Read How to Meet a Billionaire: Part 1 (BBW BDSM Erotica) Online

Authors: Sasha Livingston

Tags: #bdsm, #bbw, #submissive, #dom, #dominant, #alpha male, #romance erotica, #romance bdsm, #erotica bdsm, #billionaire erotica, #erotica bbw, #romance bbw

How to Meet a Billionaire: Part 1 (BBW BDSM Erotica) (2 page)

BOOK: How to Meet a Billionaire: Part 1 (BBW BDSM Erotica)
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Yeah, that’s the one for
big plus size girls right?” I looked down at myself. My low
neckline, pudgy stomach. Did he not notice that I wasn’t a twig? I
was serious, but Brian let out a laugh that radiated through the
bar. He shook his head, closing his eyes and putting a hand to his
forehead. Whatever I said must have been completely wrong or
right...I wasn’t sure.

It is the badge for
bondage, dominance, sadism, and masochism. Do you know what any of
that means?” It was my turn to shake my head, but there was no
laughing. All of it sounded serious.

I...I had no idea.” I was
putting it all together in my head. I remember distinctly having a
bad day dealing with bills and student loan budgeting and Miranda
suggested I try out this new site but she never explained much
after that.

Brian eyed me putting the pieces

So you think I’m an
escort.” My face was a stone of seriousness.

No, that’s not what it is
either,” He took on a face of a teacher informing a pupil. “There
doesn’t have to be any money exchanged. It’s a different kind of
sexual experience.”

The mention of “S” word put me on
alert. This was creepy, and I’m not sure if I’m comfortable with
it. Brian must have sensed my distress.

What made you come on the
site anyway?”

I explained the recommendation of my
roommate and that she neglected to explain what everything meant. I
thought it was just a cute name or way of describing plus size

I think you are confused
with BBW. That is for big beautiful women.” Now I was thoroughly
embarrassed. It seems that I wasn’t good at this online dating
thing either.

I see we had a failure in
communication.” Was his response as he rubbed his bare

Miranda appeared again with my food,
but I had suddenly lost my appetite. Before she could ask, I
demanded a glass of wine. I needed a drink after this

I’ll take a glass of
scotch on the rocks.” I guess the feeling was mutual for Brian, as
well. Miranda disappeared again leaving us alone.

Well I would ask is this
your first time but I know the answer to that.” He said as he
removed his suit jacket. The finely pressed white shirt underneath
revealed the cinder blocks he had for arms. The imprint of his
muscles under the thin fabric flexed at me.

At that moment, I wanted to reach out
and touch his arm, but now didn’t seem like the right time. Miranda
reappeared with his scotch setting it down on the table softly. She
was also eyeing what I saw. We were too much alike in that

Long fingers wrapped around the glass
of scotch he now had to his full lips. I wanted to kiss him, taste
the tangy alcohol off his tongue, but I quickly snapped out of that
“So if the site is S...submissives or something. Then what does
that make you?”
“A dominant.” He said sitting up straight and staring me down
again. That word described Brian exactly. The way he seemed to take
over our conversation, and even the way he interacted with me
online. Everything was beginning to make sense.

So I guess this is not
your first time.” I wanted to get up and run away. I just wanted to
meet a nice guy, have some fun. Maybe get some cock and a good
orgasm but now I had to deal with this.

I was about to speak when someone
approached the table.

Kara.” Looking up, I saw
the last face I wanted to see.

James.” It was my
ex-boyfriend. The asshole that wanted his cake and eat it too. The
cake being two other women and me being his side desert.

Nice seeing you here.”
James said with his messy hair and biker boy looks. Being with him
was my rebellious phase as James was way beyond convention. James
turned his attention to Brian. I saw a twinge of irritation cross
his face as he noticed I was on a date.

Hey, I didn’t catch your
name.” James held out his hand with the fakest of grins on his

I never gave it to you.”
Brian said not bothering to shake James’ hand. I didn’t blame him.
James was like a dog with fleas, and no one was exempt from
catching whatever he had. It seemed as if everyone in the
restaurant felt the tension; the room seemed to quiet down and eyes
were on our table.

Well, who are you?” James
was crossing the line. He ran fingers through his hair shifting the
long greasy mess to the back of his head. That was the same thing
he did when we were together when he was getting pissed. The day we
broke up it was no longer his business whom I entertained. I was
sipping water so I couldn’t answer, but Brian did that for

I’m Kara’s boyfriend.” I
almost spit my water out on both of them.

How did I go from a date to a
submissive, and now to a girlfriend in five minutes?










James dismissed himself after the
revelation of my having a boyfriend. Only if he knew that I was as
shocked as he was to find that out. Frustrated like a kid that
couldn’t get his way, James stomped off from our table in his black
motorcycle boots. Brian was un-phased and answered a call on his
cell. That gave me time to rejuvenate my heart after they both
caused it to stop beating.

Ok, sorry. Work again.”
Brian said putting his phone down. “Anyway. Back to this

Business, is that what we were

You didn’t have to do
that.” I explained “He was just an old boyfriend. I’m not your
girlfriend.” He watched me fumble through my words.

I know that. Just helping
you out.” The ocean that was his eyes were hard to read. It was as
if he was enjoying me squirm.

Ummm…I think I made a
mistake.” I told him ready to make my exit. This was more than I
bargained for.

How so? We are both
adults; we can find a reasonable agreement.” Brian made it sound
like an acquisition of a company, not my time, love, and or
affection. Not to mention sex, but wait he said that may or may not
be on the menu. I went to take a gulp of my wine only to find that
I had already downed the entire glass. This wasn’t like me to drink
so fast. I was way out of my element with this man.

Scanning the restaurant looking for
Miranda, but she was near the bar talking to a co-worker and
pointing at Brian. No doubt they were talking about how handsome he
was. At the moment, he was the source of my huge anxiety, not eye

His hands on mine stopped me from

Calm down. I can see you
are nervous.” Shit. How is he so calm and reassuring?

I’m just...frazzled about
this. I thought this was a date, and your messages were just a
weird pick-up lines.” I admitted. A weird pickup line that I
pondered for a while and was the entire reason I sat in this
What will you let me do to
Was the question he asked me a week
ago by way of private message to my profile?

He clasped hands on mine in the middle
of the table making a hand cocoon. Strong long fingers covering my
small chunky stubs. With all of this going on I forgot to think
about my weight. I wasn’t sure if he thought I looked heavier than
my profile picture and if that was okay with him.

Right now he appeared not to care. But
I was still trying to figure out what this was.

So what is this exactly?”
He shushed me like a crying newborn baby.

Maybe you should go home
and do some research and then get back to me.” Or maybe just leave
him alone altogether but dammit he was so handsome.

I was just looking for
companionship.” He stood up grabbing his jacket and pulling a card
from his pocket.

I understand but I need
more than that. Do some researching then contact me, and we can go
from there.”

Sliding the card on the table Miranda
seemed to show up just in time.

Anything else for you
guys?” Her devious grin told me all of what she was thinking. Her
eyes seemed to wander down to Brian’s crotch which I was
desperately trying not to avoid.

No thank you. This should
suffice for drinks, food, and tip.” I barely saw him hand her the
bill before he left out the door.

Holy shit Kara.” Miranda
sat down occupying Brian’s former seat. “Look”

She held up the crisp one hundred
dollar bill. The drinks and food were probably south of twenty
dollars. Maybe any other day I would have been happy about the huge
tip but at the moment I was humiliated. This was probably the
weirdest thing that ever happened to me. Miranda was hard to be
pissed at. Even now at my peak of confusion the innocent school
girl in auburn hair sitting across from me seemed aloof to what
just happened.

What the hell have you
gotten me into Miranda?” I fingered the card eyeing the words
trying to remember where I had seen this name before. He went by
just plain Brian on the website, but this card described him as
Brian Johns, CEO of Johns Industries.

Miranda was confused snatching the
card from me, and as she read it her expression went from happiness
to jubilation like a winner of the jackpot lottery

repeating it in different tones even standing up from the booth and
jumping up and down causing a scene.

I had no idea who he was or whom he
was supposed to be. More importantly what was this agreement that
he wanted. One thing was for sure. Brian Johns had my








I thought about him. How regal he
seemed as he stepped into The Shack like he didn’t belong yet he
tells me about a world I knew nothing about. Then sends me on a
quest to make some decision. I should have blown it off, threw away
his card, and deleted my profile on the website.

Instead, I was here in front of my
computer studying the meaning of BDSM. It was like a secret cult, a
life I knew nothing about. Some agreements include sex, and some
don’t. Safe words to whips, chains, corsets, and bondage

Now I was thoroughly intrigued. After
a quick search online I found out that Brian just wasn’t a regular
person. He was in close proximity to royalty, and his net worth was
that of a small country.

The heir to a technology
firm that under his tutelage was making billions of dollars a year.
That made me hyperventilate. What did a billionaire want with me?
The chubby girl with the not so flat stomach, cellulite, and love
He wants to fuck you.
The woman inside my head informed me.

That was obvious, but why? He could
probably have any woman on several different continents yet today
he was in a dive bar with me. I couldn’t understand it.

Locked in my room, I wasn’t sure of
what to think. My sun kissed blonde hair up in a bun sitting high
on my head with my fingers typing furiously trying to figure out
what this man wanted.

Reading glasses pushed up on my nose
as if I were studying for an intense test. On the contrary, I was
studying this BDSM relationship thing that Brian talked

Dressed in a long oversized sweatshirt
with my thunder thighs bare and crossed. It was time for me to call
Brian; I couldn’t wait any longer to talk about this.

I called him. His phone ringing for
what seemed like an eternity.

This is Brian.” His voice
boomed through the phone.

Hi...umm… It’s


I would like to talk to
you in person about my decision.” I heard nothing. As if the line
went dead.


I can have my driver pick
you up in an hour.”

Pick me up? I can

I would much rather you
be picked up,” I guess this was part of his dominant side again.
“We can just talk at your place.” Surprisingly knowing that he was
worth billions made me feel safe. I rattled off my address, but I
couldn’t help myself. I had to push the envelope with

I’ll allow this, but next
time I will do as I please.” I heard a few words under his

I told you that mouth
will get you into trouble. Be ready in an hour.” With that, he hung
up. If nothing else, this would be fun.







I scrambled to get ready. There was no
relying on Miranda as she was at work on a double shift tonight. I
was stuck running around my room grabbing pieces of clothing I
thought would be sexy.

I settled for a pleated black skirt
and blue sweater. No need for fancy heels tonight shoes since I
wasn’t leaving the house. Black leggings and gold earrings finished
my outfit. True to his word, exactly one hour later I heard knocks
on the door from Mr. Johns. Opening the door his suit changed to a
collared shirt and dark blue jeans. His face still void of a smile,
he said nothing as he walked in.

BOOK: How to Meet a Billionaire: Part 1 (BBW BDSM Erotica)
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