Hooped #3 (The Hooped Interracial Romance Series, Book #3)

BOOK: Hooped #3 (The Hooped Interracial Romance Series, Book #3)
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Hooped Series Book #3


Claire Adams


book is a work of fiction. The names, characters, places and incidents are
products of the writer's imagination or have been used fictitiously and are not
to be construed as real. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, actual
events, locales or organizations is entirely coincidental.


© 2015 Claire Adams


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“Jenn? Babe—you okay?” I shook myself out of the shock
and forced myself to smile. I took a deep breath and decided that I would think
about Kelly later. For now, I was just going to enjoy my time with Devon.

“Yeah, Dev,” I said, turning over in the bed to face
him. “I’m fine. Just thinking a little bit.” Devon wrapped his arms around me
and pulled me close under the blankets, trailing his hands all over my body.

“I’m glad you decided to listen to me, to hang out
with me,” Devon said, kissing me on the lips lightly. I giggled, barely
breaking away from his lips while my hands wandered all over his body.

“Well you didn’t really give me much choice,” I
pointed out. “I feel like you would have kept on dropping in on me until I
agreed.” Devon grinned.

“I probably would have left you alone eventually,” he
said sheepishly. “I didn’t want to make you feel like I was stalking you or
anything. But I was going to do whatever I could to get a chance to make things
right with you.” Devon nuzzled into my neck, dragging his lips along the column
of my throat. “It was driving me crazy, thinking that I’d screwed up my chances
with such an awesome girl.”

“Especially when you hadn’t really done anything
wrong,” I said, smiling. “Other than, you know, having
a past
.” Devon laughed.

“I wish I could go back in time and tell past me what
he was risking,” Devon said, kissing me on the lips again.

“Well,” I said, pressing my body against his; I was
already hungry for more, already starting to heat up with desire. “It’s the
past, right? I can’t hold that against you.” Devon grinned, cupping one of my
breasts in his hands and giving it a light squeeze.

“The past is the past,” Devon said, bringing his lips
back up to mine to kiss me hungrily. “And right now all I want to think about
is the present and the future.” He rocked his hips against mine, and I could
feel his cock already starting to get hard. I pushed my hips down against his,
my hands wandering over Devon’s body, caressing and touching, exploring him
everywhere. “Are you ready for more?” Devon asked me, looking down with a
flicker of concern in his eyes.

“Ready?” I asked, grinning up at him as my body heated
up. “If you don’t give me more, I’m going to get up, get dressed, and leave.”
Devon chuckled, reaching down between our bodies and rubbing against my
already-wet labia. He found my clit by touch and began to stroke me even as he
continued to rock his hips, rubbing against me until he was fully hard, sending
jolts of sensation through my body that made me hotter and hotter. I wrapped my
legs around his waist, holding onto Devon’s shoulders, running my fingers
through his hair as he kissed me over and over again, rubbing and stroking me
until I was on the edge of orgasm.

Devon shifted down between my hips, bringing his
fingers away from my clit to guide his cock up against my inner labia, rubbing
against my slick folds for a few teasing moments before he thrust into me
slowly. I was still a little sore—even though I wasn’t a virgin anymore, I was
definitely still tender from minutes earlier—but as Devon filled me up inch by
inch, his heat and hardness pushing past the resistance of my body, I moaned
against his neck, clutching him close. He felt so good—so right—inside of me,
his body pressed against mine, that I almost couldn’t believe that I had
thought seriously about throwing it away. I fell into his rhythm, pushing my
hips down as Devon thrust into me, letting my hands wander everywhere, all over
his body as we moved together.

Devon kissed me all over—my lips, my neck, my
breasts—as I writhed and twisted
underneath him, pleasure building up inside of me more and more every moment.
“God, Jenny, you feel so good,” Devon murmured in my ear, moving faster and
faster inside of me. I could feel his cock twitching, the tip of it rubbing
along my inner walls, barely brushing up against my g-spot as we both came
closer and closer to orgasm. He slid one hand between our bodies and I cried
out as he began to stroke and
clit in counterpoint to his thrusts, sending tingling jolts of pleasure through
my body that were too good to ignore. My thighs flexed, my legs tightening
around him as he brought me to the edge of orgasm; I tried to hold back to
savor the feeling, but in a matter of moments I felt the first wave of pleasure
as I came, panting and moaning, my nails digging into Devon’s back. He kept
thrusting into me harder and faster, rubbing me with his fingers as I came. My
climax intensified until I couldn’t think of anything at all; I was barely even
aware of Devon tensing against me, I barely heard his long, low moan of
pleasure. I felt the hot sticky-slick gush of his climax as my own spasms began
to abate.

As I started to come back to myself, barely aware of
having blacked out from pleasure, I couldn’t help thinking about Kelly. In
spite of the fact that I had changed the subject, and Devon’s suggestion that
we only think about the present and the future, my brain turned foggily onto
the subject of my roommate—the girl I’d thought of as my best friend.

Why hadn’t she told me anything at all about having
dated Devon? It didn’t make any sense. She could have told me—which would have
given her argument that I shouldn’t have anything to do with Devon even more
weight. She could have even told me just because she wanted to share her life
with me.

“Back in the land of the living, Jenny?” Devon asked
me, nuzzling against my neck.

. A little bit,
anyway.” I grinned at Devon, opening my eyes and looking up at him.
Devon chuckled, kissing me lightly on the
lips. He caressed me all over, teasing and touching, exploring my curves.

We started talking as we cuddled and caressed each
other; Devon turned on the stereo in his room, and we started chatting about
everything and nothing, joking about the members of his frat, the different
players on his team. “I actually met Miles the other night,” I told him,
shifting to be closer in the bed to him.

“Oh? Did he try to steal you from me?” Devon asked,
pretend-scowling at me.

“Nah, he invited me to tag along to a party, but he
wasn’t really interested in me. Nice guy—you two work well together.”

“You’ve really been analyzing our play, huh?” I

“Hey, I told you the first night we met that I was
into basketball. Not my fault if you didn’t believe me.” Devon laughed.

“I believed you—I just didn’t think you were going to
start coaching me.” I rolled my eyes.

“I’m not coaching. Just noticing. I don’t even play,
so it’s not like I can tell you anything you don’t already know.”

We talked about our favorite teams, about Devon’s
possibilities for eventually going pro, and whether or not he wanted to. Even
though I pretended that I was okay, that I was focused squarely on the future
and the present—on being with him—in the back of my mind I was still thinking
about Kelly. If she were really my friend, why wouldn’t she have given me the
real reason that she didn’t want me to see Devon?

Our conversation got slower and
and I nudged Devon as he trailed off
mid-sentence, pointing out that after a game and two bouts of sex, it was
perfectly fine for him to be sleepy. “Okay,” he said. “I’ll admit it. I was
just afraid you’d pull your disappearing act
and I’d have to chase you down tomorrow.” I rolled my eyes.

“Go to sleep,” I said. “I’m tired too. You wore me out!”
Devon grinned sleepily. “And I promise I will still be here when you wake up,
as long as you don’t sleep until noon.” Devon fell asleep, his arms wrapped
around me, his body warm against mine. I wished that I could fall asleep too; I
wished that I could just drop into the dark depths and forget about everything
other than being with the guy I really wanted.

Instead, my mind was still spinning about the fact
that the girl who’d been kissing Devon was Kelly. She had never seemed to be
the jealous type before; I’d seen her brush off so many guys that I would never
have suspected that she even caught feelings for anyone, much less held onto
them after they left her life. But then, I’d never been after a guy she liked.
It’s her word against
I thought to myself.
I like Devon a lot—and what he said makes
sense. But what if the reason that things didn’t work out between them was
because he was still a player?
I looked at Devon’s sleeping face. He had
seemed so sincere to me when we had been talking; and I had to admit that
tracking me down the way he had was a sure sign that he was serious about
getting to know me better, about dating me.

Kelly being jealous also made her half-joking
suggestions about getting revenge on Devon
sense to me. Of course she wanted revenge; she had had her feelings for him
rejected. After all these years, she still wanted to get back at him for
hurting her. But then the sight of her kissing Devon—now that I knew that it
was her—made no sense. Why would she do that to get revenge on him? She had no
reason to think that Devon really wanted me, and she had no way to know that I
would be there at that particular moment. I hadn’t even known that she was
going to the game.

I couldn’t make sense of any of it, other than to
think that Kelly was probably hurting a lot; she had been so kind to me when
she had found out that I was heartbroken over Devon. That made sense, at
least—she wanted someone else to join her in wanting to get back at him,
someone to commiserate with. But why hadn’t she just told me that she knew
Devon’s ways because she’d dated
he’d dropped her for a new girl? It would have made so much more sense than to
just feed me rumors about him.
she’s just still hurting so much she doesn’t want to tell anyone about it at
all, not even me.
I thought about the fact that in the aftermath of seeing
Devon in some other girl’s arms, I hadn’t even wanted anyone to know I’d been
with him. That was the only answer that made any sense at all.

I started to drift off, thinking about whether or not
it would be a good idea to talk to Kelly about what I’d heard. On the one hand,
it wasn’t like her relationship with Devon was a secret to me anymore; although
I hadn’t told Devon that Kelly was my best friend. On the other hand, she had
lied to me outright. She had tried to do something more than just give me
advice, and I had to assume that it was
to keep Devon away from me

or to keep me
away from Devon. I had no idea what to do or think, how to feel about Kelly’s
interference and the way she’d been so nice—but so dishonest. I fell asleep
without even finishing my inner debate, too exhausted to keep thinking about

BOOK: Hooped #3 (The Hooped Interracial Romance Series, Book #3)
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