Read Laura's Light Online

Authors: Donna Gallagher

Laura's Light (4 page)

BOOK: Laura's Light
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“I could eat you all night. You taste so sweet, look so delicious lying naked on my bed,” Trevor said as he lavished little kisses on her inner thighs, before remembering that he still had not tasted her berry-coloured nipples. In fact, Laura was not completely naked as she was still wearing her bra.

“Mmmm. My mistake—you’re not naked, but let me take care of that oversight immediately.”

Trevor lifted Laura to a sitting position, chuckling at her limp form, and leaning her against his chest, he reached around her back and unclasped the hooks of the offending piece of clothing. He drew the straps down her arms and put a modicum of space between their bodies to free her breasts. He tenderly rolled a nipple between his fingers, savouring the feel of her tight bud, but before he could wrap his lips around the temptation he felt a nip on his shoulder.

“I need you inside me now, Trevor. It’s been so long since I’ve had a man inside me… I can’t wait any longer.”

Even though the sentiment was exactly what Trevor wanted, the thought of her with any other man left a sour taste in his mouth. Which he knew was a ridiculous train of thought. The woman was a siren. Of course she would have been with other men—Rookie was a tangible testament to that fact—but still he couldn’t stop the jealousy from turning his stomach.

“Honey, you can have me, all of me, right now. Move up a little on the bed while I grab a condom. I just hope I can control myself. You make me so hot and horny I’m afraid I’ll come the second I bury my cock in you.”

He tore the condom packet with a ferocity he didn’t know he had, sheathed himself and positioned the rounded head of his erection at her opening. With his arms locked at either side of her head, his palms flat on the mattress, he looked into her pale blue eyes. They reminded him of icebergs—Trevor was not sure why that comparison had popped into his mind, as she certainly was far from cold beneath him. The heat from her body rose to touch his skin even before they were joined.

“Look at me, Laura. Look while I enter you. Look into my eyes while my body joins with yours.”

Chapter Five




Laura looked into Trevor’s eyes, stared at him as he slowly entered her. Saw the tension in his face, the clenched set of his jaw as her body swallowed him tightly, her inner muscles grasping at his shaft, holding it in the wet warmth of her pussy. She could tell he was fighting for control, and loved the knowledge that it was her doing. She was desirable, able to make a man struggle to control himself. Trevor was well-endowed—Laura had noticed his manhood jutting out proudly just before he had sent her world flying apart with his talented mouth and tongue, her body screaming in delight. She was glad of his girth, glad it filled her sheath, had been worried that due to childbirth she might not be as snug as the average woman.

Her worries had been unfounded. As she relished that fullness that Trevor, fully seated inside her, created, he stretched her. The sensation was so intense, the desire so consuming, her emotions so highly strung that Laura could not stop the lone tear escaping from the corner of her eye. She felt so overwhelmed. So good.

“Honey, what’s wrong? Am I hurting you?” Trevor stilled over her, caught the escaping tear with his fingertip, his expression a mixture of concern and fear.

“No, you feel so good, Trevor. It was a happy tear. A tear of pure joy at what you make me feel, how you feel inside me. Don’t stop—please, don’t stop.” She kissed him deeply, lifted her hips up to meet his, trying to urge him to move again.

The sensations caused by Trevor’s continued motions—in and out, back and forward, as she caught and joined in the rhythm of his hips—were so overpowering. A tidal wave of pleasure was building, swamping her senses. Streaks of sizzling pleasure crested and rolled higher and higher, soaring. Every nerve, every cell of Laura’s being waited for her orgasm to reach its peak. Trevor moaned, growled her name. A grimace crossed his sweat-streaked face as he tried to hold back. Laura could tell he was close and it was that sight, that knowledge of his impending orgasm, that thrust her mercilessly into the abyss, her body quivering, shaking uncontrollably as she screamed his name.

“I’m coming, oh, I’m coming, Trevor!”

“Fuck, yeah, honey, break apart for me, do it now! I’m holding on by a thread. Oh, yeah, here it is, it’s all for you.”

Trevor thrust hard, pounded into her relentlessly. The muscles she clung to in his back tensed, and even though he was wearing a condom Laura swore she could feel his seed, the warmth of it as it flooded into the protective latex skin that covered his penis, buried deep inside her. She drew her fingernails down his back, knew that the scratch mark would mar his skin, but she didn’t care. She wanted to mark him. Claim him. And it was that thought that brought her crashing back to reality. She had just had sex with a relative stranger on a first date. No promises made.

“My God, I’m acting like a tramp.” Laura didn’t realise she had voiced her thought until Trevor raised his prone body, placed his hands on either side of her face as he took his own weight on his elbows.

“Never. Don’t say that. I refuse to let you think like that. I’ve wanted you from the first time I set eyes on you, Laura. You were at the club after Rookie’s first-grade debut. It was the colour of your hair that caught my eye. You were standing next to Rookie, then you smiled—it shone like a beacon, lighting up the room. At first I thought you were
Rookie. It wasn’t until Brodie mentioned later on that you were his mother that I knew any different. Even then, I couldn’t believe that you were anywhere near old enough to be his mother. I still don’t. You must have been just a babe yourself when you gave birth. You are not a tramp. This is not dirty. What we just experienced, Laura, is something special.
are special, and I will never think of you any other way.”

Laura was so moved by Trevor’s words that her heart nearly burst with joy, but in her mind a niggling voice cautioned her. Trevor had mentioned her age—well, not specifically, but the fact she was no spring chicken was not lost on her. How long could she expect him to desire her when he was so many years younger, still had his life ahead of him? She was certain Trevor would never find himself short of younger female attention, even without the notoriety of his career. The man was sin on two legs. What right-minded woman wouldn’t want him between her thighs?

Laura would have to be careful that she didn’t do or say anything that would portray her as the needy, clingy type, that she didn’t do anything to scare Trevor away. She thought that maybe if she remained aloof, in it for the joy of sex with no strings attached, she could keep Trevor interested for a while longer. It was up to her to protect her heart along the way.

“Stop over-thinking it, honey,” Trevor added, giving a small tug on her hair, which he was twisting around his fingers. “Just let this, whatever it is between us, live, grow. Let’s just see where it goes.”

She could do that, she thought, and nodded in agreement. Reached up and stroked a finger around his jawline, savouring the texture and roughness of the stubble, the masculine feel of him, the warmth of his skin to her touch as she gazed into his dark eyes, eyes that seem to storm with unsaid emotion. Trying not to let her imagination run away with her, portray sights that might not really exist, she shut her eyes and pressed her mouth to his. She whispered, her lips moving against his, “Take me again, Trevor. Make me feel like a desirable woman once more. Let me feel your hardness inside me.”

As Laura felt Trevor’s shaft lengthen, harden against her, she opened her legs in invitation. Banished any fears to the back of her mind. She would make the most of tonight, relish her younger lover’s experience, his endurance. She deserved it, had lived life modestly since that night of her son’s conception. Tomorrow would come soon enough and she would deal with consequences then.

Chapter Six




Laura awoke, startled. Her surroundings were confusing, unfamiliar. Then the reality sank in as she felt the weight and warmth of the masculine arm weighing her down. She had fallen asleep in Trevor’s bed after their third mind-blowing, earth-shattering coupling. She didn’t know what time it was and panicked that the consequences of her previous night’s indiscretions would now need to be faced head-on. She could only imagine the state she was in—smudged makeup, hair resembling a bird’s nest…
Not my finest moment.

“Way to go, Laura. If he didn’t notice how old you looked last night, now you’re this rumpled it will be undeniable—probably a shock to his ego. It’s a wonder he hasn’t chewed off his own arm to get away.” She was lying on one of Trevor’s arms, trapping him beneath her, while his other was resting over her hip.

Laura didn’t realise that she had spoken the thought out loud until she heard the rumbling of his voice.

“That’s never gonna happen, honey. I’m right where I want to be,” he whispered in her ear, and she felt the slight sting as Trevor nipped her earlobe playfully.

“I didn’t mean to fall asleep. I’m sorry… I should have left hours ago. This isn’t what is supposed to happen these days, I suspect.” Laura caught sight of the light shining from the corner of the closed drapes.

“The sun is up! I have no idea what time it is. What on earth is Mitchell going to think?” Laura started to struggle in an attempt to free herself from Trevor’s hold, tried to remove herself from his arms, his bed. Then, realising she was naked, she froze. How the hell was she going to make a gracious exit when she would have to hunt, completely naked in front of him, for her clothing? Any chance of her maturing body’s flaws remaining hidden in the room’s darkness was now fading as the sun rose. Not to mention the walk of shame she was facing, going home in the probably now rumpled clothing that she’d left home in last night. Laura groaned.

“Oh, this is so embarrassing. I’m not really up on the etiquette this sort of thing involves. You know, the morning after the night before. What the hell was I thinking?” Laura buried her face into the pillow, thinking that hiding from the world might magically make all her uncertainty and embarrassment go away.

She heard Trevor chuckling next to her, and anger was the first emotion to take hold.

“This might seem funny to you, but I’m not some young bunny that hops from bed to bed. This is my first one-night stand and I’m a mother, for goodness’ sake. What will I tell my son? ‘Yes, Mitchell, it’s okay for me to stay out all night without letting you know, but heaven help you if you do the same to me—I’m the only one allowed to worry in this family.’ Not to mention the fact I’ve never stayed away from home before. No, I’m sure Mitchell is feeling just fine that his accusations proved correct, that we did end up in bed together. My God, what must he think of me?” And if the embarrassment of admitting her lack of a sex life hadn’t been enough to completely humiliate her, then bursting into tears left her in no doubt.

“C’mon now, don’t do that. Don’t cry.” Trevor’s voice soothed her as he tightened his arms around her. “We will face Rookie together, and this is no one-night stand, Laura. Stop fretting—everything will work out fine. Look, if you want to we can stop off at the shops, grab you something else to wear. Anything to make you feel more comfortable, honey.”

Laura finally pulled herself together with a very ungraceful final sniff. “Really, would you do that for me? I could just duck in quickly and grab a new dress before we head home, just in case the neighbours are up and about. I would just rather not telegraph to all and sundry what we’ve been up to—facing Mitchell will be bad enough.”

“Honey, nothing is too much trouble for you. While you pick something to buy I’ll grab us some takeaway coffees and maybe a few breakfast burgers, and we can try and bribe Rookie into forgiving us. What do you say?”

“Sounds like a plan. My boy does like his food. I’m pretty sure he doesn’t have an early training session this morning, so he’s probably still in bed anyway,” Laura replied, feeling a little cheered up by Trevor’s understanding of her feelings, his take-charge attitude. She had always tried to set a good example, to not bring any unwanted gossip her way. She had worried that being a single parent was enough of a stigma, enough of a burden for her son to live with, without adding to the problem by acting loose in the morality department.

“Don’t you have somewhere else to be, though?” Laura added quickly, worrying now that she was just compounding the drama, causing so much trouble and keeping Trevor from his day.
So much for keeping it light and fun
, she thought ruefully.

“Nope, lucky for me I have the next few days off and my sports show is all set to go straight to taping next week. My day is your day, beautiful.”

The kiss Trevor delivered left Laura in no doubt that he was happy to have her with him. In fact, the immediate reaction of her body to his kiss left little doubt in her mind as to how they felt about each other. ‘Smouldering’ and ‘hot’ were some of the words that flitted through Laura’s mind as she relaxed into Trevor’s kiss, and a now familiar, throbbing need consumed her body. She wanted him again. Of that, she had no doubt.

To hell with morals, Laura thought with a contented sigh, as she realised that she’d had more sex in one night with Trevor than she’d had in the last few years. And not just sex. No—it had been the best sex of her life.


* * * *


Trevor had spent a great amount of the time it had taken Laura to shop praying that Rookie would not cause him too much grief. He knew that any future he hoped to have with Laura would depend heavily on her son’s acceptance of him. Which was ludicrous, considering Rookie was twenty-one, and a heartbreaker himself with the girls—or so Trevor believed, making his judgements based on the amount of female attention that swarmed around the young man after a Jets game. So he continued his prayers as he waited for the coffee and assorted versions of bacon and eggs on white and brown bread, various rolls and foccacia bread, just so he had every base covered. And he was definitely not spending any time examining why this sudden concern for a future with Laura had entered his thoughts at all.

BOOK: Laura's Light
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