“It might be a tight fit…” she giggled,
looking up at him. He was massive compared to her little frame.
Shark’s eyes looked her up and down before he pulled her against
the huge bulge in his pants.

“Mmm. I’m sure it’ll stretch,” he said,
grinding against her. She didn’t know how to respond. On one hand,
it took all she had not to reach between them and free the python
that tore at the seams of his zipper. On the other, she hadn’t ever
been one of the bitches who made the rounds, but after the way Colt
and Gage had been lately, she might start. If they were getting it
somewhere else, she damn sure could, right? She didn’t have a patch
on claiming her… Before she could lift up on her tippy toes and
press her lips to his, the sound of voices came around the side of
the building. Shark didn’t pull away, but turned his head to see
who was coming.

“You done?” Yo Neg asked beside Tank.

“Yeah, see if she got it pointed right. If
not holler and I’ll hold her up there again.” Shark kept his body
formed against hers even while they talked as if it were no big
deal. To other bitches, it probably wouldn’t have been…but to
Heaven, it put her on defense. She planted two palms in the middle
of his chest and pushed to free herself, shocked she hadn’t even
budged him an inch. He didn’t say a word, just looked down at her
and raised an eyebrow. Before she knew what that evil flash across
his eyes meant, he’d lowered his head down and consumed her lips,
forcing his tongue against the seam until she gasped and gave him
the opening he needed. Dominating, consuming, demanding. Shark sank
in to every crevice and lashed against her tongue with enough
pressure and vigor she flat out groaned in his mouth.

“Fuck!” she gasped. He palmed her ass and
picked her up, rubbing her cunt up and down the length of his shaft
until he felt her begin to unleash. Her claws dug through the thin
material of his t-shirt, grasping and pulling him closer. If not
for the guys standing there witnessing the show, Heaven might have
been apt to tear his shirt off and taste her way down his chest.
The thought of turning into a club hole flashed through her mind
and she pulled away regretfully. Not to say she hadn’t had fun with
some of the guys, but it was on her terms and who she chose.
Fucking him in front of the guys wasn’t a deal at the club, but
they were in a different environment. That just made it weird. He
didn’t push or try to manhandle her, but he did drop a few sweet
kisses along her jawline and up to the tip of her nose before he
sat her back on her two feet. Where the hell had that come from?
Colt and Gage hadn’t ever showed tenderness like that—not when they
wanted a piece. Sure, they’d been nice to her other times, but
never while their dick raked across their zipper. The sex…fuck, the
sex was amazing though. Then again, after just one kiss with Shark,
she began to wonder what it’d be like with him…

“The camera’s in place. Let’s get some
grub…unless you plan on eating back here,” Tank laughed, eyeing the
couple. That seemed to snap Heaven out of the fun little fog she’d
been in and back to reality. She pulled away, this time not shocked
he allowed her to, and took off to find the girls. She needed as
far away from testosterone as possible, which wouldn’t be easy
given they were outnumbered almost tenfold, and one of the chicks
didn’t belong if you asked her. But what did she know.


The rest of the day was dedicated to set up
and familiarizing themselves with the area. There was no way in
hell the living conditions were anything but hellish and only God
knew what the guys were doing to those poor girls day in and day

Sahara was on pins and needles, chomping at
the bit to go in and get her sister. The guys understood, but
rescuing her prematurely might endanger the other girls held
captive and whether she was theirs or not, one life couldn’t be
traded for even a hand full of others. It was hard for Sahara to
agree to keep her cool, although at times the guys still feared
she’d go rogue and blow their cover. Shady had been assigned to
shadow Sahara everywhere she went to keep an eye on her, and as
much as the girls hated it, they all knew it was for the best.

“We need to go in tonight. Listen, even if we
rescue the girls held up at that dump there is no way in hell Reyes
will bail. We can still follow him and take down the whole
operation,” Sahara pleaded her case yet again. She couldn’t grasp
what harm it’d be to go in a little sooner than planned before it
was too late.

“I know you’re upset, but we can’t risk it.
We don’t know if he has other girls somewhere else. There are too
many lives on the line here, Sahara. You don’t have a choice right
now. Let us do our job. Sadie will be home safe soon, I promise.”
Gage tried to pacify her but from the expression on her face it’d
only done the opposite.

“How the fuck do we know they aren’t already
dead! What happened to looking out for our own! They’re
dammit!” She stomped through the room, slamming her
fist in the thin, rotted sheetrock. It shattered and crumbled into
a mess on the floor.

Gage took three big steps and closed the
distance between them. When he was toe to toe with her, looking
down at the rage swarming in her eyes, he stalked her backwards
until she bumped into the wall. Instinctively she reared back again
but he caught both wrists and pinned them above her head, locking
her body under his. “Calm your little ass down. We all want them
home safe. But you letting your emotions take control will only
cause more damage and can get them killed.” He rested his forehead
against hers, his voice low and feral. “We stick to the plan. If
you can’t handle it, take your ass back down the highway. The last
fuckin’ thing we need is some bitch to ruin all the time we’ve put
in on this case. Pull. Your. Shit. Together.” Instead of her
backing down like the other bitches would have, Sahara only grew
more angry.

“Fuck you, Gage. Now back the fuck off.” Her
voice had dropped almost low enough to match his, sounding a
warning she was half shocked, half proud of herself for. Instead of
intimidating him like she’d planned, he smiled a wicked grin that
had her body trembling at what it could mean. Either she’d pushed
him too far and he was going to do the same song and dance her ex
had with his fists, or he was in on some inside joke she didn’t
understand. Because his expression tipped the lethal scale and
nothing about it said sweet or tenderness, Sahara braced herself
for the blow. There was only one other person in the room, and
given it was Colt, her hopes at being saved as a damsel in distress
hurled out the damn window. Those two were thicker than thieves.
“You wanna hit me? Do it. I suggest you make it fucking count
because if you don’t kill me, I’m damn sure going to make you wish
you were fuckin’ dead.” Sahara struggled to push him backwards,
ignoring the burn in her wrists where he one handedly held her
captive. Her outburst had Colt rushing to stand beside them, his
eyebrows drawn together.

“Hit you?” Gage’s words were a soft whisper
that brushed against her face. “You honestly think I’ll hit you?
Why? For showing that you are worried about your sister? Or for
punching a hole in the wall?” Her eyes went big but she didn’t
respond. He could see the fear and uncertainty in her, but didn’t
care. There was no way in hell he was gonna let her believe he was
what she somehow thought he was. The idea made him mad enough to
hit something, but never her. Never a female.

His whole initial reaction of the little
hellcat in stripper heels changed at that moment. She tapped
something deep inside of him he hadn’t felt in a long, long time.
She was vulnerable, but not in a broken, wounded, worn out slut
kind of way like most of the others. He jerked her arms down, he
could see the confusion on her face as he spun her around until her
back faced him. In one scoop he lifted her up and carried her over
to the bed. Damn, it was hard not to laugh. Colt seemed to follow
the lead and sat down on the bed, his knees spread apart. Without a
word, they had her belly down across Colt’s lap and her pants
yanked down to her knees before she knew what the hell had hit her.
“The only time we’ll ever hit you, we’ll make sure you enjoy every
fucking second,” Colt ground out. He took the first swat, landing
his huge palm down on her right cheek with enough sting it left an
immediate hand print. She jerked under him, her body arching and
flailing as she fought to understand what the hell was going

“Wh-what, fuck! Who the hell do you think you
are? You can’t just spank me like I’m a disobedient child for
fuck’s sake!” She bent her knees, trying to get enough leverage in
the jeaned restraints that had her legs rendered damn near
motionless. Another smack came down, this time delivered by Gage to
her left cheek. As her protests grew more rash and radical, the duo
peppered her ass repeatedly until she settled, the heat radiating
through her and turned from anger to something else.

“You need to learn to control that tongue of
yours, Sahara. Bad things happen to mouthy little sluts who bite
off more than they can chew.”
Colt delivered another,
grazing his hand across her whelped flesh. That last sting had her
settling and arching into them for more. They shared a glance, glad
they’d read her right and hadn’t just opened up a can of pissed off
hornets. Sahara was a lot more than what met the eye. Both he and
Colt had learned she hadn’t wanted the stripping job in the
beginning. She had once been a hidey tidey vanilla corporate
princess. Now, with her ass bright red and cunt dripping on Colt’s
jeans, the needy little slut was far from the woman she was. Gage
motioned for Colt to stop.

“Now that’s a sexy fuckin’ shade of pink. You
like that, don’t you, you little whore?” Gage traced his finger
down the slit of her cunt, dipping his finger in and out of her
soaking pussy. The more he touched her, the harder she bucked. She
didn’t know what to say, so she kept quiet. She couldn’t figure out
why she was so turned on by this. She should be irate. But for some
reason, the idea of having her ass up in the air, exposed,
vulnerable, and at their mercy was the hottest thing she’d ever
experienced. Having that control taken away was a momentary break
from the anxiety and fear that had settled in to consume her. They
both knew she needed a release and something to take her mind off
her missing sister, but neither had planned on things getting so
far out of hand.

Colt stopped the slaps to her ass but slid
her up enough he could free his dick and coaxed it between her
lips. Gage rewarded her with two fingers scissoring in and out of
her pussy, stopping only long enough to circle her swollen clit a
time or two before continuing the assault against her G-spot. In
and out he thrust, keeping her rising higher and higher until she’d
taken Colt’s cock down her throat to his balls. “Fuck, if that
isn’t a sight to see. Swallow his cock, baby.” Gage added another
finger into her, rolling and twisting them around until she pushed
back against his hand.

BOOK: Highway to Heaven
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