Read Jamie-5 Online

Authors: Kathi S Barton

Jamie-5 (8 page)

BOOK: Jamie-5
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Heat and soft skin, his hands could not stop touching her. Lifting his hands higher, Jamie cupped her breasts and moaned at the weight of them in his palms. Using his thumbs, he slid under her bra and rubbed her hard nipples. Need to taste them had him tear from her mouth and pull one into his mouth through the shirt and bra and bite. Her hiss of approval gave him all the encouragement he needed and he started working at the buttons while he nuzzled at her full breast and pulled at the other nipple with his thumb and finger.

“I need to taste you. I want to suckle at your breast and taste you. Help me, baby.” She smacked his hands away and lifted her blouse up, unclasping the closure in the front of her lacy blue bra. As soon as it was open, he pushed the edges open and rubbed his nose over the hard peak then took it deep into his mouth. She was rocking hard against him and with every push from the wall into his body, he countered with a rock back. When he bit down on her nipple, she moaned and growled at him.

“Please, James. If you don’t stop, I’m going to come right now. And your family is right downstairs. You have to stop now before it’s too late.”

“It’s already too late. Come for me, baby. Come right now. I’ll catch you. I want to feel you come.”

He rocked harder and with his free hand, he reached between them and pressed his thumb against her clit hard and then harder still. When her body stiffened and he felt her start to shatter around him, he covered her mouth with his and captured her screams.

Jamie kept rocking into her heat. His cock ached to be released and driven into her hard and fast. He held her as she came down, held her as her body became relaxed, sated and limp against him. When she rested her head on his shoulder, he let her legs fall to the floor, but he did not let go of her. Soon her breathing became normal and with it, came her withdrawal from him. He leaned back and pulled her body to his again.

“No. Look at me. Dane, look at me. Don’t pull away. Talk to me, baby. Tell me what’s wrong.”

She looked up at him then, her eyes full of sorrow and hurt. He wondered what he’d done then realized that this was old pain. She had been hurt by someone; someone had hurt her during sex or about sex. She was ashamed too, he could see that now. He wanted to find whoever it was and pound the shit out of them.

“I need to tell you something. Show you something about me. I’ve…you need to see this before we can…before we have any…before, you know.”

“Make love? You meant before we make love? All right. I’ll stay after my family leaves.

Will you talk to me then? I want us to be together, baby.”

“Yes. Then if you still want to…if you don’t freak out, then we can have sex. But I’ll understand if you need to leave. Its…it’s happened before.” He was going to find this man who had hurt her and beat the shit out of him. Whoever he was, where ever he was, Jamie was going to beat the guy until he could not walk then start all over. They held hands as they entered the kitchen.


To say that Dane was embarrassed would have been a gross understatement. And she did not know how they knew, but his brothers kept looking at her as though she had a sign that said “just had incredible climax” on her. Pi was making rice and cutting up vegetables and talking a mile a minute. Dane had been living with her for so long she no longer had to translate in her head what Pi was saying, but the Grants seemed lost.

“She wants to know if you want any egg in your rice. I know asking if you have yellow slime in your diet is a little weird, but she means well. We usually speak in Chinese when we’re alone.”

“Oh, well. Pi, you fix it however you wish. I love Chinese food. Morgan will be so jealous.

But now that we’re on the subject of translator, could you explain what she means when she calls you her bacon? I’ve been trying to sort it out and I just…she does have a way with words doesn’t she?”

“I say Missy Dane my bacon. She bring it home and I cook it. I no have job, I her…what are I Missy Dane? And be nice. We have people.”

“You’re my companion. And my friend. I simply couldn’t make it without you. Although there are days that I think I’d like to try. Pi, how did you get Mr. Grant’s phone number to call him?”

“Service lady. She call me with numbers to have when you get them. I have list of them. I keep for you and me. I have many Grants and he have nice name. So when you not open door, I call. He come fast. You keep him.”

Dane flushed again. She should have asked later. When Jamie came up behind her and wrapped his arm around her waist and pulled her close, she felt heat rush her veins and her pussy flood with need. When she started to pull away from him, to try and get some distance, he pulled her back.

“I want you to keep me too. If I promise not to come too fast, will you?” he whispered in her ear. Then he bit her lobe gently. It was everything she could do not to turn around and bite him back.

“Dane, the police are going to talk to the family again. I want to thank you for looking into this, but next time, please make sure you aren’t locked in when you do it. I have never been so afraid in my life,” Devin was telling her.

Jamie pulled her into his lap and before she could get away, he pressed his erection into her.

Her body flushed again. Bryon grinned at her. She didn’t have any brothers, but she was pretty sure that if this one had been hers, he would have had a permanent black eye.

“I wasn’t. Locked in, I mean. That door sticks all the time. The landlord won’t fix it. He said that the basement isn’t made for an office, that I’m lucky that he lets me run an office from there anyway. We were looking for a house to buy—Pi was looking. I have things I…I’m just her bacon. But things have changed now.”

“About that. It seems you’re being evicted. Mr. Camel said that you have thirty days to leave the premises or he’ll have you removed. It’s within his rights, I’m afraid. He said that you don’t have a lease and that you don’t have a security deposit.” Dane looked at Pi who paled slightly.

“I’ll do everything I can to help you. There are several houses in foreclosure right now, so you could get a good deal. Just let me know what you are looking for and I’ll do some searches.”

“Mr. Grant, I appreciate your help, but Pi and I have been talking. I don’t think this is…I thought things would be different this time. I, we’ve decided that we’re going back to China. I thank you for—”

“I don’t think so. No, I just don’t think so. I’ve just…Mom, I’m going to let Pi and Dane move in with me. I was going to talk to you about it later, but things have…you aren’t going back. I can’t let you.”

“Wow, there buck-o. I make my own decisions. You have no say in where I live and what I do. If I wanted someone to dictate my life and how I run it, I would have stayed married. Now, thank you all for coming to help us, but I think you should leave. Pi, I’ll be in my office.” Dane stood and was nearly to the basement stairs when she was scooped up and thrown over a shoulder. “Put me down, you idiot. I am not—that fucking hurt.” She rubbed her abused ass and watched as his family came out of the kitchen and looked on as he started up the stairs to the upper floors.

“Is anyone going to stop this? He is acting like a…like a—”

“A man who knows what he wants? Yes, I see that. James Grant, don’t you beat her too badly. I’d like to have a word with her in a few days. Come on, sons, we should help Pi clean up the kitchen and—”

“Mrs. Parker, I helped you! Make him behave, please. This is none of his business.”

“Oh dear, yes, you’re right. Jamie, use a condom. There, sweetheart, I’ve helped, and I’ll tell you now, I think he’s made it his business.”


Jamie could not believe his mother and decided that he was going to send her flowers tomorrow for her “help.” Smiling, Jamie opened the first door. He did not know why, but he was sure he had found Dane’s. Moving inside, he closed and locked the door behind him.

The room was white. There were no other colors in the room with the exception of the furniture. Everything else, the walls, the carpet, and the comforter were all white. He stood in the middle of the room and looked around. There was nothing on the dressers; no pictures, not even a brush. The bed had a white canopy and white duster; there was even a white rug next to it. The lamp next to the bed was devoid of color as well. He knew that this was not just a place for her to sleep. It was also her place to come and unwind.

“I’m going to put you down and you’ll listen to me before you get all pissy, all right?” She did not answer so he swatted her again. He would have to talk to Byron later about this. He did not want to dominate Dane, but the thought of spanking her pink had his cock twitch in his jeans.

“When I get down, you had better run. I’m going to hurt you in ways you’ve never dreamed of. I want you to put me down right fucking now!”

Her voice was low, but he could hear her intent. He thought she might just do it. Smiling, he reached up and rubbed her ass then moved his hand between her legs. When she parted her legs for him, he knew he had her.

“I’m going to make love to you, Dane. I’m going to lap up your pussy until you scream my name, then I’m going to lose myself inside of you. I’ve never wanted a woman like I do you. I find it hard to think when you’re around.”

She was quiet for so long he thought she would not answer. “I have to show you something.

I…you may not want to…put me down, James. I’ll show you why we can’t be close.” She stood before him when he slid her down his body and looked up at him. He wanted to take her into his arms and kiss her, but he knew also that this was important and he wanted to do this right. She looked so sad, though, that he was hard pressed not to just leave her alone as she had asked.

“Lie on the bed, but take off your shirt first. I have to be able to touch you to show you. Is that all right?”

He unbuttoned his shirt and threw it in the small chair next to a vanity. There was nothing on it but a white book. The chair a white cover and pillow. He moved to the bed and helped her pull the blanket down to the foot and was not surprised by the sheets. He lay down without saying a word.

“I’m going to touch you. But you can’t touch me until I tell you. This isn’t a power trip, but a way to not overload you. As soon as you’ve had too much, tell me and I’ll stop.”

“You said you were married. Is this the reason it didn’t work out, Dane? Did he get overloaded and leave you?”

“Something like that. I’m an empath and a telepath. I know you understand what those are, but I want to explain how they affect me. I can feel your emotions and the more of a person I can touch without a barrier, the stronger the feelings are. When Nathan and I married, I tried to explain to him what I could do. He seemed to think he could make me turn it off. I tried, but it got to be too hard during sex. The more I tried to keep my curse from touching him, the more…unfulfilling our sex life became. Then one night, I just let go. He left and filed for divorce the next morning.”

“He was an ass. Did he know what you did before you married him? I don’t understand why he would marry you and not be more understanding.” Jamie was sure there was more, but he didn’t ask.

“Thank you, and yes, he knew. He thought he was the man and he would control me and through me, it. We didn’t love each other. He needed someone to hang on his arm and I wanted security. We were only married for six weeks. It may have been less if I had listened to Pi in the first place. She has some very colorful words to describe Nathan Wallace.” Jamie was sure she had. He had not known the older woman long, but he knew her to be very blunt and open about her opinion. He decided that he would sit down and have a talk with her soon. He just hoped he did not get a migraine when he did. He started to smile at the thought, but his breath caught when Dane took off her shirt.

“I’m going to sit on you. And it’s important that you listen to me, James. When you’ve had enough, tell me and I’ll stop. You’ll understand why I need to stop this before it gets too far between us. You’re a very nice man, but I don’t need anyone. All right?”

“Show me, Dane. I want to know you, all of you.” He wanted to tell her it was too late to stop anything between them now. Not when he just realized that he didn’t want to, no, he couldn’t lose her.

She slipped her pants off and stood before him in her panties and bra. His cock ached and he wondered if he would be able to stand too much of her touching him before he came in his pants like a teenager. When she moved up over his stomach and straddled him, he could not help reaching up and running his hands up her thighs.

“Lie still and don’t touch me. Not until I tell you to and then only as I instruct you. This is important, James. Please?”

“All right, baby. I’ll behave, but I want you to know that I’m as hard as stone and want you in the worst way. My cock is hurting now.”

“Close your eyes.” He did so immediately. When she didn’t move, he peeked at her. “You didn’t hesitate. You just closed them.”

Sitting up with her on his hips now, he kissed her. It was quick and hot, full of need and promise. Then he lay back down and closed his eyes. “I trust you, that’s why.”

“I’m going to run my hands over your ribs and let some of me go. Tell me what you feel.” Her finger tips were cool against his warm skin and he felt his muscles ripple with pleasure.

When he started to tell her how erotic it felt, he felt the first touch of unease.

“It’s mine not yours. I’m not comfortable with touching you like this, bare skin to bare skin.

The uncertainty you are feeling is mine. Let it flow through you, touch you.” As her fingers continued to move, he concentrated. “You’re more confident now. I can feel it, can’t I?”

“Yes. I’m going to give you a little more. Not much, but a little more. This room is white because, as you’ve guessed, it’s my paradisiacal retreat. No one has ever been in here, not even Pi. I don’t bring work in here. There are no books to read, no computers, and no sound once the door is closed. What are you feeling, James?”

“You’re relaxed. I can feel your need too. You’re scared, aren’t you, Dane? You’re afraid that I’m going to reject you and you’re holding yourself back from me. You don’t want to go to the next step because you want me to like you.”

BOOK: Jamie-5
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