Read Knight of the Highlander Online

Authors: Kristin Vayden

Tags: #Scottish, #Historical Romance, #Historical, #highlander, #highlander historical, #Regency, #Regency Romance, #highlander romance, #scottish historical, #Romance, #scottish romance

Knight of the Highlander (7 page)

BOOK: Knight of the Highlander
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"I'm sorry I'm late," Colin spoke carefully; his brogue lilting as he struggled to catch his breath.

"Dinnae worry. All's well." Arywnn nodded and bit back a grin.

He strode toward her, then paused and calked his head as if listening. After a moment, he shook it and continued his approach. Arywnn's breath hitched as a thought struck her.
Was Knight here too? Perhaps listening?
Hadn't he said he would make sure she returned home safely? Was he waiting, watching to see where her loyalties lie? She let out a huff. At this point, even
didn't have that answer!

"Are ye sure all is well, Arywnn? Ye seem a bit distracted."

"Aye." Arywnn cleared her throat delicately.

"So then, what is it that ye wished tae tell me? What news have ye that could lead tae the capture of Chattan's traitor?" Colin asked bluntly.

Arywnn's breath caught as her mind spun with the possibility that Knight had heard. Did he feel betrayed?


"Yes?" Arywnn snapped her attention back to Colin. His expression was full of concern in the silver moonlight.

"So?" He asked patiently, watching her with expectation evident on his face.

"I heard something that could be… helpful," she began then paused. What did she do? Did she tell Colin? Hadn't he been the one that she sought out, would choose for a husband if given the chance? Why was her heart's courage failing her now? Two kisses from a rogue Knight and her heart was beyond conflicted! One man held a future of hope, a future that was possible. Yet one man had somehow won her heart, and at the same time stolen that very same hope and future. Her mind knew the wise choice, yet her heart whispered another. Was there any other way?




Colin waited with intense anticipation. From the first moment he stepped into the clearing, she had been utterly distracted. Pride welled in his chest. He knew that his kisses were the source of that distraction. His pleasure was stolen quickly as he watched her internally debate over what to say, or what to hide. The wise choice would be to tell him, the blacksmith, everything about 'Knight', yet her tormented expression said she was considering the foolish one.

He sincerely hoped she'd be exceedingly foolish.

Unable to allow her to fret any longer, he broke the silence and stole her attention from her moral dilemma.

"I learned something of value today," he spoke quietly.

"Oh?" Her gaze shot up to meet his.

"Aye. It seems that whoever is spyin' is sending messages about yer father. I dinnae' ken why. But I overheard that as I measured Rian's beast for new shoes earlier.

"Hmm…" her eyes narrowed, and a thoughtful expression overtook her face.

"I was thinkin' that if we find out why the Englishman is sending messages about yer father, then maybe we'll find a clue as tae who would have access tae that type of information… ye ken? Go about it back ways."

"I see… that's a wise plan. I can do my best tae discover what my father is planning, and I'll let you know any information I learn. Ye do the same. As the smithy, I'm sure ye hear quite a bit as well."

"Aye, ye can be sure about that! Tis a good plan then," Colin spoke brusquely, and then allowed his gaze to soften as he took in her small frame, coated in silver from the moon.

"Ye are verra bonny, Arywnn," he whispered the words reverently. She offered him a small smile, but it didn't reach her eyes fully. "It used all my self-control tae keep from grinning all day like a fool after what ye asked of me." He walked closer to her offering her a grin, yet evaluating every facial expression and change in her body language. Did she want the blacksmith… more than the English Knight?

Her eyes followed his movements with clear regard that was tinted with uncertainty. Surely if she wanted Colin the blacksmith there would be anticipation and allure in her eyes. Yet she regarded him without desire, simply interest. As he stepped closer, his boots sinking into the damp earth, she glanced down and brushed imaginary dirt from her plaid. He paused till she glanced up at him, a war waging in her eyes as her gaze flickered from his eyes to the toe of his boot.

"I'm honored that ye think so much of me, and my request," Arywnn spoke softly, yet there was no invitation in her voice.

The tone was polite and humble, but not the kind a woman uses when attempting to draw in a man. Colin gave her a sharp nod and grin, and then backed away. He noticed her shoulders sag in what appeared to be relief. An inward victory cheer overcame his heart, but he bit his lip to keep from giving away his realization. This night belonged to the English Knight, yet he knew how many other nights he must fight for the same victory. Any victory was worth the celebration, any risk worth the chance at her love. Now that he was given the opportunity, he wasn't about to waste it.

"Do ye have anything else tae add to our search?" At her head's shake, he nodded. "Then I'll escort ye back to the walls. We shouldn't linger long."

"Aye." Arywnn nodded, but her glance searched the trees as if searching for someone. Again, Colin grinned to himself, turning his head so that the night's darkness would hide his expression.
She looked for him! Was she concerned over what the English Knight would think seeing her escorted by another man?

"Shall we?" Her voice cut through his rampant thoughts. Smothering his grin, he turned and started back to the walls.




Was he there? Is he following me now?
Thoughts tumbled through Arywnn's mind as she followed the broad back of Colin through the dark trees toward her home. Each snap of a twig or call of a creature had her gaze darting in that direction, searching for his form. Oh how her heart had pounded when Colin had asked her questions! Even now she berated herself for her loyalty being so fickle. Why hadn't she revealed her knowledge to him? Yet her heart knew the answer.

It was in his kiss.

Though she had little experience, she found it hard to believe that a man could kiss with such passion, tenderness and care as the English Knight and not have true regard for her. Yet it was truly a dangerous risk she took.

As the walls of the keep came into view, Colin halted and turned.

"I'll leave ye here. Ye'll be safe." He nodded his head toward the smaller entrance that was hidden by years of overgrowth. Few knew about the secret entrance. Arywnn glanced at Colin, confused at his knowledge, but he was gone. She searched the darkness for his form, but found no clue as to where he had gone. With a heavy sigh, she made her way through the entrance and around the back of the stable.

On a whim, she entered the dimly lit rough building and searched for Garten.

"Shh… It's just me." She whispered as she drew nearer to his sleeping form. His neck jerked as he awoke, but he was otherwise silent. After a moment, he reached out his neck to find her waiting hand. He nuzzled it, searching for a treat then blew hot air into her palm once finding nothing. Arywnn leaned forward and rested her forehead on the animal's cheek.

"What a lucky beast."

Arywnn gasped softly at the sound of his voice.
Here? Was he mad?

"Have ye lost yer senses? Here? Ye must go! Leave!" Arywnn whispered fiercely. Garten's neck arched away and he snorted heavily, sensing the change in the previously tranquil atmosphere.

"All is well. You have no reason for alarm. Didn't I tell you I'd make sure you arrived safely?" Knight asked, his tone utterly relaxed.

"Aye, but—"

"Your lover, yes I saw him. Coward that he was didn't even escort you within the walls, so I took it upon myself to insure your safety."

"I'm perfectly safe! You dinnae' need to treat me as a wean." Arywnn's irritation and concern continued to grow as Knight's shadowed form took a relaxed pose against a beam. How could he be so calm? Did he not know the threat against him? What they would do to him if he were discovered?

"Ah, sweet Arywnn. When have I ever treated you as a child? If my memory serves me correctly, my kisses spoke otherwise." His tone was deep with emotion and desire. Immediately Arywnn's body responded with a pounding fury in her heart and a deep blush that rose to her cheeks.

"Who is your lover?" He asked after a moment, taking a step closer.

"I told ye, he is—"

"Believe me, I know the coward blacksmith is not your lover. That much was apparent when you spoke with him in the forest there. I'm referring to your beast. The one you were lovingly caressing and holding earlier. 'Tis truly a miserable state to be in; to envy a horse. Yet, that is where I found myself." He chuckled and reached out a gloved fist toward Garten's muzzle. The horse sniffed it cautiously, his ears perked forward. After a moment, he shook his head and began to search Knight for a treat.

"He seems tae like ye." She watched carefully. Garten treated Knight as if he knew him, well. She searched the dim light for clues, yet the scarf covered his face fully. With a deep sigh of frustration, she turned back to Garten and patted his neck. "His name is Garten, after the loch not far from here."

"I'd say the name suits you, fine fellow." Knight spoke in gentle tones as he rubbed the horse's neck and nose. "I can feel the tension from you, sweet Arywnn. I'll leave you to your beast. But one has to wonder, is the stress from being caught with me, or me being caught?" He chuckled and reached out, tracing a line from her ear and down her jawline.

"Both," Arywnn spoke quietly as the world shrank, and all she could see was Knight.

"Interesting answer, love. I'll leave you now. Sweet dreams," he whispered then disappeared into the shadows.

Arywnn waited for him to appear again, yet as the moments passed, she realized he had actually left. With a final pat to Garten's forehead, she walked quietly to the door. Glancing out, she saw that no guards were present and strode to the back entrance of the keep. The heavy door groaned as she opened it, but she entered and disappeared into the shadows, holding her breath. When no one came to investigate the noise, she began to make her way to her chamber.




Colin waited till she entered the keep then released the breath he'd been holding.
. She was finally back, and no one had been the wiser concerning her clandestine meeting with the Englishman and the blacksmith. One would have been far easier to explain than the other. With silent footsteps, he vaulted over a wall and made his way to the small dwelling where he had made his home. Upon entering, he glanced about at the crude makeshift home. The single table and chair were the only furniture he possessed. A smoldering fire offered a small glow to the humble room. With a heavy sigh, he lay down on the straw pallet and stared at the glowing embers. Four hours, that's all the sleep he'd receive this night. Yet it was a worthy cost, to taste of Arywnn's lips.

Dawn's light was just breaking when Colin abruptly woke. He didn't move, but listened intently.
All clear.
When he heard and sensed nothing amiss, he opened his eyes and rose from the crude straw tick. A grin tugged at his lips as he thought over the night before, but he locked away those sacred memories into the back of his heart. More than ever, he needed to be vigilant to blend in, hide in the shadows and not be discovered. More than one future would be forfeit should he fail. With renewed determination and fortitude, he rubbed his face with a callused hand and straightened his tunic. He wove his plaid around his broad shoulders, and walked to the humble table. Withdrawing a knife, he cut off a portion of soft cheese and ate it quickly, washing it down with icy water drawn the day before.

The dawn stretching further into the darkness, he left and began toward the forge, curious as to when Arywnn would awaken. He couldn't help the hitch in his heartbeat as he considered possibly seeing her today. A vision of her holding Garten's head flashed through his mind. Perhaps he could leave her a small reminder, one he hoped she didn't need.

Chapter Seven


Arywnn's sleep was fitful. At each hour she would awaken, afraid she'd oversleep, and it would lead to suspicion. With a restless yawn, she finally rose just before dawn, giving up on any more rest. With her tiny fists, she rubbed the sleep from her eyes and stretched. All night she had dreamt of his voice and the tenderness of his kiss as his full lips caressed hers in the moonlight. A smile bloomed on her face, yet she scolded herself sternly. There was no room for error. She could not betray her knowledge by a small slip-up and create suspicion. The last thing she needed was her father trailing her without her knowledge. She would take extra care to make sure she was never followed.

The pitcher on the side table called to her with its promise of cool water for her parched throat. She poured the clean water into an earthen cup and drank greedily. Then she splashed the remaining water on her face and dried it with a length of old woolen cloth. After combing her hair and braiding it, she dressed and wrapped the plaid around her for warmth. Her journey to the kitchens was uneventful, and her stomach growled as she smelled oatmeal and bannocks. After appeasing her appetite, she began her duties. With a silent plea sent heavenward imploring for focus, she approached the cook and began planning out the kitchen's duties and menu for the day.

BOOK: Knight of the Highlander
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