Read Lexi, Baby Online

Authors: Lynda LeeAnne

Tags: #romance, #erotic, #love, #adult, #contemporary, #steamy, #alpha male

Lexi, Baby (4 page)

BOOK: Lexi, Baby
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I turned and stormed down to a customer at
the opposite end of the bar.

What a jerk

About an hour after our little
confrontation, I was opening a beer bottle for a couple of newbies
when one of them grabbed my hand and asked, “What’s your name,

You have got to be kidding me!

“Don’t have a name,
.” I tried to
pull my arm away, but his grip tightened enough to hurt.

“What the hell are you doing?” I shrieked at
him, when out of the corner of my eye I saw Mr. Lickable Dimple
Jackass coming my way. Fan-freakin’-tastic! Was there a sign
outside that said this was “All Fools Fuck With Lex Day?!”

I just can’t win

Mr. Lickable Dimple leaned against the bar
next to grabby guy and his expression was filled with anger. That
was a total turn on. “Is there a reason your hands are on my wife?”
he hissed through his teeth. I was completely stunned.

Grabby guy let go of my hand with a mumbled,
“Sorry, man.” His words were slurred. My new husband said, “Don’t
let it happen again.” Then he threw some bills on the bar and
looked at me with a “this is all your fault” expression, and said,
“Call a cab, these two shouldn’t drive.”

Then he turned and walked back to his table.
I stared after him. A few of his buddies were looking at me, but
all I could see was him. I realized just then that he wasn’t
another Landyn. No, Landyn would have beaten the guy bloody and
made a huge scene. On top of that, the guy just saved me from being
harassed, even after I practically ripped him a new one.

Now I felt guilty and really wanted to

I turned to Hannah, my fellow bartender, and
asked her to call the grabby guy and his friend a cab as I handed
over the money. She looked me in the eye and said quietly, “Go on
back Hon; I’ll cover you for a few.” Obviously she noticed how
upset I was.

I walked to the back thinking,
? Somebody please tell me, what did I ever do to have such
bad luck?

When I finally calmed down and straightened
myself up, I walked out, and totally on a whim, walked straight up
to my new husband. Standing behind his back I tapped his shoulder
and said, “Excuse me.” As I waited for his head to turn I quickly
glanced at his friends. Of course all eyes were on me, story of my
life, but they were
all hunks

Wait until I tell Trish, she’s going to

As soon as I felt Ryan’s eyes on me I looked
back at him.

“I’m sorry to interrupt, but since we’re
married now, I suppose you aren’t really required to ask if you can
take me to dinner. Just tell me when and where. And you’re picking
me up because technically I’m not from around here.”

His response was just what I needed.

I’d shocked him alright.
! I
wanted to throw up my arms like when my favorite football team
kicked a field goal. I know my grin gave away just how extremely
happy that made me, because I heard his friends chuckle in the

I didn’t let him mumble anything else. I
pulled out a pen from my pocket and leaned over him to snatch up
his napkin. I wrote down my number along with the following

I’m sorry! Still interested-call.
If Not-thank you! Lex.”

Then I sauntered away, went back to work and
avoided his eyes the rest of the night.

He called alright. Things between Ryan and
me were great after our first, not so great introduction.

On our first date, Ryan was an extreme
gentleman and completely attentive. He was more than understanding
when I asked him to wait outside because Layla was home. I wouldn’t
let them meet yet.

When I saw him, I couldn’t contain my smile.
He was wearing one of his famous buttoned-down shirts. This one was
turquoise and really made his blue eyes pop. He was so hot. He
brought me a dozen beautiful pink roses and even held my hand
throughout the majority of our date. He also complimented me every
chance he got.

Our conversations were easy and I learned he
was nicer, and more sophisticated than I expected. However, I was a
little shocked at just how polite he was. I think he had a hard
time dropping the businessman act, but nevertheless, it was a
fantastic date that led to a second date... then a third... then a
fourth, and on and on.

He was five years older than me, extremely
sexy inside and out,
at least the parts I could see
, and
could be funny as hell. He was an accountant working his way up the
ladder to make partner.

I explained how hard it was trying to earn
my business degree while raising a toddler and how I couldn’t take
as many classes as I would like to.

He told me he was an avid runner, which of
course I already guessed.

After about four dates, and to my own
surprise, I explained to him how I’d been hurt by Landyn; a
ll of
. I also explained my decision regarding keeping Layla
secret. I wanted him to understand why I needed things to move
slowly. I was honest with him because I had no reason not to

I had trust issues and I wanted him to know
why. I was cautious in all aspects of my life, and I wanted him to
understand that. My life also revolved around Layla,
, he truly needed to comprehend.

If he had a problem with any of those
things, then he could hit the road. I’d even give him gas money. Oh
yeah, and if Trish didn’t like him, he might just disappear off the
face of the planet so he should go ahead and warn his parents now
if he doesn’t show up for Thanksgiving dinner.
I told him

But it all worked out. He accepted all
things me. Ryan and I got along wonderfully and my feelings for him
started to grow much faster than I would have liked. I’m pretty
sure he had the same feelings for me too. He was so sweet and all
of his actions seemed genuine. His friends liked me and we
innocently flirted all the time. Ryan was a good sport about it; he
rarely got jealous. Trish loved him, a good thing for him. They
were both smarty-pants so all conversation between them was a
breeze. Deep down I knew she was just being overly nice in order to
get herself introduced to his friends.

The hardest decision for me to make about
this relationship was: Have sex with Ryan before he meets my baby
girl, or after? Layla was now just two years old. She wouldn’t
remember meeting a man only a few times, but if Ryan stuck around,
which I expected him to, and then left Layla would be hurt. I did
not want my princess to get hurt if it was in my power to prevent

But Ryan hadn’t even made a move other than
to kiss me. They were great kisses though. They left me panting.
His excuse was always “I don’t want to screw up our relationship by
rushing you into something you’re not ready for.”


About three months into dating... yes,
Actually, three months, two days and eighteen
. I just couldn’t take it anymore. I’d only been with one
other guy and I was craving that connection to a man; my body
craved it. This damn man was irresistible, too! Meeting Layla would
just have to wait because I
needed to see what Ryan
was hiding under those stupid buttoned-down shirts.

It was a Friday. My parents were staying the
weekend and offered to watch Layla for the night. This would be my
first full night away from her and I was a little down about that.
Ryan picked me up outside my apartment and we went to his townhouse
for dinner and a movie. Well, that was Ryan’s plan. I had other
ideas, I just couldn’t decide on the best way to seduce him.

When we walked in the front door I asked,
“Can we just order a pizza, Ry? I don’t really feel going out

“Of course,” he said. I started to walk
away, but he grabbed my hand and pulled me to a stop “You’re
forgetting something.” I glared at him. Ry had this ridiculous
thing about always wanting me to be comfortable when he was around.
“Sweetheart, take off your shoes and relax.”

Sheesh! Relax?
Why couldn’t the man
read my mind? I just wanted to be naked and sweaty in his bed! Or
on the couch! Or on the floor! I didn’t care where!

I sighed.

We walked to the kitchen where Ryan called
in the order. I leaned against the counter staring down at DVDs
pretending to look like I was deciding which to watch first. What a
big faker I was of course. I quickly glanced at Ryan wearing his
slacks and buttoned-down shirt walking around barefoot. A damn sexy
sight if you asked me.

But I don’t share, so nobody better ask.

I was so lost in thoughts of Ryan tying me
up that I didn’t even realize he had moved behind me until I felt
is breath at my neck and his hands on my hips.
About damn

When I tilted my head to look at him, his
mouth hit down on mine. He wrapped an arm around my waist and
lifted the hem of my shirt to graze his fingers across my stomach.
His other hand went to my face where he softly caressed my cheek
with his thumb. I moaned in his mouth. I needed this! I deepened
the kiss and reached up to grab the back of his head to pull him
tighter to me, but that wasn’t enough. I needed so much more.

I tore myself away from the kiss to turn in
his arms. When I lifted back up, he stopped me. He placed his
forehead to mine still breathing hard and I wrapped my arms around
his neck. “I’m sorry Lex. I just want you so much. I... I got out
of hand,” he whispered.

Was he nuts? What was he sorry for? I
quickly started unbuttoning his shirt with shaky hands. He lifted
his head and grabbed my wrists to stop me.

He was nuts

“You don’t have to do this Lex. I don’t want
you to regret anything.” I leaned away from him slightly. “Ryan,
let go of me and take off my shirt before I body slam you to the
floor and rape you.”

He smiled at me, but he didn’t let go right
away. As soon as I gave my arm a little jerk he let me go and
whipped my shirt over my head. He looked down at me; at
of me. He unhooked my bra and slid it off slowly, caressing my skin
as it went. I really started to become self-conscious. I hadn’t
really changed much after having Layla, but I did have a couple
stretch marks that were slightly visible, and my hips were wider,
but I did work out...
I’d wanted this so bad
and for so long, that I completely forgot about him seeing me in my
birthday suit.

“I have
seen anything as
beautiful in my life, Lex,” he whispered and bent down to devour my
mouth while his hands caressed my breasts; thumbs grazing my

Okay then
Let’s do the damn

What seemed like a millennium later, I
finally finished unbuttoning the shirt that
had to pull
off because of the pesky little buttons around the wrist. The shirt
was like a thousand-piece jigsaw puzzle of the
! Who
in the heck made it and why?

I pulled back to explore his chest, but
stopped dead. I whipped my head up to look him in the eyes. “You’d
make partner so much faster if you walked around without a

Ryan laughed out loud at my comment. “Lex,
considering most of the partners are men; I’m not sure how much
they’d appreciate that.”

He thought I was joking, but I was
completely serious. “You’re right, they wouldn’t appreciate your
chest, they’d worship it.”

His laugh turned into a grin and as soon as
I saw his dimple I remembered. I can’t believe I almost forgot! I
leaned in and started out eye level with slow licks and kisses to
his chest. I worked up his neck taking small bites here and there.
He fueled the fire every time he groaned. It sounded so sexy in his
velvety voice.

I gave his chin a nip with my teeth then
pulled back, lifted on my tippy toes and placed both hands on his
shoulders. “Look at me Ryan,” I whispered against his lips.

“God, I love the sound of your voice,” he

“Thank you, I love yours too, but I really
need you to look at me.” I placed a light kiss to his lips. I
didn’t say anything for a while as I stared into his baby blue

Finally, he smiled and I smiled back. “Don’t
stop smiling until I say so.” I quickly moved in and started
placing kisses and nips to his chin, his jaw and
his dimple. I rubbed it with my thumb. “This is so damn sexy,” I
whispered. When he groaned again, I went back to work.

I knew when Ryan decided I’d had enough fun.
He ran his hands down my ass to lift me off my feet and I barely
had time to tighten my hold and wrap my legs around his waist
before he started for the bedroom.

We were consuming each other’s mouths when I
unwrapped one arm and slid it down his chest, his abs and reached
inside his pants. As soon as I touched him where he wanted it most
he made a sharp turn and slammed my back against the wall. It hurt,
but I couldn’t care less. I needed more this very instant.

He let go of my bottom and I dropped my legs
to the ground. I started to unbutton his pants while he fumbled
with mine. “I need these off,” he said impatiently, but alas, I
finished first and dropped to my knees in front of him taking his
pants and briefs down with me.


He was amazing all over. I grabbed his
erection and started to massage the silky head. I looked up and saw
that his eyes were glued to my every movement. I placed a quick
lick to the tip. He looked like he was in a trance and I’d only
just begun.

He put a hand to the back of my head and ran
his fingers lightly through my hair. I turned my head to the side
and gave him a longer, slower lick underneath, lips wrapped around
him, from base to tip, gently kneading him at the same time.

BOOK: Lexi, Baby
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