Landon's Obsession: An Endless Series: Book 3 (Series 3) (10 page)

BOOK: Landon's Obsession: An Endless Series: Book 3 (Series 3)
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     It wasn’t what I wanted to do for the weekend, but I wasn’t
going to go see Maya too soon. I didn’t want her thinking she was that much in
my thoughts…even though she was. I told myself I was being clinical and
methodical with my plan, but in reality it was difficult and made me antsy as

     I wanted to see her more than I was willing to admit.

     On Monday, I drove over to Maya’s place of work around seven
at night. I wasn’t certain what her schedule was, but she was working nights
while helping her mother so I went with that. When I pulled into the parking
lot I was somewhat taken aback by the size of the building. I had been expecting
a small ice cream parlor, but it was more than that. There was also a
restaurant, and a large factory attached behind it. It looked like that was
where they manufactured the ice cream.

     The parking lot was surprisingly full for a Monday and
this didn’t bode well for any in-depth conversations between the two of us. This
would definitely put a damper on my plans.

     When I stepped inside I observed that the building
split off into two parts; to the right was the ice cream parlor section where a
large procession of people were lined up to order ice cream, and to the left
was the restaurant. Turning right I scanned over the crowds’ heads to see if
Maya was scooping ice cream for the masses, but the three people I glimpsed
behind the counter were not her. Looking to the left I saw the hostess stand
near the restaurant side and made my way over.

     A female, maybe twenty, not bad looking, walked up to
the stand at the same time I did. She gave me an enormous, ‘I’m interested’
smile. “Can I get you a table?”

     There was only one thing I was interested in. “I’m
looking for Maya, is she working tonight?”

     Her smile dimmed. “Yes, she is. Let me go find her.” She
walked away through a door to the back kitchen.

     Five seconds later.    


     That was quick.

     I turned to see Maya walking toward me wearing an
expression of bemused astonishment, and also restrained delight. My chest
lightened at her look, and my dick swelled at the sight of her. She was in a
different uniform of khaki pants, white polo with the establishment’s logo on
her chest, and black apron. Her hair was up in another loose top knot, but she
was wearing makeup today; black eyeliner that made her eyes sultrier, a light
cherry colored lip gloss, and she either had added a pink blush to her caramel cheeks
or she was flushed from seeing me.  

     The girl was beautiful with or without the makeup, but
I had to admit that the lip gloss added more wayward thoughts in my head on
what those lips could offer.

     “Hey.” I greeted her with a partial grin and a nod,
moving forward to meet her halfway.

     “Came to finally check out the Butterfinger ice cream?”
She asked.

     No, I came to check out you. “You made it sound like it
was one of the Seven Wonders of the World so I didn’t feel like I could pass it
up. You never said there was a restaurant here as well.”

     She gave a slight shrug and grin, leaning in closer. My
abdomen tightened and my heart tripped at her nearness. “The ice cream is to
die for, but the food is only okay. Don’t tell anyone I said that though.” She
whispered conspiringly. 

     My grin widened at her revelation. “If you’re comparing
the food here to your mother’s than I understand why it would only seem okay to
you, because your mother’s food is to die for.”   

     She laughed, her dark eyes twinkling. “She’s spoiled
you too, has she?”

     I shook my head woefully. “Everything else is tasteless
compared to what she makes.”

     We shared a look and nod of accord, because Maya’s
mother’s food was without a doubt ‘the bomb’.

     “So…can I get you a cone or a cup…to go?” She asked
hesitantly, looking suddenly unsure. 

     I watched her curiously. “Are you scooping tonight? I
didn’t see you behind the counter.”       

     “No, I’m waitressing in the restaurant. I haven’t been
behind the counter in a while. I don’t want to augment your entitlement issues,
but it’s no problem for me to run behind there and get you something quickly so
you don’t have to wait in line.” She grinned letting me know that she was
messing with me with the entitlement remark.

     This might work out. “How about a table instead?” I
quirked an eye brow inquiringly.

     Her cheeks indented like she was holding back a smile,
but there was also a guarded look to her eyes. “Okay.” She turned and grabbed a
menu. “Follow me.”

     “Maya.” She twisted to look back at me inquiringly. “I
want your section.” I stated emphatically.

     She blushed brightly, but gave me a ‘duh’ look. “I

     I smirked at her back liking that she gave me attitude
even through her embarrassment.

     Maya led me to a small booth, and as I walked past her
to sit I made certain to brush up against her. She gasped softly at the contact
and her cheeks got even hotter. Shockingly, I wasn’t unaffected by the slight
contact either. My body hardened and my groin went heavy in expectation.

     Fuck, she got me hot.

     “Can I get you something to drink?” She asked

     “I’ll take water and a scoop of ice cream.” I declared,
to get the ordering out of the way.

     Her lip curled up. “So decisive; you’re a waitresses

     “I’ll settle for being one waitresses dream.” I

     She shook her head and rolled her eyes, but looked
slightly pleased at the comment. “I will be right back with your order, sir.”
She quipped with a grin, spinning on her heels.

     I ogled her ass covertly as she sashayed away…and then
adjusted myself under the table. She stopped at another table containing an
elderly couple asking if they needed anything else at the moment. They asked
for a to-go box and the check. She supplied the check and said she’d be back
with the box.

     A few minutes later she returned with a tray containing
a glass of water, a bowl of ice cream, and a Styrofoam box. She dropped off the
box and picked up the couples cash for their meal. They said they were set and
to keep the change. With a smile and a farewell she headed my way.

     “You ready to be blown away?” She asked, setting down
the bowl of ice cream and water.

     That was a fucking leading question. “How long have you
been working here, because I think you might have gotten a little too caught up
in your employer’s hype?”

     She grinned and leaned her hip against the opposite
bench. “I’ve been working here since I was fifteen, and don’t knock it until
you’ve tried it. So try it.” She commanded pointing at the bowl.

     Nice. I liked the authoritative tone. I brought a
spoonful to my mouth as she watched avidly. Damn, it was pretty good. “Not bad,
not bad, but I don’t know if I can say its better than Dairy Queen’s soft
serve. I might have to do one of those comparative tests where they’re both
sitting on the table in front of me so I can taste them together.”

     An offended expression rolled over her face. “Not on
this table your not. You would get your ass kicked if you brought that
substandard crap in here.”

     I almost coughed out the second spoonful I was
shoveling in as a laugh burst out of me. I gave her a severe frown. “I did
just hear you diss
much beloved ice cream.”

     “Oh, your ears are working fine. I said it. Mark it
down.” She huffed, smirking.

     Shit, she was fucking adorable.

     “I’ll mark it down, whatever that means, and then I’ll
cross it off, erase it, and finish it by burning it to cinders.” I retorted.

     Her eyes twinkled. “And still, my ice cream would beat
the pants off yours any day of the week.”

     “You’re dreaming.” I grumbled.

     “Have you noticed that while you argue with me you are
continuing to wolf down that ice cream contradicting your case?” She pointed
out with a raised brow.

     I shook my head. “I’m not contradicting. I’m just not
going to waste ice cream. I mean…it is ice cream.” I stated matter-of-factly, taking
another bite.

     She was smiling so hard I thought her cheeks had to be
hurting her. I don’t think a girl had ever smiled at me like that; like she
thought I was the most interesting and funniest person she’d been around. Females
smiled at me all the time, but their smiles always seemed calculating or
practiced. Not quite real.

     Maya’s seemed real though.


     Maya turned and I looked over the booth to see some guy
calling her name. She gave a small sigh as she looked back at me, her smile
dimmer. “Excuse me.”

     Swiveling, she made her way toward the male. He was
tall, lean, black, wearing a uniform similar to hers, and looked to be around
our age. He also wasn’t bad looking, and the look on his face as he stared at
Maya was somewhat territorial.

     Shit! Did she have a boyfriend? Or was it just some
dude who wanted to be her boyfriend? The sigh and muted smile said she wasn’t
overly pleased to deal with him; that was good sign.

     They talked for several seconds with the guy throwing
me a couple dark sideway glances. Maya’s expression was irritated when she
turned and walked back to me. Observing her irritation only settled my nerves
to a small extent. The guy wore a frown, gazing after her, and I also noted the
girl at the hostess desk watching the two of them, and me, with animated

     Maya returned, merely wearing a soft smile now.

     “Everything okay?” I asked nonchalantly. Inside I
wasn’t so serene; my muscles were tense and twitchy. Her having a boyfriend was
not part of my plan.

     “Everything’s fine.” She replied with a deep sigh.

     I forced a chuckle. “That didn’t sound like a ‘fine’
sigh. Was that your boyfriend?” I had to find out who he was to her.

     She shook her head looking self-conscious. “No, no,
Darrel’s not my boyfriend.”

     My muscles loosened slightly. That was something. “But
he wants to be your boyfriend, doesn’t he?”

     Her face flushed, and she appeared particularly uncomfortable.

     I snorted breaking into her stammer. “Yeah, it was pretty
obvious. The looks he was giving me said ‘back off’.”

     A horrified expression crossed her face. “He was not.”

     I laughed darkly. “Oh yeah…he was. He must have not
liked it that you were laughing with me.”

     She frowned. “I laugh with a lot of my customers.”

     “But are they as good looking as me?” I wiggled my eye
brows humorously.

     Maya rolled her eyes, but grinned. “Quite a few are
even better looking.” She retorted. “Why Mr. Lewis is almost in the ‘god’

. Lewis?” I stressed with a scowl. Sounded
like some old dude.

     “He might be a little bit older, with a few gray hairs,
but he’s still hot for his age.” She said with her own eye brow waggle.

     I grunted, feeling a startling amount of relief to know
that it was an old guy. But there was still the question of Darrel. “So, if it
wasn’t the laughing why did he look all put out?” I asked.

     She exhaled. “It can be a Soap Opera around here
sometimes. Lindy, the girl at the hostess desk, knows how Darrel feels about
me…” She flushed again. “…and thought to add some drama into the night.”

     “What did she say to him?”

     “I don’t know, and it doesn’t matter. He shouldn’t be
coming out here calling me away from a table to ask me if I want to do
something after work.” She said sounding perturbed.

     I became
than perturbed at that notion.
“You guys hang out a lot after work, do you?”

     Her gaze turned unsure as she shrugged. “A few of us
hang out regularly.”

     I wasn’t getting the answer I wanted to hear. “But do
just the two of you hang out?” I asked pointedly leaning forward.

     She stared at me silently for a moment appearing
startled at my interest.

     “Twice…several months ago.” She finally, and briefly,

     My muscles relaxed slightly, but I wasn’t liking the
thought of Darrel hanging out with her at work all the time. Hell, there were
most likely several other guys in back that wouldn’t mind getting with her as

     Holding back a growl at that notion I asked. “What’s
your schedule like here? Do you always work nights?”

     “It’s about half and half. I like working nights
because I make more tips, but then who wants to work every night.” She grinned,
but her eyes were dark and thoughtful as she stared at me.

     What was she thinking?

     “Are you working tomorrow night again?” I asked,
watching her just as intently.

     Once again, there was a small pause before she
answered. She had to know I was interested in her by now. My recent questions
had been subtle, but meaningful. Would she still follow my mother’s and hers
instructions to stay away?

     “Yes, I work tomorrow night.” She admitted.

     “I was thinking about trying that chocolate chip that

     She inhaled deeply, her dark eyes pools of mystery. “It
is pretty good.”

     “So you recommend that I come back and try it?” Come on
Maya, say yes. Admit that you want to see me again.

     “It’s ice cream; how could you pass it up.” She prevaricated.

     It wasn’t a stanch ‘yes’, but it was damn close.
Standing up I set a ten dollar bill on the table and leaned down, my face
inches from hers. Maya’s eyes widened, her skin flushed, and her breathing

     Damn, she was fucking beautiful.      

     “I guess I’ll see you tomorrow then.” I uttered
gruffly, brushing against her body yet again as I walked away. It was torturous
getting that close and not being able to touch her more.

     I wasn’t accustomed to waiting, and never thought a
girl would be something I would ever spend my time working for, but I haven’t
been able to get Maya out of my head, so for the first time in my life I was
making an effort.

     What the hell, I didn’t have any big plans for the next
several weeks.


∞                    ∞


     It was Thursday and for the fourth day in a row I was
sitting in a booth at The House of Flavors, only it was in the afternoon this time
as Maya had an early shift, and today instead of ice cream I’d ordered a meal.

     Everyday I would come for about an hour and spend as
much time as I could working at winning her over. It wasn’t a hardship
conversing with Maya. I actually enjoyed it…a lot. She was smart, and witty,
and didn’t fawn all over me. It was funny how that peeved me and intrigued me
at the same time. I hated it when women acted like that around me, it was
annoying as hell, but in some way I wanted that from her. I wanted her
unadulterated attention.

     Because I had never had to work for a girl before I
wasn’t used to asking her questions…I had never been interested enough to put
forth the effort. Thus, so far, we’d only covered casual shit like music,
movies, school, my lacrosse sport, and her cross country running. It was a
start, and stuff I wanted to know, but, surprisingly, I was finding I wanted to
find out more personal information about her.

     “So you speak Spanish like a second language, and are
taking French and Italian in school, while at the same time learning Russian
and Arabic in some kind of after school program.” I asked in fascination. “How
do you keep them all straight without mixing them all together? I think I would
end up saying a sentence in a mishmash of all the different languages.”

     Maya laughed. She was standing on the other side of the
table I was sitting at her hands gripping the empty chair opposite me. “It was
a little confusing at first, but I love languages, and have a real affinity for
them. They sort of come naturally to me.”

     “How do the languages work toward your future career?”

     Maya’s expression turned dreamy. “I’ve always wanted to
travel, to see different parts of the world. I think a good way to do that is
to become a translator. It would be awesome to see the Colosseum and Leaning
Tower of Pisa in Italy, or all those grand old structures in Russia. Those countries have so much more history than ours.”

     Wow! She had a real plan for herself, and was making
every effort to see it come true. It made me feel kind of indolent in my
efforts. She also appeared really excited about her future while I was just
expected to step into my father’s shoes. I was resigned to it, but not
particularly excited about it.

     “Those two structures are pretty fabulous, and Moscow is remarkable.” I affirmed, watching her carefully. I couldn’t stop continuing to
test her to see if she would exhibit any antipathy or envy for what I had. She
always seemed so content with herself and happy for me, I wasn’t accustomed to
that kind of thinking.

     It was surprising how much acrimony ran through the
blood of the wealthy toward other wealthy people. That was the kind of behavior
I was used to, and the less wealthy were even more resentful normally.

     However, Maya’s eyes held no bitterness or envy, the
only emotion I observed was excitement. “Oh my gosh! You’ve been over there?
Was it amazing? Did it seem like you stepped back in time?”

     “It was a little bit like stepping back into another
era. The structures have been standing for so long and have such a majestic feel
about them. It’s like you can sense the ghosts of the past still lingering
there.” I said, catching onto her excitement. There was no way I could deny
that visiting those structures hadn’t moved me.

     “God, I can hear the artist in you talking. Did you
sketch any of them? I would love to see them if you did.” She asked eagerly,
leaning forward on the chair.  

     Something moved in my chest as she again showed keen
interest in my drawings. While my parents had seen and extolled over them, the way
parents do, they didn’t really put much worth in my art. I was expected to go
one way in my life, and drawing pictures wasn’t that way. Having someone really
appreciate it was kind of heady.

     “I did do some sketches of the buildings, and I would
love to show them to you.” I leaned forward setting my elbows on the table,
smiling with intent. “How about after you get done with your shift tomorrow?”   

     Maya froze, eyes wide. “Uhm…” She straightened, and I
could literally see the indecision on her face. She wanted to say yes, but because
of her and my mother’s interference she was hesitant to agree. Her gaze
suddenly shifted to the left and I followed it to see that one of her other
tables was waving her down. “I’ll be right back.” She mumbled dashing away.

     While she was gone I contemplated what I could say to
tip her decision my way, because I wasn’t accepting any type of refusal.
Everyday with her had only amplified my desire for her. It disturbed me, the
intensity of my interest. I’d never experienced anything like it before, but I
couldn’t ignore it. I’d tried that already and it hadn’t worked.

     Minutes later she tentatively walked back up to my
table still looking torn. “Landon…”

     I interrupted her. “Maya, I need to tell you something.
A couple days after my surgery I was walking past the kitchen and heard you and
your mother talking.” She frowned as though attempting to recollect what I
might have heard. I forged ahead not waiting for her to recall. “The
conversation was about how my mother and yours wanted you to stay away from
me.” Her mouth popped open in dismay as I continued. “I’m not one to let my
mother dictate how I live my life. She’s a control freak and if she could she’d
turn me into a puppet on a string.” Her mouth snapped shut and pursed as though
holding back a grin. “Now, you don’t owe anything to my mother so I know you’re
not holding back for her sake, and from what I heard you don’t agree with your
mothers’ views of separation of the classes,” I gave her a disgusted look as I
said that. “…so I hope whatever answer you give me will be from you and you

BOOK: Landon's Obsession: An Endless Series: Book 3 (Series 3)
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