Read Island of Dragons Online

Authors: Lindsey Owens

Island of Dragons (10 page)

BOOK: Island of Dragons
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Chapter 31

Miley stretched and sat up to look around. Cain had left her in a bedroom but she had doubt he had gone far. Surveying the room, she took in account the very different décor from the décor in the
guesthouse. This looked more like the main house, which Diesel lived in.

The walls were a bright white with teal drapes and a teal cover on the bed. Unfolding herself from the
sheets, she realized that the room was rather cool and the drapery swayed in the wind. Someone had left the window open and that made her curious.

Miley pushed herself up from the bed, steadying herself before moving against the bed frame, then wobbled slightly toward the breezy window. It w
as a beautiful sunset. The tree line glowed from the sun’s rays, it was getting dark.

She was on the second floor of the
house; it must have been the main home, Diesel’s home. As her feet hit the still warm wood of the deck, someone stepped out from nowhere.

“Well, I guess I can see why the alpha has kept you locked up. Victor
did not tell me you were so beautiful.” The man’s voice was gravely and he held such a tone that just screamed ‘Do not trust me!’

“Who are you?” Miley said cautiously.

“I am alpha of the Dugan Clan, my dear. I am going to take you away from here. Poor Jamie has caused such an uproar and Alpha McBride seems to be very busy right now.” The man chuckled.

Miley eyed him. He made her nervous. The man had graying hair that was once some dark color, his eyes were grey green and he looked very untrustworthy. He took a step closer, reaching out a hand and Miley hesitantly took a step back.

“How do you know Victor?” Miley said.

“Ah I see you remember him.” The man replied.

“That bastard abandoned me here!” Miley snapped.

“I know, I know and I’m sorry for that. I thought that was in the email that you would be staying here by yourself, better working environment you know.” The man shrugged. “Anyway if you would please…”

Miley stepped back again but it wasn’t quite far enough because before her very eyes the man began to change. His skin rippled and his head tipped back as he spoke words that she could not quite understand but one phrase she recognized from the English language was “Take me!” right before his whole body covered in scales and expanded into a massive creature.

Miley screamed but it was too late. The massive dragon hopped down from a perch on the deck railing and roared as he knocked her down to the ground, his claws pinning her and its large fangs dripping with saliva as he roared.

“This will be over soon and you’ll be home in your apartment.” The dragon said, , it shouldn’t be able to talk, and like everything else it confused her. A bubbly mist spewed out of the beast’s mouth and soon Miley was passing out as the beast wrapped his talons around her waist and lofted them into the air with his massive wings.

Chapter 32

“NO!” Max yelled as he rushed into the room and witnessed a massive grey brown
dragonfly up into the air. There was no way for him to catch the beast; he had not acquired the quick speed shifting yet. He stood helpless hoping his brother did not maim him when he heard the news.

Cain had left him in charge of one of the most important task possible in this clan, protecting and keeping an eye on the alpha’s future mate. Now he screwed up by not being in the room watching her while Cain did whatever Cain was doing.

Max had rushed back through the house and down to the security locked door of the dungeon. “I need to see Diesel right away!” Max huffed, he was breathing hard and panted as he stared down a fellow clan member.

“My duty is to guard this door. Nobody goes in or out without the alpha’s or beta’s permission, and you do not have permission.” The guard told him.

“Either you move,” Max warned, “or the fact that the girl that the alpha is in love with is missing, will be on your head.” The last of Max’s words were a near hiss and the guard’s eyes went wide while he quickly moved out of the way.

“Thank you.” Max rolled his eyes.

“Diesel!” Max yelled as soon as he was on the other side of the door; he was running now. His words were panicked.

Max jumped down the staircase and his feet practically floated as he ran full tilt
through the dungeon. “Alpha!” he yelled.

“Max?” Orion questioned. He was standing in front of a prisoner’s cell. “What’s wrong Max? Why are you down here, I’m going to have that guard’s head!”

“Where’s Diesel?” He hurried.

“He’s up in his office. He had to do some searches…” Orion replied. “Why?”

Max growled. He whipped around and was running back toward the stairs before Orion could even question. Orion groaned and sprinted after the man. “Max, what’s wrong” he demanded.

Max panted painfully. He wanted desperately to run toward his alpha but his beta was demanding and he
could not refuse the order. With a grunt Max stopped. Taking a deep breath, Max said, “Miley’s in danger.”

“Go.” Orion replied, signaling for he was free to go. With that though, Orion too left quickly. The prisoner was secured.

When both men made it to the entryway, Orion told the guard to keep watch of the prisoner then hurried away after Max.

Orion quickly
led the way, being a beta he was faster and stronger than the smaller Max. He burst through the office door. Both men let out a frustrated growl when they were greeted with an empty room.

“Where is he?” Max snapped, though he really had no right to question the alpha’s were abouts.

Orion was about to speak, he was about to say something on the lines of ‘crap’, when both men turned their attention to the devastated, disgruntled, and peeved roar. The two turned knowing they would be finding the alpha very soon.

Chapter 33

“What do you mean she’s gone?”
Diesel roared.

Fury was evident in his bright violet eyes. Max was staring at the floor not meeting Diesel’s eyes. “I told Cain to watch her!” Diesel snarled. “Where is he?”

“The Dugan clan alpha stole her,” Max said urgently. “I could not stop him.”

“He what! Where was Cain?
” Diesel was beyond angry. His body shook with fury and he was moments from shifting out of rage.

“Cain’s missing right now.” Orion shrugged. “We’ll deal with him later. Right now we have to attack the Dugan Clan.”

Diesel stomped the short distance to the door. As his feet hit the porch the beast within could not take it any longer. Diesel jumped forward shifting into his massive dragon without hesitation. A roar ripped from his lungs, calling to his clan, he was calling for war.

Chapter 34

Miley awoke feeling extremely well rested. Her body felt calm and she felt like she had slept for ages. Slowly she sat up and rubbed the sleep from her eyes. Everything felt dreamy. Looking around, Miley realized she was in her bedroom.

Trying hard to remember how she had gotten to her room, Miley simply could not place what had happened. Spotting her phone on the bedside table, she grabbed at it urgently. The last day she had remembered according to her cell was nearly a month ago. She frowned.

“Where was I?”
she groaned.

The next thing Miley noticed was her email updates on the cell phone. One-hundred and six new emails; clicking on the oldest email she had, Miley read the subject line, “Your trip has been confirmed.”

She had taken a trip, but to where. Continuing to read more of the subject lines soon she came to ones that read “have a fun trip” and then a few days later “where are you we’re worried.”

When Miley read the ‘we’re worried’ subject lines in her
emails, she became worried herself. She clicked on the email. It was from her sister, the very same sister, whom she is only on limited speaking terms with. Normally someone worrying about her being gone for too long wouldn’t as quickly of worried her but the message from her sister being worried made Miley confused.

Miley’s sister would have never worried about her unless she missed something important. Looking back a few
emails, she also noticed many other people having the same type of urgent messages.


I’m worried, Miles where are you!


That one was from her friend.

Quickly Miley abandoned her emails grasping the phone and dialing Morgan.

“MILEY!” Morgan screamed into the phone and not even a breaths moment later there was pounding on Miley’s apartment door.

Miley groaned and hung up the phone before padding her way across the apartment. “Take it easy
,” she hissed softly as she swung the door open to come face to face with a very excited and anxious Morgan.

“Where have you been?” Morgan complained.

“I don’t…” Miley began and then looked around before saying anything else. It seemed strange being here and she was not quite sure why. “I don’t really know…”

Morgan frowned looking at her friend. “How do you not know?” She huffed slamming her hands to her hips. “First you come to me and say you’re going to some exotic island and not taking me and then you’re gone for like ever.
Nobody has so much as heard a word about where you have been. I stopped by your work and Charlie said he figured you quit without telling him and he found a replacement already!”

“What?” Miley sighed rubbing her temples. Why did her head hurt so much? “The last thing I remember…” Miley said and paused trying to remember what it was she remembered, “was I don’t quite know…”

“Come on sweetie sit down. Maybe you hit your head or something.” Morgan insisted. With her friend’s arm in her hand, Morgan began to drag Miley over to the couch.

Miley sat down without much protest rubbing her head as she flopped backward. “I’ll get you
something to drink. Do you think I need to take you to the hospital?” Morgan said walking toward the kitchen.

Miley was about to speak when she heard Morgan yell from the kitchen “What the heck is this?”

Miley sighed as she pushed herself up and wandered into the kitchen. There it was; the object of Morgan’s obvious confusion, a note clearly not in Miley’s handwriting.


Don’t forget your article and photos taken at the island. We are eagerly awaiting your contributions. Check your camera.


“Who’s Victor?” Morgan asked curiously.

Miley’s brows furrowed and her face crunched up as she tried to remember. “Honestly,” she said looking over at Morgan, “I don’t really remember. Where’s my camera?” She finished looking around and quickly spotting it on the kitchen table.

As Miley quickly flicked on the camera and passed from picture to picture her eyes began to bulge. Everything now was all now becoming clear but she just knew she could not tell her friend. She could not tell anyone and those pictures… she could not put those up for the world to see.

She groaned and slumped her shoulders as she stumbled backward catching herself on the counter top. “Miley, are you okay? You look a little pail.” Came Morgan’s response but Miley just grumbled, clutched the camera to her chest and ran to her bedroom.

Chapter 35

“What the heck?” Morgan complained as she raced after Miley. Miley had slammed the bedroom door and locked it before Morgan could reach it and slammed her back against it. She could not let Morgan see those pictures.

“It’s okay. I’ve…” Miley struggled for the words to say
, “I’ve got to go to the bathroom a minute. I’ll be right out.”

“You know how hard it was to track you down?” a man’s voice boomed and Miley gasped in surprise as she turned her head to face him.

“Who are you?” She questioned with a scrunched up face. He looked familiar but she just could not place him.

“You don’t remember me?” The man frowned. “That’s unfortunate.”

“I’m sorry but I’m having a hard time placing your face,” she shrugged. “Can you remind me?” Miley said slowly standing up.

For some reason, the man felt trust worthy. She knew deep down she trusted him, even if she
could not remember him. It was as if she had known him for years.

“I guess, it’s normal to forget when you’ve been gone for so long and I’m sure he used amnesia potion on you.” The man said slowly stepping forward.

She thought about that. Where had she been and for how long? Miley pressed herself backward and to the side. Though she felt as if she trusted the man with all her heart, she still could not remember him and it was making her nervous.

“Don’t do that.” The man complained as he stepped closer to her once again.

“Do what?” Miley replied quietly, taking another step away.

“That,” The man groaned. “Don’t move away from me.”

“I don’t know you,” Miley said defensively.

“You do, you just have to remember.” He shrugged and with two large
steps, he surrounded her with his arms, pinning her to the wall.

“Leave me alone,” She said in a squeak.

“I can’t do that.” He rolled his eyes.

A sharp knock on the door made Miley turn her head toward it. “I’ll be right there,” Miley would have said to Morgan, but the man spoke up first.

“Darling, Miley’s busy right now, I’ll have her call you later.”

Miley’s eyes bulged and she turned toward the man with a sharp glare. How dare he speak up and tell her friend she was with him?

“Miley, are you alright,” Morgan asked.

“Tell her to leave.” The man said in a soft tone.

Without another thought, the words left Miley’s mouth, “I think you should go home. I’ll call you later.”

A choked giggle and cough mixture burst from Morgan’s lips and Miley was sure she was covering her mouth as she spoke, “I’m soooo sorry about interrupting Miles. I’ll come back later. Don’t forget, I want details.”

With that, Miley could hear Morgan’s footfalls as she walked across the apartment and out the door.

“How did you get in here?” s
he questioned.

“My dear, there is so much you don’t know about our kind.” The man said in a thick accented voice announced as he strode toward her.

She cried, “Stay away from me!”

“I can’t do that,” h
e frowned.

“I’ll call the cops!” Miley threatened, though it felt so wrong. Something made her feel like she needed to be close to him.

“Lovely… I would be gone before they got here and back as soon as they were gone. They cannot catch me.” He purred. The man was so close now but Miley could not find it in herself to run and hide in the closet or even the bathroom. Nope… she stood frozen.

“Get away
,” she stuttered out.

“As much as I would love to give you everything you want…
,” the man said slowly. In the blink of an eye, he was so close he grabbed her wrist yanking her into his chest. “It’s taken a lot to find you, and your disappearance has caused my kind, to go into war.”

“Huh?” Miley replied confused.

“Listen love, I would love to have you to myself, but my alpha wants you and that’s how it’s going to be. Why don’t you pack your things…?” the man told her as he leaned down. His words lightly caressed her ear as he spoke.

“No?” Miley replied nervously. She wasn’t quite sure she wanted a man in her life; she had yet to rid it of Toby completely.

“Don’t make me guard you until he comes to get you… I really don’t want to do that. The war is still going on and until I bring you back…” he said shaking his head slightly, “it will never be finished. Diesel is…”

“Diesel?” Miley said quickly interrupting the man. She remembered the name and it elicited feelings deep within her.

“Yeah,” The man said slowly. “He’s been searching for you, we took out the Dugan, but he can’t accept both the Dugan and our clan fully and be the alpha he really should be without being fully mated.”

“I can’t leave. This is my home,” Miley said quickly changing subjects.

The man groaned, quickly shoving his hand in his pocket and yanking out a cell phone. He dialed then spoke into it moments later. “Yeah, it’s Orion, I found her.”

The voice on the other side of the phone was muffled
, but Miley still could recognize it slightly. “Yep, I’ll keep an eye on her, track the number, and send him right away. I want to go home.” Orion snorted.

“Sounds great; I’ll see him then.” Orion grinned and looked down at Miley. “Bye.”

“Who’s coming?” She questioned curiously.

The grin on Orion’s face turned into a
full-blown smile, “your mate.”

BOOK: Island of Dragons
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