Leah's Seduction: 2 (Gianni and Leah - Leah's Seduction) (3 page)

BOOK: Leah's Seduction: 2 (Gianni and Leah - Leah's Seduction)
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Chapter 5

At Gianni’s building, the driver took Leah to the condo, up on the ninetieth floor. He stayed with her in the elevator, and escorted her to the door. Inside the foyer, Roston took her coat and guided her inside. It was all very polite and formal.

Completely in contrast with Leah’s reaction when she stepped into the sprawling interior. The luxury apartment occupied an entire top floor, and the part that was visible took her breath away.
Dinner at my place
, as Gianni had put it, meant dining in privacy with a 360-degree view of the city.

It was better than any restaurant view she could imagine. With her eyes wide, Leah walked across the zigzag pattern of the parquet floor, and went to the windows. Below was a far-reaching view of Central Park and beyond, the wide expanse like a green sea between the two sections of the city.

Being in the center of the Manhattan skyline, the condo offered a panoramic view through its walls of glass, and Leah spun around to see more. The dizzying height and expansive scene made her feel like she was in the stratosphere, seeing far into the distance.

Gianni appeared from around a corner, instantly distracting her. He was a sight to behold in his gray slacks that hung over his narrow hips, and his white shirt open at the neck with the sleeves rolled up. She was glad that she’d thought to dress up, since he was still in his work garb.

Or almost. He walked over in bare feet, making her heart pound. Just the vision of his feet stepping over the polished wood floors was sexy. Leah stood there, unsure how to react. She wanted to run into his arms, but their relationship was so new she wasn’t certain if that would be well-received.

When he put his arms around her and smiled, Leah relaxed just a little.

“It’s good to see you,” he said. His perfect lips were so kissable that Leah was lucky to have heard what he said.

She smiled back, likely more than she should have. But so far, Leah hadn’t been able to disguise how she felt around him. It was too much, and too strong, to be subdued. Nor did she have the inclination to do so.

Noting her silence, Gianni stopped smiling, the air charged with attraction. He leaned down and kissed her. Parting her lips, Leah let him taste of her tongue, and liked how he claimed her mouth. She kissed back, letting him know how he affected her.

Letting her go, Gianni stood back. “You look lovely.”

Leah swiped a hand at her curls, knowing he exaggerated, but glad for the approval. “So do you,” she said.

Gianni laughed, and she quite liked the sound. Sometimes he was serious, or intense. The light note to his voice, and the sparkle in his eyes, was something new. Maybe he was more comfortable at home. If so, it was going to be a good evening.

“Would you like to look around?”

Leah nodded. “This is so…impressive. I’ve never been in a condo like this. What a view.”

Gianni walked her through several rooms, including a massive dining room with a huge, dark table, and other sitting rooms with padded chairs paired with long sofas. The décor was sharp and modern. He showed her where a couple of the bathrooms were, but Leah knew she’d probably get lost the first time she tried to find one again.

One bathroom had an old-style tub in front of a huge window overlooking the park. She’d love to take a bath there one day, and soak in the view. Such luxury. Then he turned a corner, and they stepped into the master suite.

Leah’s heels sank into the thickly padded beige carpet, and she walked slowly toward the center of the room. The recessed ceiling was lit for effect, and the bed was unique in design, the centerpiece of the room. A comforter with an elegant oriental pattern covered it.

Standing next to the high bed, with Gianni behind her, Leah wondered if she would make it to dinner. Two walls of the room were windows with the same stunning view of the city that the rest of the apartment had. She felt no inclination to leave the intimate space.

Looking back at Gianni, she saw the look of lust in his eyes. But he merely held out his hand to her. “Would you like a drink?”

“Yes, I would.” She needed it.

It was so quiet Leah had thought they were alone. But he led her to the kitchen, where a petite, middle-aged woman worked busily. “Leah, this is Roselyn. She is my cook, and is quite talented.” The woman looked up and smiled. “This is Leah, my guest this evening.”

Hellos were exchanged, while Roselyn continued to slice a mango with precise strokes. She had light brown hair tied back, and wore a chef’s jacket. Her efficiency was evident in the speed with which she worked.

“We’ll have those drinks now, in the main room,” Gianni said, then took Leah’s hand.

The main room had a long padded sofa in a misty gray fabric, and several stuffed chairs. Gianni sat on the sofa facing the window, and Leah sat beside him. The night lights of the city sparkled in the distance, making the picture window gleam like a jewel.

The drinks were promptly served, and Roselyn returned to the kitchen. Lifting her glass, Leah looked at the contents. “What are we drinking?”

“Pink gin with a dash of bitters and soda water.” Gianni lifted his glass. “I think you’ll like it. If not, I can have her make something else.”

Leah smelled it then took a sip. The nose was light and floral, like a whiff of perfume. It had no alcohol burn. Instead it felt smooth in her mouth, with some spice to the taste. “Mmm, I like it,” she said.

Gianni rested his arm along the back of the sofa, and touched her shoulder with his fingers. “I want you to relax.”

Leah gripped her glass. “You don’t think I’m relaxed?”

“Are you?”

“Well, you do make me nervous.” Leah wasn’t sure why she was so honest with him.

Gianni put two fingers under her chin and turned her to face him. “Don’t be,” he said.

But looking into his blue eyes, Leah felt weak. “I’m trying.”

Leaning closer, he touched his lips to her cheek, and grazed them lightly across her skin.

“That’s not helping,” she whispered, feeling his breath caress her.

“I take it back,” he said. “You’re beautiful when you’re nervous. I rather like the feel of you trembling at my touch.”

Leah licked her lower lip and closed her eyes. Gianni released her and sat back.

Taking a deep breath, she opened her eyes to find him smiling at her. “I amuse you?”

“Only in a good way.”

He took a gulp of his drink, and Leah did the same. She crossed her legs, and attempted to appear surer of herself than she felt.

“Tell me,” Gianni said, “how has your week been?”

His interest in her was flattering, and it felt good to share her life, at least a little. “Interesting, I guess.”

Gianni eyes narrowed. “Vadim?”

“Yes, he’s part of it. He’s spying on me now. It’s aggravating.”

His jaw tightened, though Gianni didn’t say anything.

Leah uncrossed her legs and picked up her drink from the table. “My mother is doing pretty well. I spoke to her on Sunday. It was good to hear her sound better.”

Gianni gave her arm a light squeeze. “That is good.”

Leah sighed. “Sometimes I worry about Kyra.”

“Why is that?”

“She’s vulnerable, I suppose. In her career, there are men everywhere. But she seems to be a magnet for the abusive ones. I don’t understand it.”

“It’s not that she’s a magnet.”

Leah looked up at him. “No?”

“Some men prey on beautiful women, especially in the fashion world. It makes them feel like a man.” His tone conveyed disgust.

“You’ve heard of this type of thing before?”

Gianni nodded. “It’s unfortunate.”

“It’s perverted.”

“Yes.” Gianni stroked her cheek with his fingertips. “I’ll try to look out for her…do what I can. I hear things, sometimes.”

Leah widened her eyes. “You would do that?”

“Of course.”


“Because it matters to you,” he said. “So it is of concern to me.”

Leah was touched. Although Gianni kept his distance in matters of the heart, he wasn’t as cold as he’d have her believe. “Thank you,” she said, his assurance making her feel better.

Roselyn announced that dinner would be served in a few minutes, if they were ready. They moved to the dining room, and Gianni sat at the end of the long table with Leah to his side. Candles were lit, and there was a centerpiece of flowers.

Leah reached out to touch one of the petals. “It’s so lovely.”

“For you.” Gianni’s words were romantic, but lust burned in his eyes.

Leah looked away, and took a drink of her water. Roselyn appeared with steaming plates of food. “Wild-caught shrimp with grilled mango, as you requested,” she said, placing the dishes before them. “Please enjoy.”

The shrimp was paired with a gourmet potato salad made with red potatoes, and served with a side of green beans accented with bacon. A basket of bread was on the table beside a tray of garlic-stuffed olives.

A bottle of white wine had been opened, and Gianni filled their glasses. “This is a Riesling from Alsace. I think it will pair nicely with the shrimp. Let me know what you think.”

Leah savored a couple of bites of the shrimp, enjoying the grilled flavor of the mango with it. Then she tried her wine. It had a floral scent, and a crisp taste. “It’s delicious. What is that taste? I can’t place it.”

Gianni took a couple of sips of his wine. “It reminds me of apples.”

“Yes, that’s what I taste, also, now that you say that.” Leah grinned. “Do you eat like this every night?”

His laugh warmed her heart. “Not at all. Roselyn can also make scrambled eggs for breakfast, or lighter fare for lunch. When I’m eating alone, it’s not always elaborate. Plus, I travel a lot. Roselyn is only here when I am. But I do admit I chose her for her culinary skill. You’re enjoying your shrimp?”

is delicious.” Leah slipped a bit of potato in her mouth, and watched Gianni. He was enjoying the meal too, but seemed reserved. Of course, he was used to the lifestyle. It wasn’t as much of a special treat for him, as it was for her.

To Leah the evening was like stepping into another world, one of money and privilege. But Gianni didn’t show any signs of arrogance. If anything, he was attentive to her needs, and casual in the midst of luxury. He’d earned it. She knew he’d taken his company from nothing to the empire it had become.

Gianni put his fork down, and touched the back of her hand, sending sensations flowing through her. “What are you thinking?”

She held his gaze. “That you deserve all of this.”

He didn’t say anything for a minute, as if thinking that over. “And you?” He looked into her eyes, and held her hand in his. “What do you deserve?”

Leah hesitated, unsure if directness was the right approach or not. Then she decided that, for Gianni, it was. He leaned forward on the table, his shirt hugging tight over his biceps and chest. His thick hair, casually spiked with gel, begged to be touched. All she could think of was running her hands through it, and pressing his mouth to hers. She was losing it.

Their eyes locked, and warmth flooded her veins. “You,” she said, her voice ragged with need. “I just hope I deserve you.”



Chapter 6

Gianni found Leah’s arousal, simmering under the surface, utterly intoxicating. He’d wanted to let her get acclimated to him, and took care not to come on too strong. Yet at every turn, she encouraged him. Begged him for it.

That night was no different. And as soon as the cook left, and they were alone, Gianni pushed back his chair and looked at Leah. Her cheeks flushed, making his swollen cock harder. Her innocence was a powerful elixir, which made him feel drunk at the sight of her.

With big eyes, she looked up at him.

“Take off your panties,” he said.

Leah swallowed thickly, but didn’t argue. A bit timidly, she lifted the skirt of her dress and reached under. Gianni watched intently. Then she slipped a white lace garment to her knees and let it drop to her ankles.

“All the way off,” he said. “But leave the high heels on. I like them on you.”

Leah reached down and pulled her panties over her shoes, letting them fall to the floor underneath the table. Gianni liked how she waited for his command. “That’s better,” he said.

She held her hands in her lap.

“Now, stand up.”

Leah stood and turned toward him.

“Pull up your dress, baby. I want to see that sweet pussy of yours.”

Delicately, she held the hem of her dress and slowly pulled it up, until he could see the tantalizing strip of pubic hair and her swollen sex. The lips were pink, and as he suspected, Leah had been as aroused throughout the meal as he had.

It was good to see.

“Do you know what I want?”

She didn’t say anything.

“Tell me. I know you have some idea.”

Leah bit her lower lip. “You have to tell me.”

Gianni smiled. “I want to see you come.” He watched her brown eyes deepen. “All through dinner, I thought of you. Of how you look when you come, how your cheeks flush, and how vulnerable you are.”

Leah wrapped her arms around her waist, still holding the hem high.

“Come close,” he commanded. “Here.” And he indicated the table in front of him. The dishes had been cleared, leaving the wooden table bare. He ran his hand over the wood.

Stepping around the table, Leah stood before him. He put his hand on her arm, and felt her tremble—more from excitement than nervousness, he hoped. “Put your bare ass on the table and spread your legs so I can see you better.”

She complied, leaning back on her hands and spreading her legs. She balanced her high heels on the edge of his chair. With Leah on the table in front of him, Gianni felt his balls tighten and his cock press against the fabric of his pants. But his focus was on her. Placing his hands on her thighs, he leaned in and kissed her sex, allowing his lips to press to her hot skin.

Leah whimpered, and Gianni raked his tongue over her wet slit. “You taste so sweet,” he said. “I like you wet like this. Your panties were soaked, weren’t they?”

“Yes.” Her voice was only a whisper.

Gianni ran his palm up her thigh, and then cupped her sex. “I like to feel you quiver. It excites me.” He watched her, knowing. “I want to see you quiver now.”

Leah tipped her head back, and Gianni spread her outer lips with his fingers. She was panting softly, and arched her back. He blew on her sensitive tissue, and she moaned. “You will come for me. Do you hear?” No reply was required. “But not until I allow it.”

Distress clouded her expression. He wanted to worry her, and let her know he was in control. So far, all had been for her pleasure. And so it would continue. But only at his discretion. Gianni owned her orgasms. She just didn’t know it yet.

Soon she would know.

“Does it feel good, baby?”

Through her ragged breaths, Leah moaned, “Yes.”

“I know it does,” he said. “And it’s going to feel better. So much better.” He blew on her again. “Until it hurts.”

She whimpered.

“It will hurt, baby. Because you will want to come so badly. And you won’t know if I will allow it.” His breathing was labored. “Do you understand that? I say whether you can come or not. Not you.”

Leah groaned as if in agony.

“You won’t argue with me, baby. I’ll have to punish you if you do. You need to know that.”

She was silent.

“That’s better.” Gianni nipped at her sex, biting enough for her to feel it, but not really hurting her. Yet he knew it would excite her. “You like that?”

Leah made a little crying sound in her throat.

“When I ask you a question, answer so I can hear you,” he said. “If you don’t, it won’t be good.”

“Yes, yes,” she gasped. “I like it.”

Gianni dipped two fingers inside her, feeling the heat. It was hard to maintain control. But he had to. Or she would think she was in charge. He could hold out; he’d done it before. Twisting his fingers, he soaked them in her juices.

Then he pulled them out and lifted them to her mouth. “Taste how sweet you are.”

He put his fingers in her mouth and she sucked, noisily.

“That’s right.” Then she licked off the rest and looked at him with glassy eyes.

Gianni leaned forward and licked over her collarbone and down into her cleavage. He knew how hard her nipples must be. He squeezed one breast and then the other. Even through the material he could feel the little pebbles against his palm.

“Did you wear a bra?”

Leah nodded.

“Let me see.” He reached up to the straps of her dress and pulled them down. Leah slipped her arms out. She hadn’t lied. Under the dress she did have a bra, but it was of the thinnest material. He could see her pink nipples through the sheer fabric.

Gianni covered a nipple with his mouth and sucked. His hand slid up her thigh and he fingered her pussy. He teased her purposely, knowing how close to the edge he could bring her, before pulling back. He pulled down the cup of her bra and licked over her other nipple, now unprotected.

He knew she was close. He didn’t need to ask any more questions. Instead, Gianni leaned back, as if refusing to touch her. Leah gasped. He looked at her needy expression. “No,” he said. She looked hurt. “You need to learn.”

The sight of her tore at him, and Gianni wanted to give her the pleasure she sought. But it would do no good to satisfy her every time she wanted it. She could have it when it suited him, and only then.

Gianni looked into her eyes, and reached out to touch her clit. Leah shuddered, breathing heavily. He rubbed his thumb across her clit, taking ownership of her sensation. “Mine,” he said. “Your orgasm is mine.”

She closed her eyes.

“Open your eyes, baby. I want you to look at me. I need to see understanding in your eyes.”

Leah looked at him, her brown eyes pleading.

“That’s better.” Gianni flicked across her clit. “Don’t you dare come.”

She leaned back on her hands, her long hair touching the table. Gianni had taught her to respect his wishes. Leah had done well. He knew better than to push past her limits this early in the game. She would learn. It was her willingness that excited him.

“I can give you pleasure,” he said. “You know that, don’t you?”

“Yes.” She responded verbally. She was learning already.

“I will allow you to come, baby. I know you want to.” Gianni slid his fingers into her wet opening, and swirled over her clit with his thumb.” Her body stiffened. “Come now, baby. I want to see you come.”

A whine escaped her lips, and her face flushed. He felt her pulse over his fingers, and he tapped her clit. Leah panted hard and then yelled in a high pitch. Her heat burned against his fingers, and her inner muscles tightened over them.

When she quieted, Gianni pulled her onto his lap and wrapped her in his arms as the last shivers went through her. He stroked her hair and held her tight. Leah put her arms around his neck and her cheek against his. As the seconds passed, her breathing slowed.

Gianni stood, and carried her to the bedroom. He unzipped her dress and took it off, then slipped off her shoes. He pulled the comforter back and sat her on the sheets, then undid her bra, letting it slide off her shoulders. A thin gold chain hung around her neck, and he left it on.

Then he stripped off his clothes and got onto the bed. Pulling her into his arms, he pressed her head against his chest. Leah was quiet.

“Are you okay?” he asked.

She tangled her fingers in the hair on his chest, and then placed her palm on his shoulder. Looking up, she smiled. “Yes, I’m okay.”

Gianni leaned over and kissed her, loving her taste. He delved into her mouth, and Leah parted her lips, allowing him in. The kiss deepened, and her response said she wanted him. His cock was stiff and achy. He’d made her wait, but he had waited, too.

Wondering if he might have pushed her too far, Gianni chose to take it slow for a bit. He needed to get to know her better, and be able to sense her limits. They would talk about it more, too. For now, he just wanted to be in her, and feel her velvet pussy grip his cock.

“I want you, baby,” he said, and Leah stroked his cheek.

Gianni grabbed a condom from the side table and rolled it on. Leah straddled him, and cupped his balls in her palm. She looked at him, questioning. He smiled. God, she was so beautiful and innocent. She was going to drive him crazy.

She lifted up on her knees and Gianni grabbed the base of his stalk. He let her slide onto the tip, and lower over him. He groaned. “Yes.” He put his hands on her hips and assisted her motion. As she slid over him, all restraint crumbled.

Leah sat over him, with his cock buried deep. As she rocked up and down, her full breasts moved with a sexy bounce. His cock thickened and her pussy clenched tighter. It wouldn’t be long. Gianni didn’t know how long he could hold out.

Her panting got louder, and Leah’s motions sped up. Gianni didn’t stop her, or try to slow things down. The way her muscles were gripping him, it wouldn’t be long for either of them.

“It feels so good,” she said.

“Yes, baby,” he groaned.

Then her stomach tightened and her muscles stiffened. His cock pulsed hard as she gripped tighter. Then Leah moved even faster, and Gianni arched up toward her. When she screamed and reached back to grip his thighs, he let go. A deep ache seeped into him, and then he exploded.

Coming hard, he moaned through his rapid panting. And just as every drop was drained from him, Leah collapsed onto his chest. He grabbed a fistful of her hair, his heart beating out of his chest. She showed no signs of moving, and Gianni was just as spent.

He rolled her over, so he was on top. Then he removed the condom and disposed of it. He looked down at her, her cheeks full of color, long hair flowing over the sheets. Gently, he cupped one of her luscious breasts and leaned down to kiss her.

It was a sweet kiss, just to tempt. And to let her know how good she had felt.

And she had felt good. Almost too good. The way she responded to him shook him to his core, and Gianni realized something had shifted for him. It had been a while since he had been with a woman that pleased him just right.

And even then, no woman had done what Leah did to him. He was headed for trouble if he didn’t pull it back, keep things in check. But even as he thought it, Gianni knew it wouldn’t be easy. Not easy at all.


BOOK: Leah's Seduction: 2 (Gianni and Leah - Leah's Seduction)
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