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Authors: Blue Saffire

Tags: #Legally Bound

Legally Bound 3: His Law (7 page)

BOOK: Legally Bound 3: His Law
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Chapter Nine

ri had been in the States for three days now. He hadn’t gone straight to find Pamela because he had to deal with family BS. It was always something when he stepped into the States. He knew he made everyone nervous and he liked it that way.

His Uncle Nicholas was the only one that had the balls to look him in the eyes and at least pretend he didn’t scare the shit out of him. Uri pretty much didn’t care about what the family wanted or their rules, and that was why they kept him in hiding. They kept him from anywhere that he ever knew as home.

London had become his prison and his reward. While the family kept an eye on him there they also gave him whatever he wanted as long as he remained there. Well all of this was about to change.

Uri walked into his apartment that he rarely got to use. The loft was large and sprawling with an open floor plan. Uri took his home to be a sanctuary so when he stepped in the front door he knew right away that something was very off. He felt it in his bones. He pulled his piece from its holster and moved quietly into the space.

A small smile tugged at his lips he was sure he already knew who he would find and he was right. Sitting quite comfortably in a chair by the window where Uri sat for breakfast to watch the city, was Nathaniel Briggs.

Uri’s smile broadened. He released the clip from his gun and the one in the chamber. Holding them up for Nathan to see, he placed them on the kitchen countertop. Nathan nodded and picked his piece up from the table and did the same. Uri was sure Nate had another just as he did, but it was a show of respect and that he was indeed there in peace.

Uri had received a call from James
already. He’d spoken with him and Bobby, so this visit was no surprise at all. He respected the man sitting in the room all the more for it. Not many would seek out Uri
and he knew it.

Uri crossed to the bar and poured himself a drink. “Can I offer you a drink,” Uri asked in his odd accent as he kept his eyes on the man before him. Uri had a mixed accent showing his Italian heritage with a hint of a British tongue.

Nate held up the drink he had already poured himself. Uri chuckled under his breath and nodded. Nate placed the drink to his lips taking a sip looking as if he owned the place.

“So am I right in believing you are here about Pamela?” Uri asked after taking a sip of his own drink.

“That you are,” Nate said without showing emotion.

“I assure you that I am not here to harm her in anyway,” Uri said knowingly.

Uri took in Nate’s hard glare and sipped his drink. Nate sat wordlessly. He would not show any weakness in front of this man. He knew this was a dangerous idea but it was also a power play. Uri was untouchable to everyone. Nate wanted him to know he was indeed touchable to him.

Uri feared no man but he was aware of this man’s presence none the less. He recognized the look in his eyes for his own, fearless and not afraid to take anyone down that got in the way of what he wanted. His stupid cousin had set a fire and didn’t even know the type of flames blowing his way.

“This is quite bold,” Uri said as if reading Nate’s mind. “But I understand. I care deeply for Pamela. She is a wonderful woman. I would have pursued her for myself had my idiot cousin not approached her first. I have always thought she was too good for him. He never deserved her.

“You see despite what others think I could give a shit what my family thinks. I don’t answer to anyone but me. So no I am not here to seek out Pamela for Luca. I’ve told him many times to walk away and let Pamela be. I actually have more respect for her than my own cousin. Pamela had enough self-respect not to stand for what others want from her unlike Luca.

“He will wed Shannon, this is the woman he is engaged to,” Uri said in explanation then snorted. “My uncle believes in this arranged marriage bullshit. I refuse this way of thinking, and so continues the defiant black sheep. Pamela did not deserve this, but Luca is a spoiled brat. He believes the world is his.”

Uri rolled his eyes and finished his drink. He studied Nate’s face once more. Uri unbuttoned his suit jacket and walked over to sit across from Nathan. Uri settled into his chair and crossed his ankle over his knee.

“Is it safe to assume you are the man in Pamela’s life now?” Uri asked with a lifted brow.

Nate nodded simply in response.

“I will promise you two things, two things that I am sure of. One, I have come to care for Pamela far greater than my own flesh and blood. I would protect her with my life. I will be remaining here in the States to do just that.

“If Luca had half a brain to pick up a newspaper he would have found Pamela already. I have done what I can to ensure no one else informs him of the wedding photos and details in the papers but that will only last for so long.

“When Luca finds out that Pamela is right here in his own city he will come for her. When that happens Nathan he will be my problem not yours. I cannot allow Donati blood to be on your hands. If this happens then it is my job to insure you the wrath of the Donati family.

“I’ve known James for many years and respect him and his sons. I have a working relationship with Sam that I would not like to compromise,” Nate lifted a brow at the last statement but banked the information for later consideration. “I also know your father and have respect for both Thomas and Earl. For this reason I give you fair warning that my cousin is off limits. I will handle the insistent brat.”

“Now the second promise. As I said Pamela is like a sister to me. So I again give you fair warning. Hurt her and you will find that the wrath of Uri is much worse than the wrath of the Donati family,” Uri’s expression was severe.

“I can respect that,” Nate said after a few beats showing Uri he was unfazed by the threat. “However, I do want it understood that I will not hesitate to handle Luca if he crosses the line and you fail to handle him.”

“I am much like you Mr. Briggs. I never fail,” Uri said with a smug grin.

“Then I think we are done here,” Nate said and stood.

“Of course,” Uri nodded.

Nate picked up his piece from the table reassembling it and placing it in its holster. He nodded at Uri and turned to leave without another word.

“Nathan,” Uri called after him. Nate turned and lifted a brow. “Does she know what you are?”

Nate smirked. “Does she know what

“No but I am not the man that is in love with her.” Nate narrowed his eyes and tilted his head at Uri. “Ah, it is right in your eyes. Being hard men is what makes us the best at what we do my friend, but Pamela puts on a show for the world.

“She is much softer than she lets on and this is why I protect her so fiercely. Just be mindful that our life weighs on the vulnerability and innocence she so desperately tries to hide. Knowing the truth will soften the blow of what your line of work can bring home to her.”

Nate nodded thoughtfully. “Thank you, I will keep that in mind,” Nate said and left.

Uri sighed and rubbed his temple. If Luca wasn’t the only person who truly cared for him he would kill him himself. Being in the States was already proving to be a pain for a number of reasons. Uri got up to shower and get some rest. If he wanted to protect Pamela he would have to play nice for a little while.














Chapter Ten

ate looked at his phone and frowned. He’d been distracted all morning. It had been about a month and a half since he showed up at Uri’s door. Uri still hadn’t made face to face contact with Pam, but Nate had a feeling that was because Uri’s family was keeping him busy. However he expected the man would be showing up at Pam’s doorstep soon, especially with the news Nate had received first thing this morning.

Luca was back in town. He had been in London for a few weeks before he went to Chicago where he had been raising hell for anyone that would listen. Nate knew it was only a matter of time before he returned to New York but now it had him on edge.

Nate clenched his jaw. If he were honest with himself Luca was not the real reason he was on edge. Pam had been complaining of a headache last night and she woke this morning and emptied her stomach of the breakfast he had made her in bed.

He’d noticed she was a little sluggish the last few days. At this point he was just about positive that Pam was pregnant. He was frustrated because he wanted to get her to a doctor to start care for the baby right away but he didn’t know how to get her to realize what was going on with her.

Pamela was stubborn and despite Nate asking her to take the day off she insisted on working. She had several new clients and she was worried about first impressions. Nate had conceded on her working but made her promise him lunch.

What he wasn’t in the mood for was the email he was staring at. Luscious or Vanessa as he had come to know her had been sending him emails through Desire’s server to meet up. Nate hadn’t thought about her once since he slept with Pam.

Pamela was everything he wanted in a woman, in the bed, in his personal life, even in business. Nate had found over the last few weeks that Pam was a good listener and she was a sounding board for the parts of his life he could talk with her about. Although Pam was getting a little annoyed with the time he was spending with Bobby lately.

Bobby needed Nate a lot in the last week. The hanging out with a buddy excuse was getting old. Pam was lonely and in a new place. Nate knew he was soothing that loneliness and he loved it. It was just when duty called there was nothing he could do.

He’d thought about just telling her the truth a number of times over the last few weeks, but she had been talking on the phone to Marie and Rita a lot more. That changed things.

He couldn’t afford for her to slip up with Marie. Bobby also had his reasons for not telling Paige. Nate had learned that the sisters told each other everything.

Nate sighed in frustration. His plate was becoming over loaded. He deleted his email and sent an email to the head office of Desire to have him removed from their server and to cancel his active status.

He wouldn’t end his membership. It may be something fun he and Pam could do together. He felt himself harden at the thought. He would bring his woman all types of pleasure in his private room. Nate stopped typing his email and revised it. It was time to disconnect with Desire all together. Pamela deserved a playroom of her own. Nate smiled at himself with the thought.

The club would let Vanessa know he was no longer active. She would have to find someone else to spend her time with. Nate was putting his phone back in his pocket when it chimed with a text. Nate cursed under his breath. It was Bobby, Paige’s prenatal appointment was being moved up. That meant he would have to cancel lunch with Pam.

“Justin,” Nate barked into the intercom on his desk. His office was in a building across for Mairettie and Mairettie law offices. It was covenant, but also allowed Nate to reveal himself only when necessary.

“Yes Sir,” Justin replied.

“I need you to send four dozen roses to Pamela’s current location. Also call that little Italian place I took her to last week. She loved the shrimp and pasta. Get her some of that, some bread, and a few bottles of alkaline water. Have that sent over for lunch.”

“Yes Sir,” Justin replied as efficient as ever.

Nate pulled in a deep breath and released it. He dialed Pamela’s phone and waited for her to pick up. After three rings Pam was on the line.

“Hey Babe,” she answered sounding distracted.

“Hey Baby,” Nate replied. “How are you feeling?”

“Fine, just a little tired. What’s up?”

“I have a meeting that has come up. I won’t be able to have lunch with you but I want to order you something. What is the shoot’s address?” Nate asked already knowing the information from her detail.

“Its fine Nate, you don’t have to do that,” Pam sighed in frustration. “Are you still coming over for dinner?”

“Yes Baby, now give me the address,” Nate commanded in a tone that brokered no arguments.

“Nate, I have to go. I will text you in a few,” Pam said shortly.

Nate grunted as the line went dead. He rubbed his temples this was going to be a long day.


Pam was frustrated. She wasn’t stupid, although her actions had been. She had no idea what she was going to do. She knew she was pregnant. She just didn’t know if it was by the man she was falling in love with or if it was by the man she once thought she loved.

If she was carrying Luca’s baby she was never going to be free of him. He had started to call her phone every hour on the hour over the last week. When Nate was around she either turned the phone off or put it on silent.

Pam felt like this was the final nail in the coffin. It made her burn with rage because Luca had slept with her just before telling her that he was going to marry someone else. Like literally right before.

She’d been coming down from her orgasm after he fucked her up against the wall of their flat. She hadn’t seen him in weeks and was missing him as much as she thought he was missing her. Little did she know he was fucking away his guilt.

He’d taken her by surprise and they hadn’t taken the time to use protection. Pamela now wondered if he was trying to get her pregnant so she wouldn’t leave him and would stay to put up with his crap. Pam’s stomach twisted in worry and disgust because she was sure it was Luca’s baby.

She and Nate had used condoms every time. Not to mention they’d only been together for a little over a month. When Pam was pregnant the first time by Luca it had been around two and a half months before she had any signs of being pregnant. She’d even had little periods the first two months of that pregnancy.

This baby was Luca’s she was sure of it. It had been about two and a half months since that disastrous night. It took her two weeks before she decided to make a run for it and leave everything behind. She wished she’d left this behind. She had no idea how Nate would feel about her carrying another man’s child.

She was sort of relieved he had cancelled lunch because she needed to go to the doctors and figure things out. She wanted Nate to be honest with her so she had no doubts about telling him about the baby tonight.

Pam knew she messed up. Nate was everything she wanted in a man. She knew he was still holding some of himself back from her but she kept telling herself it was because their relationship was new. Just like she needed time to trust him, he needed time to open up.

Pamela was brought out of her thoughts by one of the assistants on set calling her name. She had been styling an up and coming band. They were edgy but fun and she was able to give them the polish they needed to look like stars.

“You have a delivery Ms. Kemble,” the younger redhead said to Pam with a huge grin on her face.

Pam frowned and wrinkled her brows. She had been so lost in thought she forgot to send Nate the address as he had asked. So what could possibly be being delivered to her right now?

Pamela’s brows furrowed deeper as she moved to the front of the studio to find four dozen roses and a wicker basket that had wonderful aromas coming from it. Pam signed for the roses and plucked the card from them to see who had sent them. She had been a little nervous, thinking Luca had found her, until she read the card.

I would rather be having lunch with you, but I hope this lets you know how much I am thinking of you.


Pamela blushed as she read the card. Yup, she was in love with this man and it was going to kill her to lose him over a stupid mistake with a man that cared nothing for her. Pam quickly wiped at the tear that fell from her eye.

For a fleeting moment she wondered how Nate had gotten the address. She forgot all about that as her stomach grumbled in demand that she give the basket her full attention. She sent a quick thank you text to Nate and found a corner to eat her lunch in.


BOOK: Legally Bound 3: His Law
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