Read Little Red Online

Authors: Carl East

Tags: #erotica fiction fantasy

Little Red (2 page)

BOOK: Little Red
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I lay there petrified; and moved to
crawl away from the dead weight on my legs. I felt no movement
behind me, but I simply didn’t want to look back for fear of what I
might see. I crawled free of the weight pinning me to the ground
and then felt something warm slip around me. Then I heard a
familiar voice.

I slowly looked about and saw a green
jacket lying across my body. When I looked up, I saw it was Grant,
the Woodsman. I stood up gathering the coat around me and looked
back to find my attacker lying on the floor, headless.

Oh Grant, you saved me,” I
said flinging myself into his arms.

I’ll always be there for
you Red, you know that,” he replied.

Tenderly gathering me in his arms, he
led me down the path to my grandmother’s house. We knocked on the
door, but seeing she wasn’t home, I directed him to the hidden key
she kept in the birdhouse on the nearby tree. Ushering me inside,
we moved to the bathroom where he proceeded to fill the claw-footed
tub with soothing warm water. Sprinkling in some scented mineral
salts, he helped me into the tub and then left as I soaked my tired
body. As I sat there immersed in the fragrance, I began to wash
away the werewolf’s fluids from my body and suddenly overwhelmed,
began to cry silently.

With heaving shudders, I recalled the
first time I met Grant at my grandmother’s house and how I fell in
love with him at first sight. He was everything that I had ever
wanted in a man, and now I wondered if he would ever forget that
the werewolf had taken me. I wondered if I’d ever forget that I had
physically responded in some part to the werewolf’s attentions.
Gathering my strength, I opened the drain and decided to let my
worries flow away with the dirty water. Standing to grab a towel, I
could hear the muffled sounds of pots and dishes rattling around in
the kitchen through the closed bathroom door.

Grabbing the robe that grandma had left
hanging on the back of the door; I slipped it on and moved to stand
before the mirrored sink to comb the tangles from my wet hair.
Looking through the nearby cabinet, I found a jar of healing cream
and began to apply it to the cuts and scrapes I received from my
mad dash through the woods. I wondered if she had a magic potion to
heal my bruised heart.

I soon heard a light tapping on the
door and knew I couldn’t stay in the bathroom forever. Warily
stepping out of the room, I watched as Grant lightly walked away
and saw that he had been busy. The kitchen table was set and from
the smells filling the room, it appeared that a kettle of hot
chicken soup and a pot of tea were ready. He smiled as he pulled
out a chair for me and I gratefully sank down to rest my sore

We sat and enjoyed the meal he had
prepared, and I was surprised at how comfortable I felt with him.
We discussed the weather and grandma’s note tacked to the kitchen
board saying she was spending the weekend with her sister. Nothing
was said about what I had experienced, at least not until we moved
to the sofa in front of the wood fireplace.

I watched as Grant prepared and started
the fire, and after it had caught in a timely manner, he came to
the sofa and sat beside me. Gently reaching for my hand, we sat
there in silence for a few moments before he asked me if I wanted
to talk about what had happened. As I turned my face to look into
his eyes, I felt the first teardrops spill down my

Gathering me close, he began to tell me
of our first meeting and how even then he knew that I was the one.
Using his fingertips to wipe the tears from my face, he hugged me
closer and began to tell me of all the things he liked about me. As
I listened to his heartfelt confession of longing, I knew that this
man would never judge me for something that I had no control over.
His tender kiss on my hair and warm embrace told me more than mere
words ever could, and I knew then that we would always be together.
Regardless of what had happened with the werewolf, I knew that he
still loved me, would always love me, and my heart swelled with

Raising my head to look into his eyes,
I watched as his face lowered to mine. Soft kisses fell on my
eyebrows, my temples, and then tracked over my nose. His hands
gently cradled my head as he maneuvered my face to place kisses
everywhere. Only when he had covered every inch of available skin
did his lips finally descend to kiss mine. Softly our lips met,
parted, and then met again. My arms rose to his shoulders where my
fingers played with his long wavy hair, losing them in the
thickness, as my nails played with the skin of his

Tenderly he led me into the sweet
seduction, paying tribute to the soft skin that his questing
fingers found upon parting the ends of the robe I was wearing.
Smooth, gliding, hands moved over my skin and I had to shut my eyes
in wonder at the feelings he was arousing in me, as he touched my
bare shoulders and moved his fingers to pull the robe down and off
my arms.

Sitting together in the firelight,
feeling the warmth of the flames touch my bare skin, I felt my body
being lowered to the blue hooked rug under our feet. Pillows
arrived below my head before it touched the ground and the robe
parted further to bare the lower contours of my young body to
Grant’s gaze. His lips, which had just kissed the curves of my
face, now moved lower and anointed my neck and collarbone. He
tasted the pale skin of my breasts and paid particular homage to
the pink-tipped ends. Suckling the hardened tip gently while
plucking its jealous twin he moved back and forth, satisfying each
in turn until I lay there helpless in the pleasure of his

My body had a mind of its own as it
moved to get closer to this source of wonder and delight. Never had
I imagined these feelings between us being assuaged, but my body
burned for its ultimate completion. I moaned in protest when he
removed my questing fingers from his clothes. His murmurs of
reassurance quieted my pleas, as his lips moved to the undersides
of my rounded breasts to the gentle slope of my abdomen. He teased
the dip of my bellybutton before he moved even lower and touched in
wonder the bare skin of my womanhood.

Feeling his touch on the silken skin
set me aflame as one fingertip traced the seam of my lower lips.
Delicately it played with the slit, moving over and below, sliding
upward and then back down, never breaching its folds. His lips slid
lower, sliding over the bare skin of my mound, delighting in
finding it hairless to his tongue as he painted its surface
repeatedly while laying a layer of kisses on top.

Just then, when I thought I would go
mad, I felt the first dip of his finger into the seam. It slipped
into the wetness gathering there and slowly, cautiously, made its
way up and down. Wetting his finger with each passing movement, its
coated thickness spread the lower lips further until it grazed the
small opening at the bottom. Swirling the tip in the wetness around
it, he withdrew it slightly and moved upward.

Separating and delving deeper, he moved
it slowly upward until it circled the bud hidden between at the
top. Ever so gently, he caressed the delicate tissue until he slid
the fingertip over its hooded cover.

Flames of excitement ignited in my body
at the intimate touch, and I cried out in pleasure as the skin of
my body trembled in excitement. My lower body arched up at the
contact and in that instance, his lips moved lower.

The slip of his tongue met the touch of
his finger and my body ignited in passion. Shaking and gasping at
the wonder of his movements, my body exploded in culmination and my
screams of joy filled the air. With each gasping breath, my body
heaved, and with each heaving movement, his tongue slipped over and
over the pleasure point of my body until I fell back to the floor.
No longer able to move, as the fulfilling shudders claimed all
control of my muscles.

Panting for breath, I finally looked
into his eyes and saw the absolute love shining there in them for
me. Weak with pleasure I watched as he stood up, his silhouette to
the flames, as he began to open his shirt, button by button.
Pulling it free from his pants he pulled it off and I watched as
the muscles flexed in his taunt abdomen. Free of his shirt, I could
enjoy the muscled shoulders and chest, earned by years of hard work
and physical labor.

Waiting breathlessly, I watched as his
hands dropped to open the button of his trousers and the rasping
sound of his lowering zipper in the stillness almost stopped my
heart. I lay there waiting in anticipation to see my lover’s most
private part exposed. The thick curls of hair couldn’t contain the
massive length that waited there for me.

Long and thick, it was taut with need
for me and as I watched, I saw a pearl of wetness adorn its
crowning head. He stood there for a moment, letting me see his
intense need for me, and then he dropped to his knees between my
now parted legs. I couldn’t help but open my knees wider, inviting
him to share his body with mine. He nestled there between my
thighs, the sliding knob of his length coming closer. I gloried in
the roughness of his hairy, muscled, thighs as they aligned
themselves with my own slender legs.

The heat of his length made contact
with my tender lower lips and slid slowly into the moist heat that
waited there. Arching my back, I tried to move in closer and
succeeded in capturing the hot knob of his length in my opening.
Just feeling the weight settling there was almost too much to bear
and waiting for his first push was agony. I desperately needed to
feel his heated length inside me, and only his gentle kisses on my
face managed to distract me from my intended goal.

Finally, looking into my eyes, he
pushed forward and slid the head of his manhood into the heat
awaiting him. Every touch, every sensual feeling he was
experiencing was displayed on his face as his eyes looked deeply
into mine. Moving forward, past the tight ring of muscles that
protected the opening, I could see his need burning into his eyes.
Then, the satisfaction as it plunged past and settled just

His sighs of pleasure echoed in my ears
as we looked into each other’s eyes. Then we waited in anticipation
for the first full, deep plunge inward. His eyes gave him away when
his control broke. They were afire as he plunged in and fully
seated his body on mine. We touched everywhere, skin to skin, and
it was exquisite. Leaning down, his kisses became sensually urgent,
so full of need that each kiss grew hotter than the last. He held
my hands down, over my head, anchoring my body to get

I arched my back and thrust for more
and he answered swiftly, plunging in wilder, deeper than ever
before. Using his legs, he spread mine further, and when that was
not enough, when he couldn’t get enough purchase, he moved his
hands away from mine to grab my legs. Reaching his hands under each
buttock, he lifted me up and onto him as he thrust

Our moans of pleasure and excitement
filled the air, I begged for more and he gave me everything he had.
Arching me up higher, I felt his manhood hit a magical spot and
with every thrust, he propelled me closer to my completion. Hearing
my agonized sounds of pleasure, he delved even deeper until I
exploded in a fireball of triumph and satisfaction. Quivers of
attainment rushed through my body as the eruption continued to
pleasure me with each continued thrust of his body.

Hearing his answering groans I knew he
was near to explosion, and as he rapidly increased his pace, I came
again over his heated manhood, coating him with my release. Hearing
my cries triggered his own attainment and he stiffened above me.
Feeling his pulsating manhood emptying into my body was the
greatest joy of my life. He moved to give another round of thrusts
and continued to drain into my body until we fell together in a
heap of relaxed glory.

His heaving puffs of breaths against my
ear made me happy beyond measure, and after catching his breath, he
turned and we looked once again into each other’s eyes. Tenderly
raining kisses down on my face, he rose and lifted me into his
arms. Carrying me into the spare bedroom, he pulled the covers down
and settled me there. Leaving the room, I heard him move to check
that the door was securely locked and then to bank the fire in the
fireplace. Returning, he moved under the covers to join me, and we
talked for hours, of our future plans, until finally, too exhausted
to stay awake; we fell asleep in each other’s arms.

The sound of birds chirping and the
smell of coffee brewing were the first things I experienced when
awaking the next day. Seeing the sunlight streaming into the
window, I knew that the sun had risen high and it must be midday.
Pushing the covers back, I felt the cold air hit my exposed skin
and as I arose, the twinges in my muscles from the previous day’s
activities made themselves known.

Calling out to Grant, and not hearing a
response, I walked naked from the room thinking to check my
grandma’s clothes to see if there was anything, I could wear.
Looking out into the house, I saw movement crossing in front of the
curtained windows and rushed to her room to get dressed. A loud
pounding on the door suddenly burst into the silence, and I
wondered who could be calling at my grandmother’s house.

Stepping into a pair of old, worn boots
pulled from the back of gran’s closet, I answered the increased
pounding on the door with a quick shout of acknowledgement.
Twisting my hair up on my head and stabbing hairpins in as I
walked, I quickly smoothed down the old housedress that I had
found. Feeling uneasy that I wore no undergarments, I wondered if
the dark fabric was sufficient to hide the fact.

BOOK: Little Red
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