Read His Taste of Temptation: In the Line of Duty, Book 3 Online

Authors: Cathryn Fox

Tags: #Military;alpha;hero;protector;pasty chef;mistaken identity;hot sex

His Taste of Temptation: In the Line of Duty, Book 3 (5 page)

BOOK: His Taste of Temptation: In the Line of Duty, Book 3
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“It’s still very swollen,” she said quietly.

Oh, she seriously had no idea.

“Did you ice it earlier when I told you to?”

He shifted, ready to grab the bag and place it on a different body part.

“Yeah,” he mumbled. “Sort of.”

She huffed. “You really need to take better care of yourself.”

He made a move to get up, this nurturing side of her making him feel all peculiar inside, making him remember his own upbringing and the way his mother showered her boys with love before cancer took her shortly after his father’s heart attack. Their love was so strong that Brad couldn’t help but think her death came on the heels of his father’s quickly because it was nature’s way of putting husband and wife back together again.

His heart tightened with memories of his folks and his happy childhood. Brad had always wanted a family of his own, and just when he thought it was within reach, his ex had betrayed him, and ever since his world had been tilted off balance.

He cleared his throat, unease moving through him. “Let me get at the tank, okay?”

With the bag still on his head, she shifted, and perched on the table beside him. She yawned, and said quietly, “Let’s leave it for tonight.”

“No. I’m not leaving you here without water.”

“I’ll be fine.”

He gave her a crooked grin. “Now look who’s being stubborn.”

“You’ve done enough.” Warm brown eyes full of genuine concern moved over his face. “Besides you’re fighting a cold and I think you have a concussion.”

He exhaled slowly, exhaustion moving through his body now that he stopped working. “Okay, how about this. I’ll call it a night if you agree to stay at my place.”

Her body tightened and she opened her mouth to say something when he cut her off. “I’m not leaving you without water. So either I fix this tonight, or you stay at my place.”

“I don’t think—”

“Besides, I have a concussion,” he said, wincing with a little too much enthusiasm as he took the bag of ice from her. “And I don’t think I’m supposed to be alone.”

She chuckled quietly and shook her head. “You always did know how to get what you wanted didn’t you?”

Not always…

He arched a brow. “So…?”

“Fine.” She pushed off the table.

He grabbed her arm and softened his voice when he added, “It’s what Jonah would have wanted me to do.”

Her eyed dimmed as she looked at some distant spot past his shoulder, letting him know how much she adored his brother. His gut clenched wishing she’d look at him like that.

“Okay, I’ll sleep on the sofa,” she said quietly.

He nodded, even though he had no intention of letting her crash on his couch, but now was not the time to be arguing about such things.

“Just let me grab my stuff.”

As soon as she left he pulled his cell from his pocket and made a call. He spoke quietly as Madison made her way upstairs, and just as he was about to hang up, he heard Madison behind him.

“Brad, do you want—” Her voice fell off when she saw the phone in his hand. “Oh, I’m sorry. If I’m keeping you from someone…”

He shut down his phone, shoved it in his pocket, and shook his head. “That was Granddad. I normally visit him on Wednesdays and bring one of the therapy dogs by but I don’t want to go around the nursing home with a cold.”

The alarm fell from her face and a smile touched her mouth as she looked at him. “Oh, I thought.” She shook her head. “Never mind.”

“What were you asking me?”

She held out a blister pack. “Cold medication. It’s supposed shorten the duration of a cold, but it also knocks you right out.” She yawned, then laughed. “I took one upstairs and bed is already calling me.”

He took her duffle bag from her and put the cold medication in his pocket. “Well, then let me get you to bed.” He suddenly wondered if he was some kind of masochist. Christ, he should have just fixed her tank, because he had no idea how he was going to make it through the night with her in his bed and his hands tied.

Hands tied…

Ah, fuck.

Chapter Three

A mosaic of stars lit up the night as they made their way back to Brad’s place. He stole a glance at Madison in the passenger seat and could see her lids slipping shut, only to spring back open again like she was trying to stay awake. The combination of medication and wear on her body from the cold were obviously getting the better of her.

“Hey,” he said quietly, the streetlight falling over them. “Just close your eyes and sleep. I’ll wake you when we get there.”

She nodded and whispered, “I’m okay.”

“You’re not okay. Whatever you took is knocking you out.”

“Yeah.” Her voice was drowsy and soft. “I know.” She bit her lip and looked out the window as he took the corner, his apartment building not too far off now. Her voice was low, barely audible when she said, “Are you sure I’m not putting you out?”

“Close your eyes, Madison.”

She exhaled slowly and leaned her head back on the seat. A short while later, when he pulled up in front of his building and killed the ignition, she rolled her head on the seat and blinked heavy lids at him.

“Let’s go.” He pulled the keys. “You can have the bed.”

Stubbornness moved over her face. “I’m not going to sleep in your bed.”

“Don’t worry, I’m not going to be in it,” he said, and then in an attempt to keep things light, when all he wanted to do was strip her naked and have his way with her, he added, “Besides, I’m pretty sure that’s not what Jonah meant when he asked me to take care of you for him.” He stiffened at the mention of Jonah, and she opened her mouth to say something when he cut her off. “And it’s not like you haven’t slept in my bed before.”

“What are you talking about?”

“Years ago, when you used to stay at the house. Mom always gave you my bed.”

“How did you know that?”

He breathed deep, catching hints of her sweet aroma. “Because no matter how many times the sheets were washed, I could still smell you on them.”

“You could…smell me?”

“Yeah, your scent was all over my room.”

She crinkled her nose. “My…my scent. What scent?”

“Cherry.” He worked to swallow the moan crawling out of his throat. “You always smelled like cherry. Still do.”

She wet her lips and his eyes dropped to her mouth, his cock aching so hard all he could think about doing was pulling her under him and taking her right there in the cab of the truck. “It’s my—”

“I know what it is.” He shifted closer, need urging him to answer the demands of his body.

A car horn hocked, the shrill sound knocking some sense back into him. He pulled back and exhaled slowly. “Let’s go.”

They climbed from the truck and he grabbed her bag. Keeping her close as they walked across the dark parking lot, he led her inside the building and up the stairs to his apartment. Once inside, she looked around hesitantly, like she didn’t know what to do next. It made him want to draw her close, to reassure her that everything was okay as he stripped off her clothes to show her just how right things could be between them.

She doesn’t belong to you, dude.

He handed over her duffle bag and she gave him a look that conveyed her uncertainty.

“The bedroom is that way.” He pointed down the hall, dismissing her. “G’night.”

“Oh,” she said, and something that looked like surprise and disappointment flashed in her eyes. “Okay.” She pulled her bag closer to her chest and took a step toward the hall. He watched her and wanted to kick himself for being an ass. By rights he should make her something warm to drink, run her a hot bath, or at least see if she needed a glass of water on her nightstand. But Jesus, he needed her away from him before he threw caution to the wind, forgot she was his brother’s girl, and drew her in for a real kiss, one he wouldn’t apologize for this time.

His cock tightened as his lips twitched. “G,night,” he said again under his breath, a headache brewing.

“Okay. G’night.” She stopped and turned back to him. “Brad?”


“Thank you.”

His heart squeezed inside his chest. Christ, she was so fucking sweet. Here he was giving her the brush off, acting cold and indifferent because he needed her as far away from him as possible, and despite all that she was thanking him. Fuck, where was Garrett when he needed him? His best friend would have no problem giving Brad an ass kicking to help him get his head on straight. He grabbed his cell, needing to get out for a beer, but then quickly powered it down. He’d have to get used to the idea that Garrett was no longer a bachelor, ready to hit the bar at a moment’s notice. Now that he was with Tallulah, and they had a baby on the way, he had other commitments and the last thing he needed tonight was to hear Brad whining to him about Madison.

Once she disappeared inside his room, Brad darted to the bathroom, needing a cold shower and something to occupy his mind, because if he for one minute thought about her sprawled across his bed, he might not be able to stop himself from going in there.

After showering, he reached into his pants pockets to empty them before tossing them into the laundry. He found Madison’s cold medication. Hell, maybe he should take one or two. At least if he was flat out on his back, dead to the world on the couch, he wouldn’t have to fight the temptation to ravish her.

He grabbed a pair of clean boxer briefs from the laundry basket in his living room, and after pulling them on, pushed a couple pills through the blister pack. Needing something to wash them down with, he grabbed a beer from the fridge. Yeah, mixing the two probably wasn’t his best move, but goddammit he wanted the combination to knock the shit right out of him.

He grabbed a blanket and pillow from the small linen closet and threw himself down on the couch. He flicked on the TV, hoping the sound would drown out the world around him. Soon enough cars on the road below became a distant buzz as his body shut down for the night.

His mind drifted, and a long time later he woke to the glow of the television. He swallowed the dryness in his throat and reached for the remote. Still half-asleep, he flicked the television off and made his way to the kitchen for a drink of water. He stood before the air conditioner letting it cool his body before he put his mouth under the tap. He took a long swallow, then made his way to his bed, his body craving a few more hours sleep.

He climbed into his side but there was something niggling at his brain, something he was supposed to remember. Except at the moment he was too damn tired to care, the medication and concussion pulling him under like a tsunami wave. Whatever it was, he’d figure it out in the morning.

He drifted off to sleep, but he slept restlessly, his mind dreaming of Madison. Dreaming of kissing her, stripping away those sweats she wore to expose her lush body, and making her cry out his name as he made her come for him. Jesus, the things he’d do to make her come…if only she were his.

With his body hot and needy he rolled to his side to find the object of his dreams beside him, her long hair sprawled across the pillow. He growled low in his throat, his cock throbbing for him to take her. A riot of emotions overcame him and he cursed, knowing he had to still be dreaming, because there was no way Madison would be in his bed with him.

“Fuck,” he murmured under his breath.

He closed his eyes, his cock throbbing, begging for release, but when he opened them again she was still there. He shifted closer and even in his semi-sleep state he could smell cherry, and something else, something that smelled like him. Christ, he really had to be sleeping because no way would
scent be all over her, not when he hadn’t put it there. He filled his lungs with her aroma and his body came alive, prickling with want as she saturated his sheet with her perfumed skin.

She angled her head to the side, exposing the long, silky column of her neck. A groan crawled out of his throat as his mind shifted through all the things he wanted to do to her. He reached out and ran his finger along the sexy length of her throat, his raging hard-on pushing through his boxers—demanding attention.

His touch roused her, and she blinked. With her lids barely open, and her eyes hardly focused she groggily asked, “Is this a dream?”

“Yeah, baby. This is a dream.”

She stretched out and he moved closer, running his hands along her soft, voluptuous curves. He dragged his fingers over her thighs until he reached the hem of her nightshirt. He gripped it and pushed it up to expose her body. When he glimpsed her bare pussy, he shook from head to toe, knowing for sure this was a dream, because in his fantasy world, Madison never wore panties. Ever.

He closed his palm over one breast, and squeezed, kneading her flesh between his fingers like it was pliable dough. She writhed and placed one hand over his while the other went to her bare breasts, to give it the attention it craved. She plucked her nipple, and as he watched the pale pink bud stiffen he damn near sobbed with pleasure.

“So good,” she murmured, and he didn’t miss the raw ache of lust in her voice.

Brad licked his parched lips, pleasure forking through him. Jesus, her body was hot, so fucking hot for him. He climbed on top of her, pinning her beneath him as he buried his face in her neck. He caressed the long hollow of her throat with his lips, then lifted his head and practically howled as he reveled in the candied taste of her skin. He licked her flesh, trailing lower until he reached her full breasts. He drew an engorged nipple into his mouth and sucked as his hands crushed her hair. Unable to get enough of her in his mouth, he nibbled and bit, until their moans mingled.

He shifted slightly and reached between her legs to find her pussy hot, ready, her curls damp with passion. Sweet mother of God! Hunger driving him, he forcefully pushed open her legs, barreling his way in. He knew he was being rough, overly demanding, but this was his dream, goddammit, and he’d wanted her for so fucking long now there was nothing he could do to slow himself down.

Without waiting for an invitation, he inserted a finger into her slick folds. So soft. So goddamn fucking soft. He swirled his finger in her heat and he salivated as she bucked against him. The need to taste her had his body shaking, his blood burning hot.

Pressure built inside him and his heart rate doubled as he slid down her body. Carnal desire swept over him. He pulled in air yet couldn’t seem to fill his lungs. His cock throbbed, a red-hot rod desperate to drive inside her tight, fluttering walls. Desperate to fuck the hell right out of her, he grabbed her legs and spread them impossibly wider, then shoved his face between her thighs. She made a noise—a hot, sexy bedroom sound—as she ground her honeyed pussy against his mouth. He found her clit and pulled it between his teeth. His body spasmed, pre-come dripping from his slit as the need to taste her cream, to have her to come on his face, in his mouth, drove him on.

He pushed another finger inside her and she clawed at the sheets. Her hips came off the bed, her pussy growing slicker with each stroke. His head began reeling, his entire being intoxicated by her taste, the erotic sight of her naked body trapped beneath him.

He pumped harder, his mouth pressing hungrily. He swiped his tongue over her clit, pushing her closer and closer to the precipice, but never allowing her to tumble over. Lacking any sort of inhibition, she ground against his face, writhing and moaning and taking what she needed.

“Please,” she begged, her pretty pink tongue snaking out to dampen her lips.

At the frustration, the need he heard in her voice, he decided to give her what her body was craving. He switched tactics and amped up the pressure, and a second later he could feel her desire mounting, her body reaching the point of no return.

“Oh God,” she cried out, her walls clenching hard around his fingers as she gave herself over to the pleasure.

His dry throat cracked but as she came for him, he quickly rehydrated himself with her cream, licking and savoring every last drop. As her sweet taste teased his senses, hunger consumed him, and the need to fuck her and fuck her hard, was the only thought clanging around in his lust-rattled head. He tore off his briefs and climbed back up her body. He buried his face in her neck and in one quick thrust he entered her, pushing himself in balls deep.

Sweet fuck!

As her heat closed around him—torturing the living hell out of him—he moved urgently over her body, unable to slow himself down, unable to assuage the need inside him. His blood rushed, every sensation so intense. So fucking intense.

Less than a gentleman in this dream, he fucked her like a goddamn rutting animal. Her nails scraped his back and his body burned hot, pleasure like he’d never before experienced swamping him. His brain buzzed and his cock throbbed, but he didn’t want to come just yet. Not just yet.

She moaned as he pulled his rock hard cock all the way out of her hot pussy and slid off the mattress. Far from done with her, he grabbed her ankles and her groan of displeasure turned into a moan of pleasure as he flipped her over. He shoved a pillow underneath her hip, raising her curvaceous ass in the air.

Ah Jesus…

She was perfect. So fucking perfect.

The sexy silhouette of her body waiting for his cock, her hot little ass begging for a spanking, had his muscles bunching. He climbed back onto the bed and grunted as he impaled her with one hard thrust. She clawed at the sheets, her tight muscles clenching, the erotic pulse a sure sign that she was coming for him again. Longing ripped through him as her liquid desire dripped over his shaft and trickled down his leg in mind fucking ways.

His body shook violently. Heat blasted through him, and he felt like he was caught in a grenade fire as sparks exploded before his eyes and rocked the ground beneath him.

Christ, this might not be real but never had he felt so alive. Lacking any sort of gentleness, he roughly ran unsteady hands over her ass, his adrenaline spiking as he grunted and rode her with abandonment. Her pussy muscles gripped his dick as he rammed her, the pressure brewing between his legs damn near rendering him senseless.

As he floated on some level between sleep and awake, he knew this was the hottest, craziest fucking sex he’d ever had, and nothing…nothing…in reality had ever felt this good.

BOOK: His Taste of Temptation: In the Line of Duty, Book 3
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