Léopold's Wicked Embrace (Immortals of New Orleans) (3 page)

BOOK: Léopold's Wicked Embrace (Immortals of New Orleans)
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“Soon enough. I just need to rest a bit before I go anywhere.”

Dimitri crossed the room and sat on the bed, taking in the listless state of the vampire. He observed that Léopold’s eyes were now closed, and the wound had started bubbling apart. Before he could stop himself, he’d made the suggestion.

“I’ll feed you.”

Léopold’s eyes flew open, meeting Dimitri’s. “What?”

“You heard me. Come on, let’s do this thing. You can bite my arm, right?”

“I don’t know…I can’t ask this of you. The donors, they come to me freely.”

“Yeah, well, so do I. Come on. You did this for Wynter. You had her back, I have yours. It’s no big deal, right? I mean, it’s not like you’re going to have some weird bond to me.”

“No.” Léopold gave him a small smile. “No bonds. No sires or anything. But still…”

“The faster you’re on your feet, the faster we can go try to find connections to Mariah’s past.”

Léopold’s lips tightened and he looked away.

“Ya know I’m right. We can’t waste any more time. You didn’t fly me all the way out here to lie around, did ya?”

“No, but I don’t think this is a good idea.”

“Well let me put it this way…At some point, possibly very soon, whoever wanted that kid dead is going to realize that she’s still very much alive. Then they’re gonna go after her again. And since she’s staying with Logan, I don’t want them going after my Alpha and his mate. So let’s go. Come on, just take a little, enough to get you by until we find your donor.”

“I won’t need much. Your blood; it’s strong. You’re wolf,” Léopold admitted.

“There ya go, then. Let’s get to…what do you need here?” Dimitri sat on the bed and considered how best to feed a vampire.
What the fuck am I thinking? Too late now.
He sat cross-legged, and then changed his mind, lying onto his back.

Léopold grew amused at his friend’s insistence. Not that he didn’t appreciate the offer, but he wasn’t accustomed to needing anyone. Dimitri’s blood, given in friendship, felt all too intimate, making him uncomfortable. Yet the lancing pain to his gut reminded him of his dire situation. He shifted onto his side, cradling Dimitri’s arm in his hands. Slowly he lowered his head to the wolf’s wrist. The aromatic scent of blood called to him as he found the strong beating pulse.

“You’re sure?” he asked, locking eyes on Dimitri’s.

“Yeah, I can take it. Do it now, before I change my mind.” Dimitri glanced away as if someone was about to give him a needle.

Without hesitation, Léopold’s fangs extended, striking the wolf’s arm. He closed his eyes, allowing the pungent flavor to coat his tongue. Deliberately, he suctioned the life-sustaining fluid, releasing his own power into Dimitri’s body. Léopold, grateful for the gift, would cause the wolf no pain, only pleasure. He knew Dimitri would resist, confused by his reaction to the bite. Léopold clutched the wrist to his lips, watching as his friend’s body bowed off the bed.

As soon as Dimitri felt the pinpricks, his body flooded with unexpected warmth. The tug of Léopold’s lips sent a rush of blood to his cock.
What the fuck is happening?
He wanted to rip his arm away from the vampire, but he felt paralyzed to fight. Desire washed over him from head to toe and before he knew what he was doing, his own hand had reached to grip his shaft through the fine cotton shorts. Stiff as a board, he stroked himself, attempting to relieve the pressure.
Goddess, this feels wrong on so many levels.
His mind screamed at him to move, to struggle, yet his lips parted, releasing only a moan.

Léopold licked the wounds he’d caused, and released Dimitri’s arm. Thoroughly energized, he sat up, and stared down at Dimitri, whose face had grown tight in both arousal and anger. Léopold laughed, and rolled off the bed. He watched in amusement as the wolf attempted to launch himself off the mattress but fell backwards, clutching himself.

“Fuck me.” Dimitri shook his head at the realization of what he’d just said. He quickly took his hand off his groin and glared at Léopold. “No. I didn’t mean that. Don’t touch me.”

“You’re fine,” Léopold assured him. He glanced in the mirror and finger-combed his hair back into place.

“This,” Dimitri gestured to his erection, “is not funny. Goddammit, I need to get laid. Not that you aren’t pretty, Leo, but you’re not my type. Shit, look what you did.”

“You may recall that I told you that feeding from you was not a good idea. But I must admit, your blood is fine. Very tasty.” A broad smile broke across his face.

“Really, Leo? What the hell, man?”

“Sorry, but there aren’t many choices when it comes to a bite, you know. Would you have rather had pain? I’m not a sadist by nature, but if you’d preferred it…”

“No.” Dimitri pushed himself up so that he was sitting on the edge of the bed. His painful erection was finally starting to subside.

“Well, then, you have to admit that it didn’t hurt. Go get a shower, see to your need. I’d love to help you but I’m afraid you’re not my preference either, wolf.”

“Really, so you give hard-ons but no blow jobs? Lucky me. For the record, if I ever am dumb enough to suggest this again, would you please just say no?” Dimitri hobbled over to the bathroom door.

“Hey wolf,” Léopold called from the doorway.

Dimitri lifted his gaze to him. “Yeah?”

“Seriously, Dimitri. I appreciate you helping me. I should’ve paid more attention. I let myself get run down. It won’t happen again.”

“No problem.”

“You need to know that it has been a very long time for me…this friendship thing. This isn’t something someone like me does.”
Or deserves.
Léopold’s eyes darkened and his tone grew serious. “These few days have been quite the adventure, and I suspect there is more to come. I must ask, however, that you keep what you experienced tonight to yourself. Not the bite but the travel. Logan knows as I couldn’t hide it from him when I showed up in his house last night. But no one else. It’s a special ability…one I’d prefer others not know about. Understood?”

“My lips are zipped.” Dimitri sensed sadness in Léopold. As wolf, with his pack, he was never truly alone. Perhaps he underestimated the loneliness that plagued the vampire.

“Well, then…see you downstairs in a few. I’ve got someone I want you to meet,” Léopold commented as he left the room.



Laryssa Theriot carefully controlled her heartbeat and breathing in an attempt to convey indifference. For the past week, she’d felt the energy. She couldn’t be sure but suspected a child of her lineage had been born. So rare, she’d never experienced the warmth, the calling of another whose power was so strong. Yet as soon as she’d indulged in her excitement, acknowledging the fact that someone else like her existed, a cold chill had rolled over her skin, emphasizing the reality of her situation.

Sitting at the bar, she crossed her legs, the tight black leather pants caressing her thighs. There was no way she’d ever wear a skirt in this place. Like the humans, she’d be vulnerable to suggestion and the sexual excitement the vampires could induce with a mere look. She kept her eyes low, glancing around, taking in the auras of the supernaturals. If necessary, she’d invoke her powers to protect herself from danger. She’d gone to great lengths to hide herself, to blend into the magical background of the French Quarter. After nearly thirty lonely years, she’d grown weary of concealing her true nature. The cloak of evil that she’d recently felt brush across her face had reminded her she’d never be safe, freedom to be herself would remain elusive. It hadn’t been the first time she’d felt it nor would it be the last.

Laryssa pushed down her sunglasses, shielding her emotions further from the prying eyes of vampires and humans alike. The bartender regarded her for a moment, noticing that her glass was still half full with wine. She’d needed the alcohol to take the edge off her nervousness.
Show no fear.
The supernaturals would detect the smallest infraction of a loss of control. Increased heartbeat. Sweat. Rapid breathing. So many years in hiding had taught her well to mask her abilities. Like an actor in the grand theater, she played her part, meticulously attending to every last detail of her role, a dominant biker chick, looking for nothing more than a drink. Tomorrow, she’d return to her unassuming job in the Quarter, selling antiques, coming and going as she pleased on assignment. But tonight, she looked as if she was the predator; cold, calculating and ready to catch her prey.

She scanned the room, noting the usual spectrum of auras. Excitement. Hunger. Desire. Jealousy. She nervously tapped her fingernail against the glass, waiting for her friend, Avery, to arrive. Avery was the only soul in New Orleans who knew her secret. She’d been her savior, helping her to hide. After sensing the dark ones, she speculated she’d need a stronger witch to find a spell to ward off the evil. The mere fact she could sense it meant it knew she existed as well. She needed someone to better shield her powers, to keep her safe from the hell that sought her soul. Yet the thought of a new child weighed heavily on her shoulders. If what she suspected was true, she wasn’t the only one in danger.

A shuffling of patrons alerted her to a new arrival. She turned to face the bar and glanced in the mirror to observe the commotion. Struggling to keep her composure, she lifted her eyes to the reflection. Both men and women appeared captivated by the dark haired, well-dressed man who’d entered the room. The air thickened with palpable arousal, auras flickered to red, with fangs descending in response. The stranger stopped to take in his surroundings, looking over to the bar. Laryssa lowered her lips to the rim of her glass, attempting to look uninterested.

As soon as he glanced away, her eyes were once again drawn to him. He was tall, at least six-four, his lean muscular build carefully concealed underneath his form-fitting black suit. Strikingly handsome, he smiled with a cool arrogance that told her he was a vampire. And he wasn’t a neophyte; quite the opposite, he exuded the confidence of a master. He laughed at something his friend said and winked at a passing waitress. The rugged good-looking fellow who accompanied him looked out of place next to the debonair vamp. Casually dressed in jeans and t-shirt, his forearms were painted in tattoos, the stubble of his day-old beard darkened his jaw. She’d be surprised if he was anything other than wolf, as his aura shone in relaxed blues. Like the magnetic attraction of polar opposites, the odd pair seemed inseparable, and she wondered about their connection.

Her curiosity seemed to get the better of her as she swiveled her stool to catch a glimpse of them leaving. Unconsciously, she tugged at her short black wig, pressing a stray hair back underneath it. Her breath caught as the vampire stopped in his tracks and turned to stare over at her. Her traitorous heart sped up slightly in response to the way his gaze caressed her body. Laryssa crossed her thighs together as warmth spread throughout her chest. Like a blushing schoolgirl, she felt the heat rise in her cheeks. Hastily, she spun away from the sight of him, but not before his eyes locked on hers and she caught his broad smile in the mirror.

She wasn’t sure if it was his stare or her own confusion, but as she tried to tear her eyes off him, the slippery leather seat gave way. Her cheeks flushed in embarrassment, her hands flailing to reach the bar top. Expecting a hard fall onto the stone floor, she cringed, anticipating the pain. Air rushed from her lungs as strong hands wrapped around her shoulders, jerking her upright. She grasped her sunglasses that had fallen down her nose, revealing her emerald green eyes to her rescuer.

Léopold felt somewhat guilty for throwing the human off her game. As soon as he’d entered the bar, he’d spotted a woman dressed in black leather. Leather in Mordez was hardly unusual, but this woman looked tightly wrapped, like a Christmas present waiting to be opened. He observed the way she tugged at the ends of her short black hair, as if she was pulling a baseball cap down over her face. Interesting, he thought. Try as she may to blend into the supernatural crowd, her vitality licked at his senses the second he sniffed the air.

Although he hadn’t come to play, the way her pulse increased, if only for a second, told him she was aware of his presence in the room. He didn’t have time to get distracted, but when he noticed her tottering on the barstool, he rushed to her side. Catching her right before she landed on the ground, a rush of desire slammed him as the swell of her restrained breasts grazed his chest. Léopold felt her quiver underneath his touch, but she quickly recovered. He caught a glance of her captivating green eyes right before she shoved the black glasses onto her face, shielding her from his gaze.

“Careful, pet,” he told her.

“I’m fine…really,” Laryssa stammered.

“But of course you are,” he chuckled at her defensive posturing.

Léopold was about to engage her further when he heard Dimitri call his name.
Merde, cock-blocked by the damn wolf.
He was starting to regret the day he’d become involved with the whole lot of mongrels. He nodded to Dimitri, who was staring at him as if he’d grown a second head.

“Take care, mon petit lapin,” Léopold commented as he grazed the back of his forefinger down the side of her cheek.

BOOK: Léopold's Wicked Embrace (Immortals of New Orleans)
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