Read Lindsey's Wolves Online

Authors: Becca Jameson

Lindsey's Wolves (3 page)

BOOK: Lindsey's Wolves
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Now he just had to convince her.

“Their music is wonderful.”

“I’m glad you like it.” He reached across the table and took both her hands in his. “Have I told you how beautiful you look tonight?”

“I believe you did, but thank you.” A pink blush once again crawled across her cheeks, making Alex wonder if he’d see that same flush across her breasts in the near future. Would her skin blotch in the telltale sign of a satisfied woman after she orgasmed?

Releasing only one hand, he angled a menu in front of her and then opened one for himself.

Five seconds went by before she looked back up at him. “I’d love for you to just order for both of us, if you don’t mind. I have no idea what anything is and I bet you have excellent taste in food.” She bit her lower lip between her teeth and grinned.

“I’d be honored.” Alejandro couldn’t keep himself from reaching up and running the pad of his thumb along her bottom lip, gently releasing it from the clutches of her perfect straight white teeth. “If you don’t have any preferences, I’ll order an assortment of
to start. That’ll give you a smattering of foods to explore.”


“They’re kind of like what you call appetizers, only smaller. Just a few bites on a small plate. Extremely common and popular in Spain.”

“Sounds heavenly.”

“Is there anything you don’t like?” He gazed into her deep brown eyes, hoping she wasn’t a picky eater. Spaniards loved their food with a passion unmatched in other countries.

“Not at all. I eat everything.”

A shadow fell over them as the waiter approached.

“Good evening. I’m Raúl. I’ll be your server tonight. Can I interest you in some wine?” The waiter had arrived on the tail end of their conversation as though planned. “We have a wonderful house vino from Rueda.”

He had yet to question Lindsey about her preferences when it came to wine. Again, the stars would be so very nicely aligned if this seemingly perfect mate of his also enjoyed the
vino rojo
of his home country. “Do you like red wine, Lindsey?”

“Sometimes. Let’s try it.” She may have been a bit reserved about the feelings she felt slamming her concerning having met him only yesterday, but he’d have to give her credit for being adventurous. She wasn’t backing down.

Dos vasos, por favor
. Or better yet, just bring us a bottle.” He didn’t want to have to wave someone down for more wine if they found themselves enjoying the delicious flavors of Castilla y León.

“So, tell me more about your family. What made you decide to leave Spain?”

“Pretty simple, really. Our families are very close. Ever since I was a small child we took turns every other year visiting each other. One year they came to La Rioja and the next we came here. I’ve always found the dairy life intriguing. Acres of open land. Even though this is the U.S., my aunt and uncle have always lived a life similar to that in
—as laid back as you can get in this country.” He grinned. “When two of my four cousins married and moved away, they needed some extra help. It was a great opportunity for me.”

“You must be a wine snob.” She giggled when she spoke, and he loved the sound of her voice traveling across the table and tempting his libido. “You didn’t tell the waiter you knew his selections better than he does or even look at the menu.”

“Well, I wouldn’t consider myself a ‘snob’ as you say, but I do know something about wine and grapes. You can’t go wrong with a nice bottle of red from Rueda.” He grasped the hand he had released earlier and resumed his gentle grip, trying to keep it light and not scare her off. What he really wanted to do was pull her around the table, situate her straddling his lap, and kiss her senseless while reaching between their bodies to finger her to orgasm right here in the restaurant. The burning need to have her, naked and at his mercy, would not remain simmering on the surface. It kept rearing its head and making him squirm with as little notice as possible beneath the maroon tablecloth, attempting repeatedly to adjust his growing hard-on.

Down, fella

“I haven’t been much of a wine drinker as of yet. I hear it’s an acquired taste.”

“Definitely. I’ll be honored to guide you on the journey. You’re with the right man.” That was an understatement. He was without a doubt the only man she’d ever be with for the rest of her life, and he’d most assuredly be “guiding” her on so many “journeys” in the next few weeks, her head would be swimming. Hopefully in sexual satisfaction.

How had he gotten so lucky?

He hadn’t ever quite pictured himself ending up with an American woman, but fate had a way of dropping the unexpected right in one’s lap at the most surprising moments.

Fate had done well by him in the last twenty-seven hours.

“So, where is your vineyard in Spain? Tell me about it.”

“It’s in La Rioja, in the North. Running a vineyard is a year-round experience. There is always a new step involved in the making of wine. Just when you get bored of watching grapes grow, it’s time to harvest them and start the winemaking process.” He smiled across the table at the oversimplification he’d just described in about two sentences. He wanted to know more about Lindsey. Everything about her.

“What do your parents do? You said you’re from Seattle?”

“Yes. I’m from Seattle, but my parents aren’t living.” She looked down at the table as she said the words.

“I’m so sorry,
.” Alex’s heart squeezed as she spoke the words. He couldn’t imagine life without his parents, his huge extended family. It saddened him to think of her, anyone really, alone in this world.

He squeezed her hands tightly. “Do you want to talk about it?”

“Could we not? It’s a long story. Some other time?”

“Of course,
mi alma
.” No sense spoiling the evening with sadness. He wanted to know everything about her and grieved for her loss, but her eyes were downcast. Now was not the time or place.

Alejandro had to let go of Lindsey a moment later when Raúl returned with their wine. With efficient precision, he presented the bottle and then removed the cork and poured a splash of deep red heaven for Alejandro to sample. After a long inhale with his nose inside the wide glass, he took a quick sip and declared the wine excellent.

The waiter poured them each a glass. “Can I interest you in some tapas to start off?”

“Actually, we may order so many tapas we won’t have room for a meal.” Alejandro glanced at the menu and quickly made a few selections. “Let’s start with
solomillo al ajillo, tortilla española, calamari, y ensalada de papas rusas

Raúl memorized the order and nodded before heading for the kitchen.

“I have no idea what you ordered, but if it tastes half as good as it sounds, I’ll be in love.” Her gaze was back on his, the sorrow of a moment ago forgotten.

“I ordered the most common things you might find in a tapas bar in Spain. It’ll give you a sampling. You’ll love it.” He grabbed her hand again. He couldn’t seem to keep himself from maintaining contact. “Try the wine.”

He watched in anticipation while she sniffed and then sampled the dark red wine. “Mmm, it could grow on me.” She smiled and took another drink.

“You’ll love it paired with some cheese and
jamón serano
, a Spanish ham. We’ll order that next.”

“I’ll be stuffed!”

“I don’t like my dates to end the evening hungry.” Not that he had any intention of ever having another date. Well, with anyone but her.

Diós mío
she is so gorgeous

Her cheeks began to glow, probably from the influence of the wine she was sipping. It was a beautiful look on her, but he didn’t want her drunk either. “That wine is strong. Be careful not to drink too much before the meal. I’ll be … how do you say? Scraping you off the floor?”

Lindsey laughed and set her glass down. “That would be embarrassing. I’ll try to avoid it.” Her eyes nearly danced.
She seems relaxed. Happy. Thank God.
Now if he could just win her over completely with the food of his home country, he’d be a satisfied man.


Lindsey was in love. Well, perhaps that was a bit strong a word for a man she’d spent all of three hours total with, but she was certainly in lust. Surely, it was too good to be true. The proverbial shoe would most likely drop at any moment.

He was kind, considerate, handsome and sexy. And his eyes… A woman could get lost in those eyes and never come back. He looked at her so deeply; he seemed to see her soul.

Even when he’d mentioned her parents, he understood her need to drop the subject.

And his hands. He never stopped touching her. His fingers rubbed circles on her palms, then her wrists, then her fingers. She couldn’t stop thinking about what those hands could do to other parts of her body, a body that was aching to find out.

She’d been fidgeting around her damp panties since they’d arrived at the restaurant. When she looked down at their joined hands, she couldn’t prevent the image of those huge, work-roughened, tan fingers working her to orgasm. And she had no doubt he could do it. In fact, probably right now under the table, given the opportunity.

The idea sent a shiver down her body. She was so horny, she thought she’d combust before the evening was over. In the past few years she’d had a few boyfriends, even one that lasted several months, but no man had ever,
, made her … want … so desperately. In fact, no man had ever brought her to orgasm, to be honest.

What made her think this one could? And why did she think she could relax enough to let him? Now that was a hurdle Dr. Barbara Mathius, her shrink, would have a field day with. Hell, the woman would probably declare her cured and tell her not to come back.

So she had no idea why she felt so confident about Alejandro. But she just knew. And man did she want to test her theory.

But she wouldn’t. Of course. Who comes on this strongly to a man she just met yesterday? He was marriage material, so far, until the bomb dropped and she found out he picked his nose while driving or chewed with his mouth opened or got blazing drunk and acted like an idiot. An infinite number of possibilities existed. She was just waiting to find out which one it would be.

Or maybe she’d get lucky and he
be marriage material. In that case, she had a moral standard not to sleep with him on the first date. Or the second. Probably.

Four years of counseling had gotten her to this place. A place where she felt almost normal, like a regular adult woman should. Dr. Mathius had helped her weed through the parts of her childhood that were reasonable to keep and toss out the parts that didn’t work.

She shook the meandering thoughts from her head. “So, are you planning to stay in the States? Or are you just sort of taking a sabbatical from grapes?” Damn, that thought just popped out of her mouth. What if she did really fall for the man and he decided to leave?

“I have no definite plans. Just letting life lead me where it will right now. It was a blessing in disguise to come here and regroup. And now I’ve met such a fantastic woman, maybe I’ll just stay.” He raised an eyebrow and chuckled. Making it virtually impossible to know if he was joking or being somewhat serious. She wasn’t sure which she preferred.

It was way too soon to have such a discussion, and she positively should not feel regret burning a hole in her stomach that he might move to the other side of the earth.

She involuntarily squeezed his hands tighter as though that would prevent him from escaping. And what the hell was the matter with her? She just met him yesterday. She didn’t even know his middle name, and she was worried about the fictitious possibility that in the distant future he might leave?

Absurd. She shook the thoughts from her mind as the first plates of food arrived.

Begrudgingly, she let go of Alejandro’s hands and sat back to make room. Another sip of wine proved he was indeed correct. It was growing on her. Or maybe it just tasted better and better the more she drank. That reality was more likely.

“Okay, try this first.” Alejandro stuck his fork into a piece of steaming meat and potatoes, getting the perfect bite organized on the utensil before he held it to her lips.

Sheer delight exploded on her tongue. The tender pork literally melted in her mouth, the mix of garlic, olive oil, and spices combining to send an actual moan escaping from her. “Man, that is good. What did you call it?”

Solomillo al ajillo
. It’s a garlic pork dish.” He smiled and stuck the fork into the tiny plate before offering her another bite. “It’s a favorite among Spaniards.”

“Are you going to sit there and feed me all night or try some yourself?” she mumbled after the second bite, hoping there was no meat stuck between her teeth. “You’ll need to actually taste the dishes to find out if they are authentic. My word truly won’t suffice in this case.”

He smiled again, and his lips made her gaze desirously in their direction, remembering their soft texture from last night, a perfect combination of gentle and demanding that had kept her sex dripping all evening after parting company. And Lindsey was not accustomed to being so aroused.

He must have been thinking the same thing, or perhaps she just willed him toward a repeat performance because as she stared at his smile, he slowly leaned forward until they were once again locked in a kiss. It was a slow perusal, with him nibbling around her mouth for several moments before pulling back.

“You’re right. The
is excellent. I’ll try some myself.”

Leaving her in a state of lust, he took his own bite next and nodded his agreement while he chewed. “Perfect. My hat to the chef. I believe we have a winner,” he stated after swallowing.

“I’m glad you like it. I was worried you’d find this tiny restaurant in the middle of Washington a bit lacking.”

“Nah, the company is so alluring that I doubt I would have noticed if they served us cardboard.”

BOOK: Lindsey's Wolves
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