Read Jezebel Online

Authors: Jacquelin Thomas

Jezebel (7 page)

BOOK: Jezebel
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“You're a funny lady.”

She walked past Cynthia, pausing long enough to say, “It's so good to see you this morning, Miss Hargrove.”

“I saw you over there talking to Atkinson. Don't think I was fooled for a minute. I see the way he looks at you. But in case you don't know—Atkinson is my man. You just better watch yourself, Jessie Belle. You don't know who you messing with.”

Jessie Belle met Cynthia's hard gaze with her own. In a low voice, she uttered, “Neither do you.”

Traynor came up behind them. “Hello, ladies.”

“Hey, honey,” Jessie Belle greeted. “You ready to go home?”

Cynthia excused herself, but not before sending Jessie Belle a sharp glance.

Traynor looked after her. “Is everything okay between you and Cynthia?”

Jessie Belle nodded. “Of course. We're great.”

He took her by the hand and they headed to the car.

She spotted Cynthia over by Atkinson's car. The woman glanced over at them but turned away when she saw Jessie Belle eyeing her.

She smiled.

Jessie Belle decided she'd gotten her point across to Cynthia and wouldn't have to worry about her anymore.

Traynor hung up the telephone with a sigh.

His father and aunt were still upset with him for marrying Jessie Belle, but Traynor knew in his heart that he'd made the right choice. Besides, he'd prayed about it before making his decision, and God had given him such peace about the marriage.

Jessie Belle was a good wife. She kept a clean, tidy house and food on the table. A couple of people had tried to tell him things about Jessie Belle before they left Mayville, but Traynor refused to listen. He didn't like gossip.

Traynor straightened and moved to make room for his wife.

“Sweetheart, I have to tell you…that roast was delicious,” he stated. “You're a wonderful cook.”

“Ma used to tell me all the time that I had to know how to take care of my husband.” Smiling, Jessie Belle added, “She was right, too. The way to your heart is through your stomach.”

He laughed.

“I was listening to you earlier,” she began. “You're really a gifted speaker. I can see you in one of the large churches here just preaching away. People lined up all over the place…Traynor, you could be the next Billy Graham. We drove up to Atlanta a couple of years ago to hear him preach. He's good. But you're even better than him.”

Traynor broke into a grin. “That's quite a compliment.”

Jessie Belle was his biggest cheerleader and he loved her for that. She made him feel as if he could do anything.

“It's the truth, honey.”

“If I never have a big church—that's okay with me,” Traynor stated. “Wherever God sees fit to send me—that's where I'll go. I'm about His business.”

“I'm all for God's business, but you need to take care of your own business, too.”

“What do you mean by that?” Traynor asked.

“It's not just your calling, honey. It's your job as well. You need to treat it as a business.”

“I do,” he countered.

Traynor wasn't sure exactly where Jessie Belle was going with this. He glanced over at her. “You don't think I am?”

“I'm not saying you're not, but it's very easy to get so caught up in your ministry that you forget about home. I know because my daddy did it until Ma set him straight.”

Traynor kissed her. “I won't ever forget about home—you're unforgettable.”

Jessie Belle stood up and began removing her clothes. “You haven't even seen unforgettable yet.”

He felt a wave of desire ignite in the pit of his belly.

“I thought maybe we could have dessert upstairs,” Jessie Belle murmured. She licked her full lips.

Traynor stood up.

Laughing, Jessie Belle led the way up the stairs.


essie Belle finished up the last of the laundry. She put away the towels and changed the bed linens in the master bedroom.

The telephone rang.

Walking over to the nightstand, Jessie Belle answered it on the third ring. “Hello.”

“Hey, beautiful…”

“Who is this?” she asked with a frown.

“It's your secret admirer,” the voice on the other end answered.

Jessie Belle didn't recognize the voice, although it had a familiar tone. Not in the mood to play games, she uttered, “I don't have time for this. I'm hanging up.”

“Wait…,” he quickly interjected. “This is Atkinson Bradford.”

“If you're calling for Traynor, he's at the church,” Jessie Belle stated. “You can reach him there.”

“I was calling to talk to you.”

Jessie Belle dropped down in a nearby chair. “Why?”

He laughed. “I thought maybe we could be friends.”

“Why?” she asked a second time. Jessie Belle knew that Atkinson had more on his mind than friendship.

“You don't want to be my friend?”

“I don't need any more friends,” Jessie Belle stated. “I have more than enough. Atkinson, I have to get back to my housekeep—”

He cut her off by saying, “I thought we could meet at this little jazz club I know. Around eight o'clock. I know your husband will be in a meeting at the church at that time. It'll be two friends getting out for a couple of hours. That's all.”

The jazz club. She'd wanted to go there so badly.

Traynor will never take me

“Hey, Jessie Belle…you still there?”

“I'm here,” she stated. “Where is this club located?”

“Peachtree Street. It's called LaBelle's Jazz and Supper Club.”

“I've heard of it,” Jessie Belle responded. “Thanks for the invitation, but, Atkinson, I have to go. I need to prepare lunch for my husband.”

“Are you going to meet me there or not?”

Jessie Belle hung up the telephone without giving Atkinson an answer. She wanted nothing to do with the man.

“I wasn't sure you'd actually show up,” Atkinson stated when Jessie Belle sat down across from him. “Especially after the way you slammed down the phone on me when I called you earlier. But I guess I wasn't wrong about you after all.”

Jessie Belle sat down at the table in the dimly lit club. “I've never heard a live band before, so I thought I'd check them out for a couple of hours and then I have to go pick up my husband. So that we're clear, I didn't come here to see you.”

His eyebrows rose in surprise. “Never heard a live band…wow.”

“My daddy is a preacher,” Jessie Belle explained. “He didn't let me go out to clubs or anything like that.”

“That's too bad,” Atkinson uttered.

“It's not a big deal. He was preparing me for my role as Traynor's wife.”

“So you were raised to be a preacher's bride, huh?”

“I was raised to be the wife of a great man,” Jessie Belle countered with a slight tilt of her chin.

After a moment, she asked, “Were you born and raised here in Atlanta?”

He shook his head no. “I'm from Savannah originally. Came up here for a visit and never left.” Atkinson leaned forward in his chair. “But I don't want to talk about me. I want to know all about you.”

Jessie Belle boldly met his gaze. “You mean more than the fact that I'm happily married to the pastor of the church both you and your girlfriend attend?”

Atkinson laughed. “Then why are you here with me, pretty lady?”

“I told you. I came out to enjoy the music.
That's all


Jessie Belle stiffened. “What did you just say?”

“You're just as interested in me as I am in you.
Admit it

“I'll be honest…. you piqued a certain curiosity,” Jessie Belle stated after a moment.

He grinned. “I knew it.”

“But it doesn't mean a thing,” she interjected. “I'm not here to cheat on my husband. Traynor doesn't deserve that.”

Atkinson leaned forward. “I want to get to know you better, Jessie Belle. I have a feeling that you and I have a lot in common.”

She wasn't flattered by his attention at all. In fact, he was getting on her nerves. “Atkinson, it's not going to happen. Give it up.”

“Why don't you try and keep an open mind?”

“Not interested,” Jessie Belle uttered. “I'm happy with my marriage and I have no intentions of having an affair with you. I just came here to listen to some music.”

A waitress walked over to take their drink orders.

“Just water for me,” Jessie Belle stated.

Atkinson ordered brandy. “Nobody orders water at a club,” he said when the waitress left.

“I don't drink.”

“Oh yeah…you're a preacher's kid. Sugar, one lil' drink won't hurt you.”

Jessie Belle shrugged in nonchalance. “I don't want one. I've had every opportunity to drink, Atkinson. I simply choose not to.”

When the band began to play, Jessie Belle's body swayed to the music.

“Wanna dance?” Atkinson asked.

Jessie Belle shook her head no. “I just want to listen to the music.”

“Chicken,” he uttered.

She sent him a sharp glare.

When the band took a break, Jessie Belle asked, “So what do you do for a living? Do you have a job?”

“I'm a sales manager at a car dealership.”

Jessie Belle perked up. “What type of cars do you sell?”


“You have any Chevelles in the silver color?” she asked.

Atkinson nodded. “Two on the lot right now.”

Jessie Belle filed that in the back of her mind. She really liked the new Chevelle.

She checked her watch, then shot up out of her seat. “I didn't realize it was so late. I have to go.”

“Why you leaving so soon? The waitress hasn't even come back with your water.”

“I wanted to see a live band and now I have. Now I'm going home.”

“Are you sure you want to leave right now?”

Smiling, she nodded. “Absolutely. I miss my husband. He's the one I want to spend the evening with.”

“When can I see you again?”

“Sunday,” Jessie Belle answered with a smile. “At church.”

She picked up her purse and walked out of the club, a big smile on her face.

Jessie Belle drove straight to the church to pick up Traynor.

“You didn't have to get all dressed up for me,” he said when he saw her.

“I have to keep my man interested,” she responded with a grin. “Did you get something to eat?”

Traynor nodded. “Martha picked up some dinner from the Deep South Restaurant down the street. They have some of the best soul food in the city.”

Jessie Belle moved over so that Traynor could drive them home.

After they arrived home, they sat down and talked over slices of lemon pound cake.

They went to bed around eleven and made love.

When the clock struck midnight, Jessie Belle eased out of bed, careful not to wake a sleeping Traynor. She moved around the room quietly, picking up her clothes so there wouldn't be a mess when he woke up.

I love Traynor, so why did I meet Atkinson at that club?

Jessie Belle continued to ponder the question as she ventured into the sitting room. Atkinson was an extremely handsome man, but he had nothing else to offer. It would be pure stupidity to ruin her marriage over him.

Traynor was the man she chose. Jessie Belle envisioned him being bigger than Billy Graham. He had a lot of potential, whereas Atkinson—he was a car salesman by profession. There was nothing he could offer Jessie Belle outside of a good deal on the brand-new Chevrolet Chevelle convertible in silver.

The more Jessie Belle thought about it, the more she liked the idea. She wasn't going to cheat on Traynor; instead she'd just string Atkinson along until she got her car. She had her husband almost convinced that they needed a second car and since his was paid for by his father, they could easily afford the car payment.

When the clock displayed six a.m., Jessie Belle went downstairs and put on a pot of coffee. While she waited for it to be ready, she read from her daily devotional and spent ten minutes in prayer. After her first cup of coffee, Jessie Belle was ready to start her day.

She pulled out a bag of flour. Jessie Belle was going to make a big Southern breakfast for Traynor.

Jessie Belle had scrambled eggs, fluffy biscuits, thin slices of country ham, spiced apples and a pot of grits ready by the time Traynor walked into the kitchen. He was still dressed in his pajamas and matching robe.

“How long have you been up?” he asked.

“I couldn't sleep, so I decided to come down here and make you a nice breakfast. I'm sure you're tired of pancakes, cereal and oatmeal.”

Traynor wrapped his arms around her. “Jessie Belle, I appreciate all of this, but understand me—you're not expected to cook meals like this every morning. I love oatmeal and I love pancakes. It doesn't take a whole lot to please me, sweetheart.”

“I just wanted to do something special for you this morning. You're such a wonderful husband—I feel like I can't do enough to show my appreciation.”

Traynor hugged her. “I feel like I'm the luckiest man alive to have a woman like you.”

“Together, we'll rule the world,” Jessie Belle whispered. “You have the brains and the personality…. I have brains and beauty—honey, we're a team.”

He laughed.

“I'm serious,” she stated. “If we just stick together, Traynor, we can go places. We can have whatever we want.”

“I believe in teamwork,” he responded. “And you're right—we make a great team.”

“We're going to have a great life together.” Jessie Belle kissed him.

She fixed Traynor's plate and placed it in front of him at the table. She carried her plate to the other side and sat down.

Traynor gave the blessing over the food.

“Jessie Belle, do you need the car today?” he inquired between bites.

She shook her head no while buttering a biscuit. “Honey, I was just thinking about how much easier it would be on you if we got me a car.”

Traynor seemed to be considering her words.

Jessie Belle took a sip of her orange juice. “You wouldn't have to catch rides home with Deacon Smith. I know he talks you to death the whole way home.”

Laughing, Traynor nodded. “He's never at a loss for words—that's for sure. But, sweetheart…maybe we should wait for a while.”

“We don't have any real bills outside of the mortgage, Traynor. I don't have any credit cards and your car is already paid for. Deacon Bradford works at a dealership—I'm sure he'd be able to work out a deal for us.”

“I'll take it to prayer, sweetheart.”

Jessie Belle smiled and nodded. But deep down, she was ready to shake Traynor.
Take it to prayer. For what?
It was pretty clear that they needed two cars.

Traynor didn't mention it again and neither did Jessie Belle. She knew he'd come to her when he'd made a decision.

Half an hour later, Traynor headed out the house carrying his newspaper.

Jessie Belle walked him to the car. “Have a good day,” she told him.

“Where did you go last night?” Mary Ellen asked when Jessie Belle walked next door. “I was getting worried when you didn't come home. I thought something happened at the supermarket.”

“I…I didn't go to the store.” Jessie Belle had forgotten about the lie she'd told her friend. “I went to visit one of our church members—she's going through a hard time right now. She was so upset…. I spent all evening with her.”

Cynthia joined them. “Good afternoon, ladies.”

Jessie Belle didn't respond, but Mary Ellen did. “Hey.”

“You must have caught a sale somewhere, Jessie Belle,” stated Cynthia. “I'm sorry…. I overheard Mary Ellen mention that you'd gone shopping yesterday.”

“Ladies, I'd love to stand out here and talk, but I need to go home and start the laundry, clean the house and get dinner started for my husband. I don't want to be remiss in my wifely duties.” Jessie Belle's eyes traveled to Cynthia. “Doing so can quickly put an end to a marriage, wouldn't you agree?”

BOOK: Jezebel
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