Read Incubus of Bourbon Street Online

Authors: Deanna Chase

Tags: #Contemporary, #Occult & Supernatural, #Fantasy, #Paranormal, #Romance

Incubus of Bourbon Street (26 page)

BOOK: Incubus of Bourbon Street
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“Disagreement,” I muttered under my breath. “That’s one way of putting it.”

Drake shook his head at me in warning. He looked very much like Lailah had just a second ago. I bit down on my tongue to keep from lashing out again.

Pyper glanced at me and then Kane. “You did it! I’m safe?”

I nodded but kept my gaze trained on Chessandra. I appreciated Drake’s insistence to not force us to make a deal with the high angel, but all I really cared about at this moment was getting Pyper home safely. Chessandra was crazy if she thought we were going to leave Pyper here while the angels used her as their personal medium.

“No,” Lailah said, her tone sympathetic. “Not quite. You’re safe from immediate danger, but as I’m sure you’re aware, you still have that second soul. As long as it’s with you, your soul is in danger of being pushed out, or if it melds with yours, there’s a good chance of insanity.”

Pyper and I both gasped. I stifled mine while Kane put his arm around Pyper’s shoulders and pulled her to him. “We’re not going to let that happen.”

Insane? I had no doubt that was a real possibility. My heart ached and I longed to be back at The Grind with Pyper making lattes and only worrying about how big the next rush would be.

“Stop being so melodramatic,” Chessandra ordered as she glared at all of us. “Her soul is not in danger while she’s in the angel realm. We are the keepers of souls, remember?”

“But she can’t live her life here,” I said. She’d end up a slave.

“She can and she will.” Chessandra picked up the crumpled contract and held it out to me. “That is, unless you agree to my terms.”

My insides heated as anger welled up inside me. The heavy-handed good-for-nothing piece of—

“No,” Drake said and plucked the paper from Chessandra’s hand. “I forbid it, Chessa. If you try to force her to do this, that’s it. I’m done.”

Holy shitballs. He’d just given her the ultimate ultimatum. And they were mates. Fully committed, magically bound.

Chessandra looked like she’d been gut punched. Then she steeled herself and straightened her shoulders. “How dare you question me in front of others.”

Drake’s nostrils flared. “And how dare you disregard anything I have to say in the matter of the safety of my daughter.”

The raw anger that sparked between them was almost too much for me to take. Had I not been holding on to Kane, I likely would’ve been knocked on my ass.

Drake took a deep breath and stepped back, ending the standoff. “What would you need in order to let Jade off the hook on this one?” he asked, his tone much more even keeled.

“You already know the answer to that,” she snapped. “I need someone willing to search for Avery…anywhere.”

“I’ll do it,” Lailah said. “I’ll take on the responsibility of finding the lost angel.”

“What?” I stared at her in horror. “You can’t. You do know she could be in Hell, right?”

“I’m aware.” Lailah gave me a sharp look. “I’m also much more qualified to find the angel than you are. But…” She took a step forward and peered at Chessandra. “I need you to release Pyper. She doesn’t belong here. And since she’s my charge, I’ll look after her.”

Chessandra eyed her suspiciously. “Why would you do this? You know the risks of Hell as well as anyone. I don’t understand your motivation.”

Lailah stepped back and slipped a hand into Pyper’s free one. “Her soul was assigned to me. It’s my job to take care of her. I also happen to have experience with summoning angels from Hell. If I ever want to move up in ranks from lower-level angel, I’m going to need some impressive marks on my resume. I know I can do this. And I’m willing. I’ll sign the contract that says I’m responsible for Avery and am willing to be sanctioned if it’s determined I’m not doing my due diligence in locating her.”

Everyone was silent as the implications of what she’d just said sunk in. Lailah was putting her career on the line for an angel she’d never met. Or was she doing it to protect us? She
said to go along with whatever she’d said. I just prayed she had a plan.

Chessandra looked over at Drake. An unspoken communication passed between them. Finally she gave Lailah a short nod. “I’ll have my assistant draw up the contract.”

“No need. I have one right here.” Lailah flipped open the file in her hand and passed it to her. She’d been planning this all along. I gaped at her.

Chessandra grabbed it from her, clearly displeased to be making this deal in front of all of us. Still, she seemed to buy Lailah’s explanation and she was getting what she wanted: someone to find her lost angel.

Chessandra picked up a pen as she read the contract. When she finished, she nodded. “Looks agreeable.”

“Just one more thing,” Lailah said before Chessandra could sign.

“You’re pushing it, angel,” Chessandra said through clenched teeth.

“It’s about Pyper’s extra soul.”

The high angel raised her gaze to Lailah’s. “What about it?”

“Jade and Kane rescued a young woman, Zoe, who’d had her soul stripped from her and sacrificed to the demon. Right now, she’s just a shell of a person. I’d like to request we transfer Pyper’s extra soul to Zoe.”

I clasped my hand over my mouth so I wouldn’t say anything to ruin whatever Lailah was up to. But I’d watched Genesis strip the woman of her spirit. I hadn’t known if her soul was there or not, but without her spirit, she wouldn’t be a whole person.

Lailah shot me a warning glance.

I dropped my hand and tried for a neutral expression.

Chessandra and Lailah held each other’s gazes until Chessandra narrowed her eyes and then gave a short nod. “I’ll see what the practitioners can do.”

Lailah’s shoulders relaxed for the first time since she’d entered the room as Chessandra signed the paperwork.

The high angel waved a hand, and the bright light shone once more. “The medium will stay here until we can complete the soul transfer. Lailah, after you retrieve your soulless human, we’ll talk to the practitioners.” She barely glanced at me and Kane. “You two are free to go. You’ll be informed of your next assignment.”

Kane and I gave Pyper a quick hug. “We’ll see you in no time,” I said, putting on a brave face. Soul transfers were a bitch. I’d shared mine for a while with another angel. When the angel council decided to give my soul to her, the pain from the failed transfer had been hell on earth. I only hoped since Pyper’s soul was intact, the transfer wouldn’t be as awful for her as it had been for me.

But Pyper saw right through me. She hugged me hard. “I’ll be fine. Don’t worry about me.”

I let out a sad chuckle. “Never gonna happen. Just hurry home.”

“I’ll do my best.”

When she released me, she reached for Kane and the two clung to each other for a long moment.

Drake moved out from behind the desk and stood in front of me. My mouth went dry as I looked up into his light green eyes. I wasn’t sure what to say. He’d just stood up for me at great personal risk. But I didn’t have to say anything at all, because he pulled me into a hug and whispered, “Take care of yourself.”

Then just as quickly, he let me go, and I stood there watching him walk out of the room.

“Jade?” Kane said from beside me.

I slipped my hand into his. “Yeah?”

“Let’s go home.”

I nodded and without looking back, he tugged me into the light.

Chapter 27

Kane and I sat together on the loveseat in our living room, while Duke, the ghost dog, had claimed one of the oversized chairs. Kane was sprawled across the cushions, and I was lying half on top of him. But there was nothing sexy about it. We were both too exhausted to move. And too relieved to care about anything.

Lailah was taking care of Pyper, the shadows were restored, and Kane had his demon hunter power back. As long as the Brotherhood didn’t call or Chessandra didn’t issue another order, we were free to do nothing for the foreseeable future.

“I’m not going to ever get up from this spot,” I said into Kane’s chest.

“Never?” Kane asked.


“Works for me.” He ran his fingers through my hair and tightened his hold on me.

I sighed, snuggling into him. My eyes closed and my body relaxed for what seemed like the first time in days. I felt my body and mind floating off into the sweet oblivion of sleep…

And then the doorbell rang.

“Ugh.” I stayed still for a moment, willing whoever it was to go away. But then Lailah and Pyper’s faces flashed in my mind. What if they were back already? I pushed myself up, but Kane’s arms tightened around me.

“No. You were never getting up again.”

I laughed and gave him a soft kiss.


Then I tickled him.

“Hey!” His eyes opened and he glared at me as I strolled to the door. “Not nice.”

I smiled at him. The doorbell rang again as I pulled the door open.

“Oh, sorry!” Mati said with a little wave. Vaughn was standing just behind her, clutching a small notebook. “I wasn’t sure you were home.”

“We just got in.” I held the door open for them. “Come on in.”

Kane swung his feet to the floor and rose to greet them. “Hey, man.” He held his hand out to Vaughn. “Good to see you.”

“You, too.” Vaughn glanced around. “Is there a place we could talk? I’ve got something I think you might want to see.”

“Sure.” Kane led us all to the kitchen.

“Have a seat,” I said. “I’ll get drinks.”

“Thanks, Jade.” Mati touched my arm lightly, and a small tingle of her sex witch energy sparked into me. “Oh, oops.”

I laughed. “Don’t worry about it.” Her little zap had actually perked me up a bit after my sluggish afternoon on the couch.

The three of them sat at the table while I busied myself with the sweet tea.

“I found this in the archive while doing some research for you.” Vaughn handed Kane the small notebook. “I think you’ll find it interesting.”

Kane raised his eyebrows, but then opened the book.

I placed two iced tea glasses in front of Mati and Vaughn before leaning over Kane’s shoulder. “Whaddaya have here?”

He glanced up at me, his face set in concentration. “It’s a family tree. See this?” He pointed to a name near the bottom.

“Do you know him?” I sat beside Kane and pulled the book over just a smidge to get a better look.

“Yes.” Kane glanced up at Vaughn. “Where did you say you found this?”

“In the archives…ah, in Maximus’s office. I don’t think it’s information that’s spoken about much.”

“Why? It’s just a…” My eyes focused on the oldest name on the diagram: Malafent the Demon. His name was connected with an unnamed witch. I traced the line all the way to the one Kane had fixated on: Winters Rouquette, his great, great grandfather. I lifted my gaze and stared at Kane. “You’re the direct descendant of that demon.”

Kane glanced at Vaughn and then nodded. “It appears so.”

“Dayla says that’s why the demon had been able to taint the shadows,” Mati said. “She says since you’re always in and out of the shadows, he was able to sense your energy and latched on to it.”

I shivered. “But why now? We’ve been walking the shadows for months.”

Mati shrugged. “Probably because now he’s an incubus when before he wasn’t. He didn’t have anything to take before.”

“Jesus,” I said under my breath.

“Right?” Mati gasped out. “This world is nuts.”

Vaughn slipped his hand over hers and smiled at her. Then he sobered and returned his attention to Kane. “I thought you’d want to understand why this happened. That’s why I brought the book. You should also know that this means you’re probably a lot more powerful than you even know. With a direct line, you probably have untapped resources.”

“That’s not necessarily good news.” Kane handed the book back to Vaughn.

“No,” we all agreed at the same time. Chuckling, we walked Mati and Vaughn to the door.

“Thanks for bringing this to my attention.” Kane held out his hand to Vaughn once more.

The other incubus glanced down, but then pulled Kane into a quick bro hug. “No problem, man. Take care of yourself.”

Mati and I grinned at each other.

“See you at the next girls’ night?” Mati asked.

“Seriously?” The thought of embarrassing myself in front of the Coven Pointe witches again was slightly terrifying, but I would like to form a more solid relationship with them.

“Sure. Dayla likes you, even if she doesn’t act like it.”

I gave a half shrug in a sure-why-not motion. “Okay, then.”

“I’ll be in touch.” Mati winked and then the pair disappeared out the door.


“Gumbo or Italian?” I asked Kane, holding up two takeout menus.

“Gumbo.” He was lying on the bed, his hands clasped behind his head, staring up at the ceiling, his expression troubled.

All the enthusiasm for food vanished as I watched him. We’d already known he had to have been descended from a sex witch and incubus pairing, but to see the direct line to a demon had totally unnerved him. I couldn’t blame him. Knowing about the connection and seeing it in writing were two totally different things.

I dropped the menus on the dresser, crawled onto the bed, and rested my head on his shoulder. I didn’t say anything, though. There was nothing to say.

“I feel like I just found out I harbor evil or something,” he said.

“You don’t.” I caressed his chest with my fingertips. “I’d feel it.”

I felt him relax beneath me as that realization hit him. “I guess that’s true.”

“No need to guess. It is true.” I lifted myself to stare down at him. “I know you already know this deep inside your gut, but where you come from matters to no one. The only thing that matters is who you are now.”

He didn’t acknowledge me with words, but his hand did tighten around my arm.

“And I happen to think you’re one of the good ones…so there.”

Kane chuckled at my childish words, wrapped his foot around my leg, and then flipped me over so he was hovering above me. “And I love who you are, pretty witch.”

“You’d better.”

His eyes glinted as he lowered his lips, stopping just millimeters from mine. “It’s going to take me a few hours to show you.”

BOOK: Incubus of Bourbon Street
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