Read Just One Night Online

Authors: Chloe Cole

Just One Night (5 page)

BOOK: Just One Night
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All hell broke loose as bras became weapons of war. By the time they fell onto the bed, breathless, they both had their fair share of welts. Some of the tension that had been Micah’s constant companion for the past twenty-four hours faded.

After the mess with Tomas, she’d quickly realized she needed to make a decision. There were only two ways to go. She could pretend the conversation the night before had never happened and hope they found their way back to being best friends again. Or she could try one last time to show him how she felt. No more dancing around it or hiding behind drinks. She would let him know that he was her knight, no shining armor required. That she wanted him in spite of, and maybe partly because of, what he’d been through and the man it had made him.

Since their talk, she’d dug deep and come to the conclusion that he was wrong about a few things. Maybe she didn’t see the part of him he hid from her, but she knew him, knew the important things. He would do almost anything for her. He loved his dog and would take a bullet for his sweet Martha if he had to. On the weekends he had a couple kids from the Boys & Girls Clubs come to his shop so he could teach them how to work on motorcycles.

So what if he fantasized about things she’d never considered? She was just glad he was thinking of her like that at all. It was time to make both of their fantasies a reality.

So tonight she’d lay it all on the line to see if Tomas felt even half of what she did. The most terrifying part was that she had to do it knowing there could be no going back, no matter his response. It was a huge risk, and the thought of life without him was scaring the shit out of her.

“You really think I’m doing the right thing.”

Renee’s smiling face grew serious. “I don’t think it, Mike. I know it.”

Micah tried not to nurture the tiny kernel of hope that had started to build. Tears sprang to her eyes, and she swiped them away with an impatient hand.

“Stop it! You’re going to get all puffy, and that’s totally not sexy. Geez, I feel like Thumper to your Bambi. You don’t know how to do
thing, do you?” Renee shook her head in exasperation, but under the bluster she was clearly ecstatic at the chance to help Micah vamp it up. “First thing is to pick something that plays up your assets. In your case, that’s the curves.”

Four hours and a trip to the mall later, Micah had finally settled on an outfit. After going back and forth between subtle baby-doll nighties with stilettos and not-so-subtle black bustiers with thigh-high leather boots, she’d settled on something that was out of her comfort zone but still felt like her.

By the time Renee left, the house was clean, music played in the background and champagne—which Micah didn’t plan on touching—chilled in the fridge. Tomas wasn’t due home for another hour, so she took a leisurely bubble bath. She buffed her skin with a brown-sugar-and-vanilla scrub until it was pink and gleaming. She peeked down at her toes poking through the bubbles. They were a bright, cherry red, and her fingernails were painted to match. Whenever she looked at them it gave her a much-needed confidence boost.

This was it. If he truly wanted her like he said he did, he couldn’t turn her away this time.

Could he?

She pushed back the terrifying thought. She had enough to worry about. Like if she had the goods to satisfy Tomas. She’d played back his words a thousand times.

The one who wants to tie your wrists and ankles to the bedpost so he can make you scream and cry out his name.

Her face burned, and she immersed herself, head and all, under the rapidly cooling water. He was right, she didn’t know that Tomas. But what he hadn’t banked on was that she wanted to.

As scared as she was to fail or look stupid or be vulnerable, she wanted to try everything he’d said.

And more.


Tomas closed the door behind him as quietly as he could manage, but the sound seemed to echo through the silent little house. In a perfect world, Mike would be asleep already and he could put off facing her for just one more day.

Martha loped over and snuffled at his boots. He bent and gave her head a pat.

“Hey, sweet girl,” he whispered.

“Hey yourself,” a voice called back.

He started at the sound and moved from the hallway into the dimly lit living room.

“Mike?” His pulse thrummed. He’d wanted her to be asleep. So why did he feel so edgy and excited that he was going to get to see her, even for a minute?


“Did you fall asleep on the couch again?”

“Not exactly.”

Her voice wasn’t coming from the living room. It was coming from the bedroom.

His bedroom.

“Come here,” she said.

All his senses fired at once. His ears began to buzz, the hair on his arms rose, his muscles tightened. She was probably just…just what? There was no reason he could think of that she would be in his bedroom, especially after last night. Except one.

He swallowed hard as he walked what felt like the
Green Mile
. He knew there would be no going back, but he had no choice. Nothing could have kept him from seeing what lay on the other side of the door that loomed in front of him, larger than life. He stopped outside the door and took a deep breath before pushing it open and looking in. Then he stopped breathing altogether.

There she was. Micah Kincaid, bathed in candlelight, sitting on his bed with her feet encased in black stilettos dangling off the edge. She was dressed in a white men’s dress shirt that was sheer enough to see her nipples through. A black tie was slung casually around her neck and trailed down between her breasts, obscuring his view of her spectacular cleavage. That was okay, because he was distracted by her curvy legs which were on full display from her ankles to the very tops of her thighs.

His cock thickened and pulsed, instantly springing to life at the vision in front of him.

“Jesus, Mike.”

She held his gaze as she slid her feet to the floor, then stood. The soft light silhouetted her frame, showcasing her almost naked form beneath the shirt.

“I’m stone-cold sober, Tomas. I’m an adult now. I’m wide awake and I’m not feverish or ill. I just want you. I want this. I always have. So can we?”

He opened his mouth, willing something coherent to come out. Some nugget of wisdom, some reason why this was wrong and stupid. Why it would ruin everything, if it wasn’t already ruined. Instead, what came out was a choked whisper. “You’re so fucking beautiful, babe.”

She gave him a shaky smile and took a hesitant step toward him. Her scent washed over him and he groaned.

“Thanks. I wanted to wear something really sexy, and Renee tried to help, but then—”

He cut off her nervous rambling. “I don’t care how it happened. This…” He flicked a gaze over her from head to toe. “This is perfect. A dream come true. I’ve never seen anything so sexy.”

Her cheeks flushed, and she glanced away. He cupped her chin, tilting her head back so he could look into her eyes. “Are you sure about this? I told you last night, I—”

She didn’t even blink. “So sure.”

His heart thudded. “Come closer.”

She wet her lips and took a step forward. Their bodies brushed, and she gasped. The sound was better than any music he’d ever heard, and his only coherent thought was that he wanted to hear it again and again.

She put her hands up in surrender, before laying them on his chest. Stretching onto her tiptoes, she tipped her head back and pressed a soft kiss to his jaw. It took all his strength not to pounce on her and take what he’d wanted for so long. Could she feel him quivering?

“I’ve thought about this every single day. Since that night we went skinny-dipping and you turned me down.” Her voice was low, but the words thundered in his ears.

Damn, that hurt. He’d almost gotten carried away. She must have sensed he needed the reminder. She wanted the same thing she’d wanted eight years ago. One night.

Unadulterated joy was eclipsed by steely resolve and raw lust. One night. He could do that. He wouldn’t ask why. It would only make her feel bad to have to explain it. Tonight was theirs, and sure as shit he was going to make it count. They would deal with the fallout tomorrow.

He slipped a hand into her hair and jerked her head back, exposing her throat.

She stared at him with wide eyes. “What are you doing?”

“Whatever I want.” He gave a sharp tug and bent low to sink his teeth into her neck.

She stiffened, but relaxed a second later. “Don’t try to scare me away. It won’t work. I know you’d never hurt me.” Her words vibrated against his lips, and he clamped down harder until she groaned.

“You’re wrong, babe,” he murmured into her soft skin. “Not only will I hurt you, after a while you’ll beg me to do it.” He pulled away and looked into her face. “Last chance.” Even as he said it, he wondered whom he was trying to save, her or himself. There was no way he would make it to tomorrow in one piece. The question was, would he ever be able to put himself back together again?

Her jaw stiffened as she reached between them and took his cock in her hand. “Let’s do this.”

His knees nearly buckled at the touch, a clear reminder of the kind of power she had over him. He gripped her wrist and pulled her away. “We’ll do this, babe, but we’ll be doing it my way.” When she didn’t balk, he softly squeezed her arm to emphasize his point. “You will touch me when I tell you. Nod if you understand.”

She opened her mouth, but, at his stern look, snapped it shut again.

“Get on your knees.” His heart pounded as he waited to see what she would do. He was torn. If she walked away now, it would be the worst night of his life. But maybe in the long run it would save him the pain of knowing what it was like between them when he could never have her again.

Her brow wrinkled, and terror mixed with elation swept through him. She wasn’t going to do it.

“Shouldn’t you take your pants off first?” she asked.

“Get. On. Your. Knees.”

A spark leapt in her eyes, and she didn’t take her gaze off him as she slowly sank to her knees. His cock bucked behind his zipper, and he tore at the button-fly of his jeans. He shoved his pants and boxers down in one move, freeing his erection.

He began fisting himself, and she stared, rapt, as he stroked up and down. She leaned forward, lips parted, and it took every ounce of his willpower not to allow her to suck him in. Instead he backed away.

“You want it?”

She hesitated, then nodded.

Triumph surged through him. “Open wider.”

She complied.

He held the back of her head as she dipped her face closer to him, until the heat of her breath washed over his aching cock. She flicked out her tongue and nudged his sensitive tip, scooping up a drop of precome that had leaked out. The soft caress shook him, and he had to close his eyes to block out the sight.

“Take it, babe,” he groaned. She opened wide and sucked him in until he felt the resistance of her tight throat muscles. He flexed then, driving his cock farther in. She gagged and gripped his thighs to steady herself, but he didn’t let up. He pressed her down with a firm hand as he thrust upward. “That’s it, suck it deep.”

She gagged again but didn’t fight him, using her tongue to work the head of his cock as she bobbed up and down. Her long hair brushed against her nipples as she moved, and they stiffened under the crisp white shirt. She looked up then, her eyes filled with tears. A wave of tenderness assailed him, followed by a stab of guilt. What the fuck was he doing? This was Micah.

He pulled back, releasing her. “I’m sorry,” he managed, his voice sounding strangled. “I didn’t mean to scare you or make you cry. This is w—”

“You didn’t scare me, and I’m not crying. I was just choking a little. I have to get past the whole gag-reflex thing.” She looked away then, her voice going so soft he had to strain to hear her. “But I…I like it. And it’s weird…you talking to me like that…but it makes me feel…I don’t know…sexy or something.”

He didn’t think his cock could get any harder, but he was wrong. At her words, the remaining blood in his body shifted course and rushed to his dick, pulsing there, swelling him to bursting. “Then, by all means, continue.”

She leaned toward him, drawing the tip of his cock into her mouth and flicking it with her tongue.

He threaded his fingers through her hair and urged her down. “No teasing. Not now. Suck hard, as far as you can take it. I want to feel the soft flesh at the back of your throat. That’s it, babe.”

Her mouth was on fire, and she held him tight, her cheeks and throat gripping him like a fist. She clutched at his hips, pulling him closer as she worked his cock, slowly but thoroughly, up and down. His legs began to shake and the urge to come became almost too much to bear. He jerked away, but she shimmied forward on her knees to suck him in again.

He growled and held her head still. “You hungry for that cock, princess? I’ll tell you when you can have it. Understand?”

She murmured her assent around his girth, and the vibrations ran along the ridge of his dick with a hum. She released him and met his gaze. “I’ve never had anyone come in my mouth. I’d like to try, if—”

Any willpower he had left was obliterated by those words, replaced by the driving need to fuck those sweet lips until he came. He let out a curse then yanked her forward until he was buried balls-deep in her mouth. He didn’t try to be gentle, taking what he wanted, what he needed. She lifted her hands, but rather than push him away, she snaked them around his hips and clutched his ass, pulling him closer.

She let out a choked gasp, but still she held on, urging him to thrust harder into the waiting inferno of her mouth. He sank a hand into her hair, using it as leverage to force her farther onto his dick. Hot liquid rushed to his sack, pressure building tight and fast. His movements became frantic as he began to fuck her mouth, only one goal in mind. His cock jerked and twitched. She felt it too, because she moaned low in her throat and dug her nails into his ass, forcing him deeper. The head of his cock tapped against the back of her throat, once, twice, then he exploded. His body quaked as the orgasm ripped through him. He shouted her name, and come spurted into her greedy mouth as she sucked him harder, swallowing every drop. Her eyes were locked on his, and it was all he could do to remain on his feet.

BOOK: Just One Night
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