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Authors: C. S. Lakin

Innocent Little Crimes (37 page)

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Lakin grew up collating television scripts
for her screenwriter mother. As an adult, Susanne assisted in
developing series for television, and while raising two daughters
and running a bed and breakfast inn in northern California wrote
her first three novels and a cookbook. She currently works as a
freelance copyeditor and writing mentor, specializing in helping
authors prepare their books for publication. She is a member of The
Christian PEN (Proofreaders and Editors Network), CEN (Christian
Editor Network), CAN (Christian Authors Network—regular blogger),
ACFW (American Christian Fiction Writers), and two regional
writers’ groups. She edits for individuals, small publishing
companies, and literary agents.


In addition to her mysteries and fantasy
series, she has also written the first book in a Young Adult sci-fi
adventure series: Time Sniffers. She recently completed Intended
for Harm, a contemporary take-off on the biblical story of Jacob
and Joseph and is developing a swashbuckling dog memoir in the
style of Moby Dick entitled A Dog after God’s Own Heart. She lives
in Santa Cruz, CA, with her husband Lee, a gigantic lab named
Coaltrane, and three persnickety cats.



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BOOK: Innocent Little Crimes
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