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Authors: T.J. Vertigo

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Keeping Faith (7 page)

BOOK: Keeping Faith
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Cori glared at Reece.

"Fine, have it your way." Reece shrugged and walked away.

"Faith, listen, Reece is leaving now. Promise me you'll talk to her when she gets home."

"Okay. I will."

"Good, now I love you, but your lovely, understanding wife is going to lock me in to starve all night if I don't go now."


Reece threw a leg over her Harley and started it up. With a mischievous smile, she revved it several times, delighting in the multitude of car alarms the sound set off. Pepe, the garage attendant shook his head after the initial fright, and began the task of gathering keys from the hooks. Every so often, the tall, sexy, club owner would be in a mood and there was nothing he could do about it. Not only was she a great customer and a fabulous tipper, he was a bit afraid of her.

Reece waved and laughed at Pepe as he scrambled all around the garage pressing keychains, shutting off some and setting off new alarms. She was in a playful mood for a change, and even if it lasted one split second, she took advantage of it the best she could at 4 A.M. She leaned back and wished she felt Faith behind her. She had an urge to just take off, to the country, just the two of them and leave reality behind. Already anticipating being left alone while Faith films, Reece was feeling selfish and wanted to steal Faith away. Knowing she couldn't, gave her a twinge of jealousy, but so far, for now, it made her want to be with Faith more and more while she had the chance instead of becoming angry at her. Needing her wife right now, Reece revved the engine once more before peeling out of the garage.


Faith heard the big Harley turn the corner and she became even more worried than she was before. She tried convincing herself that Reece was sure to be tired, and not in the mood to talk when she got home but that excuse didn't fly. If anything, Reece usually turned on the TV and raided the fridge when she got home. The bike went silent and Faith swallowed hard. Here goes nothing.

Reece thought about Faith the entire way home, and was hoping her wife would be awake. Noticing the light on in the window she excitedly opened the door and was even more pleased to see Faith standing there at the door. "You're up." she said with a smile.

"Yeah." Faith cracked half a smile back. "So, how was work?" she asked nervously.

Reece eyed Faith in her sleep clothes and grinned wolfishly. "Work was fine, but that's not what I want to talk about." She advanced on Faith until she backed her against the arm of the couch.


Reece covered Faith's lips with her own and wrapped a supportive arm behind her back. "Mmm, I've been waiting all night for this."

Faith couldn't help but feel the effects of such a kiss, but she still needed to talk. "Uhm, baby..."

"Shhh," Reece kissed her wife thoroughly and deeply, lifting her up and laying her on the couch. She kicked off her boots and crawled on top of her. "I want you."

Faith closed her eyes and ran her hands up and down Reece's hard body and groaned. "But I want to tell you..."

Reece nipped a full lip. "Kiss now, talk later."

Faith's entire body melted into the couch as Reece began a devastating oral attack.
Fuck it... it can wait.



Faith crinkled her face.


Reece sunk under the covers.

Faith reached over and pulled the cordless into bed with her. "MMmello."

Cori giggled. "Mello?"

Faith scrunched up her face. "Cor, I'm exhausted."

"So? What happened? Did you tell her?"

Faith lifted her head and glanced at Reece. "No," she whispered, "Not yet."

"Faith! You have to tell her! Don't make a big production outta this!"

The actress sighed. "It wasn't the right time yet."

Reece shifted. "Right time for what?" she whispered into Faith's ear.

"In a second baby." Faith's heart began to race. "Cor, I gotta go."

"Okay, but stay cool. The shit's gonna hit the fan for a while, but you know it'll be okay soon enough. You know Reece."

Reece was nibbling on Faith's ear. "Bye Cor."

"What did the Freak want so early, and why was she yelling?" Reece climbed on top of Faith and started kissing down her neck.

Faith dropped the phone and enjoyed the sensations, afraid it will be a long time before she felt them again. "Baby, I gotta tell you something."

Reece's kisses began to drift lower. "So tell me."

Faith squirmed in pleasure and ran her fingers through her wife's hair. "Well, I was reading the script..." she tapered off as Reece's lips brushed her nipple.

"MM, you taste good in the morning." Reece rubbed her warm cheek back and forth across the now hard nipple.

"Oh god..." Faith groaned and then covered her breast with her hand. "Reece, this is really important."

Reece lifted her head and straddled Faith's thighs. "What?"

Faith looked into sleepy baby blues and prepared herself for the worst. "Remember how I told you, I play the part of Meredith?"

Reece nodded and stared at her wife in interest. "Yeah, and..."

"Well, Meredith has a ... love interest."

Reece's expression never changed. "So?"

Faith's eyebrows shot up. "So?" she repeated.

Reece shrugged and bent over, nipping at Faith's collar bone. "It's a lesbian flick, you play the lead."

Faith's mouth hung open, and not because her lover was sucking her neck. She was floored. "So, you're okay with it?" she asked in disbelief.

"Sure." Reece mumbled, crawling under the covers.

Faith barked out a relieved laugh. "God! I love you Reece!" She crawled under the covers too. "So fucking much!"

Reece warmed. "Me too."


Faith practically floated around the house after Reece left for the gym. She spent the better part of the morning staring at Reece and smiling. In her wildest dreams that was not the response she expected. She was thrilled. She had to tell Cori.

Cori jumped on the phone as soon as it rang. She had been waiting for it, actually, she had been waiting for the door bell to ring with either one of her friends in various stages of anger on the other side. "Faith?"

"Cori, you're not going to believe this!"

"What happened? I'm dying here!"

Faith shook her head in disbelief even as she conveyed the message.

Cori raised an eyebrow. "That's it?" She didn't believe it.

"I swear! It didn't bother her a bit, in fact, she just crawled under the covers and, well... let’s just say I can't walk all that great."

"I don't know Faith. Something's up." Cori was very skeptical. "Was it different sex? Was she possessive? More than usual?"

"No! It was normal, and it was great. Hey, why fix what ain't broke! I'm not complaining."

Cori narrowed her eyes. "I don't like it." It was too weird.

"I'm telling you, she was fine." Faith assured.

Cori hung up the phone and pursed her lips.
Reece? Reece Corbett? Hmmm.


Reece grunted as she lifted the heavy barbell over her head. The exertion felt good, she felt good. She woke up in a great mood, followed it up by a very satisfying quickie after a night of slow love making. You couldn't wipe the smile off of her face. Faith wasn't ignoring her, in fact, she was really attentive, and this just made the club owner glow. She did puzzle briefly over how worried Faith looked about the script, but Reece wasn't dumb. She had already figured Faith's character to have a lover. Hell, who would believe a woman like Faith could ever be single?

Reece smiled and replaced the barbell to its rack and began stretching.

The only thing that bothered her now was the notoriety she was soon to face all over again. There was a lull for a while since Faith's last movie, and she was enjoying the semi-privacy. Sure there were pictures and phone calls, and people asking for autographs, but if that didn't bother Faith, she could do nothing more than stand and watch. Faith was already a bit of a photographer's commodity, not just because she was a new actress, but she was a gorgeous, outspoken lesbian. They were always trying to accuse her of being romantically involved with any woman she stood next to. She was a tabloid curiosity too. Being a lesbian, married to the mysterious owner of a titty club was more than they could take. The lesbians either hated her or loved her and the women's libbers wanted her blood.

Reece smirked.
Let anyone touch my woman...

The club owner silently wished someone would fuck with Faith, just so she could show them who's boss. Faith, Cori and Violet didn't seem fazed by any of it and continually told Reece to mellow out and go with it. Sure occasionally Reece would be playful enough to allow a paparazzi to stalk them and get some pictures, but not often. The girls loved to tease the paparazzi and give them silly pictures. Reece would rather just break the cameras and poke their eyes out. However, she bit her lip and tried to bear it all. This was Faith's career, her dream and she didn't want to do anything to hurt that, even if it meant sitting on her temper. Yeah, she felt jealous, insanely so sometimes, that the movie business was taking Faith away from her, but she kept that inside too.

Not wanting to keep that train of thought any longer, Reece shook her head clear and stalked the leg machine.


Faith was thrilled with Reece's constant attentions, but was glad just the same when she went to the gym. She sat down with a glass of wine in her hand and Smudge on her lap and got comfy in the cushy couch to continue reading the script. Picking up where she left off, Faith got lost in the role of Meredith.

Meredith was a strong character, a cop with a mission and a killer attitude. Faith knew she was going to enjoy playing her, but she wasn't so sure about the sex scene though. In fact, it made her a little queasy now that she thought about it. Flipping back to it, she read it, and re-read it again, then looked away altogether. When she skimmed through it the first time, she was pretty surprised and missed a few things. Not only is the scene hotter than hell, Meredith was a bit of an exhibitionist, who liked her handcuffs more than most, and spent the better part of three pages naked from the waist up. Faith didn't like that at all. It wasn't that she was shy, but in reading it, there was no other reason for her to be naked that long other than just to show her tits.

A little bit put off, she went back to where she left off last and continued to read. Eventually, her eyes widened and her jaw dropped.
In the squad car?
Reading it again, it made sense why it happens, and Faith herself was guilty of molesting Reece a few times in the car, but this time, the sex was more graphic. Meredith is getting oral sex, although her parts are not visible to the camera, the back of "Jessie's" head is, and it's very apparent what she's doing.

Faith swallowed hard and closed her eyes. There was no way on this earth that Reece was going to allow this. None. In fact, Reece's reaction didn't make any sense at all. Reece Corbett was not going to sit idly by while her wife has a strange woman sucking on her nipple. Faith smacked herself in the head.


BOOK: Keeping Faith
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