Knocked Up by His Werewolf Dom [Lone Wolf Pack 2]

BOOK: Knocked Up by His Werewolf Dom [Lone Wolf Pack 2]
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Knocked Up by His Werewolf Dom

Lone Wolf Pack 2


Copyright 2014 Anya Byrne


Smashwords Edition September 2014

All Romance Edition, License Notes


This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook remains the copyrighted property of the author and may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please forward them a link to buy their own copy, or use the gift function available on your All Romance account. Thank you for respecting the hard work and livelihood of this author.



This book is a work of fiction, not to be confused with fact, advice or suggestion. The characters are products of the author’s imagination. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, or persons is purely coincidental. Cover art is for illustration purposes only.




Jessie Orwell has a secret. He likes a little pain with his pleasure, and he craves the freedom he can only find in another man’s domination. But that secret has cost him, and now, he no longer dares to indulge in his true needs.

One night of loneliness and desire makes his path cross with that of Andreas Brandt. For the first time in years, Jessie trusts a Dom, allowing himself to surrender to Andreas's strength. His faith seems misplaced, as he soon learns Andreas has a secret of his own. He is a werewolf, and his role is to track down Jessie's best friend, Gavin.

Andreas is an enforcer, carrying the important duty of ensuring the safety of the werewolf world is protected from humans. Tasked with finding Saul Simmons and his mysterious human mate, he plans to approach Jessie for the investigation—only to run into him at a D/s club. One look at the beautiful human, and he knows his life will never be the same again. He knows he can never let anyone else touch Jessie. Jessie is his, his lover, his sub, his mate. His everything.

But there are a few more secrets hiding in Jessie's past and eventually in his belly. And Andreas will face a battle he never expected, to protect his new mate, his new family, and the new precious bond growing between him and Jessie.


Warning: Gay erotic romance. The material in this document contains explicit sexual content that is intended for mature audiences only. All characters involved in are adults capable of consent, are over the age of twenty-one, and are willing participants.


30676 words


Table of Contents


Knocked Up by His Werewolf Dom

About the Author

Other titles by Anya Byrne

Coming Soon


Knocked Up by His Werewolf Dom

Lone Wolf Pack 2


Anya Byrne

Copyright 2014






Chapter One


Jessie rubbed his eyes tiredly as he ran into yet another test paper on the Scarlet Letter that commented on the actors' performance in the eponymous movie. He stole a look at the clock on the wall and blinked in dismay. When had the hours passed? It was already seven pm. and he felt like he hadn't made much progress with everything he needed to do. His stomach growled, reminding he hadn't eaten since this morning.

With a disgruntled sigh, he gathered his papers and stuffed them into his briefcase. As he left his office and dragged himself through the corridors of the school, he mentally reviewed the rest of his tasks. It was highly unlikely that he'd be able to finish grading the papers tonight, but he at least had to ready his lesson plan for tomorrow.

He absently nodded at the janitor who'd already started to clean the hallways. "Night, Mr. Orwell," the man said.

"Good night," Jessie muttered back.

The parking lot was empty of cars, almost depressingly so. Jessie's mini-van faithfully waited for him, the only vehicle left at this hour. He slid into the car and leaned against the wheel, resting his eyes. Since his best friend Gavin had taken leave from teaching, Jessie had decided to temporarily cover Gavin's post. He had known it would be hard—Gavin did a lot of work for the kids, some of whom truly needed an understanding adult to guide them. But Jessie had wanted to do this for Gavin, who was going through so much right now. He hadn't counted on the fact that, unlike Gavin, he sucked at being nice to people.

"God, I need a break," he said to no one in particular.

One night, during which he could let go of everything, forget about his school responsibilities and especially about his concern for Gavin. One night, with a man who could remind him how it felt to belong to someone, to lose himself in the pain and the pleasure of his lusts. Would that be so bad? Yes, it would, because tomorrow he needed to go to work like usual. It was hard enough to do two jobs at the same time without losing more sleep than he already was. Besides, he'd left that part of him behind for reasons he didn't even want to think about.

Shaking himself, Jessie started the car and drove home. Sadly, he was still distracted and lost in his musings, so he ran two red lights and nearly got himself into an accident. By the time he got home, he was even more agitated than before. As he walked into his small apartment, he dumped his briefcase on the couch and made a beeline for the kitchen. Some food and a beer would do wonders for his mood, and then maybe, he could get some more work done.

The blinking light of the answering machine drew his attention as he fixed himself a sandwich. Taking a bite from his meal, he pressed the button to play the waiting message. Much to his pleasure, Gavin's voice filled the room, coming from the tape. "Hey, Jess. I guess I just missed you or something. I just wanted to tell you everything's fine. Your dad's given me a clean bill of health."

"Hey, sweetheart," his father's voice came on the line. "Make sure you take care of yourself."

Jessie chuckled at his father's predictable words. The older man had always been a worrier, and he'd hated leaving Jessie alone. He probably never would have if not for the fact that Gavin needed him so badly. "I will," he said even if his father couldn't hear him.

Gavin's recorded voice continued to speak, "So yeah, we're doing well. It'd be great if you could drop by this weekend. I really miss you."

Jessie sighed as the message ended. He missed Gavin and his father too. The whole mess with his friend getting pregnant—pregnant, of all things—still had him shocked beyond measure. Sometimes, he tried not to think about it because it was simply too crazy. Gavin had never told Jessie exactly how that had been possible and what type of creature Saul was, but Jessie couldn't really be upset about that.

Jessie hadn't been completely honest with his friend either. He hadn't told Gavin about his troubles at the school. And he'd never even mentioned the fact that he had interest in the kinkier side of sex. It was just that Gavin seemed so frail, and giving him shocking news always felt like a bad idea. Or so he told himself. In his heart, Jessie was ashamed of his need to be dominated, and the last thing he wanted was to see pity in his friend's eyes.

It occurred to him then that Gavin had exorcised his fears by facing them. Granted, it had seemed like a terrible idea at the time. Not to mention that Gavin was now pregnant with a supernatural creature. But just the same, he'd surpassed the intimacy issues that had always sabotaged his relationships.

Perhaps Jessie could do the same. He could face his true self one more time. Maybe it would give him a measure of peace. Besides, what was the worst that could happen?


The gay club Jessie chose as his destination was a known BDSM hot spot for unattached Doms and subs. Jessie had read about it online, and had been tempted to come here before, but he'd never dared until now. As he made his way through the establishment, Jessie could get a glimpse of the occasional couple, but mostly, people were here to cruise for fresh meat.

A slender man dressed in nothing more than a collar and a leather jock strap walked on all fours in front of him, led by a large, beefy Dom. Somewhere to his right, a young guy who looked like a particularly gorgeous version of Michelangelo's David wielded a wicked whip on the back of a deliciously well-muscled bear.

None of the guys were Jessie's type, but he could still imagine himself bound and gagged, at the mercy of someone else. The memory made him shiver, and not solely in a good way.

He started to back away, already changing his mind with regard to his plans for the night. What had he been thinking? He didn't belong here, and no matter how much he wanted the bite of pleasure-pain he'd become addicted to, it wasn't worth the unavoidable fear and agony that followed.

Before he could retreat from the club, though, a strong hand gripped his arm, keeping him from leaving. Jessie turned and faced a leather-clad brunet who eyed him like he was a piece of meat. "Hey there, sexy. Looking for a new man to spank that tight ass of yours raw?"

Jessie scanned the guy from head to toe and scoffed. "Maybe. But you're not him."

The Dom narrowed his eyes at Jessie, and Jessie remembered some Doms didn't like to be questioned by subs—even those who didn't belong to them. Jessie freed his arm from the asshole's grip and straightened his back, ready to give the Dom a piece of his mind. He might be a sub, but he was no push-over, and people would do well to remember that.

"I think you'll find I can change your mind," the Dom said, once more reaching for Jessie. "I'm going to teach you a lesson you'll never forget."

Before Jessie could reply to that, a tall figure stepped in between them. "The gentleman said no. Back off."

The would-be Dom opened his mouth to protest, but something in the new arrival's stance must have changed his mind. "Whatever," he muttered under his breath as he fled.

"Someone has to tell that guy that 'whatever' is the lamest reply in existence," Jessie murmured. "Even high school students know that."

The words weren't even addressed to his rescuer, but the other man took them as such. He turned toward Jessie and said, "True, that. But let's not dwell on the stupidity of some people here. Dance with me, pretty."

For a few moments, Jessie just stared. The guy was easily the most gorgeous specimen of manhood Jessie had seen in his life. Between his closely cropped blond hair, his blue eyes and his high cheekbones, he had that whole Aryan look going on, a handsomeness so sharp it cut straight through the restraints holding Jessie back.

The man arched a blond brow at him. He didn't say anything else and didn't offer any further invitation. He just extended his hand to Jessie, and the gesture oddly reminded Jessie of a prince asking his beloved to a waltz.

Just the fanciful thought should have scared Jessie, but it didn't. He found himself taking the other man up on his offer. As they touched for the first time, an electric current seemed to go through him. This time, when he shivered, it was only because of pure, unadulterated lust. He highly suspected the other man felt the same, because as the stranger pulled him onto the dance floor, all illusions of a genteel veneer faded away.

In the crowd of writhing bodies, there was no place for anything but open honest desire, and neither of them tried to hide it. As the music flowed over them, Jessie ground against his unlikely prince's hard body, rubbing his ass over the other man's dick. His dance partner wrapped strong arms around him, holding him close while still allowing Jessie freedom of motion. The way he himself moved against Jessie's ass clearly pointed out that dancing wasn't exactly what the man had in mind as the conclusion of tonight.

Jessie turned in the stranger's embrace and leaned against his chest. He pressed his dick to that of the other man, and his daring didn't come without a reward. The stranger brought their bodies so close Jessie could feel every single muscle of his body. He swirled his tongue over Jessie's earlobe, and as Jessie melted against him, bit down just hard enough to make him hiss in pleasure.

The song ended and there was a brief respite during which Jessie could actually hear the other man's harsh breathing. "I have a room booked downstairs," his blond god said. "Come with me, pretty. You won't regret it."

Jessie couldn't have said "no" to save his life. Hell, they were almost fucking now. It was clear to both of them, Jessie knew that. After what had happened to Gavin, he should steer clear of the one-night stand thing. But his dick wasn't listening to his brain, and for once, he wanted to stop carrying the weight of the world on his shoulders.

It was stupid, very, very stupid. Hell, he didn't even know the guy's name. But perhaps it was better this way—no chance of feelings getting in the way or hearts getting broken. Just two men getting off together. Easy, simple, just what Jessie needed to lighten his heart and clear his head. A way to forget.

BOOK: Knocked Up by His Werewolf Dom [Lone Wolf Pack 2]
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