Read LightofBattle Online

Authors: Leandros

Tags: #Romance, Science Fiction, Fantasy

LightofBattle (3 page)

BOOK: LightofBattle
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Jiska nodded. “Please give me lessons on flying the shuttle on the way. I do not enjoy being chauffeured around.”

He snapped a salute, “Yes, General.”

Jiska sighed inwardly. She was going to have to learn to lighten up if she was going to make any friends here.

They made their way to a different umbilicus and a very different shuttle.

“Welcome to the
Coming Storm
. It is my home away from home, and I hope that you will find it comfortable.”

She stowed her bag in a similar locker to the first shuttle and walked through the halls of the much larger ship to the control centre. “This ship has guns.”

“It does. I am a negotiator for the most lawless of planets. It is our purpose to ease the roads of debate and dissent, smoothing the way.” He smiled and buckled in.

Jiska froze in place. “That is exactly what was broadcast in Urgat news bands. Did you have anything to do with the sudden peace that put me out of a job?”

He shrugged. “Your people’s war was bleeding off world. It disrupted shipping lanes and flow of traffic. Too many lives were being lost for no purpose.”

Jiska scowled. “Not on my watch.”

“No, but you were not at every battle.” Deskin freed them from the base and lifted off with sure movements.

She rubbed her forehead. “No. I was not. There were casualties for no particular reason other than stupid men’s plans.”

Deskin chuckled. “That is better. I was beginning to think you were made of stone.”

She blinked. “What?”

“You are so controlled that I did not imagine that you would ever lose your temper. I think I just saw a crack.” He chuckled and turned them away from the base.

She sat and thought about it. The only person she was ever herself with was her mother, and she was literally worlds away now. If he wanted to see the real her, she wasn’t sure that she knew who it was anymore. A lifetime of service to her government had taken her sense of self and left only a sense of duty.

“What is your talent, Deskin?”

“I can see to the truth of a thing. Seeing truth is sometimes the hardest thing to do.”

He looked at her as they passed through the shield of satellites. She could see that he was seeing something in her that she didn’t even know was there.

She crossed her arms and glared at him. “You know, I can really see why you need a bodyguard. Your mouth must get you into all kinds of trouble.”

To her shock, he blew her a kiss before increasing their speed and heading off toward the colony.

Chapter Five

The Enjels were flying everywhere, and Jiska had to fight not to be impressed. Men who could simply take to the air were never seen on her world.

They surrounded the shuttle the moment Deskin landed. “Stay close to me and don’t look interested in any of them. Enjels have a notoriously skewed birthrate which is why we are here.”

He moved to the back of the shuttle and slipped on a long robe in a deep purple with silver trim. His black bodysuit underneath turned them into a matched set.

“They do not want us here. We have come at the behest of Sarnulia Narfa’s parents. We will not leave without her unless she has contracted a solid match.”

“Is that a possibility, Negotiator Fewnor?” She stood straight and cradled her data pad as her secretary had.

He looked at her in surprise. “You are really going to call me that?”

“Yes, and you will call me Ms. Irthano while we are on an assignment.” She ducked into the lav and checked her hair. It was still tidy, but then of course, it would be. She never failed at anything she attempted.

With her uniform neat and her hair bound away from her face, she went to Deskin’s side. “Anytime you are ready. I believe the Enjel are about to come in.”

He grinned, composed his features and plugged in the exit code in the shuttle’s hatch.

The Enjels were staring at them as they exited, with weapons firmly in evidence.

“Negotiator Fewnor to see Prefect Arthinial.” Jiska kept her voice tight and direct.

The winged men around them blinked in surprise at her tone. One of them sashayed forward and touched her cheek. “What are you here for, pet?”

She swung her arm, struck his forearm and drove her other fist into his belly before slamming her knee into his jaw. He dropped to the ground with a thud.

Behind her, she heard Deskin make a noise between a sigh and a snort.

“He did not ask permission to touch me. I am working for the Negotiator and will not be swayed from my duties.” She looked at the rest of the surrounding males. “Anyone else care to breach protocol?”

The men helped her victim to his feet and one spoke. “I will take you to the prefect. He has been waiting.”

He gestured for them to accompany him, and Jiska made a move that Deskin interpreted correctly. He moved to follow the speaker, and she followed him at a respectful distance.

The Enjel colony was centred around an exceptionally tall building. From the reading that she had done on the way to the colony, that building was the Aerie where the single females were kept. Their target female was inside that building, and Deskin had to use words to get her out.

The prefect greeted them warmly, and Jiska was greeted a little too warmly for her own peace of mind. “Sit, please, miss.”

“I am on duty, Prefect. Thank you for the offer.”

He raised his brows in surprise. He stared at her in a considering manner. “You seem rather collected for one so young.”

She inclined her head. “I have more mileage than it appears at first glance.”

Deskin snickered softly. “My secretary will remain with me during the negotiations. She is integral to the process.”

The prefect and negotiator began their verbal sparring, and it came down to one thing—the Enjels were short on women, and Sarnulia had wandered into the bachelor part of town unescorted. It had been necessary to take her to the Aerie immediately for her own safety.

Deskin placed his palms flat on the table. “What will it take to get her back? Her family is worried.”

The prefect leaned back. “There is nothing you can offer. We have a woman, and we will not trade her.”

“Why not? Has she already made a match? Is she wed?”

The prefect waved such concerns away. “It doesn’t matter. She is ours now. No one can get into the Aerie without permission. It is our most heavily fortified structure.”

Deskin paused. “Are you willing to wager on that?”

Arthinial leaned forward, his snow-white wings fluttering with interest. “What would the wager be?”

Deskin reached out and clasped Jiska’s arm. “If my secretary can get in and out, removing Sarnulia, we can take her home.”

He looked at Jiska, and his eyes gleamed. “What if she does not?”

“You can keep her.”

Jiska stiffened with shock, her eyes narrowed as she glared at Deskin. “That is not my duty.”

“No, but it is my order. So, Arthinial, do you accept my terms?”

The Enjel leaned back and nodded. “Done. She will make her attempt during first moon. I want it to be sporting and that is when the Aerie is most heavily populated.”

Jiska desperately wanted to smack the hell out of Deskin, but she smiled blandly. “If that is the case, may I request a last meal before I head into the Aerie? It seems only fair that I enjoy a moment of freedom before I may lose it forever.”

Arthinial smiled and summoned a servant, a young male with his wings not fully formed. He ordered a meal for them, and the young male moved swiftly to do his bidding.

Jiska took the seat next to Deskin and ran over her notes regarding the negotiation. It was very straightforward. Either she found Sarnulia or she would be enjoying the attentions of a flock of Enjels.

Arthinial smiled, “There is also a bout in the arena if you would care to join me there to witness some of our best warriors.”

Jiska perked up—she was always up for watching fighters and analyzing battle tactics.

She tapped Deskin’s wrist twice to indicate agreement. He smiled. “That would be fascinating. I am sure that Ms. Irthano would be only too pleased to witness the best that your colony can offer.”

Arthinial beamed in delight, and the servant came forward with a tray of foodstuffs. The food was offered to Jiska first, a tradition she felt more men could benefit from learning.

She took a small plate, picked a few fruits and a tiny sandwich and sat back, nibbling cautiously as she took in the new flavours. She delicately spit out two that she found objectionable, and she noted that their host was watching her intently.

“You stare, Prefect.”

“I am trying to place your species. You seem to be built like a lovely standard female, but there are a few discrepancies in your features. Your irises contrast violently with your pupils and your hair is so pale as to be almost translucent.”

She smiled. “I come from a blend of many species, too many to count. I understand your confusion.”

He nodded and continued his visual examination of her skin, hair and eyes.

To throw him off the scent of her species, she ate a few items that were completely repellent to her. Her stomach would keep them down, but she didn’t enjoy them one bit.

Deskin and Arthinial spoke quietly of inconsequential things while she ate. When she was done, Arthinial mentioned something that sent a sense of unease through her.

“Of course, to make it a fair test, she should be wearing something a little more suitable for the task, a gown perhaps.”

“I am afraid that I left all my gowns in my luggage.” She inclined her head.

He smiled. “I am sure that we can arrange something.”

She frowned. “I am sure that I can find something on the shuttle if it is required.”

Deskin looked at her. “You can?”

She nodded, hoping that her research into Masuo was as complete as she hoped. “I can look.”

“That is not necessary, I am sure that I can find something here.” Arthinial smiled.

She nodded. “As you will, Prefect. I am unfamiliar with the fashions of the Enjel.”

He smiled, and once again, the servant appeared at his side. “Clothing for the lady. Put it in the gold bedroom please, Camios.”

Camios gave her an intense look and nodded with a smile. “Right away, uncle.”

The youngster disappeared, and Jiska felt a slight smile creep over her features. “You keep your children with you?”

“All young men are apprenticed to an older male either in the family or a family friend. It saves on importing slaves for labour.” He chortled with glee.

“So you do import slaves then?” She leaned forward.

“Of course. Our population is dwindling, and we created this colony to grow our species, but there are difficulties in locating the necessary females. We do what we must to make sure we survive another thousand years. The women we do obtain that way are respected and cherished as any Enjel woman would be.”

She listened with interest. “How do you find the slave markets? How do you transport them? Do their families ever come looking?”

Arthinial leaned back and chuckled. “We could discuss this at length if you would care to stay a while.”

Deskin snorted. “When I leave, she will be with me.”

“Unless she cannot find Sarnulia. In which case, we can discuss this at our leisure.” He looked like he was enjoying himself immensely.

Camios came to the doorway and stated. “There is a selection of gowns, if the lady would care to try them on?”

Deskin gripped her hand, and she nodded. “Of course I would. Lead the way.”

With her stomach grumbling and her nerves making themselves known for the first time since she entered her initial battle, she followed the young Enjel down the halls and into the gold bedroom.

It was time to dress like a lady.

Chapter Six

A dozen gowns were draped over every bit of space in the gold room. She stood nervously and looked down at her boots. “I know this isn’t what you expected, but I really need you right now.”

She looked at the variety of gowns and picked one that would suit her current mood. She stripped to the skin, put her boots back on and concentrated.

The boots changed their texture, moved up her legs, wrapped around her hips and crept over her shoulders. A gown of two parts, snug across her torso and flowing below the waist took shape. The right side was in the same purple as her uniform and the left was black. The fabric took on a crisp sheen, and out of nowhere, a gauzy underdress of flowing silk appeared.

“Oh, you lovely, lovely things.” She ran her hands down her hips and turned to look at herself in the mirror.

The material squeezed her as if in reply to her praise. It even remained on her feet in the form of delicate slippers.

She folded her clothing neatly into a bundle and smiled as she met Camios in the hall. “I improvised with what I have. Thank you for the selection though, it provided me with understanding of Enjel style.”

He inclined his head, his expression still confused. “You look lovely, lady. Arthinial will be speechless.”

“I am just hoping that I will fit in.”

“You will shine like a star in the night sky.” He bowed, and his short wings fluttered. “May I take your clothing? I will have it delivered to your shuttle.”

She handed him the bundle and followed him back to the audience chamber where all conversation ceased the moment she entered the room. Deskin was staring at her, his perfect features astonished. Arthinial’s smile was warm, but the look in his eyes was blazing.

“I believe this meets your request for appropriate attire?”

She walked up to the men and stood next to Deskin, her hand on his shoulder in a proprietary gesture.

Arthinial smiled. “It does indeed. You will shame the very moon with your beauty.”

She felt her cheeks heating and blinked in confusion.

Deskin calmed Arthinial’s admiration by pulling Jiska into his lap. She sat down with a thud on his thighs and carefully folded her hands in her lap. If she didn’t, she might just deck him.

As if she was not there, Deskin continued his conversation with Arthinial about the wisdom of having young bachelors compete for the honour of meeting a female. It kept them busy and ensured that the most capable were the ones breeding.

BOOK: LightofBattle
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