Read Igniting Ash Online

Authors: M.A. Stacie

Igniting Ash (3 page)

BOOK: Igniting Ash
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“Are you asking me if I want a ride?”

“Do you?”

“Do you want to leave?”


She growled at him, pushing at his shoulder enough to have him lose his grip on the padlock and key. They toppled onto the grass, hiding somewhere in the flowers and mud. Taking the opportunity, Asher spoke first. “I guess now we have no choice. We don’t have the right hardware to be a part of the party. Unless you want to go hunting in the mud?”

“Stop asking me questions.” Emma stood up and wiped the back of her dress. “Get up, get your car keys and take me home.”

Asher shot her a mock salute, feeling much lighter than he had when he’d agreed to coming with Ben. He stood, dusted of his jeans and winked at her. “Your carriage awaits.”









Chapter 3



Asher had serious doubts about what he was doing. Nevertheless, for the first time in years his mouth had run away with itself, blurting out what he was actually thinking and asking to spend a bit more time with Emma.

He hated reflecting on what once was. Those times were too difficult, too raw to touch upon, but strangely, when he thought of her it didn’t hurt. The times she’d been a part of his life were some of the few happier memories he had. That in itself was a rather sad fact. She hadn’t even been a friend, just a girl that took pity on him once in a while.

Was she doing that now? Had she watched him sitting alone on the garden step and took pity on him once again?

Glancing sideways at her, he couldn’t help but question her motives—he did it with everyone he came into contact with. Most of the time he did it without conscious thought. It was his defence mechanism, a way of protecting himself before anyone got too close. Not that she would ever get that far. He was a loner. It was best that way.

“Was it only Ben that you came with tonight?” Emma asked softly, keeping a slow pace beside him.

Asher nodded, pushing his hands further into the front pockets of his jeans. “The guy throwing the party, Dean, is dating Ben’s sister. I always end up getting dragged to these things, usually because I owe Ben a favour. Funny though, I can’t ever recall what it was he did for me for me to owe him anything.”

Her light laughter floated out into the darkness, echoing off the side of the house as they strolled onto the street. “Meagan does that to me too. She told me I’d agreed to this party. I doubt I did. Sometimes it’s easier not to argue with her.”

Pointing to his car across the street, he hummed. “I get the feeling you’re the same kind of friend I am.”

“Taken advantage of?”

“Yup.” He pointed the sensor, the clicking of the locks interrupting their conversation for a moment. “But then again, we allow them to do it to us.”

“Point taken.” Emma paused before climbing into the passenger seat. She met his gaze, her expression serious. “You don’t have to take me home if you’re uncomfortable, Ash. Seeing a ghost from your past can’t be easy for you.”

His stomach clenched, wishing Emma would stop mentioning his childhood. He was finally free of it and certainly didn’t need the refresher every ten minutes.

“Don’t, Emma,” he snapped, though not intending to. He took a deep breath before continuing, the sadness of her expression tightening his gut further. “Can we make a deal?”

She stared at him over the roof of the car, agreeing to his request.

“Can we not mention
? I just—”

“You don’t need to explain. I get it.” A huge smile stretched across her face as she reached her arm over the top of the car. “Hi, my name’s Emma. Thanks for offering me the ride home. You saved me from possible lock and key hell.”

After shaking her hand, his mood lightened. “It’s a pleasure. Now climb in and direct me where I’m going.”

Her laughter dispersed the remaining anxiety, but his mind still raced with a thousand reasons why he shouldn’t be doing this. He took a few seconds, gathering his thoughts while she buckled herself into his car.

“Dumb,” he muttered into the wind. “You are one dumb shit, Asher Harris.”

Emma was frowning toward him when he eventually climbed into the car. It caused him to him blush, knowing she’d heard his self-chastisement. Choosing to ignore her questioning glance, he started the engine and pulled away from the pavement. She didn’t speak, didn’t offer him directions of where he should take her, leaving him with no option. He needed to reopen the communication between them.

He coughed, calculating what to say but when he came up blank he turned on the radio instead.

“Ouch.” Emma winced as a heavy drum beat and screeching guitars filled the car.

Apologizing, Asher reached for the volume control, easing it down until it was barely audible.

“I suppose I don’t need to ask you how you like your music. Hard and loud, right?”


“I’ve never really listened to anything like that before. I mean, it’s played in a few clubs I’ve been in but it’s the softer, more commercial side of things. That was kind of…aggressive.”

Turning the wheel, Asher huffed. “If you’re not used to it, yeah, it is. Would you believe it helps me think?”

“No. No, I wouldn’t. How on earth can you think when your brain is bleeding out of your ears?”

There she went, making him laugh again. It freaked him out. “Well then, before it seeps out completely can you clue me in as to where I’m taking you? Or would you like me to drive around for the remainder of the night?”

Emma swivelled her hips in her seat, facing him as much as she could. He was distracted by the flash of milky thigh, his interest sparking his crotch into life. She looked shyly up at him, her cheeks flushing pink as she toyed with the hem of her borrowed dress.

“I was wondering…I…You don’t have to but—”

“Spit it out, Emma. I don’t bite. Often.”

“Would you like to go for a drink somewhere? It doesn’t have to be alcohol. I think we’ve seen enough idiots doing exactly that tonight. Maybe a coffee?”

He opened his mouth to speak but she beat him to it.

“I won’t be offended if you don’t want to. I just wondered.”

There were so many reasons he should decline, reasons he was certain she’d understand. There would be no need for a long explanation either, Emma would simply know because she’d seen it all. The denial was there, right on the tip of his tongue. The words just refused to form. Could he really sit and face his past for another couple of hours without it being too much for him? And would Emma understand that he honestly wasn’t ready to have any real discussion about that time in their lives?

Instead of denying her request, he opted for asking, “Where?”

“Um, what about the coffee shop on the high street?”

Asher winced. “I seem to recall you warning me off the drinks in that place. The hot chocolate at least.”

Her eyes grew wide as she comprehended what she’d told him to do. “I’m sorry.” She touched his bicep. “I never gave it a thought.”

“You’ve no reason to. Don’t worry about it, but I’d prefer to go somewhere else, if you don’t mind?”

“I understand. If you keep heading down past the coffee house there’s a whole host of fast food places that we could try.”

Hovering at the traffic lights, he turned to meet her gaze and was hit by the concern she projected. Her brows drew slightly together, causing a small crease to form between them, and her lips pursed. His heart pounded in response, caution and excitement warring within him until his head spun.

“That would be okay. I could use a top up,” he said, offering her a small grin and rubbing his stomach.

“Yeah, because I can see you really overdo yourself. You’ve got some belly on you there,” she replied sarcastically.

For a split second he enjoyed the way her eyes roamed his torso. It had been a while since he’d allowed the kind of closeness that lasted for more than a quick fifteen minute fumble.

“Lifting all those books keeps me fit. Well, that and some running.”

“I can see that,” she replied, her gaze drifting down his body again.

A car horn blared, both of them jumping in response. Asher floored the accelerator a bit too hard, lurching the car forward rather than pulling away smoothly. Emma gripped the dashboard to brace herself, mumbling an apology he didn’t understand.

“Pardon?” he asked when he’d gained control of the car. He wasn’t as lucky with controlling his body’s reaction to her though.

“It was my fault you weren’t concentrating. I should know better than distract you while you’re driving. Sorry.”

“You weren’t distracting me. We were talking.”

Clicking on the indicator, he turned the car to the right, already seeing the flashing signs for the approaching fast food restaurants. Emma said nothing further until he’d parked the car outside one of them and they were ready to walk inside.

Asher looked to the ground, kicking a stone with the toe of his boot. His hands were shoved firmly into the front pockets of his jeans as his anxiety started to return. “Is this one okay for you? I picked the first one, but we could easily walk to the next one, if you prefer.”

Surprising him, she came closer, linking her arm through his and tugging a little. “You’re so amusing. I’m fine as long as it’s real caffeine, not that decaf nonsense.”


Tugging again, she said, “Come on, you said you were hungry and I wouldn’t want you passing out on me.”

His arm warmed to her touch, the sensation not unpleasant as it usually was when people got too close to him. Tonight was turning out to be the most bizarre he’d had in an extremely long time.

“So, are you intent on spending the rest of the night shoe gazing, or are you going to look me in the eyes when you talk to me?”

Shocked by her question, his head shot up, and his brown eyes meeting her blue ones.

“That got your attention,” she added, grinning as she opened the door and almost dragged him inside. “Go and find us a seat. I’ll get you some food.”

“You’re joking, right?”

“Why? Can’t a woman buy a man food in your world?”

Her response was tight, her spine snapping straight as she stared him defiantly. Asher raised his hands in surrender. “Whoa, calm down. I was thinking maybe you wanted to check your dress in the bathroom. I really wasn’t intending to offend you, Emma.”

Her cheeks bloomed with embarrassment and she closed her eyes for an instant as her shoulders sagged. “I’m an idiot. I’m sorry. I have this thing…um, my dad—”

“No need to explain.” Asher cupped her elbow, moving them out of another couple’s way. “Go and check your dress, and I’ll get you a

“Thank you.”

“Are you sure that’s all you want?”

Emma offered him a short nod, turning and hurrying in the direction of the bathroom. He could now see, in the light of the restaurant, that her dress wasn’t soiled very much. She could clean it easily, even though the sheer fabric was so light in colour.

Asher wondered why he even cared whether her dress could be salvaged or not as he stalked over to the counter, shaking his head. He quickly browsed the brightly lit menu, his stomach growling in response. The smell of the greasy burgers and fries only made his hunger increase. He should have eaten before leaving for the party with Ben, however, he’d been far too nervous to try and keep anything down.

He snorted a little too loudly, unable to believe that he’d worked himself up about going to a silly lock and key party. Yet here he was, spending time with a woman he hadn’t seen in ten years. His head was scrambled.

When the girl behind the counter asked him for the second time what she could get him, he ordered without giving it further consideration. In fact, when he sat down in a corner booth he couldn’t recall what was in the paper wrappers. The only item he could be certain of was the large fries that sat enticingly in their cardboard container. He popped one into his mouth, the salty tang lighting up his taste buds at the exact moment Emma returned.

“Does it look like I wet myself?”

Asher choked. The potato strip lodging itself in his throat. Coughing, he hoped to shift it but it only made his eyes water and his throat sore. Emma worriedly handed him the large fizzy drink, placing the straw at his lips.

“Sip it.” She patted his back.

He took a careful sip, feeling the liquid begin to soothe his raw throat. Encouraged, he sucked again, breathing a sigh of relief when he swallowed the fry. He coughed a few more times, shifting so that she could sit down next to him.

“Good job I came back when I did,” Emma said, reaching across to steal one of the offending greasy sticks.

Asher nodded, pushing her paper cup of coffee toward her. When he spoke his voice was scratchy. “Coffee,” was all he managed.

He took his time, sipping his drink and chewing slowly on the food. Emma was watching him, adding short comments here and there.

“Why would you have looked like you wet yourself?” Asher finally asked, still feeling rather foolish.

Emma shrugged, stealing another of his fries. Why did women always do that? They never wanted food, and yet they’d happily eat his. He’d have bought her some if she was hungry.

“I wiped the back of the dress but the damn hand dryer was broken, so now I have a large wet patch on my arse.”

“Could be worse. You could have nearly choked to death in a fast food joint.” He raised a brow and smirked at her.

She giggled. “True, but it’s not like it’s really busy in here. I’d still check You Tube when you get home. You never know who’s recording you on their phone.”

They both burst into laughter, her comment lifting his mood. After that the conversation flowed freely, each of them staying away from the subject of Asher’s past. They stuck to safer topics, his bookstore, her volunteering at the youth shelter, along with their friends, Ben and Meagan. It was a miracle to him how easily he could talk to her as he’d never imagined he could be this calm with someone who knew the teenage him. He tried his best to avoid that kind of interaction. However, this was different. If he didn’t acknowledge that part of him and just talked to Emma, then he was good and it seemed Emma was more than happy to set that aside.

BOOK: Igniting Ash
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