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Authors: Toni Griffin

Tags: #General Fiction

Liam (6 page)

BOOK: Liam
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Declan must have looked as confused at the last statement. Liam's gaze dropped down to the tented front of his sweats and Declan blushed deeply.

Declan didn't say anything and Liam raised his left brow in question. Declan's face burned but he nodded anyway. Liam shoved his wallet and phone in his pocket and picked up his keys.

"Bye." Declan stood in the kitchen still holding his now empty coffee cup and watched Liam walk out of the room.

A few seconds later, the front door closed and a truck started. Declan released the breath he didn't realise he'd been holding and collapsed back against the kitchen bench. He needed to get it together. Was he nervous about meeting with the Panneath Alpha later today? Hell, yes.

But that didn't even compare with the butterflies doing dive bombs in his stomach at the prospect of meeting Liam's friends for poker.

What if they didn't like him? He and Liam weren't even mated yet. Hadn't done anything more than kiss.

Would Liam send him away if his friends found him lacking? Declan hoped not, he had nowhere else to go but back to an Alpha who probably wanted to kill him to keep him quiet about what the man had been up to. Hell, Declan didn't even have a job anymore. He had his brother and his mate. At least he hoped so. Surely the Panneath would be able to help him out of his current situation. Ben would want to know about Wallis, wouldn't he? Worrying about it wouldn't help. Declan quickly washed the few dishes in the sink from Liam's breakfast and set them aside to dry. He then decided to explore the house. Declan had a good eight hours to fill, he had no idea what he would do, but he hoped to find something.

Hot and sweaty, and in desperate need of a shower, Liam drove home. All day his thoughts had not been on the job, instead they'd been hijacked by his handsome mate and the way Declan looked when Liam walked out of the kitchen that morning.

He had no idea what Declan had been thinking about, but Liam had been spellbound, standing there and watching Declan close his eyes, his face flushed and his sweats noticeably tented. What really caught Liam's attention though, had been the strong scent of lust hanging heavy in the air. Liam thought it almost thick enough to choke on. He'd had to hightail it out, otherwise he would have done what he told Declan and spent the entire day fucking his mate over every surface in his house. As fun as it sounded, he didn't know if Declan would be ready for the kind of hot sex Liam craved with his mate or not. He didn't want to rush Declan into anything as he still had no idea what had caused his mate's sudden appearance on his doorstep.

Even with his mind not being focused solely on what it should have been, Liam had a great day and managed to get a lot of work done. He didn't even yell at the men who delivered the wrong bathroom and tap supplies to three different houses. Liam was just thankful he had picked up the mistake before they had started drilling holes in the shower tiles. It would have been a huge pain in the ass to have to re-tile part of the shower.

He knew he'd walked around all day with a stupid grin on his face. Even though Liam had yet to claim Declan, the fact he'd met his mate and had already fallen for the beautiful man made him happy beyond belief. He even caught himself whistling a couple of times. Liam also didn't miss the curious looks from his employees when they watched him move about the various worksites.

The day finally ended and he headed back to his house and his mate. He couldn't believe how excited he felt just to get to see his Declan again. Pulling into the driveway Liam shut of the car and walked to his front door.

The most heavenly scent surrounded Liam and hugged him close. The appealing aroma seemed to be a mixture of his mate mixed with chocolate and rich caramel.

He loved the fact that it seemed his Declan's scent had started to permeate his home. Liam had no concerns about being heard when he closed the door as music blasted from the direction of the kitchen. He kicked his boots off and headed towards the noise.

Liam stopped in the doorway to the kitchen and caught his breath, his cock instantly perking up. Declan had Liam's iPod and docking station from his bedroom and he'd plugged it into the wall. Currently listening to Gym Class Heroes' "The Fighter", Declan sang along with the music, his ass bopping along to the beat. Liam's chest tightened at the sight before him and his cock hardened within its tight confines. God, the man was sexy as hell.

Declan moved and swayed while piping cream into what looked like éclair shells. Liam didn't even know he owned a piping bag. Declan placed the cream-filled pastries on a tray and covered the tops in rich melted chocolate. The kitchen, which he would have assumed to be a disaster area, at least it would have been if he had been the one cooking, was spotless.

The music changed and Nickleback's "Lullaby"

came on. Declan never stopped moving or singing.

Halfway through a turn, Declan noticed Liam standing in the doorway. Declan stood still, bare-chested, with pink tinting his cheeks at being caught dancing and singing, and had what looked like a smudge of chocolate in the corner of his mouth.

Liam prowled across the room, his eyes never straying very far from Declan's delicious looking lips.

Declan swallowed audibly when Liam rounded the kitchen bench and reached out. Wrapping his hand around the back of Declan's neck, Liam pulled the man close, leaning in and licking at the smudge along the edge of his lips. The taste of chocolate and his mate burst across Liam's tongue and he moaned, his cock hardening further.

Lips met, tongues duelled, and Liam felt like his body would burst into flames. His dick ached in his suddenly too tight jeans. Liam forcefully pulled back, breaking the kiss. Panting, trying to regain his breath, Liam stared at the lust filled eyes of his mate.

"Please." The whispered word had so much want and longing, Liam would have been a fool to ignore it.

He looked down and noticed Declan still held the piping bag. He carefully removed it from his fingers and placed it on the bench.

"Will this be okay here for a little while or do you need to put it away?" He might be horny, but he didn't want to ruin anything his mate had been working on.

Declan smiled. "Thank you. I'll leave the chocolate but the rest really should go in the fridge."

Liam gave Declan room to quickly pack everything up. The second the fridge door closed, Liam stepped up and bent down a little. He picked Declan up and placed him over his shoulder and took off for his bedroom. To finally claim his mate, he would do it properly in a bed.

Declan laughed. "You know I could have walked?"

Liam smacked his ass. "Hush." He didn't miss Declan's moan or the way he squirmed and seemed to stick his butt out further.


Declan cried out again as Liam's large, calloused hand came down once more on his behind. Who would have thought he'd like getting spanked? Certainly not him.

Reaching out, Declan lifted the tail of Liam's shirt giving him a perfect view of Liam's ass encased in denim. He'd just reached out to cup one fine cheek when he went sailing through the air. He landed softly on the mattress of Liam's bed.

Scooting back, Declan propped himself up against the pillows at the head of the bed and watched Liam make short work of the clothes he wore.

"You know you could slow down and make that a whole hell of a lot sexier," Declan stated.

Liam paused but for a moment then smiled. "Next time."

His grin turned entirely too wicked. Declan's cock grew and throbbed in the sweat pants.

Liam's muscles bunched and tightened when he lifted his shirt off over his head. Declan moaned at the sight before him. Liam stood in his jeans and socks, the afternoon light through the curtains giving him a golden glow. Declan practically salivated and wanted to run his tongue over every inch of the large tattoo covering his mate's right side.

Liam reached for the opening on his jeans then looked up, lust shining in his eyes. "You know it usually helps if you get naked, too."

Declan nodded quickly before hastily shucking the sweats down his body and off the side of the bed. He got back in his position against the pillows before Liam had even had a chance to pull down his fly.

A growl rumbled from deep in Liam's chest. He stood frozen, his eyes trained on Declan's hard length.

Declan shuddered in anticipation, his cock bobbing happily under Liam's attentive gaze.

Declan wrapped a hand around his erection and gently tugged. "Are you planning to join me sometime this century?" Declan bit his lip to stop a cry of pleasure escaping.

He'd no idea where all his confidence had come from; he normally acted quiet and shy unless someone caught him in in a kitchen baking. He considered it the one domain where he could and would easily take charge.

This boldness, however, was completely new. He'd never acted with aggression towards any previous lover.

Declan wondered if the fact Liam being his mate, even if they had yet to claim each other, had him acting so self-assured and knowing what he wanted.

Declan didn't realise he'd missed the grand unveiling until the mattress dipped slightly beside him when Liam crawled his way up Declan's body. Declan stopped the movement of his hand when he met Liam's gaze. Liquid silver, the effect utterly took Declan's breath away and he reached out to his mate.

Liam turned his head slightly and pressed his lips to Declan's palm before lowering his body and kissing the leaking tip of Declan's cock. Declan moaned, loving the feel of Liam's soft mouth against his engorged flesh. Liam didn't take it any further; instead he dipped his tongue in Declan's bellybutton then made his way up Declan's chest in a line of light, barely-there whisper soft touches. Each nipple received a gentle bite then his sternum followed by his neck, his jaw and finally his lips.

Declan melted into the sweet, gentle press of lips against his own, Liam shuddered above him as their cocks met for the first time, hard flesh against hard flesh. Declan's sounds quickly swallowed by Liam as he deepened their kiss.

When Liam broke the contact his lips were red and swollen, a light sheen of saliva coating them. Declan loved the fact he'd made them look that way.

"You really need to stop doing that." Declan tried to pull Liam back down.

"Stop what?" Liam asked.

"Stop stopping." Declan whined low in his throat.


Liam's wicked smile had Declan thinking the man knew exactly what he did to Declan. "Every time you kiss me, you always stop right when it gets interesting. You need to stop stopping." Adamant, Declan needed that to happen.

Liam threw his head back and laughed. His body shook against Declan's. Liam's cock rubbing against his had him leaking out another drop of pre-cum.

"Liam," he whined.

He didn't want laughing. He wanted Liam fucking him through the mattress.

"You're beautiful, you know that?" Liam asked Declan blushed at the declaration.

"I'm so glad I finally found you."

"Technically I found you," Declan said impishly.

"Shut up and kiss me." Liam growled and mashed their mouths together once again.

Declan wouldn't argue. He sank further into the mattress when Liam plundered his mouth. Their bodies aligned perfectly. Liam's hard, leaking shaft rubbing against his own had Declan on the verge of climax before he even realised it was possible.

Declan frantically pushed against Liam's chest, trying to get him to stop for a moment, so he could breathe and try and regain some control over his errant body.

Ironic, wanting Liam to stop after Declan just got through telling Liam not to, but he didn't want to come too soon.

Liam took the hint and paused, looking down with a question in his eyes.

"Sorry, was about two seconds away from blowing, and I don't want to do that yet."

"Why the hell not?" Liam asked, confused.

Declan blushed. The scent of Liam's arousal increased as the man watched him. "I don't want to come until you're buried deep inside me," he whispered with his eyes closed, too embarrassed to look at Liam when telling him what he wanted.

The deep rumbling in Liam's chest caused Declan's body to shiver with want and he reached out to place his hand against the lightly furred skin. The torso vibrated under his touch, his cock twitching with the sensations.

"Your wish is my command, honey." Liam's voice went low and sexy

Before Declan could utter a single word he had been flipped over, his face now buried in the pillow. He inhaled deeply, letting Liam's scent surround him. Declan's cock grew ever harder, if possible. Liam placed his hands on either side of Declan's hips and lifted them to the perfect height. Liam's rough calloused fingers moved and parted Declan's cheeks, exposing his clenching hole for Liam to see.

A moan tore from Declan's throat when Liam's tongue swiped across his puckered ring then travelled down towards his balls before sliding all the way to the top of his crack. He finally zeroed back in on Declan's entrance.

Declan tilted his hips back further when Liam's tongue speared past the first ring of muscle. Liam's thumb gently caressed his hole before it too worked its way inside him. Declan bit the pillow underneath him to stop from crying out at the feeling of finally being penetrated.

Declan had died and gone to heaven. Liam worked his body like a finely tuned instrument. Just when Declan thought he would come from the many sensations shooting through his body, Liam pulled back. Declan whimpered at the feeling of loss that encompassed him. His muscles twitched, his body wanting to be filled again.

Liam kissed his lower back. "My name would look perfect right here," Liam whispered, almost too quiet for Declan to hear.

Liam's thumb traced a line across Declan's back just above his crack. He suspected Liam had been talking to himself more than him.

"Liam," Declan said almost desperately, he needed his mate to finish what he had started.

"Coming, honey. Good things come to those who wait, you know." Liam leant over and rummaged in his bedside drawer, pulling out a half empty bottle of lube.

BOOK: Liam
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