Kate's Outlaw (Steam! Romance and Rails) (7 page)

BOOK: Kate's Outlaw (Steam! Romance and Rails)
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So how could she get him to change his mind about letting her help? She had hours, actually the whole day, to get to know him better before they reached the worksite. What she learned might give her an idea. He obviously cared deeply for his family. There had to be others she hadn’t met.

“Do you have a…” she forced out the last part of the question. “A wife, children?”

“I’m not married.”

Relief swept through her, followed by a ridiculous surge of hope, which was tempered by the thought that he was related to a man who wanted to kill her. “Do you live with your aunt?”

“Not anymore. I stay with my uncle and help him with his business.”

This was good. Jake did something beside break into railcars.

“What sort of business?”

“He trades things.”

Kate worried her lip. There had been numerous thefts of equipment and supplies. Were Jake and Charley responsible for those? “Does he do much trade in…railroad ties?”

“Horses and livestock, mostly.”

She couldn’t see his face, but she’d swear he was smiling when he answered. “What about your parents? Are your mother and father still alive?”

“My mother died when I was born. My father left.” He clipped the last word, making it clear his parentage wasn’t a topic he wished to discuss.

Her heart ached for him. She’d been to orphanages, seen yearning in the eyes of the children, had wanted to gather them up and take them all home with her. Who had cared for Jake? Cared about him? “Did you have a permanent home growing up?”

“I had many homes with my aunts and uncles. That’s the way of our people. A mother’s family takes care of her children." The pride in his voice was unmistakable.

What a notion, his mother’s entire family taking him in and treating him as one of their own. Kate had never met her mother’s sister.

They rode out of the trees into a field painted with wildflowers and splashed in morning sunshine. Her head grew warm. Thank goodness for the floppy hat his aunt had loaned her. Jake slowed the horse to a walk. His shoulders relaxed when she removed her hands from around his waist. That he didn’t want her touching him shouldn’t disappoint her so much. But it did.  

"What about you?” he asked. “How big is your family?"

Kate shook off her melancholy. If he was interested in knowing more about her, she might be able to form a friendly bond and gain his trust. "My family wasn’t as big as yours, just my parents and me. I was their only surviving child. My two brothers never made it past infancy.”

"You were raised alone?”

He couldn’t possibly know how alone. “My father’s business kept him away from home.” He’d virtually ignored her, because she wasn’t a son. “My mother was bedridden.” Too distracted by her complaints to be bothered with raising a daughter. “And I never knew my grandparents. We weren’t close to any other family.”

Even friends had been few because of her painful shyness as a child. Thank heavens for dear Miss Applegate, who’d praised her cleverness and fed her curiosity. "But I had my governess. And my books.”

“Sounds lonely.”

Kate’s throat tightened. God forbid he would pity her. She didn’t want that. Nor did she want to return to the worksite empty handed, looking as though she’d messed up again, which was what everyone would think because she wouldn’t betray Jake.

“I’m not complaining about my childhood,” she said in light tone. “I have more than most people, and I’m in the fortunate position of being a railroad heiress.”

“That is fortunate.” His voice was laced with irony.

“It could be, for you
If we worked together—”

He nudged the horse into a loping gait. With no option other than sliding off, she tightened her hold on him and pressed close.

The wind blew strands of his hair into her face and it tickled her nose. She nuzzled his neck. He smelled of soap and leather and sunshine. She hadn’t intended to sniff him, but she couldn’t very well avoid it sitting this close.

He didn’t seem to notice, or maybe he’d become resigned to the necessity of having her hug him to stay on the horse. For her part, it would be best if she ignored this inappropriate longing and focused on what was more important—convincing Jake to take her to the council.

“With the council’s support we could persuade my father to change routes. The proposed line follows the old Texas Road. It’s the most direct path, but also the most rugged terrain we’ve encountered. Henry complains all the time about how expensive it is to build. You could help us locate a better alternative.”

“I’m not a surveyor.”

“But you know this land, and we have surveyors. They can assist you.”

“I’m not taking you to the council,” he said, a bit too
firmly. Why was he so determined to keep her away from the Cherokee leaders? Did he not believe her when she said she wouldn’t turn him in?

I won’t betray you, if that’s what you’re worried about.” She hugged him.

He stiffened. “Stop doing that.”

Kate loosened her hold. Her eyes began to sting. She wasn’t normally weepy, but Jake had the power to hurt her. Why? Because she cared about what he thought. She cared about him. This wasn’t just a physical attraction. She respected him and was even starting to admire him. If they’d met some other way, she might’ve set her cap for him. That is, if she could’ve drawn him away from the beautiful women hovering around, hungry as hummingbirds.

What was the point of dreaming up an imaginary situation? Any relationship with Jake—past one of mutual benefit—wasn’t going to happen. Still, they could work together to find a solution that would help his family and keep her father’s railroad solvent long enough for her to inherit it.

“So, if you won’t accept my help, what do you plan to do?

“You’re worse than a woodpecker.”

“I’d stop pecking if you’d give me straight answers.”

He lapsed into silence again. But this time he didn’t act as if she’d annoyed him. He appeared to be thinking before he replied, something he did often. It was a good trait. One she’d do well to cultivate. “I’ll wait for the courts to decide,” he replied finally.

“The courts? That could take years. Do you want to leave your future in the hands of a group of men who have no vested interest in seeing your people treated fairly?”

“You’re saying you have a vested interest?”

“As a matter of fact, I do. If I can resolve this standoff, my father will see that I’m capable of playing a larger role. I’ll gain more influence in decisions. Maybe even a place on the board.”

He straightened his spine, which made it difficult for her to hold on. Disappointment threaded through her. Was he pulling away because he couldn’t bear to have her touching him? Perhaps he viewed this attraction between them as nothing more than an inconvenient itch.

“You want power.” He made it sound like a curse word.

“Power that can be used for good.”

“I don’t know of any power that’s used for good. Especially in the hands of a white man.”

She fisted her hands against his stomach. “Your haranguing against whites is wearing thin. And in case you haven’t noticed, I’m not a man. I’m a

His muscles contracted on a huff. “How could I not notice with you pressing your breasts against my back?”

Was he being crude in an attempt to shut her up? She wasn’t so easily offended or dismissed. “Well I know how it feels to be powerless and unable to protect myself. I would never use my strength to prevail over someone in a weaker position.”

His shoulders tensed at her not-so-subtle dig. “That explains why you’d want to see me hung from the nearest tree. Not why you’d want to help me.”

“Hanging you won’t do either of us any good.”

“Glad to hear you think so.” At his droll tone, Kate relaxed. If he was bantering with her, they were back on steady ground.

She pondered her next move. “If my father agrees to give up those government grants, do you think your leaders would lease him the land for right-of-way?”

Jake’s chest expanded and he heaved a sigh. “Are you always this persistent?”

“I wouldn’t get anywhere if I backed down every time the mule balked.”

“First I’m pig-headed. Now I’m a mule.”

She smiled against his back. “Are you seeking confirmation…or forgiveness?”

A breeze blew past, carrying with it the fragrance of peaches. She peeked over his shoulder. They were nearing an orchard and the trees were laden with fruit. Several hours had passed since breakfast. His aunt had packed leftovers, but fresh fruit was too tempting to pass up.

“Can we stop here and get some peaches? Do you think whoever owns it will mind?”

“I know them. They won’t mind if we take a few.” He halted near a tree where the branches were sagging from an abundance of treasure. After dismounting, he helped her down.

Kate picked two peaches and handed him one. Jake tucked the fruit into a sack hanging from his saddle. She bit into hers. Sweetness exploded in her mouth. “Mmm, delicious.”

His eyes lit with interest. Wrapping his fingers around hers, he brought the peach to his mouth and took a bite. She stared, entranced, as he licked the juice from his lips. He drew her closer, took off her straw hat and hung it on the saddle horn, tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. His touch set of a sensual blast that reverberated down to her most intimate parts, the same as when he’d kissed her and fondled her breasts.

God forgive her, she wanted him to kiss her again. Touch her.

As if he’d read her mind, his arm curled around her waist. He bent his head, molding his lips to hers. The peach dropped from her hand, forgotten.




Jake couldn’t stop himself. Not even if they’d been standing in front of a steam engine. Redbird’s lips were wet with juice and too luscious to resist. He delved into the depths of her mouth, so sweet. He couldn’t get enough.

She removed his hat and ran her fingers through his hair, returning his kiss with fervor. She had a hunger for him, as well. He couldn’t imagine why, outside of some physical attributes women found pleasing. Maybe that was the only reason. Based on how she was kissing him, it would be enough to gain her consent.

Gripping a handful of her hair, he pulled her head back so he could taste the creamy skin on her neck. She melted in his arms with a moan. He unbuttoned her jacket and shirt, tugged the ribbons on her undergarments, slipped his hand inside and palmed her bare breast. Her nipple constricted into a tight nub.

Need coursed through him, hot and heavy. His erection strained against his trousers. He pressed it into her soft belly and shuddered with the most intense hunger he’d ever known.

“Jake, please—” Her breath hitched as he fondled her.

“I will,” he rumbled. “I’ll please you.”

He covered her mouth. She eagerly accepted his tongue, even rubbed hers alongside his, pulling a helpless groan right out of him. If she learned this fast, he’d be her willing slave in no time. She was supposed to be
prisoner, but the further they’d ridden, the more she’d wheedled and joked and made him crazy with wanting her, the tighter the bonds had become. How the hell would he let her go?

Maybe he didn’t have to let her go…at least, not yet.

Inside him, two beasts grappled for control. One whispered she wanted him as much as he wanted her, and he should take advantage of it. The other reminded him if he took her and put a babe in her belly, he was no better than the careless
who’d sired him.

Her tongue twined with his. Did she realize how blatant an invitation that was? No, she was an innocent just getting her first taste of pleasure. There were so many things he could show her, and he didn’t have to spill his seed inside her to enjoy them. He knew ways they could find pleasure without making a child.

He stroked the turgid tip of her breast and felt her tremble. God yes, he could please her, and she could please him, and then they could go back to their lives and forget about each other. His body throbbed in anticipation.

Who was he trying to fool? If he did those things with her, he’d never get her taste out of his mouth or her image out of his head. Not to mention, if he coaxed her out of her clothes, he couldn’t guarantee he wouldn’t give in to the temptation to bury himself inside her and thrust until he reached oblivion. He’d never wanted a woman like he wanted this one.

With a frustrated groan, he broke off the kiss.

She blinked as if awakening from a trance. He half expected her to slap him or pull away. Instead, she gazed at him with longing…and trust.

His heart wrenched like she’d reached inside his chest and wrapped her fingers around it. Redbird trusted him. She might even believe she cared for him…and all he could think about was using her.

He closed his eyes, in agony. He couldn’t do it. As much as he wanted her, he couldn’t use her and then toss her aside. He removed his hand from inside her shirt and folded her in a tender embrace, placing a reverent kiss on the top of her head.

BOOK: Kate's Outlaw (Steam! Romance and Rails)
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