Kate: A Universal Truth (A Wish for Love Series Book 1) (19 page)

BOOK: Kate: A Universal Truth (A Wish for Love Series Book 1)
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Silence.  Nothing happened.

She saw the odious smile on his face and the murderous look in his eyes.

“Spoil your plan, my dear?”

He rose.  Kate’s temples throbbed painfully.  Her head was about to burst.  He closed in on her and tried to take the gun away from her but Instinctively she slid away, escaping to the other side of the room.  He chased her.  He was stronger and faster.  She watched his manic progress, as he hurled aside the furniture and objects that separated them.  She breathed heavily.  Lindsay grabbed an antique clock above the fireplace and threw it at her.   The clock struck her shoulder before she had time to move, and the gun slipped from her hand.  A cry of despair burst from her throat.  Lindsay grabbed the gun and lifted it.  Before she grasped his intention, still reeling from the pain spreading down her arm, he hit her, his fist aimed squarely at her belly.  Kate keeled over on the carpet.  His figure loomed above.  “You wanted to fix me, you dirty bitch.  I’ll show you what a whore like you deserves.”  His filthy shoe landed on her neck, pinning her to the rug.  “Now you’re afraid?  Shaking like a leaf?  Well, I’ve just begun, whore.”  He removed his foot and she sat up, trying to stand.

“What an impressive vocabulary you have.”  She almost choked but could not stop the bitterness from welling up. 

Lindsay aimed the gun at her, making a big show of cocking it, showing her why the gun had failed to fire.  “What’s in that box?”

“Nothing that could possibly interest you.”

“Open it.”


"Very well. I'll do it."  For a minute he looked uncomprehending but his eyes immediately lit up.  “Well, well, what have we here?”  I’m ready to bet this is the manuscript you were telling me about in Oxford.”

“Leave it.”

To her horror Lindsay extracted a pack of matches from his pocket.

“Don’t you dare,” she whispered.

“You’re giving me orders again?  When will you learn a little respect?  I see I have no option but to teach you some manners.”  He lit a match and dropped it in the box, looking on with satisfaction as the flames licked the manuscript, before placing it in the empty fireplace.

“No!” she screamed, feeling her heart drop.  She tried to reach the precious pages but in vain.  Lindsay grabbed her arm, forcibly preventing her from extinguishing the blaze that quickly burned the box and the manuscript, and drew the gun to her head.  In a few minutes it was all over.  Only ashes remained of the great author’s work.

Lindsay pushed her and she fell to the floor.  “Get down on all fours,” he ordered.  His face flushed a bright Bordeaux color and the sweat ran down his face and neck in great drops.  Large sweat stains appeared under his armpits and he stank.

“What?”  Kate was still in shock from the loss of the manuscript.

“On all fours.  I want a bit of a taste of what Camedon found so enticing that he invited you to join him at Bellewoodplain.”

“You’re mad.”  His foot landed on her chest, knocking her to the floor.  His hand reached for his belt.  Kate tried to get up but she was weak and injured and he was stronger and heavier than she.  She felt his pants slide down and his hand feeling for her nightgown, drawing it up to her waist.  She fought her panic.  His knee brutally separated her legs.  “I’ll stick it to you, bitch.  I want to feel myself inside you.  Tell me you want me.”

“Never,” she choked.

He pulled her hair, “say it.”


He lifted his fist, ready to slam it in her face, when her phone rang.  Lindsay froze.  “It’s Matthew.”  His movements were extremely agitated.  He rose, tottering over her.  Kate began to rise.

“Come on, come on, faster.”  He grabbed her arm and dragged her to the phone.  When they reached it he let her go.  Kate used her good arm for support as she sat on the bed.  She felt defeated.  Lindsay pressed 'Answer' and placed the phone at Kate’s ear. 

“Kate, is that you?  Answer me, Kate,” his voice was forceful and hard but even in her hazy state Kate could feel the worry that emanated from him to her.

“Matthew,” her voice was weak and shaking.  Tears filled her eyes and prevented her from continuing.  She began to cry, pouring out all her terror, bitterness and pain to the instrument in her hand.

Matthew’s heart froze.  This was the worst nightmare of his life.  His worst fears had been cruelly vindicated.  Lindsay had got to her.  “What happened, Kate?  Did he hurt you?  You must tell me.  I must know, so I can protect you.  Kate...”

Lindsay grabbed the telephone.

“She’s in my hands, Matthew.  And I intend to kill her.  You thought you were so almighty. You thought you were stronger, but I’m smarter.  You’ll pay for all your sins against me, for what you stole from me.”

Matthew stood in his London bedroom.  The news of Lindsay’s escape and the killing of three policemen had reached him only a few minutes ago.  It had taken the guards five hours to discover the bodies and the fact that a dangerous, cunning criminal was walking about free.  Matthew had no illusions.  Richard Lindsay was a menacing and pitiless psychopath.  He had only one weak spot.  He was eaten up with feelings of inferiority and had no self-esteem.  He would not hesitate to harm Kate if he felt powerful, if he felt that Matthew was afraid, hesitant, weaker than he.  He recalled his fatal hesitation when he entered Rebecca’s bedroom.  Remembered the swiftness with which Lindsay pushed the knife into his belly.  This time he could not make the same mistake.

Matthew's voice was metallic, each word a sharp blade.  Lindsay, on the other end of the line, felt his hairs stand up.  It was impossible to mistake the ominous, deadly calm of the speaker’s voice. 

“Lindsay, I swear that if you touch a hair of her head I’ll catch you and make sure you die a slow and agonizing death.  I’m not joking.  If she gets hurt I personally will cut your heart out.  I promise your pain will be so terrible you’ll beg me to put an end to your miserable life.”  Kate could not hear what Matthew said but saw Lindsay’s Adam’s apple bob nervously up and down. Matthew’s words were having a devastating effect on Lindsay’s calm and self-confidence. 

“If you do exactly as I say, she won’t get hurt.  If not, I’ll kill her.  I have nothing to lose, Matthew.  You know that. I’ll kill her as I did those dogs from the police." 

“What do you want?”

“Your private jet, fueled and ready to take off, with a pilot and ten million pounds in cash.”

“It will take me a few hours to organize everything.  Let Kate go.  I’ll do as you say.”

“Do you take me for a fool?”  Lindsay barked into the phone as his grip on the gun tightened.  “Until I get into the damned plane this gun is aimed at her heart.”

A wave of suppressed violence streaked through Matthew.  He breathed deeply and his chest rose and fell rapidly as he attempted to control himself.  He must think logically and act coolly.  This was no time to let his feelings for Kate take over.  He must remain detached, forget he loved her as he had never loved anyone in his life.

“Okay.  It will take me three, four hours.  The plane and the money will be waiting for you at Princethorpe.  That’s the nearest airfield to Bellewoodplain.”

“And another thing,” Lindsay cut him short,” I don’t want to see even the shadow of a policeman.  If you surround the place with police I’ll put a gun to my head,” he paused for emphasis, “but before that I’ll screw the girl and put a bullet straight through her sexy bosom.  Sweet Kate and I will die together like Romeo and Juliet.” 

“The police have no idea you're at Bellewoodplain and I won’t tell them.”

“If you want Kate alive I suggest you inform no one.  Just make sure I get the money and the jet and you’ll get her back alive.”

“Let me speak to her,” Matthew ordered.

Lindsay hesitated a moment but extended the phone which Kate took in her trembling hand.  “Matthew.”

“Kate, listen to me.”  He spoke soothingly, in a low tone.  “Lindsay won’t hurt you.  I’m coming to get you.  Everything will be alright.”

“Yes, Matthew.  Everything will be alright.”  She couldn’t hide the tremor in her voice.

“Hold on.”

Lindsay approached nervously and took the phone.

“You don’t have much time, Camedon.  If you’re not at Bellewoodplain by noon I’ll start to cut her up.  First her toes, then her fingers, and the rest I leave to your wild imagination.”

Matthew dressed quickly.  It was six in the morning.  He acted automatically, without emotion, like a well-oiled machine.  If he succumbed to the panic that threatened to overcome him his heart
was liable to splinter and burst. He phoned his bank manager. “Sir Hindon, this is Matthew Camedon speaking.  I apologize for the early hour but this is an emergency.”

Sir Hindon tried to shake off his sleep and clear his head.  Lord Camedon was one of the bank’s most important clients. “What can I do for you?”

“I need ten million pounds in marked notes.”


“My lawyer, Sir Goldsmith, will arrive at the bank at eight thirty with power of attorney and he’ll take the money.”  Matthew hung up and dialed again.

“Hello, Tim,” he said to the sleepy pilot, “I need the plane.  We’ll meet at the airport at nine thirty.”

“Yes, captain,” Tim muttered as he saluted the phone.

A few minutes later the Aston-Martin sped in the direction of the central police station.  The superintendent was waiting for Matthew with a strong cup of coffee and an elite unit from the force.


“I want to get dressed.”

“And I want you to stay as you are.  This modesty does not befit the Marquis’ whore.  I like you better in a nightgown than in jeans.”

“I have to go to the bathroom.”

“No problem.  Just leave the door open so I can see you.  I might even enjoy the sight.”

“Pervert,” she muttered.

Punishment was swift.  He placed his arm about her neck and yanked her hair, pulling her head backward, drawing his face close to hers.  “What did you say?”

“Nothing.”  She saw the mad fury in his eyes mingle with frustrated desire.  In the two hours since the conversation with Matthew he had not touched her.  She guessed Matthew had somehow frightened him and that was the reason for his restraint.  But she knew she was walking on a tightrope.  Lindsay was disturbed and at the slightest provocation might lose his sanity.

“Please, let me go.  You’re hurting me.”

He pushed her aside and she fell on the bed.

“I suggest you don’t get me angry.  My patience has its limits.”

Kate decided it would be unwise to react to this absurdity.

“I’m hungry.”

“Shut up,” he hissed, “shut up already.”  He was edgy, tired.  Kate noticed his sunken eyes and the puffy bags underneath.

“If you don’t sit quietly like a good girl I’ll shut you up in the bathroom.”

‘So why don’t you?”  Kate didn’t know where she got the sudden nerve to answer back.

“Why?”  His face turned into a death mask.  “I’ll tell you why.  Maybe, just maybe, if Camedon doesn’t come soon I might want to take more than just his money.  I’m a man of my word but if he takes his time I might decide to have some fun.  And how can we have fun together if you’re shut up in the bathroom?  Do you understand what I’m saying?”

“Why do you hate Matthew so much?”

“He always had everything I didn’t.”  Lindsay stroked the silvery metal of the pistol, his eyes glued to the lethal weapon.  “My biggest wish since childhood was to be a Camedon.  When I grew up I drew up the perfect plan to realize my dream.  I was going to marry Rebecca.”  He lifted the gun to his mouth, breathed on it, and brushed it with his dirty sleeve.  After a pause he went on.  “He probably didn’t tell you about it because he sees the whole matter as a stain on the family honor, but Rebecca and I were once lovers.”

“You and Rebecca?  How can that be?”

“I surprise you?  Rebecca was sixteen and I was twenty-two.  During my second year at college I came to Bellewoodplain during our breaks and discovered that without my noticing Rebecca had turned into a delicate and sensuous woman.”

“But she was only sixteen.”  Kate couldn’t repress the protest that came to her lips.

“So what?  History is full of sixteen-year old girls that slept with men.  Shut up and let me tell you what happened.  Maybe after you hear the whole story you’ll see your hero in a different light.  Matthew didn’t suspect a thing.  We spent every spare hour together and it didn’t take long for Rebecca to fall in love with me.  I went back to Oxford to finish the semester and then, as you know, Matthew stopped my studies.”

How could he twist the facts so brutally?  He must guess that she knew the truth about the circumstances of the termination of his studies and his banishment from Bellewoodplain.  He was a pathological liar.  His entire story was a fabrication of his troubled mind. 

Lindsay was caught up in his tale.  “I arrived at Bellewoodplain to beg him to change his mind but Camedon refused to give in.  When I understood I had no chance at all to convince him to follow his grandfather’s instructions, I packed my things and went to look for Rebecca.  I tried to convince her she should run away from Bellewoodplain with me and secretly marry me, but she was afraid of Matthew.  His influence over her was greater than my entreaties and she refused to cooperate.  I had to punish her.  She destroyed all my dreams.  She was my last chance.”  He stopped talking and the silence hung about the room like a threatening cloud.

BOOK: Kate: A Universal Truth (A Wish for Love Series Book 1)
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