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Authors: Bethany Lopez

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I Choose You

BOOK: I Choose You
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I Choose You





Books by Bethany Lopez






Stories about Melissa - series

Ta Ta for Now







Friends & Lovers

Make it Last

I Choose You




Copyright 201


Published Dec 2012


ISBN: 978-1481216869


All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, scanned, or distributed in any printed or electronic form without permission. Please don’t participate in or encourage piracy of copyrighted materials in violation of the author’s rights. Purchase only authorized editions.


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This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, businesses, companies, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.


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This is dedicated to all of the Amazing Book Bloggers who have taken the time to read and review my books. I appreciate you!










Nicole knew that she was going to have to face her parents and let them know that the plans they’d had for her were not the same as the plans she had for herself. She didn’t want to marry Jake or start a congregation.

She knew it would be difficult, and that they were going to be disappointed in her, but first she had to face Jake.

She pulled into the parking lot of the city park where they were meeting.

Jake was already there. He was sitting on the bench facing the pond and watching the ducks that floated by.

His light brown hair blew in the soft breeze and his expression was peaceful.

Nicole’s stomach clenched at the thought of what she had to do. What she should have done three years ago, but had been too afraid to.

“Hey, Jake,” he turned and stood up at the sound of her voice.

They were almost the same height, so she could see his eyes light up as she walked up to him.

“Hey, Nicky,” he said warmly as he put his arms out, expecting the hug that she always greeted him with.

She walked into his arms willingly, taking stock of the familiarity of his hold, while breathing in the scent of his familiar cologne.

She knew Jake, had known him since they were small children. He would never forgive her for what she was about to do.

She squeezed him tightly one last time, before pulling back to look him in the eyes.

Jake looked back at him, confusion spreading across his handsome face when he noticed the look on hers.

“What is it?” He could always tell when something was wrong.

“Can we sit?” Nicole asked, gesturing to the bench. She had to sit before her knees gave out.

“Okay,” Jake said slowly, as if already beginning to dread what she was going to say next.

“Jake,” she began, clasping her hands nervously in her lap as she forced herself to look at him. “I’m sure you’ve noticed that I’ve changed over the last few years. Things aren’t the way they were when we began dating. First, you went away for school… then I left for school. Since then, most of our relationship has been spent over the phone or on the internet.”

Jake nodded, waiting for her to get everything off of her chest.

Nicole bit her lip, then continued, “Look, I have to admit that I haven’t been honest with you, or my parents, for some time now. I changed my major to English. I don’t want to study Youth Ministries and come back here to start a congregation. That was always my parents’ dream, and yours, not mine.”

Jake looked over her shoulder, as if processing what she had just said, then looked back at her.

“That’s okay, Nicky. I mean, I’m not happy that you lied, but I’m glad you told me now. You don’t have to run anything if you don’t want to. You can just be The Minister’s Wife. There will be plenty to keep you busy, even without running Youth Ministries.”

Nicole sighed. She knew what she had to say next was going to hurt him, and decided it was best to tell him quickly.

“No, Jake, I’m sorry, but it’s more than that. I don’t want to live here at all. I don’t want to be “The Minister’s Wife”. I don’t want to be your wife.” She stressed, not wanting to hurt him, but wanting him to understand.

Jake’s face fell, hurt and confusion taking over.

“What?” Jake asked, as if unable to believe what she’d just said. “You don’t want to marry me? We have been engaged for three years, and you’ve never acted like you had second thoughts about us. I don’t understand.”

Jake stood up and walked to the edge of the water. He raked his hands through his hair, then in his pockets, as if unsure what he should do with them.

The pain on his face tore Nicole apart, and she knew that she should have talked to him when she had first begun to question their betrothal.

“Jake,” she whispered softly as she walked up next to him. “I’m so sorry. I love you and you are the last person I ever wanted to hurt.”

He turned to her at that, anger flashing in his eyes.

“If you loved me, you wouldn’t be hurting me.”

Nicole felt a hot ball of tears begin to form at the back of her throat, and turned to leave before she made matters worse.

“I’m sorry, Jake,” she said again, a little more loudly. “I promise that I’ll stay away and let you live your life. I wish you every happiness.”

When she got to her car, Nicole turned back for one last look at Jake.

He stood in the same spot by the water, looking out at nothing, as his shoulders softly shook with sadness.




















Two Years Later…










Chapter One


Nicole was nervous and excited about Roni moving in with her.

She and Roni only met a few months ago, so she didn’t know that much about her. All Nicole knew was that she needed someone to help pay the rent and utilities, or else she was going to be in a lot of trouble.

When she’d brought up the fact that she was looking for a roommate, her friend Bree, had mentioned that Roni was looking for a place to live.

Bree and her boyfriend, Colin, had left the weekend prior. They’d moved to Austin, where Bree was going to culinary school and Colin was working as an Assistant Football Coach at UT. Nicole was looking forward to heading to Austin in a few weeks to see their new place.

She and Roni worked together at the local Bar & Grill. Roni had taken her job as a hostess, when Nicole had been promoted to server. She’d shown the other girl the ropes, and had a chance to talk to her a bit.

So far they got along; Nicole guessed they would find out pretty quickly, if they would get along as roommates.

Over the past few weeks, she and Roni had gone shopping in anticipation of the move.  They’d decorated Roni’s room and some of the common areas, so the apartment was looking really good.

This was the first day off they’d both had in some time, so Roni was finally officially moving in.               Nicole had gotten up early to make sure everything looked clean and presentable. She wanted Roni to be welcomed into a home that she could be proud of. Plus, Nicole knew that Roni’s twin brother, Kent, would be helping her move today, so she wanted the apartment to look nice the first time he saw it.

He was very protective of his sister, and Nicole knew that he’d tried to talk her into staying with him, but Roni wanted to get out on her own.

In an effort to relax, Nicole sat down with a cup of coffee and her laptop, when she heard the sound of excited voices coming up the stairs.

When she heard Roni’s bawdy laugh, she opened the door with a smile, and was faced with a faded grey t-shirt stretched across the sexiest chest she’d ever seen. Without looking up, she knew the owner of that chest. She’d been crushing on him ever since her first day in this small town.

She felt the familiar tug in her belly, as she allowed herself a moment to draw her gaze slowly up his chest, over his broad shoulders, and into his striking face.

Kent was the most gorgeous man she’d ever met, and no matter how many times she saw him, she always got butterflies when he was near.

He grinned down at her.

“Hey, Nic.” Kent was the only man who had ever called her that, and she felt her heart trip every time he did.

She tried to speak, but no sound came out. She tried to clear her throat inconspicuously. “Um, Hi.”

“Kent, could you please move your butt? This box is heavy,” Roni’s voice said from behind him.

Nicole moved a few steps back and out of the way so he could come inside, allowing Roni access through the door.

She chided herself for acting so weird every time she was around Kent. She thought he was out of her league. She knew that he could get any girl he wanted, and she was nothing like the girls he usually went for.

BOOK: I Choose You
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