Read HYBRID Online

Authors: Charlene Hartnady

HYBRID (7 page)

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“You were right, we really can’t lie to each other.”

Brice shook her head removing her hand from her mouth. “Does this mean you believe me?”

“I believe that you think that we’re…bonded, but we’re not. You’re wrong.” A feeling of confusion overtook him. There was a part of him that wanted to believe her. He quickly pushed it aside. “I never want to get married.” It came out sounding gruffer than he intended. “I’m not husband material,” he added trying to soften his initial response.

“Okay Garrett, you believe whatever you want, but I’m telling you that you’re wrong about us being together. When are you going to turn me in?”

Thank God she dropped it. That particular line of conversation had left him feeling more than a little uncomfortable. “I don’t want to turn you in.”


“You’ll be put to death if I do.” He didn’t even try and fight the truth this time.

“Oh,” Brice scrunched her eyes closed and scrubbed her hands over her face. “They’d be right Garrett. I’m dangerous.”

The thought of her dying caused a feeling of panic which threatened to overtake him. “I won’t let that happen. I might know how to save you.”

She looked up, her eyes bright, a small smile playing on her lips. “How?”

“I need you to turn, to let your demon out. I can’t tell you more. You need to trust me.”

“Are you going to remove it?”

“No, but I’ll help you control it.”

Brice nodded.

“Let it take over.” He held his breathe hoping that he had understood Nick and that everything would go according to plan.

“I can’t.” She shrugged her shoulders.

“What do you mean you can’t?”

“You’re here. Leave the room and I promise to turn into a crazy demon lady,” she giggled sounding nervous.

“I can’t leave. We have to be together for this to work.”

“Well then, we’re in a bit of a bind since my demon thingy is calm and fast-a-bloody-sleep whenever I’m with you. The only time it rears its ugly little head is when you leave or when you…” She bit on her plump bottom lip the sight of which distracted him for a few seconds before he realized what she was trying to prevent herself from saying.

“Except for when you were about to come.” The reminder of how Brice had ridden his hand flashed through his mind and his cock responded, much to his dismay.

Brice blushed. “Yeah well…um…that was the only time it happened with you around.”

Fucking brilliant.
They were not going to have sex. Garrett wanted to help her, but fucking her and then leaving her afterwards was not his idea of help. Brice already thought that they were bonded, add sex to that equation and it was a disaster waiting to happen. “You need to come. I need to be here, but I think its best that you do it yourself.”

Brice narrowed her eyes at him and put her fists on her hips. “If you think I’m going to get myself off while you watch you’re sorely mistaken.”

“Brice, let’s not argue please. Sex will complicate things. I want to help you.” He ran a hand down the side of her arm. “I’m sure you had a life, a family before all of this happened. Don’t you want to be able to go back?” Bingo, he hit the nail on the head. Her lip quivered, it made him feel like a class-A dick but keeping his hands off her would be better for her in the long run.

A tear tracked down her cheek. It killed him to see her cry. Garrett used his thumb to wipe the dampness and then cupped her chin lifting her face to meet his. “Hey, you can do this. Let me help you please.”

“Fine, but you first.”

“As in…,” he choked out a laugh.

“I get to watch you jerk off and then I’ll get myself off.” She crossed her arms.

“You’re joking right? Brice, this isn’t about me.”

“No, but let me please maintain some form of dignity. You’ve already seen me naked…twice. You’ve had your hands on my body and now you get to watch me masturbate. No fucking way, Garrett. Two choices, I watch you first or you get to make me come. It’s only fair.”

Garrett could understand why she felt this way. Her hands were fisted at her sides and her eyes were narrowed. Although she was angry as all hell, he couldn’t help but notice the red tinge across her cheeks and neck. Brice was embarrassed about having to do this in front of him. “How about we do this together? You can lie on the sofa, I’ll stand there.”—he gestured to the floor directly next to the sofa—“You understand that I have to watch you though right, Brice? Just in case you change without warning. I have to be ready.”

“What are you going to do to me when I start to turn?” her voice was timid. Her golden brown eyes were almost too large for her beautiful face.

“It would be better if you didn’t know.”

“Will it hurt?” her voice quivered.

In that moment he wished he could lie but knew it would be futile to even try. “Yes, but I’ll be as quick as I can. There is no other way.”


She trusted him. Believed in him. This had to work.

“Okay then.” Garrett swallowed, his mouth suddenly feeling dry, “Let’s do this.”

He gestured to the sofa and Brice made her way over, pulling down her sweats revealing luscious thighs on legs that went on forever. He pulled off his shirt as she lay down. Brice watched him as he unsnapped his jeans. There was a knife in a sheath at his back so he decided to leave his pants on. Garrett took a deep breath and pulled out his already semi erect cock, her eyes widened, her breathing hitched and she sucked her generous bottom lip into her mouth. Oh how he wished he could kiss her. Slant his mouth over her generous lips whilst pumping into her. The cock in his hand sprang fully to life under her scrutiny. She hooked her fingers in the neck of her t shirt and pulled the garment over her head. Her nipples were tight little berries, he longed to lick his way around the full curve on the underside of her breasts before feasting on her ripe nubs. He had to stop himself from taking a step forward. His cock twitched. Brice stretched herself out on the sofa keeping her hands at her sides and her eyes locked with his.

Half a minute went by. It seemed she was waiting for him to start the festivities. A drop of precum had beaded on the tip of his cock. Garrett moved his legs further apart, he fisted himself a little tighter and moved down the length of his shaft before sliding back up. Slow, even, rhythmic. He’d jerked off at least a couple of million times in his life, but never like this. Already his balls were tightening and Brice hadn’t moved a muscled. Her eyes darted from his face to his cock and back again. Her mouth was parted, her cheeks flushed. When she put her fingers in her mouth and sucked, he groaned imagining himself between her moist lips. Garrett groaned again when those same fingers slid between her folds and circled her clit. He had to force himself not to fist his cock harder and pump faster.

“You’re beautiful. You know that?” His voice had dropped about two octaves.

“You’re not so bad yourself.”

“I want to touch you, would love to be inside of you.” He choked out the last few words as he watched one of her fingers dip into her pussy.

Brice threw her head back and moaned, he grabbed the head of his cock trying hard not to shoot off like some inexperienced teenage boy. Brice did something to him, the experience was new, unnerving. He could feel his heartbeat, could hear it inside his head, could feel his blood heat a few more degrees.

She continued to arch and moan. One finger buried deep inside herself with her thumb firmly on her clit. Garrett pumped the length of his dick trying to keep it slow, still trying hard not to come. That pretty much summed up the last twenty four hours perfectly, his balls in his throat trying not to come.

He just wished he could touch her just a little, but he knew if he did that it wouldn’t stop there. Brice was too damned tempting and he wanted her too damned much.

“Touch your breasts for me, Brice.” Her hooded eyes caught his. “Please, pretend it’s me.” She nodded. Her hand slid up her body from its place at her side and cupped a generous mound. Garrett couldn’t help but to pump a bit faster, he bit the inside of his cheek still trying to keep some semblance of control. Brice was a vision. She squeezed and released her breast in time with the hand she was using to finger fuck herself. “That’s it. Now squeeze your nipple, roll it between your fingers.” She did what he asked and her little pants and moans turned into heavy groans.

“I’m close Garrett. Oh God…I’m close. I’m going to…” She threw her head back giving him a perfect view of her mouth, more specifically, her teeth. His fog riddled brain managed to access that there was no sign of fangs.

His free hand moved to the knife hilt whilst the hand fisting his cock pumped harder. He hadn’t planned on allowing himself to come, but he couldn’t seem to stop his hand from moving. Garrett had to force himself to keep his eyes open whilst a scorching orgasm rocked through his body. He grit his teeth to stop himself from shouting her name. Brice’s back bowed, her hand moving frantically as it thrust in and out. She moaned, shuddered, moaned and shuddered some more and then fell back onto the sofa breathing heavily.

When she seemed to have her breath and composure, she sat up. “Nothing happened. I didn’t change. Hot, it…” She looked down at her legs and back up at Garrett, her eyebrows lifted.

“I’m sorry…really sorry. Don’t move, I’ll bring you a towel or something.”  Garrett closed his pants. What the hell had come over him? He’d never come on a woman before. There were men out there that enjoyed spraying their seed all over the women they were with. He was not one of those men. Women needed to be respected. His actions did not constitute respect in his book. Yet, when he played the moment back, he’d actually taken a step towards her when he’d felt he was about to come. He’d done it on purpose. Garrett handed her the towel. “I’m so sorry…”


There was a part of her that liked the fact that he had come on her. It was like he was marking her as his. The more she thought about it, the more she realized that it felt like the right explanation. They were aligning themselves to one another. They were bonded. Why didn’t he see it? “I didn’t mind that it happened but your come was hot. You could’ve at least warned me, any hotter and it might have burned me.”

He furrowed his brow. “I’m sorry, I couldn’t warn you because it’s never happened to me before.”

“Oh.” This revelation made her feel special which was a bit ridiculous considering he had come on her. “I understand. Why didn’t I change?” She used the towel to clean her legs.

Garrett shook his head scrubbing a hand through his hair. “I don’t know.”

“You have to touch me. Maybe it doesn’t work unless you’re touching me.”

He turned his mostly silver eyes on her. At least he wanted to touch her even if he wouldn’t let himself. “It’s not that I don’t want to,” he took a deep breath. “I just don’t think it’s a good idea. There’s definitely something here”—he gestured between the two of them—“but it can’t work between us. I come from a broken home. I have no idea what a healthy relationship is. I don’t think I’m capable of one.”

“You just needed to find the right person.”

He smiled and cupped her cheek. “If ever that person existed, it would be you, but it’s not you that’s the problem it’s me. I
hurt you Brice.”

“You won’t. I trust you.”

“I don’t deserve your trust.” Garrett stood back up. “I’ll end up leaving you or cheating on you.”

“No, you won’t. We’re meant to be together. I can’t even think about being with another guy. What about you?”

“No, men don’t do it for me.”

She rolled her eyes. “Think about it Garrett, right now, think about being with another woman.”

His eyes stayed on her. “I can’t think straight, let alone about another woman. Not with you on my sofa, naked, so damned sexy.” His gaze slid down the length of her body.

“You need to make me come. Once I’m under control, we can figure out the rest of the less important stuff.”

“Less important. As in you think we’re mated? How’s that less important?”

“That’s it.” She’d been trying to figure out what the right word was to describe them being together. “Mated. That’s right, we’re mated.”

“This is what I’m afraid of Brice. We’re not mated and us having any kind of physical contact would only make your belief…you’re feelings stronger. I don’t want to hurt you.”

Brice stood facing him head on. “You are hurting me because you don’t want to acknowledge what’s between us. You don’t want to take the time to try and understand. It’s probably because your blood is so diluted. I can feel my demon, Garrett. I know that what we have is real. Our being mates is not important because it is how it is and you will come to figure that out eventually.” She was poking his chest with her finger. “Also, for your information, one lousy orgasm is not going to change my mind either way. Just forget it. I’ll get dressed, you can call the demon cops to come and exterminate me. I’ve never had to beg a man to touch me before and I sure as hell am not about to start now.”

Just like that his eyes turned dark and dangerous, he picked her up by her elbows and pulled her against his hard body. Her breasts smashed against his chest, their mouths meeting somewhere in the middle. She wrapped her fingers around ample biceps and moaned against his mouth as their tongues clashed in an all-out war. Brice wrapped her legs around his hips, would have crawled under his skin if it was possible, she would give anything to feel him inside of her.

Garrett lowered his head to bite the sensitive skin on her neck. 

“The bedroom,” her voice was shaky with need.

Garrett let out a curse but walked to the bedroom tossing her on the bed. “No sex.” He pulled her toward him by her ankles before kneeling between her legs. “I’ll make you come and fix you. Then I’m taking you home.”

Brice opened her mouth to argue, but Garrett lowered himself between her thighs using his broad shoulders to push her legs wide open and fastened his mouth on her clit which pretty much stopped the oxygen from going to her brain. Coherent thought, a thing of the past. Soft tugs together with gentle laps from his tongue had her clutching the sheets. She groaned trying hard not to make too much noise, but failed dismally. She looked down. Garrett was watching her, he picked up the pace and her eyes rolled back in their sockets. Just when she thought her heart might explode from overuse, he lowered to her entrance and proceeded to fuck her with his tongue. It felt incredible. So much so that she wriggled and squirmed beneath his ministrations, needing more wanting…Garrett grabbed her hips locking her in place, and he moved back to her clit.

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