Read Immortal Promise Online

Authors: Magen McMinimy,Cynthia Shepp Editing

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Romance, #Paranormal, #Science Fiction & Fantasy, #Fantasy, #Urban, #Psychics, #Vampires, #Witches & Wizards, #Paranormal & Urban

Immortal Promise (14 page)

BOOK: Immortal Promise
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Chapter Twenty-Eight


Chaos exploded.

Bain made his way towards the door. Izzy called to him as a sob ripped from Holly. Rowan cursed and Lothar moved as quick as lightening to block Bain’s retreat.

“Don’t you do this,” he warned.

“I am glad you’re back, brother, but get the fuck out of my way,” Bain growled.

“Bain, that’s enough!” Rowan hollered.

Bain swiveled towards Rowan, who glowered at him. His gaze drifted to Cree, who held his sobbing little sister. “You knew,” he accused.

Rowan dipped her chin. Bain shook his head and pushed Lothar aside.

“Stop him!” Rowan ordered again.

Anger seethed and rolled deep inside of Lothar so when Rowan said to stop Bain, he took that as his opportunity. His fist connected hard with Bain’s nose
, and a resounding crunch rented the air as blood flowed swiftly from his nostrils.

Bain growled
, and Izzy hollered. “Son of a bitch, Lothar.”

Lothar had the decency to look apologetically at Izzy. “It stopped him.”

Izzy took Bain’s face in her hands, siphoning a bit of his magic she blew softly on his face and watched as his nose realigned. “Take one more step towards that door, and I will be the one to break your pretty face,” she warned, and then looked to Lothar. “Get him a towel.”

One appeared in his
hand, and he handed it to Izzy. She took it with arched brows and wiped at Bain’s face, clearing the blood. “I gather that is your little sister, and I can see you’re hurting, but don’t you dare walk away from her just because she is a vampire. You are better than that, Bain.”

Bain tilted his head, his eyes widening as he looked over Izzy’s head to where Lothar now held Holly in his arms.

,” he whispered. Closing his eyes, he took a deep breath and let out a heavy sigh. He shook his head and dropped a kiss to Izzy’s lips before turning and moving towards Lothar and Holly. Tension still filled the room, but everyone seemed to part a path to the sobbing girl and the furious warrior.

Bain stopped, his gaze locking with Lothar’s as a million things passed between the two of them in a matter of seconds. Lothar stepped back, making room for Bain to step closer to his little sister.

“Holly. Look at me, please.”

purple eyes found his as wet tears clung to her long, dark lashes and ran down her blotchy cheeks. “Please don’t hate me,” she whispered.

Bain cupped her cheeks and kissed her forehead. “Nothing is this world or any other could make me hate you. I hate that Evan kept you from us.”

Holly shook her head. “He protected me. I asked him to change me. I never imagined you would come to hate what I am.”

Bain pulled her to him and held on with all the love, pain, and loss he had felt for his little sister. “I love you, Holly, but you have a lot of explaining to do.”

“I know,” she murmured. “But Lothar needs food. We can talk while he eats.”

Holly nodded towards Lothar. “Lead the way.”

Lothar pulled her to him and captured her lips for a deep kiss. Holly suppressed a moan and blushed slightly when he pulled back and winked at her. Slinging his arm over her shoulders, he led them out of the room and down the hall.

“Holy crap,” Kale chuckled to Uriah as they followed Lothar and Holly, leaving a rather stunned crowd still standing in the room.

Uriah nodded. “Another brother falls for the dead.”

Kale arched a brow and bumped against Uriah’s shoulder as he hurried to catch up with Lothar and Holly.


Everyone was staring at her. Holly hated when people stared at her like she was crazy.

“You saw him? And he gave you his power?” Bain was testing the words. They felt funny, and yet he believed them.

Holly nodded. “I am sorry.”

Bain furrowed his brows. “Why?”

“They should have been your powers. I don’t even know how to use them
,” she said softly as she averted her eyes.

Bain laughed. “I can teach you how to heal and well, I always assumed your magic was born of his blood. I imagine his power worked much like yours does. So, Hols, don’t be sorry
. I don’t need any more powers.” He looked to Izzy, who smiled sheepishly. “My power of healing is the only one that doesn’t send Izzy into a crazy power surge.”

Holly looked the pretty
, dark-haired woman over.
What was she?

Izzy smiled. “Makyle says I’m a

“That’s impressive. You knew what I was just thinking. Whose power was that?”

Izzy sighed. “I bumped into Cree the other day. Seems his powers are a little greater than I realized. I catch the occasional silent comment.”

“Have you seen anything interesting?” Holly questioned.

Izzy shook her head. “Not really, just a few odd dreams about snow.”

Cree studied Izzy carefully. “You never told me this.”

She looked at him, her brow slightly furrowed. “It didn’t seem important.”

Cree nodded. “Let’s talk when we’re done here.”

Izzy studied him for second but nodded.

“There is more to what happened on that island.” Holly looked to Lothar. “He saw Ragnar.”

Lothar cleared his throat. “I did, he asked about the both of you.” He smiled at Uriah and Kale, who both looked longingly as they listened to Lothar recount his encounter with their father. It reminded them of their father’s robust and hardy laugh. Lothar blew out a heavy breath. “And like Tyr did for Holly, Father gave me something to help us. I am not sure what this battle they told us of will bring, but Father was sure that his gifts would be crucial to our survival.”

Kale shook his head and quipped. “I still think my control over fire is way cooler than being an Empathic Hala Spirit.”

Lothar smiled and pushed the side of Kale’s smirking face.

“Did he say what purpose his powers would have?” Cree asked.

Lothar shook his head. “Just that it will help us survive the freeze.”

Cree narrowed his eyes. “The freeze?”

“That’s what he said.”

Cree sat back in his chair, a terrible sense of foreboding twisting his insides. He found himself
inching closer to Rowan to wrap an arm around her shoulders to tuck her protectively against his side. She smiled up to him. The beautiful smile on her face said she felt that everything was right in the world. Cree forced a smile. Taking a deep breath, he focused back on the others around him. The group spent the next few hours reminiscing, laughing, and catching up on the stories of the last century. Holly finally saw a picture of her niece. She smiled as she saw that the beautiful little girl had her hair. Holly’s emotions twisted as she learned of her mother’s disappearance. The woman had never given a Holly a single bit of love and still she worried what had become of her. Holly finally felt that connection that she had always longed for… a connection that, had she opened up to the amazing people around her, she would have seen had always been there.

Lothar lifted his gaze to the antique clock that sat over the crackling fireplace in the room, noting that many hours had passed since they had returned. “I hate to do this, but to be honest,
I am beat.”

Rowan smiled. “I think it’s time we all rest. It’s been a long few days for us all.” She smirked and arched a brow at Holly. “Shall I have Darnell get a room set up for you?”

“Thank you.” Holly laced her fingers with Lothar’s, pulling him from his seat. “But I think I am covered.”

“We’ll see you all for breakfast
,” Lothar called to them as they left and headed for his room.

Izzy studied the face of her new family, a smile spread, stretching her pouty lips just before laughter took her over. All eyes fell upon her in varying levels of questioning gazes. “You guys should see your faces.”

Bain narrowed his eyes. “She’s just a kid… my kid sister.”

“Oh, she’s no kid anymore
, and she’s in good hands.”

Bain groaned. “Yeah, Iz, I don’t want to think about what his hands are doing with my little sister.”

Chapter Twenty-Nine


Lothar closed the door behind them. His one arm instantly wrapped around Holly’s waist as the other brushed her hair from her shoulder so his lips could brush against her neck.

Holly moaned softly before pulling from his embrace. “I need to call Evan before we start all that.” She waved her hand up and
down, taking in the full length of his body.

Lothar groaned. “Fine.” He moved to his desk and pulled out a new
cell phone.

Holly smiled. “You keep a back

“I keep stock.” He grinned. “We all tend to go through a lot of phones. Call Evan, I’ll be right back.”

Holly took the phone and sat down on the bed to prepare for this conversation. The phone rang only once before the English-accented voice greeted her. “This is Evan.”

“Evan, it’s Holly.”

A sigh sounded over the line. “It’s about time, Hols. Are you alright?”

“I am fine. Are you okay?”

Evan laughed. “Yes, Hols, I am fine. Been worried, your whole coven has been.”

“Well, you can officially tell them I am fine. I am at Rowan’s palace.”

“I see, and where did you
off to?” He put emphasis on that fact that she had finally flashed. There was even a hint of pride in his voice.


Holly could almost picture Evan’s face; she was sure his brows were raised and there was crooked smile on his lips. Oh, and those deep eyes of his were definitely sparkling with curiosity. “The island of the Fates, huh?”

“Yeah, that would be the place. Look, Evan, there is a lot that went on over the week I spent on that island. But the biggest thing is that there is a war on the horizon
. I don’t have details, but I know it’s not going to be good.”

“When?” Evan asked.

“Soon and I hate to ask this, but I know we are going to need you and the coven to survive this.”

Silence fell over the
line, and Holly shifted uncomfortably. “Look, I know dealing with Bain isn’t ideal, but while he threatened to kill you only a few hours ago… well, I think he’s coming around.”

Evan chuckled. “Holly, you know I will deal with your brother…
You referred to the Light as,
. How long have been back?”

Holly bit her bottom lip. “A few hours.”

“I didn’t sense you,” Evan said quietly.

He should have sensed her the second she was free of the island. He should have felt that she was back in the Middle
World, even if he didn’t feel what was happening with her emotionally.

“You won’t be coming back to the coven, will you?”

Holly’s eyes slid shut. “No, I won’t. This is where I belong now.”

“With Lothar.”

“I finally found someone who stood up to the man I compare all men to.”

She could hear the smile in Evan’s voice. “You flatter me.”

“Don’t forget how important you’ve been in my life. I will miss you and the coven.”

“Well, your room will remain as it is, for when you want to come visit. And I will see you in the
morning. Warn Rowan and the warriors that we will be there tomorrow.”

“You got it. Thanks, Evan.”

“Glad you’re safe, Hols.”

“Good-bye, Evan.”

Holly hit the red end button just as Lothar came back into the room. “You ready to get some sleep?”

Holly stood and stripped off the clothes she’d been wearing and slid into the covers.

“I am ready to get in bed. I don’t know about the sleeping part just yet.”

Lothar crawled in next to
her, pulling her naked body to his. Her back pressed against his chest. His hand ran long, soothing sweeps over her side, and then moved to rest on her flat tummy, and up to the swell of her full breasts to lightly pinch at her beading nipple.

“Sleep is overrated,” she murmured as she pressed her tight bottom to his hardening length.

“That is true,” he whispered against the sensitive skin of her neck.

His fang grazed against her jaw as he moved his lips closer to her mouth. Turning her face towards him, she captured his mouth in a heated kiss. Holly turned in his arms and slung her leg over his hip to push him on his back. Straddling him, she felt his hard flesh press against her. With her body anchored by her hands on his chest, she lifted up
and then slowly brought her hips down to meet his. With a breathy sigh, she let his length fill her, stretch her, complete her.

Lowering her face to his, she kissed him deeply as her hips rocked gently.
It was a slow rhythm that would stretch out the pleasure as they continued to explore one another. Lothar’s hands followed a gentle pattern up and down her spine before lowering to cup her bottom and run down the back of her thighs.

Holly moaned softly in his ear, “Lothar?”

“Yes, love.”

“I need you.”

“What do you need from me?” he murmured.

She licked his pulse, their speed still slow and rhythmic. Lothar turned his
head, exposing his vein to her. Moving his hand from her legs, he cupped the back of her head, keeping her close. Her fangs pierced his skin and sank deep into his flesh. Finding strength, love, and the new and familiar connection that formed between them, Holly found her release, letting the flood of heat wash over her.

She pulled a few last drops of his blood before trying her hand at her new healing power. She blew against his skin. The flesh knitted together as her orgasm began to ebb her walls, still milking Lothar for his release. His fingers gripped her hips tight as
he thrust hard a few more times, reigniting the flame within her and carrying her over the edge one more time with him.

BOOK: Immortal Promise
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