Read Just A Little Taste Online

Authors: Selena Blake

Tags: #erotica, #short story, #france, #wine, #heist, #vineyard, #the blind bet

Just A Little Taste (4 page)

BOOK: Just A Little Taste
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Kissing her like that, it didn't take long
before his balls began to ache with need for release. Suddenly she
pulled back and stared into his eyes, her small hand reaching
between them.

“Come with me,” she ordered softly. Her words
almost set him off.

She thrust down on his cock a few times
before furiously rubbing her clit. He could make out her frantic
movement through the wall of her pussy. It was just the pressure he

After they were both spent, she cuddled up
against his chest, his cock still inside her. The heat of her pussy
was the only thing keeping him warm.

“I should probably get dressed,” she said
some time later, but she didn't move.

“Me too.”

Slowly, she eased herself off of his lap and
stood. He watched as she slipped her gown over her head and let it
glide down over her curves. Damn, she was sexy.

She sat down on the barrel and took another
sip of wine. ”I can honestly say I've never enjoyed a wine tasting
more.” Her voice was full of humor.

“Me either,” he said, slipping into his
clothes. He sat at her feet and tipped his head back so he could
look at her. He had all the intel he needed, so why wasn't he

Hell if he knew.

Chapter Four

They talked for awhile before she curled up
next to him. He draped his jacket over her shoulders and wrapped
his arm around her. At some point they fell asleep, and when he
woke, she was kissing his lips.

Her shoes were on and the wine bottle was

“I have to go,” she whispered. She'd taken
the pins out of her hair, and it cascaded around her shoulders. She
looked like she wanted to say something more, but instead she stood

“I should go too,” he said. ”I can see myself
out. Is there a trail from here?”

“Right out that door and to the right.”

He nodded and got to his feet. She handed him
his jacket and turned toward the tunnel.


She turned back, and he slipped his hands
around her waist. He gave her a soft kiss. “Thanks for last

“Thank you,” she said with a smile and then
disappeared through the door.

Braxton visualized the cellar, counting the
security cameras in his mind. There'd been one over the door of the
tunnel and another near the staircase leading to the house. He'd
planned to knock out the power for a few minutes while he snuck
past the security cameras, but that was impossible if he wanted to
steal the bottle right now. He'd need to loop the feed on the
camera instead.

He pulled the handheld computer from the
pocket of his tuxedo jacket and turned it on. His fingers moved
swiftly over the device, prepping it to fool the security system.
He pulled a wire with a clip at the end and plugged it in. Then he
checked his watch to see how long it'd been since Elise had left

Once she'd been gone for fifteen minutes, he
opened the door just enough for him to squeeze through. Flattening
himself against the wall, he looked over his head at the camera.
Stretching way up, he clipped the metal clasp to the wire running
out the back of the camera. He pressed two buttons on the computer
and then set it on top of the door frame.

Praying this worked, he quickly strode across
the room to the display of Roger's priceless collection. The 1787
sat on top of a clear shelf, a light shining down on it as if it
were the star on a stage. He studied the case surrounding the
prize. He could just make out the lasers. He reached into the other
pocket of his jacket, pulled out a tiny can and sprayed the
contents over the opening. Green bars of light hovered in front of
the collection.

Braxton smiled.

As if that would keep him out. He slipped on
a pair of latex gloves and popped his knuckles. With studied ease,
he reached between the bars and wrapped his hand around the neck of
the bottle. It was cool against his palm, smooth.

Carefully he lifted the bottle and pulled it
between the laser beams.

He breathed a sigh of relief and felt the
adrenaline pump through his veins. Quickly he turned and studied
the nearby bottles looking for one of a similar shape and color.
Finding one, he reversed the procedure, wondering how long it would
take Savade to figure out the bottles had been switched.

With the switch made, he cradled the prize in
his arms and headed for the tunnel door. His mind was racing with
thoughts, steps that he needed to complete to pull this off.

When the computer was disconnected from the
camera, he slipped it back into his pocket then crept back into the
tunnel. After he closed the door behind him, he strode down the
long corridor. It didn't take long to get to the winery again. He
slipped his jacket from his shoulders and put the bottle in the
special pouch inside the lining. Then he draped the jacket over his
arm so it looked natural.

The sky was just beginning to turn a pale
blue as he walked outside. The gentle sounds of the morning
surrounded him. He glanced around to get his bearings and then
headed off across the vineyard, keeping an eye out for Roger's

The earth smelled sweet; the air was damp. By
the time he saw the roof of the car he'd stashed at the edge of the
property, the sky was pink and purple. The grass looked extra

It was going to be a beautiful day. He pulled
the key from his pants pocket and unlocked the door. Carefully he
laid the bottle inside. A slow smile spread over his face as he
thought of Zeus's email.

He turned the key and heard the low rumble of
the engine.

“Who's the best of the best now?” he said to
himself in the rearview mirror and then sped away.










Chapter Five

The Next Day…


Braxton watched from a safe distance as Mr.
Legard opened his front door and looked down at the stoop. He
frowned at the wooden box and then bent to pick it up. Turning it
over in his hands, he looked for a label.

Curiosity getting the better of him, he
pulled off the lid and peeked inside. His eyes grew larger,
rounder. His eyebrows rose high on his wrinkled forehead. He pulled
the bottle from its resting place, and his jaw dropped open
slightly. Then his gaze jerked up, and he looked around the street
suspiciously before backing into his house and closing the front

Brax pulled out his cell phone and sent a
text message to Zeus.




The End

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Watch for other stories in The Blind Bet


Stealing the Show by Leila Brown (wherever
digital books are sold)


Excerpt from Stealing the Show


Chapter One


[email protected]

[email protected]

Subject: The Bet


Blush By Incognito


You have 7 days.


Christopher Pillow glanced down at the
digital readout on his watch. Eight-forty five. In roughly one day
he would either be pulling off the biggest heist in the history of
Milan Fashion Week, or he would be stuck in some Milanese jail.

He looked around the tiny club. The place was
so small it barely boasted a dance floor at all. That didn’t keep
the semi-drunk and horny men and women from flinging their bodies
to the music. Any other time he’d be out there, too, rubbing up
against those models until he found a willing partner to go home

From his perch at the end of the bar he could
see everyone as they walked in. He needed to stop looking at the
gyrating bodies and concentrate on why he was here. Alessia
Dommine. The one woman with what he needed.

Five minutes of nursing that damned ginger
ale before his waiting paid off. A group of stick thin models
walked in and on their heels was the woman he’d been looking for.
She was a knock out. Full lips, a pert nose, and her genuine smile
charmed him. Her thin gold shirt showcased a nice set of rounded
breasts and a slender waist.

She laughed at something one of the
hopelessly thin women said then threw her honey-kissed hair over
her shoulder. Oh yes. He was definitely going to enjoy the next
twenty-four hours.

Christopher signaled to the bartender. “One
glass of your best champagne to the young woman in the gold top at
that table.”

“I’m sorry, sir, our best champagne only
comes by the bottle.” The snooty man turned up his nose.

Christopher grinned and handed over several
thousand-dollar bills. “Send her a bottle then.” He could afford
it. Hell, it’d probably surprise that bastard to find out just what
he could afford.

The bartender hurried off. If he pulled this
off it would be worth a hundred times the cost of that bottle. One
bet. One week. And one chance to be the best. And he was the

A waiter left the bar with a large bottle and
headed to the table of giggling women. When the man set the bottle
down, Alessia tried to wave him off. The waiter paid her no
attention and set down seven flutes then pointed at him.
Christopher lifted his hand in a tiny salute. He smiled at the wary
look on her face.

Her friends held none of her reserve. They
popped the bottle open and poured. She reluctantly accepted a flute
and raised a toast to him. The movement caused her shirt to stretch
wide across her breasts. Her nipples poked through the thin fabric
of her shirt.
Is she wearing a bra?
He doubted it, and his
cock hardened at the thought.

Christopher downed the rest of his drink,
then turned and stood. He made his way to her table. Just as he
stepped up on the tiny raised dais they turned up the bottle and
drained the last few drops.

“Hello, ladies. I trust you enjoyed the
champagne?” He quirked an eyebrow at Alessia’s half full glass.
“Not your favorite?”

“Ohh, he’s American.” A blonde woman cooed.
She batted her eyes up at him. A ploy that no doubted worked with
most men.

Unfortunately for her, he liked his women
with more curves. Hell, her breasts wouldn’t fill one hand. He
turned to Alessia and raised an eyebrow at her.

“No. No. We enjoyed the bottle. I would ask
you to sit and share some, but it’s all gone.”

“No problem. We’ll just have to order another
bottle.” He sat beside her.

She tried to move away from him, but there
wasn’t anyplace to go. The table was full to the point of bursting.
Her heat soaked his black slacks. He moved his arm behind the back
of the seat and let his hand rest on the edge of her shoulder. She
jumped at the slight contact.

“So what are we celebrating tonight?” he
asked the table as a whole.

“Alessia’s promotion to show producer,” said
the platinum blonde next to Alessia.

“Congratulations.” He smiled down at her.

“It’s only temporary.” She waved at her
friends trying to calm down the happy group.

“Until you rock the Incognito show. Then
they’ll give you the position, permanently.” The blonde next to
Alessia flipped her hair over her shoulder and let out a little
giggle. “Besides, no one wants Aldof back.”

“Shh.” Alessia hushed the woman.

“Is it some big secret?” Christopher asked in
quieter tones.

Alessia bit her bottom lip. She rolled the
plump piece of flesh between her teeth.

“No, but it’s just not public knowledge, and
I’d rather it didn’t become that until after the show.”

“One day—” one of the women piped up.

“More like twenty three hours,” Alessia

This wasn’t working. He needed to get her
alone. With him being the only man in the group, all eyes were on
him. Every move of his fingers, every twitch of his hands was being
watched by at least one of the women. Probably more.

“Dance?” he asked quirking an eyebrow at

She looked as if she was about to say no when
one of the women sitting next to her pushed her up into his

“Go,” more than one of the women told

Alessia slipped her tiny purse across her
chest. The actual pouch stayed at her hip. She placed her hand
lightly on his. His hard fingers closed around her soft flesh. He
pushed her in front of him and guided her to the dance floor. When
they stepped on the floor he turned her to face him. The music was
a bold, steady beat. He pulled her close and rocked his hips into
her. It took a second for her to catch his rhythm. He bit the
inside of his lips as she rocked against him. His cock hardened at
the warm heat coming from beneath her tiny denim skirt.

Christopher grabbed her waist. He worked his
hands into the band of her skirt and let his fingers graze her
skin. He eyed her keys on the side of her purse. Exactly what he
needed. Dropping his arm to his side, he pulled out a small bit of
wax from his pocket. He palmed it then reached around her again.
Pulling her back onto him, he made an impression of a key. In a
fast move he spun her away, slipped the wax into his pocket and was
ready for her when she spun back to him. The move crushed her
against him with her back pushed into the front of him. She rubbed
her ass against him. His cock throbbed against the thin fabric of
his slacks. Every brush against her made him harder.

Okay, maybe it was time for plan B.



Author Bio


An action movie buff with a penchant for all
things supernatural and sexy, Selena Blake combines her love for
adventure, travel and romance into steamy paranormal romance.
Selena’s books have been called “a steamy escape” and have
appeared on bestseller lists,  been nominated for awards, and
won contests.  When she’s not writing you can find her by the
pool soaking up some sun, day dreaming about new characters, and
watching the cabana boy (aka her muse), Derek. Fan mail keeps her
going when the diet soda wears off so write to her at
[email protected]

BOOK: Just A Little Taste
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