James (Teumessian Trilogy Book 2) (7 page)

BOOK: James (Teumessian Trilogy Book 2)
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Ray and John had decided not to tell the candidates about Rachel’s death. They figured the information would just distract them from their studies and training. However, her absence did not go unnoticed.

“You know, we have gone almost three weeks with no visit to the shrink,” Tim said with a chuckle, taking a seat on the leather couch.

The group had started to become closer. They had a common area in the dining hall where they could hang out, watch TV, and shoot pool. They spent most of their evening free time there.

James smiled, “Yah, I guess I am not as interesting as they thought.”

“Nobody has seen her?” Greg interjected, “Nobody?”

James looked confused. He scanned the room, “Have any of you met with Rachel in the past three weeks?” James looked to all their faces, everyone was shaking their heads ‘no’.

“Maybe she is on vacation?” Greg said as he picked up a pool stick.

“That is not what I heard,” Elliot replied, grabbing another pool stick.

“And what have you heard?” Greg questioned.

“That she’s dead.” Elliot took the first shot with his pool stick.

Everyone in the room turned to look at him.

“Where did you hear that?” Chessy questioned, walking over to the pool table.

“My family has connections,” Elliot smiled.

“Why are you smiling? A woman is dead.” Greg pointed his pool stick at Elliot.

“What do you know?” James stood up and moved to the pool table. Elliot had everyone’s attention.

Elliot relished the attention. “I heard that she was found dead with a single gun-shot wound to the head. However, there was no evidence that she actually fired the gun. They are labeling it a suicide anyway.”

“How can they do that? If there is evidence it wasn’t a suicide?” Chessy questioned.

“They are scared.”

“Of what?” James was intrigued.

“The ghost.”

Chessy threw her hands up and walked from the pool table, “Are you serious right now? That is a myth. ‘The Ghost’ doesn’t exist. It is just an easy excuse to blame for unsolved murders.”

James was confused, “I have no idea what ‘the ghost’ is?”

“It’s not ‘what,’ it’s ‘who,’” Elliot replied with a smile.

“If they knew who the ghost was, they wouldn’t call him that.” Greg put his pool stick up.

“Hey, I thought we were playing?” Elliot questioned.

“Yah, I am done. You’re telling ghost stories.”

“The ghost is real! He is for hire and he never leaves evidence.”

“I heard the ghost was female.” Chessy sat down on the couch.

“Of course you would say that. It’s a guy.” Elliot lined up for another shot.

“Okay, hold up. I know nothing about any of this. Can someone please enlighten me?” James was looking around the room for clarity.

“The ghost is a hired killer, he is skilled and invisible. He has no name, no face, and no allegiance. His motives are believed to be money, but some people think he is up to something more sinister,” Tim said, locking eyes with James. “This is not someone anyone would want to deal with. His body count is unknown.”

“But this is just a rumor, right? A tall tale?” James asked.

“Yes, they are telling stories. The ghost is fake,” Chessy added.

“Believe what you want. The ghost is real, and he is deadly. He killed Rachel and what I want to know is for who. What could Rachel have known that could cost her her life?” Elliot added.

Greg heard the words and instantly looked to James.

James felt a lump in his throat. Was the information about him what they were after? Was he the next target? James stood up, “I am going to bed. I hope they catch whoever killed her.” James walked from the room.

“Watch out for the ghost!” Elliot hollered to him. James ignored him. He wanted to get away from the conversation and the idea that Rachel was killed because of him.

James went straight to the classroom. He wanted to call Uncle Finn and there was a phone in there. James entered the classroom and found it vacant as he had expected. James hated using the phone in the lounge. He liked the privacy of the classroom. He picked up the black phone that was on the main desk at the front of the classroom and took a seat. James took a deep breath, reached down and dialed the number.

The phone rang three times before a familiar voice came on the phone. It was Uncle Robby.

James smiled, “Hey, Robby, it’s James. Is Uncle Finn home?”

“Of course he is. How are you doing?”

“I’m doing okay, just feeling homesick.”

“Well, you stay tough. I will get him. Hey Finn, it’s James on the phone for you.”

James could hear the phone exchange hands.

“Hey, bud, how are you?” Finn asked.

“Uncle Finn, it is so good to hear your voice. I’m doing okay, just missing home.” James replied, trying to sound convincing.

Finn was not fooled, “James, what’s wrong? You don’t sound like yourself. What is going on there? Are they treating you okay?”

James took a deep breath, “Things just seem off here. They were asking about my mother.”

James heard only silence on the other end of the phone.

“You know nothing about her do you?” James questioned hopefully.

Finn took a deep breath, “James, I know nothing about her. I didn’t even know about you until you showed up on my doorstep. My brother had a lot of girlfriends. Any of them could have been your mother. Why would they want to know about that?”

James felt his head drop, “I don’t know, but….” James stopped himself. He didn’t want to upset Finn.

“But what, James?”

James thought for a second, “But I wish I knew more about her.”

“I’m sorry I can't help you. We miss you.” Finn wanted to change the subject. He knew very little and he didn’t want James to know what he knew.

“I miss you guys too,” James smiled. It was nice to be missed.

“You stay strong and if you need anything, you call us immediately.”

“I will. I need to get back to my room. Good night.”

“Good night to you, too.”

“Good night!” Robby added in from the background.

James continued to smile as he hung up the phone. He quickly got up from the desk because he didn’t want to be caught in the classroom. He moved back to his dorm room. Getting to touch base with the only family he knew had made him feel better. They may be curious about his mother, but he had family that mattered to him a lot more.









James put Rachel’s death to the back of his mind. He needed to focus on his studies and training, not on his potential influence on Rachel’s life. James excelled in his physical training, though his language skills were not as impressive. Chessy, on the other hand, was extremely skilled in languages. James saw this as his opportunity to get to know her better.

“Seriously, James, if you think asking her for help will help you get up her skirt, you are setting yourself up for disappointment.” Tim laughed, patting James on the back as they sat on the hill overlooking the training field.

“Hold up, that’s a bit crass. I just want to get to know her better.” James smiled, looking at the field where Chessy was sitting with her friends.

“You are wasting your time and your lunch break focused on something you can’t have,” Greg said, throwing a wrapped sandwich to James.

James caught it and leaned back against the tree behind him. “Look, she is just my type and I think she could help me a lot with my language skills. Just give me time, I will get her attention.”

“James, you are hopeless,” Greg laughed.

“There is always hope!” James stood up and smiled, “My destiny awaits.” He made his way down the hill.

Tim turned to Greg, “Ten bucks say he gets punched in the nuts.”

Greg laughed. “I am not taking that bet; I am going with a broken nose.”

“You are on.”

They both turned to watch.

James made his way toward the small group sitting with Chessy. “Hey Franchesca, can I talk to you for a minute?” James asked as he approached the group.

Chessy looked up, “Okay.” She didn’t move.

“Can we talk alone?” James asked.

Chessy took a breath. “Fine.” She stood up.

James gestured for her to follow him. They moved away from the group and toward the small grove of trees.

“So, what do you want?” Chessy asked, crossing her arms.

“Look, I know you are the best with languages and I am really struggling. Is there any way you could consider helping me?” James asked with a smile.

“Really, is this all you got? Look James, I am sure you are not a major creeper, but grow up. You are around adults, not little high schoolers. I am not here looking for hook-ups. I am here to serve my country. I suggest you keep your focus on that as well.” Chessy turned to walk away.

“Wait, just wait and hear me out,” James persisted.

Chessy turned back to face him.

“I am here for the same. My dad died serving this country and I want to make him proud. I’m sorry if you think I am being inappropriate, but you are exquisite.”

Chessy rolled her eyes.

“And you are the best with languages and I need help. Please,” James pleaded.

“Fine, but this is a professional courtesy, I don’t need you insulting a dignitary or something.” Chessy pointed to James.

James smiled, “I am your student.”

“Tonight, during free time, we can work in the lounge,” Chessy walked away.

“Thank you!” James called out. She just waved her hand. James smiled and looked up to Tim and Greg, watching on the hill. James walked up the hill and rejoined them.

“So which of you two took ‘gets hit’? I know you made a bet. Because you lost, she is going to help me.” James smiled as he took a seat.

“You are a lucky guy, have you seen her throw down on the mats? She is strong and skilled. You are lucky you didn’t piss her off,” Greg replied.

“He still has time.” Tim laughed.

James just grinned, “I will do my best not to get beat to a pulp.”


BOOK: James (Teumessian Trilogy Book 2)
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