HONEY GIRL (Part 1): BILLIONAIRE Book Two (2 page)

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was no longer my former life.  This was my new, Alexander-charmed life.  And today
was the day.  Today I could finally
all that.


job itself didn’t make me nervous in the slightest.  The only thing that made
me nervous was Alexander.  How the intensity of our …
mesh with life amongst the cubicles.  Not that Alexander ever got near a
cubicle, but still.  It would be weird, after our orgasmic sexathon over the
past month to return to normality.  To
.  To have to

To be near him but not allowed to touch.

no rush,” he said.  “The meeting doesn’t start until nine.  Our commute is
exactly three minutes by elevator.”

know,” I said.  “But’s already almost seven thirty.  I think we should get
started.  Do I look all right?”

dark eyes appraised my face, the flattering fit of my stylish new clothes.  The
smoldering glimmer of his gaze made my stomach flutter.  Slowly, he shook his

I touched my hair.

don’t look ‘all right’.  You look so fucking gorgeous it hurts.  Right here,”
he said, placing his hand on his heart.

smiled, leaning to hold his hand, to kiss his broad chest, as though to ease
his pain.

here,” he smirked, his eyes heavy-lidded.  His hand slid to his massive,
engorged erection.

phone rang, splicing through the quiet, intimate privacy and the sparked
anticipation.  On any other day, he would have ignored the call.  I would have
climbed onto him and kissed him everywhere, taking him into my mouth, letting
the world fade away.  Today he’d committed to meetings and attending to overdue
issues with his companies.  There was an investigation going on in the business
Jake was in charge of that was getting a lot of unwanted attention.  Alexander
had taken more time off in the past month than in the entire course of his
business career and his minions were getting impatient.  Seven thirty on Monday
morning was fair game.  He picked up his phone and answered it gruffly.

got up, letting him concentrate on what was clearly an urgent complaint by
whoever the caller was.  I went to the walk-in closet – which, after
Alexander’s latest shopping spree (for me), was now almost half-full of my new,
expanding wardrobe.  I put on the new pair of Balenciaga boots Alexander had
bought me, to replace the ones I’d ruined when I’d run from him through the
pouring rain.  I wouldn’t be needing my favorite coat, since we didn’t have to
go outside to get to the downstairs office suites.

could live our whole lives in this building, safely locked away.  The thought
sent a ripple of unease through me, but then it was gone.  I had the key now. 
I could let myself out anytime I wanted to.

was putting on some lipstick when he came up behind me.  He slid his steel-strong
arms around my waist and nipped at my neck.  Alexander had such complete erotic
power over me that his lusty, possessive bite was enough to rock me to my core. 
His huge, hard shaft pressed strongly against the rounded curves of my ass. 
But his arms were gentle and his words were tender as he nuzzled my neck,
biting softly like he was marking me as his own.  “Are you nervous?”

the job?  No.  I’m excited.  I feel ready.”

are ready,” he said.  “You’ll be amazing today, Lila.  Don’t worry about
anything.  I’ll be right there with you.  Whenever you need me.”

turned to face him.  As always, the stunning vision of him made my chest feel
heavy with happiness.

I loved him

first it had shocked me that I could fall this hard and this fast for someone I
barely knew.  Then again, by the time I even got around to questioning the
warp-speed momentum of my connection to Alexander, I’d already had hot,
unprotected sex with him twice.  Questioning the momentum after he’d repeatedly
spent himself inside me had seemed a little ridiculous.  It had been crazy. 
Wild.  Unstoppable in a way that broke every rule and recast every boundary. 
We’d both been
all in
.  Alexander was the one.  I didn’t need years or
even months to figure
out.  I’d known it all along, from that very
first moment.

I need you?” I repeated, laughing as his strong, warm hand curled around the
nape of my neck.  His hard cock slid against my stomach and I could feel the
heat of his desire through the thin silk layer of my clothing.

chuckled, nipping the soft hollow below my ear with his teeth.  He understood. 
Our attraction from the word go was … intense.  “You’ll have to try to resist
me for five minutes.”

can’t resist you, you know that.”

just not used to exercising control when it comes to each other,” he said. 
“Everything will be fine, once we get started.  You’ll see.”

placed my palm gently against his chest, and I could feel his heartbeat.  Sure
we could.  We could behave like rational, professional adults.  We could
control our urges and subdue our over-indulged libidos when we needed to.

will be perfect,” he continued, kissing me lightly, “the star academic, the
new Princeton grad with shining credentials and talent to burn.
will be
the pinnacle of discipline and self-control.  As I always have been.  Before
you showed up.  And even when you, my Lila, my Kryptonite, walks into the room –
or out
of it – I’ll make every attempt
to morph into a raving
psychopathic lunatic.”

had a few control issues.  He had a problem letting me out of his sight: it made
him a little manic.  We were working on it.  His smile was half-apologetic at
the reference to his recent fuck-up, when he’d locked me in his bedroom,
triggering my total meltdown.

I’d already forgiven him for all that.

held my face in his hands.  “I’m going to
to behave like a
reasonable, normal human being.  As you know, that doesn’t come particularly
easily for me when it comes to you.”  He was half-joking, but then his tone
turned more serious.  “You know I’d do anything for you, don’t you, honey girl? 
You know none of it means anything to me anymore without you.”  He kissed me
again, just a brush of his lips against mine.  “I

hands slid up his neck, into the thick locks of his wild black hair.  He had
amazing hair.  “I love you more.”

smiled and his eyelashes lowered once, his expression soft.  Enchanted and
enchanting.  This was
Alexander, this warm, compassionate lover,
devoid of the ruthless authority that was so much a part of his CEO persona.  This
was the part of himself he saved just for me.  “I’m afraid that’s not

kissed his lips, touching my tongue to his.  The kiss deepened as his mouth
took mine, his tongue exploring as I allowed him anything he wanted of me with teasing,
adoring invitation.  My body and soul opened to Alexander, as always, with an
almost worshipful intent.  If I was his Kryptonite, he was my superpower.  With
him, I felt safe.  With him
me, I felt invincible.  I gently
sucked his tongue into my mouth, craving him with a quiet, savage intensity.

phone rang again.

swore under his breath and I pulled back a little.

should probably get that,” I told him.  He was considering not answering it. 
His own wicked, beautiful craving burned in the dark light of his eyes.  By now
I knew Alexander might have let his entire empire crumble around us if I asked
him to.  “Go.”

disengaged reluctantly and walked over to pick up his phone from the bedside
table.  His colossal arousal was rigid and hot-looking, his body as ripped and perfect
as a genius’s sculpture come to life.  I wished I could feast on him.  I felt
that now-familiar, decadent longing: to put my mouth on him, to suck on all
that throbbing beauty, to
him in greedy mouthfuls.  It seemed such
a shame not to indulge in his magnificence, but it was clear enough we would
have to take care of business before our pleasure could be attended to.

first, possibly.

Jake,” he said.  “I’d better take this.”

go downstairs to your office and wait for you there.”

took a long look at me.  Then he sighed lightly, and nodded.  “Yeah.  This
could take a while.  I’ll meet you on the seventh floor.”

was surprisingly difficult, already: these interruptions.  These small
separations.  “You’ve got the key,” he added.

eyes held mine for a brief moment.  Yes, I had his key.  To get in and to get
out.  To never be locked up again.  Right here and now, though, I felt a little
conflicted.  I almost wished he
lock me up.  With him.  To seal us
away forever so I could have him all to myself.  “I’ll see you soon.”

got a hot date tonight, by the way,” he smiled, dark-eyed and wolf-like.  “Be
ready for me.”

always ready for you,” I told him coyly.

eyes narrowed with such smoldering lust I thought he might lunge at me, but his
phone was still ringing.  He answered it with a pissed-off growl.  “Jake.  What
the fuck’s going on?”

left him to talk to his brother, closing the bedroom door behind me.  I walked
down the curved, modern staircase, taking in the view out the wall of windows. 
New York on a clear October morning must have been the most beautiful place on
Earth.  Gleaming, sunlit buildings shone like beacons of power against a
brilliant blue sky.

let myself out of the apartment and took Alexander’s private elevator down towards
the suite of
offices that were located on the fifth, sixth
and seventh floors of his building.  He had a private penthouse office on the
twenty-seventh floor and also a corner office on the seventh floor, which was
where I was headed.

woman sat behind the gargantuan desk and under the wall-sized print of the New
York City skyline.  I remembered it well, from the day of my interview,
although it was a different receptionist today.  She greeted me by name, which
surprised me a little.  Alexander, or someone else, must have told the
staff of my new appointment.  I wondered if they’d also been informed about my recent
engagement to their CEO.

gave me directions to Alexander’s office, and I found my way easily, entering
his spacious corner suite.  I felt excited, composed, but also distracted.  I
couldn’t get my cravings to settle down.  It was unusual for us not to have
acted on our compulsions this morning.  It left me with a small pang of
restlessness: to just disengage and walk away from him when he’d been so
aroused.  And so mouth-wateringly gorgeous.

God’s sake, Lila, calm down,
I ordered myself.
You’re at work.  Focus.  Absolutely do not let yourself be reminded of the job
interview.  Of that very first encounter.  Of the way he looked at you, licking
his lips, inviting you into his lair.  Of how it felt when he peeled off your
sweater and squeezed your nipples between those brutal fingers.  Or the way he
felt when he slid that –

Carmichael, welcome.”  I jumped a little, startled.  A woman stood there,
tapping on the open door.  She was around thirty, with a short blond bob and
tortoise-shell glasses.  She was smiling and attempting to control her
fascination, I could see this.  I guess it was a vibe I would need to get used
to.  The ring was on my finger and her eyes rounded at the sight of it.  Then
she collected herself.  “I’m Gwen Smith, one of the associate editors.  Congratulations
on getting the job as Mr. Wolfe’s assistant.  We had about a million

you, Ms. Smith.”

that makes me sound about a hundred years old.  Call me Gwen.  Please.”

you, Gwen,” I said.  She was nice, and I appreciated that she was trying to put
me at ease on my first day on the job.

can show you around while you wait for Mr. Wolfe to arrive, if you’d like.”

kept my cool but I felt almost giddy with anticipation.  About the job.  About
seeing Alexander again soon.  I already missed him.  I missed his black-haired,
swarthy presence and the sparks in the room whenever he was near me.  “That
would be fabulous.”

smiled and gave me a quick tour, introducing me to several other staff members. 
All of them watched me, half-intrigued and half-amused.  I had no idea how to
read their reactions to me and I felt surprisingly unaffected, like I was one
step removed somehow, as if I’d been coated with a thin veneer of power.  It
was ridiculous, really.  I didn’t have any power, over anyone.  I didn’t even
power.  Still, the thought crept in before I could suppress it:
mogul boss was
very-possessive fiancé, who would do anything I asked
of him and who had shared with me the most passionate, transformative, intimate
experiences of my life, and his. 
I can bring your CEO to his knees.  I can
make him come so hard with the flick of my tongue and the squeeze of my fingers
that he groans like his heart’s being ripped out of his chest.  I’ve taken him
into my body and had him in every way it’s possible to do.  He belongs with
me.  He’s mine.

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