Kenzie (More Worlds Beyond Book 3) (15 page)

BOOK: Kenzie (More Worlds Beyond Book 3)
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Zahin sat with Eliana, while Tolan sat
across from them.
“Tolan, before I tell
you anything, you need to talk with Eliana so what happened will never repeat

“I know what happened, and I haven’t
fucked anyone since.”
He said with
Eliana looked like she wanted
to say something, but refrained.

“Eliana, could you please tell him how you
felt when Tula touched me.
Also, let him
know how an Earth female would react to finding her male eating while
surrounded by many females.”
narrowed her eyes while she looked at Tolan.

“Any chance you ever had of getting her
back would be gone.
Unlike here, we
Do you
If you want to be with her,
it will be only her!
let other females touch you…at all!
When I saw Tula rub her hand up and down
Zahin’s arm, and he
stop her, I felt
After we had marked each
other, I wanted to punch her just for talking to him.
You have to decide now Tolan, is this
something you can live with?
If it’s
not, then leave her be.”

Tolan thought about what Eliana said and
realized he really
know much about their
The one thing he knew for sure
was he would do anything to have her back.
“I can do that.”
He said as all
the fight left him.

Zahin looked at him, and sighed.
“She went with Dar to his beach house.”
Tolan jumped up, all the anger back.

“She’s with Dar!”
He started pacing again.
All this time
worried about her and she had been with Dar!
He knew his friend, knew
always wanted to
fuck Kenzie.
How could they have done
this to him, how could
have done
Then he stopped as he realized how
Kenzie must have felt.
That was
the word for how he felt now.
He sat
back down… in defeat.

He never looked up.
Zahin said louder.
When he finally raised his head, Zahin saw
the pain in his eyes.
“It’s not like
Dar says he loves her like a
sister and they have never had sex.
took her with him because she was devastated after what happened.
Why don’t we all go to the beach?”
He turned to Eliana, “We can get either your
parents or mine to watch Destiny.”

The Beach

Chapter 13

As they exited the transport, Eliana
looked at Zahin “Why haven’t you ever brought me here?
This place is breath taking!”
Zahin just shook his head and smiled while
they made their way to the front door.

Dar answered before they had a chance to
He bowed his head slightly and
opened the door to allow them entrance.
“We were just sitting down to third meal.”
They followed him into the eating area.

When Kenzie spotted Tolan coming her way,
her heart sped up.
I guess it
get the memo about not wanting him anymore.
As he neared, she could feel the electrical
tingles start at the base of her neck and run down her arms.
She looked down at her food hoping to hide
her reaction.
How could he invoke such a
reaction after what he did to her?
felt angry with herself for still caring, for still wanting him.
She knew she
put herself in that position again.
now had to think about her baby.
God, if he finds out
pregnant he might not let
her move to
She needed to make sure she
get up, as
the table hid her belly.

Tolan said with a soft voice filled with
When she
look up right away, he tried again.
“Kenzie, please look at me.”
looked up and saw the pain in his eyes.
“I’m sorry.”

“I’ve heard that before, but don’t worry,
you’re forgiven.”
Kenzie said softly.

“So you will come back with me?”
He asked with happiness.

She narrowed her eyes at him.
Was he crazy?
I said I have forgiven
Now you can move on and not worry
about me.
That’s how it works.”
He looked confused, then angry.

“I am not moving on without you.
I want us to be together.”

“Tolan, do you remember us talking about
all the males I dated on Earth?”
“Remember what they did?
I told you that I
put myself in that position again?
I’m telling you that I
will not
myself in that position again.”
lowered her head and whispered, “I wouldn’t survive it.”

“Kenzie please, I love you.”

“No, you don’t or you wouldn’t have been
screwing someone else.
I saw it
Please, just go home.”
She said, trying not to cry.

what to do.
Kenzie looked so vulnerable,
so small and all he wanted to do was comfort her.
He turned desperate eyes to his brother and
saw that he also was at a loss for words.
Eliana walked over to him, patted him on the shoulder and said, “Why
don’t you all wait in the common room and let me talk to her.”
He nodded as they left the two females alone.

Eliana took a seat across the table.
“Hey Kenzie.
Nice place to hang out.
I wish I’d known about it before now, the
beach is amazing.”

Kenzie finally looked at Eliana, “Yeah it
I never get tired of the black sand,
or watching the lavender water.
peaceful, you know?”

“Oh yeah, I think I’m
make Zahin buy us a place here.”
snorted a laugh.

make him?
Girl, I can’t see you making
these men do anything.”

“Oh, you’d be surprised.
I’ve actually changed them a lot since I’ve
been here.”
Kenzie laughed and then
looked at her with serious eyes.

“You know what happened?”

“Yeah, I do.”

“I can’t be with him, Lanie.”

This was more serious than Eliana
Kenzie had reverted to her
childhood name, and she only did that when she was desperate.
“Tell me what’s going on in that head of

“Every man I’ve ever dated has cheated on
I don’t know why, but I’m not good
Tears came to her eyes.
“I don’t know what’s wrong with me
She moved over to hug her

“Ok, I’m going to tell you a story, but no
judging me.
Got it?”
Kenzie nodded.
“When Zahin first rescued me we had all kinds
of problems.
They are very promiscuous and
that went against everything I believed in.
The first time I had sex with Zahin in his room on the Vimana, I opened
my eyes and found Dar jacking off.”
Kenzie’s eyes were huge with surprise, but before she could say
anything, Eliana held up her hand.
“Zahin didn’t mind and didn’t know what the big deal was because he had
told him that he couldn’t join us, and he hadn’t.
Then I found out Zahin had had sex with this
bitch named Tula.
She ended up
kidnapping me and sending me back to the Agrarians.
see, what
Zahin’s parents hated me and tried
to set him up with others.
Once, Dar and
Tolan watched us have sex.”
She glanced
up to see Kenzie with her hand over her mouth.
“And Zahin likes to invite other men to have sex with us.
However, he knows if he ever touches another
I know this sounds awful, but
He gave up all other females,
so I allowed him to invite other males.
It’s give and take.”

Kenzie sat there stunned.
She had no idea that Eliana had been through
all of that, and it made her feel better knowing she had had problems with the
other females.
“Do you think I should
give Tolan another chance?”

“Yes, at least hear him out.
anyone since you left.
been a wreck Kenzie, and I think you need to talk.
glad I gave
Zahin a second chance.
However, make
sure he knows the score.
If he ever
touches another female, that’s it.”

Kenzie nodded.
Then with curious eyes she asked, “Do you
like having sex with two guys at once?”
She laughed at Eliana’s exasperated look.

“This was why I didn’t want to tell
I knew you’d ask that.”

“Well, do you?”
She giggled.


Kenzie became serious again.
“Did he ever invite Tolan?”

“Kenzie, I love you but you should not
worry about things that happened before Tolan knew you existed.”
She realized two things with that
One, Eliana has had sex with him,
and two, she was right.
worry about things that happened before she even
knew him.
Everyone had a past.
“Are you Ok?”
Kenzie nodded.
“Will you talk to
After a few minutes, she slowly
nodded and Eliana smiled, “Good, I’ll go get him.”

A couple of minutes later, Tolan came in
and sat down.
He looked devastated, and
like that.
“I’m so sorry
I never meant to hurt
I didn’t want to admit how much I
cared for you, how much I love you.”
reached for her hand, and surprisingly she let him take it.
“I promise to never touch another female
besides you again.
That night...”
He saw her wince.
“That night, as soon as I was inside her, I
realized how much I loved you and I hated myself for what I had done.
I pushed them away and told them to
I went to find you, but you had
Zahin thought that you had went to
stay with your family, and to give you some space.
I waited, but you never came back.
I swear I
touched anyone since you’ve been gone.
Please Kenzie, give me another chance.”

Should she?
She always told herself to walk away, and
what she always did in the past.
She loved him, she had no doubt about that,
she just
trust him.
As she sat quietly weighing her options, he
say a word.
she looked into his eyes, she said, “If I give you another chance, we have to
take it slow.
Trust has to be earned,
and right now, I
trust you.
warn you
though, if you ever cheat on me again then we are finished.
There will not be a third chance.”

Tolan was ecstatic!
He could prove his love, and he would show
her she could trust him.
“I can do
Thank you Kenzie, I love
He stood up to hug her, thinking
do the thing, but she just sat there.

She knew that the table came to just below
her breast and hid her huge belly.
guess she had to tell him, well everyone now.
“Can you ask the others to come back in here?”
He nodded, but she noticed the look of
confusion on his face.
As everyone
entered, she looked at Dar, “Can you help me up?”
She scooted back from the table as Dar held
out his hand.
She grabbed it and pulled
herself to a standing position.
heard the gasp as the three newcomers looked at her belly.
She noticed surprise, then rage cross
automatically stepped closer to Dar.

believe it.
She was with young!
He had felt so guilty about being with other
females, but she had obviously been with Dar!
Rage filled him and he turned murderous eyes on Dar.
“I’m going to kill you!”
Then he turned to Kenzie, “You were upset
with me?
When were you with Dar?”
He turned and walked out the back door.
look at
either one of them right now.

Kenzie turned into Dar and sobbed as he
wrapped his arms around her.
sure if Tolan didn’t want the baby, or mad because
she had kept it from him.
Here she
was…crying again.
She untangled herself
from Dar, and walked into the common room, and then out the front door.
She could only waddle, but she decided she
needed to take a walk on the beach to clear her head.

Dar stood there with Zahin and
He was furious with Tolan.
Looking at Zahin he said, “I know he is a
Prince, and your brother, but I am going to beat his ass!”
As he turned to find Tolan, he heard Zahin’s

BOOK: Kenzie (More Worlds Beyond Book 3)
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