Read How to Lose a Duke in Ten Days Online

Authors: Kate McKinley

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Romance, #Historical, #Scottish, #Victorian, #Regency, #Historical Romance

How to Lose a Duke in Ten Days (15 page)

BOOK: How to Lose a Duke in Ten Days
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Pippa glanced down at the letter, reading each word carefully. 



There is really no pleasant way to break this to you, my friend, so I’ll just be out with it. Your sister has run to Gretna Green with Crawford. They absconded sometime in the night, and I am only now aware of it because your housekeeper had the good sense to inform me in your absence.

I should be ready to leave in pursuit within a quarter of an hour. I can only be a half a day behind them, and it’s my hope I can catch them before any real damage has been done.



. The letter was dated three days ago, just after Pippa and Lucas had set off for Bath. She must have been waiting for them to leave.

She blinked up at Lucas, who looked as though he was ready to put his fist through a wall. He was no longer packing, but was instead pacing the room restlessly, like a caged animal.

“Why would she do this?” Pippa asked.

“Just before the ball, Crawford asked for Evelyn’s hand. I told them both any alliance between them was impossible.”

She wasn’t going to ask why he’d denied the match, not now. In any case, the reason was immaterial. Evelyn was gone and that was all that really mattered.

“Well, what are we to do?” she asked.

“We’re going after them.” His eyes narrowed dangerously. “And when I find Crawford, I’m going to kill him.”




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A Duchess in the Dark: Excerpt


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Chapter One


Yorkshire, England, 1813


Daphne Hayward slipped into the room silently, shutting and bolting the door behind her. Edward’s room was pitch-black, the curtains pulled tight against the moonlight, the air around her still and quiet—the only sound came from the far side of the room where Edward lay in his bed. His loud, measured breaths assured her he was fast asleep. Her sweet, pliable Edward.

Tonight he would finally be hers.

With trembling fingers, Daphne untied the sash at her waist and let the pale pink robe slip from her shoulders and pool onto the floor. Her chemise and slippers quickly followed. Cold air nipped at her naked skin as she hurried to the bed—from instinct rather than sight—quickly sliding beneath the coverlet.

For several minutes, she lay there, frozen, too afraid to move. Her heart hammered against her ribs and the crisp air caught in her lungs. Before she lost her nerve, she reached over and trailed one tentative finger down muscled arm. He felt smooth like granite, but warm to the touch.

When he didn’t stir, her touch grew bolder. Moving closer, she drew the coverlet back and skimmed her hand up his naked torso. In the darkness, she could feel every ridge and muscle that lined his stomach. She’d never realized how deliciously strong he was. In daylight, he looked every bit the respectable gentleman—tall with wavy blond hair, pale blue eyes, and a frame that leaned toward boyish. She was delighted to discover it was just an illusion—no doubt created by his very talented tailor. It was a wonder what miles of fabric and fine tailoring could conceal.

Licking her lips, she let her hand trail downward to the crisp hairs that peeked just above…he moaned a little, waking, and she snatched her hand back. He was completely naked. A split second before she’d pulled her hand away she’d brushed against the hot ridge of his erection.

Suddenly, she felt out of her depth. What was she doing? Despite her sister Margaret’s frank discussions about sex, Daphne hadn’t the faintest idea how to seduce a man—but she must. Her future happiness with Edward depended on it. 

He groaned. The sound of his voice was richer, heavier in sleep than she’d imagined. But before she could contemplate that too deeply, he rolled over and dragged her beneath him with a low growl.

“I hoped you’d come,” he said, his voice roughened from sleep.

Daphne let out a startled gasp, excited, as the weight of his body pressed her into the mattress. Her sister was right. Men really did abandon all civility and surrender to their animal natures in bed. Again, she had no time to contemplate this wondrous transformation as he swiftly caught her lips in a deep, passionate kiss, obliterating any further thought. All she was left with was the wicked sensation of his tongue sweeping into her mouth, stroking her senseless, melting her fears. He tasted rich, like brandy, mixed with cigar and wood smoke—wholly male, and so unlike the man she knew in daylight.

It was clear by the way he took control that he wanted this. She had long suspected it to be true, but his gentle and honorable nature had always been an obstacle. Now, in the darkness, the world, Society, melted away and there was only the two of them. And it felt right, so very right.

Deliriously right.

He released her mouth and trailed wet kisses down her neck, biting as his hand found the patch of curls between her thighs. A thrill of excitement rushed through her as he toyed with her there, running his finger along the seam of her sex, while his lips lowered to play havoc with her left nipple. His tongue swirled and licked, sending ripples of heat spreading through her veins. His mouth felt so good against her skin, wet and hot, and she lost herself to the sensation.

“Mmmmm.” With one hand, he spread her thighs wide and settled himself between them; his lower half hovering just inches above her. Instinctively, she arched her hips upward, grinding into his pelvis, searching for more of that delicious friction. She wanted more. So much more. Everything he had to give.

In one swift thrust, he entered her. The sharp sting was so painful it took her breath away. She bit her lip to keep from crying out. Edward had always been gentle toward her. If he knew he’d hurt her, he’d pull away and she simply couldn’t let that happen. She needed this. They needed this.

He moved with deep, sure thrusts, each more forceful than the last, and slowly the pain began to ease. Deep-seated satisfaction bloomed within her chest. This man was hers. Nothing could part them now.

A little moan escaped her lips as something swirled inside her, spiraling, faster and faster, like an unraveling spool of thread. This one moment was like everything she’d ever dared hope for, and more. The connection between them was powerful, soul-gripping and threatened to consume her whole. At any moment, she was going to shatter. Then, with one final thrust, he pushed impossibly deeper and stilled.

His breathing was labored, and it took him a full minute to gather himself before he finally rolled off her. This was the moment, she thought, that regret would start to sink in. The moment that he’d shower her with apologies and beg forgiveness. She’d promised herself that if she went through with this, she wouldn’t remain long enough for him to pollute the moment with shame. What was done was done, and she was happy for it.

Without a word, she kissed his forehead and pulled away, just as she felt him reach for her.

“Stay,” he said.

She hesitated, drawn by his warmth and by the rough, erotic rumble of his voice. How desperately she wanted to curl up within the shelter of his arms and drift off to sleep…but she couldn’t. She’d already risked too much by coming here.

“I can’t,” she whispered, disentangling herself from his arms. “Someone will discover us.”

Quickly, she scrambled off the bed. She stumbled around in the darkness and retrieved her robe, sliding the silky material over her shoulders. She blew a kiss into the air, smiling to herself. Edward was hers. Surely now, after their passionate encounter, he wouldn’t hesitate to propose. It was the next logical step.

She slipped out the door and into the passageway, tiptoeing her way back to her bedroom. He was hers now. And no one, not even her brother-in-law, could possibly object to the marriage. Smiling to herself, she was running her fingers along the cool surface of the wall when someone rounded the corner from the opposite end of the passageway, candle held high.

Daphne stopped abruptly and looked up into the face illuminated by the orange glow of the candle flame. “Edward?”

“Daphne,” he said, surprised.

Her heart stopped, then leapt into her throat. “My, God,” she gasped. “What have I done?”



A Duchess in the Dark is available now.




Also by Kate McKinley


By Invitation Only Series


A Duchess in the Dark

A Countess by Chance

A Night with the Bride



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My heartfelt gratitude goes out to my talented critique partners, Brenna Aubrey and Jennifer Haymore. Their tough, insightful critiques are why this book exists. I couldn’t have done it without them. And thanks to Gen, Allie, Sandy and Susan for their beta reads.


Also, special thanks to my amazing copy editor, Martha Trachtenberg. And to Lee at IronHorse Formatting, for his mad formatting skillz! And thank you to my agents, Sarah Younger and Nancy Yost, for their encouragement and support in all aspects of my career. 


And finally, a huge sloppy thank you to my husband and children for being quiet, respectful, and for giving me ample time to write…
of the time. Well, a good
of the time, at least! 




How to Lose a Duke in Ten Days

Kate McKinley

Copyright © Kate McKinley



This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual events, organizations, persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.



Cover Design by Seductive Designs

Image copyright © Hot Damn Stock

Background copyright © depositphotos/loskutnikov


In accordance with the U.S. Copyright Act of 1976, the scanning, uploading, and electronic sharing of any part of this book without the permission of the author is unlawful piracy and theft of the author’s intellectual property. If you would like to use material from the book (other than for review purposes), prior written permission must be obtained by contacting the publisher at
[email protected]
. Thank you for your support of the author’s rights.

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