Lang, Chloe - Going Wilde [The Brothers of Wilde, Nevada 1] (Siren Publishing LoveXtreme Forever) (5 page)

BOOK: Lang, Chloe - Going Wilde [The Brothers of Wilde, Nevada 1] (Siren Publishing LoveXtreme Forever)
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The bathroom door opened, revealing the woman of his dreams. One white towel was wrapped around her head, and the other covered her body, barely. She looked like a goddess.

“You take my breath away, darlin’.”

She smiled. “Thank you. I think you’re really handsome, cowboy.”

He stood up, and stepped next to her. She bit her lip as he removed her towel, then tossed it to the floor. “God, I love your curves.”

Her reddening cheeks made his dick hard. “I could lose a pound or two.”

“Don’t you dare, Jessie. You know what I want right now?” He moved his hand to her breasts and then feathered her lips with his mouth.

Her lips quivered against his. “W–what, Jackson?”

“I want to fill up your pretty, little pussy with my dick. I have condoms.” He pointed to the nightstand, where he’d placed three of them while she slept.

“Jackson, I’m not sure we should—”

He kissed her, silencing her. A little moan escaped her lips. His dick jerked, and his balls loaded up. God, he loved touching her. Time to claim her. Jessie would be his from now on. And he hoped that soon, she’d belong to the rest of the Wilde brothers as well.

* * * *

Jessica’s body buzzed from the caresses of Jackson’s large, calloused hands. She liked his touch. She’d been really foolish last night. Still, she enjoyed the sensations he brought out in her body. But it was more than that, she realized. He could’ve fucked her whether she was awake or not, sober or drunk...but he hadn’t. Instead, he stayed the night to make sure she was okay. It was probably silly and naive of her, but the fact touched her.

“Last night was really great, Jackson.”

She wanted to blame her brazenness on the tequila shots, but she couldn’t. Having Jackson’s and his brothers’ full attention had thrilled her completely.
Wow, who knew I could be so wicked?
Now that she realized he’d only considered her needs, forgoing his own, she craved more, and wanted to give back to him.

“Jessie, just see what I have in store for you this morning. Last night is going to pale in comparison. I have to get inside your incredible body.”

She looked into his blue eyes. There was goodness inside him. He smiled, and a deep ache burned inside her. She wanted Jackson to take her. Sure she could wait, but why? His rough edges, lusty nature, and thoughtfulness pulled her to surrender. She had never felt this way with any man, including her ex. Jackson made her feel beautiful, wanted, protected, and very feminine.

Her body began to tremble.
Yes. This is the moment. It’s perfect. He’s perfect. No more waiting.
“I want you to make love to me, too.”

His hands glided down her sides like feathers, tickling ever so slightly where he touched. His mouth pressed against hers. She parted her lips, and his tongue swept into her. Kissing had never been so awesome in her entire life. Her body warmed just from his kiss, and she felt desire roll through her for more, much more.

Jackson ended the kiss, only to shift down so that his incredible lips grazed her breast. A shiver shot from where his hot breath hit her nipples. When he licked her tip, she felt moistness flow from her pussy.

“Darlin’, I love this. Heaven to me would be giving you pleasure morning, noon, and night.” Tingles shot into her body from where his fingers touched her sides.

Her breath caught in her chest.
I have to tell him I’m still a virgin.
She knew it wouldn’t be right not to let him know. He might not want to go through with it, but she had to give him that choice.

She choked out, “Jackson, there’s something I need to tell you before we make love.”

His finger came up to her mouth, urging her to silence. “Not now, darlin’. We can talk later. I’m sure there’s a lot we both want to say to one another. Now is for enjoyment, pleasure...”

“B–But, I’m not experienced.” Much easier to say than
I’m a virgin.

His face softened, and he grabbed her hands. “It doesn’t matter how much experience you have or haven’t had. I just want to touch you, darlin’. Make you feel good. Will you let me do that?”

Jessie threw her arms around his neck. Who knew that chivalry was alive and well in Wilde. “Yes. Please.”

“Perfect. This is our first time together, and I want to make it unforgettable for you.” His thumb brushed against her clit, making her wondrously woozy. “That’s it, sweetheart. I’m gonna get your pussy good and wet.”

While Jackson’s one hand worked over her mound, his other massaged her breast, creating a circuit of sparks from each place he touched her. Her back arched up from the bed, but before she could reach orgasm, his hands left her body.

“Not yet, Jessie. I want you to be delirious to come.” He sent a digit into her pussy, and she felt heat well up inside her. She’d used a vibrator before on her clit, but his finger was evoking something very different from her body.

“You’re really tight, sweetheart.” He smiled, and her world spun wonderfully.

I need to tell him the truth.
But all she could summon was a moan.

“Darlin’, let’s see what happens when I add another finger into that pretty little pussy of yours.”

When he put another finger inside her, she felt a burning stretch and a tinge of hurt. She wondered how she’d ever be able to take his huge dick inside her pussy. She reached up and touched his muscled chest with her fingertips. He felt like steel. His fingers kept thrusting in and out of her, over and over. Deep...then deeper. This went on for what seemed like eternity, driving her mad with desire. Nothing else mattered. She craved to take the final plunge and let him ravish her fully. His light pinches on her nipples, his nibbling on her neck, his fingers inside her pussy, his tenderness and soft whispers...all worked together to stoke a blaze in her that both thrilled and terrified.

Without a word, Jackson positioned his head between her legs. His tongue danced through her pussy’s folds, and she felt more liquid seep from her slit. Her legs shot up around his neck, urging him to go on. He did, thank God. Jackson kept raising the stakes, teasing her clit for a second, then backing off before she could get relief. Over and over, he pushed her higher.

“Please,” she breathed. “I can’t take much more.” Spinning in the haze he’d created, she knew that she needed Jackson to be her first.

He looked up from between her legs, grinning wickedly. “You can, and you will. I plan on spending a lot of time tasting your sweet cream, Jessie.” With that, he dove back down on her pussy, laving her into a complete frenzy. His hands cupped her ass cheeks. Suddenly, his lips captured her clit, pressing until she trembled uncontrollably. Fisting the sheets, she arched up into his greedy mouth.

Electricity fired through every vein, every muscle, every inch of her skin. The orgasm blasted through her, and her muscles jerked violently. Tears streamed from her eyes.

“You’re ready to take my cock?” Jackson’s tone held both deviousness and hunger.

“Y–Yes.” Her head spun as he circled her clit with a finger, but never touching it. She tried to shift her hips so that she could feel his touch on her bundle of nerves, but he’d move teasingly before his finger would hit it. “Now.”

He growled. “I’ve got to get inside that tight pussy, sweetheart.”

Oh, God! Here it comes.
“Y–Yes. Please.”

He grabbed one of the condoms and had his massive cock sheathed in a flash. “Darlin’, you’ve got me burning with lust for you. I so want to drive into you fast and furious, but you’re way too tight for that. I’ve got to stretch you out slow and easy, sweetheart. I’m going to take my time. Besides, I want to make this last as long as possible. Understand?”

All she could muster was a nod to answer him. She bit her lip, yearning for him to be inside her so badly she thought she might lose her mind.

Jackson rolled on top of her, and she could feel the tip of his dick on her soaked folds. “You’re fucking incredible, Jessie.” His words amazed her and made her want him more. “I’m so glad you’re here with me now.”

She closed her eyes, savoring the moment and his words.

Jackson started to thrust into her, then suddenly stopped. She opened her eyes and found him staring down at her with a look of amazement on his face.
He knows.

“P–Please, take me, Jackson.”

He nodded, kissed her lips, and then drove into her pussy, piercing her virgin flesh, filling her beyond what she thought possible.

She closed her eyes tight against the sharp pain and felt tears sting her eyes and then stream down her cheeks. Her head spun wildly.

“Sweetheart, I–I hope I didn’t hurt you.” His face was cloudy with concern.

“It’s o–okay. I–I’m fine. Just don’t move.” She bit her lip. He’d stretched her insides wide.

He nodded. “Take your time, Jessie.”

After a bit, the pain subsided, and all that remained was a deluge of need she’d never known.

She wanted him to go even deeper. Instinctively, her legs wrapped around his waist, urging him to take her completely. Her hands shot up to his shoulders, and she racked his skin with her nails. Waves of desire crashed frantically inside her body.

Jackson growled into her mouth, and she felt him place his hands on her waist, pushing himself deeper into her before he began a slow, steady rhythm. Soon, every nerve ending buzzed to life inside her. Her breaths had morphed into panting, coming faster and faster. Responding intuitively to his thrusts, she clenched down on his dick with her pussy.

“I can tell you’re getting close, sweetheart.” Jackson’s low tone caused more tears to stream out of her eyes. He looked like a hungry lion, and she felt like his willing prey. “Does it feel good? Do you like my dick inside you?”

Her clit throbbed. “Y–Yes.”

Jackson’s strokes sped up, filling her up totally. His fixed stare mesmerized her. She dug her nails into his shoulders as the beginning of her release rumbled deep inside her.

“Fuck.” His word sounded more like a desperate breath.

Jessie felt his cock hit a spot inside her pussy, over and over, igniting her orgasm to an explosion that blasted every cell in her body to white-hot.

His eyes shut. “I–I’m coming.”

Her mind reeled with such strong emotions and her insides flared with such intensity, she thought she might faint. Suddenly, she screamed as Jackson gave her the most amazing, intense climax she’d ever felt or imagined.

Her body began shivering violently. Remaining inside her, Jackson rolled to his side and pulled her into him, wrapping his arms around her.

“Darlin’, what’s wrong? Are you all right?”

Breathlessly, she tried to speak. “I–I should’ve told you—”

“Shh.” Jackson pulled her close, wrapping his arms around her. “You gave me the most awesome honor. I’m fucking blown away. Are you okay?”

“Yes.” Her body continued to shake uncontrollably, as her climax subsided slowly. “In fact, I feel amazing.”

“I don’t know what to say, except thank you for giving me this precious gift.”

She kissed him. “Thank you.”

“I’ve never wanted someone more in my entire life.” Jackson kissed her hair. “You overwhelm me, Jessie.”

“I feel the same way.”

She snuggled into him. The wait had been worth it. Jackson had made her first time perfect.

Chapter Four

Jackson kept holding Jessie. He’d never been with a virgin before, and that he’d been her first triggered something very primitive inside him. She was his. Though earlier he’d guessed that she would be perfect for him, now he knew it to his very core.

BOOK: Lang, Chloe - Going Wilde [The Brothers of Wilde, Nevada 1] (Siren Publishing LoveXtreme Forever)
11.59Mb size Format: txt, pdf, ePub

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