Loose Ends (Magnolia Series Book 1) (14 page)

BOOK: Loose Ends (Magnolia Series Book 1)
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Even though she’d had a rough past couple of years, she adopted that motto. It didn’t matter who you were, life would throw something in your path that caused you to trip. The only way to survive was to look at things with a different perspective. Only then would you see that maybe what you’d thought were road blocks, were merely stepping stones to get to a better tomorrow.

Ava found so much comfort wrapped in Luke’s warm embrace. If she could stay there forever she just might consider it. But this was the real world, not some fantasy that prevented you from getting hurt if you found yourself in too deep. If she wasn’t careful she’d find herself so deep that she’d be near the earth’s core soon. 

“Your take on life is refreshing. I wish I knew what caused you to have such an outlook.” Luke lightly kissed the top of her head.

“Not really something I want to talk about.” Ava hoped he wouldn’t press the issue. She didn’t want to ruin this sublime moment with more lies. And that’s what they would be. Lies to cover her reason for being in Biloxi. Lies that would hurt Luke if she told them and then he found out the truth. No, she wasn’t going down that road.

“I respect that.” He pulled away enough to tip her head back and look into her eyes. He stared for what’d seemed like an eternity and surprised her by saying, “You wear contacts?” His face was full of confusion.

Ava pulled away and turned her back. “Yes.”

“They look like they change the color of your eyes.” She could feel him getting closer behind her.

“They do.” Her answers were clipped as she hoped against hope that he’d drop it.

“What color
they normally?”

“It’s not important.”

“I think it is. Seriously, Ava, what color are your eyes?” He grabbed her shoulders and spun her around, looking deep into her currently tawny colored eyes.

Ava let out a resigned sigh, “They’re blue.”

“Oh. Well, I’d love to see your beautiful blue eyes someday,” his voice was as sweet as molasses with its southern drawl and sugary words.

“Maybe someday.” She shrugged while letting him tug her into another embrace.

“But what I really want is to kiss you right now.” He tilted her head back.

“No one’s stopping you.” Ava smiled up at this dazzling creature of a man, wondering why on earth someone as incredible as him would want someone like her.

But it didn’t really matter. They were in their own hand-crafted bubble and he was once again getting ready to kiss her breathless. When his slightly moist lips pressed against hers, she automatically opened her mouth in invitation for him to take things deeper. Luke could never be close enough. She could never be full of his taste, aroma or sounds. The more she had of him, the more she wanted. It was a blessing and a curse being with him. She’d thought she could work him out of her system like any other bad habit. But she couldn’t do it when he was kissing her like he was starving for her. Because the fact of the matter was, she was just as hungry for him as he was for her. It didn’t make sense. Nothing truly made sense anymore when she thought about it. It wasn’t just Luke, it was her entire life. The way things had been so good lately, how she’d decided that maybe she wouldn’t have to run anymore, and how she’d finally found a sense of peace when she woke up each morning. The times she looked over her shoulder were far and few between, she didn’t feel as if she needed eyes in the back of her head so much now, and knowing she had at least one confidant in her life—her dearest friend Brandi— made each day more special. Luke was just icing on her bliss-filled cake.

“I’m starting to believe that you think too much,” Luke said when he finally released her from the toe-curling kiss. His face held concern, but it was the awe and affection that gave her pause.

“Can’t help it.” Ava let out a girlish giggle that was so unlike her.

“I guess I need to ask what you’re thinking about, don’t I?”

For once she didn’t want to hide from him. She was willing to tell him exactly what was on her mind. “I’m just…happy.” Ava let out a contented sigh.

“Happy is good.” Luke wrapped his arm around her shoulder. “Let’s head to the house. I need to feed you and hold you for a while.”

“Sounds like the perfect evening.”



There wasn’t a moment
of the evening that Ava didn’t find herself smiling like a loon. Luke took the time to cook dinner—some sort of chicken and cheese casserole his grandmother used to make—and she found herself enjoying the quiet company while they ate dinner on the back porch. Contentment snuck its way in as she listened to him talk about his time in this house when his grandma was still alive. The summers he spent learning every recipe she’d stashed in her cookbook. The times he and she would get into a flour tossing fight while baking her award-winning peach pie. And the days when she’d gotten sick and he’d stayed with her until she took her last breath. Ava could see the emotions playing out on his face like a slide show and felt her own emotions bubbling to the surface. He’d obviously loved his grandma very much. It was evident in the way he spoke about her. Ava found herself wishing she’d met the woman who’d shaped and molded such a huge chunk of Luke’s life.

“Tell me about your family.” Luke picked up his glass of iced teas and took a long drink.

“Not much to tell really. My parents owned a small bookstore. Pretty mundane stuff.” Ava shrugged. She wasn’t lying this time. It wasn’t like he could look her parents up and find information on them.

“Do you talk to them much?” Luke prodded. 

“No, they were murdered when I was in Cosmetology school.” Ava held back the tears that threatened to spill over. She’d never forget the phone call she’d gotten from her aunt on the day her parents were killed. She’d been finishing up with a client while completing a level of training at the hair academy. In just a few seconds her world went from hopeful to bleak.

“I’m sorry.” Luke reached over and wrapped her hand in his. The gesture comforted her more than she wanted to admit.

“It was tough the first few years without them. You get used to seeing them and talking to them on the phone. It finally sunk in when I picked up my phone to call my mom one day and realized she
be answering.”

“Damn, Ava.”

“I spent a couple years being scared that whoever killed them would come after me. The police said it was a random break-in, though. I didn’t even go back to their house after that. My aunt wanted me to go and get some of my parents’ things, but I couldn’t bring myself to set foot in the place where such a horrific thing happened.”

“Can’t say I blame you. Did they ever catch the person who did it?”

“No, the case went cold about six months afterwards. There were tips called in to the police department, but they couldn’t form any solid leads. Plus, with it being Chicago, it was nearly impossible to nail down a suspect.” Ava snapped her mouth shut and hoped Luke didn’t catch her slipup. She looked away to hide the fear in her eyes at her mistake.

? I thought you were from California?”

“Oh, did I say Chicago? Sorry, I guess I got mixed up,” she laughed hoping he’d drop it.

Luke chuckled but when she looked over at him she could see suspicion lurking in his eyes.
Damn it
. She’d been doing so well hiding her past. Luke had caused her to drop her guard and screw up. “Must be the day I’ve had. The whole incident with Chase…my brain needs a break.” Another excuse; one she hoped he’d believe.

“That’s understandable. It’s getting late. How about we go lay down?” Luke grabbed his empty glass of tea—the half-melted ice cubes clanking around the bottom like a couple of Yahtzee dice in the game shaker—and reached for her hand. She’d expected him to lead her up the grand staircase to his waiting bed, but he did nothing of the sort. Instead he walked into the newly renovated living room and pulled a folded blanket from the back of an antique armchair. Ava gave him a quizzical look as he turned around with the fluffy item draped over his arm.

“What’s that for?” she asked as she reached out and ran her hand over the inviting fabric. The silky texture of the blanket felt like home. Like something she’d want to wrap herself in while sipping a cup of hot cocoa on a cold winter’s night.

“It’s for lying out under the stars.” He smiled as he leaned toward her. His lips pressed a gentle kiss to her forehead and she damn near melted on the spot. “Come on.” He tugged her behind him and back through the kitchen.

The night heat hit her as she followed him out the back door and onto the wraparound porch. Memories flooded her as she remembered what they’d done on this very porch just a couple nights ago. Her fingers ached to grab ahold of the railing again and let Luke take her body until she begged for mercy. But it seemed he had other plans for tonight. Ones that involved lying on a blanket, staring up at the sky. It was romantic in a way, but not the scene she’d envisioned when he said he wanted to “lie down” with her.

Fireflies sparkled all around as Luke searched out the perfect spot to spread the blanket. Glancing around, Ava wondered why he’d finally chosen a spot beneath a towering magnolia tree. “Um, it’s going to be hard to see the stars under a tree,” she said while chewing on the cuticle of her thumbnail.

Luke didn’t say anything as he situated the blanket, stretching out the corners so they were perfectly symmetrical. Ava stood by and watched him kick off his shoes, pull off his socks and tug his shirt over his head. “I wasn’t planning on watching the sky. I’d rather watch you.”

“I’m not interesting enough to watch. You’d probably get more enjoyment from stargazing.”

Luke stepped closer and grabbed the bottom of her shirt, gently tugging it upward. “You underestimate your qualities.” She lifted her arms so he could remove her top entirely. “I, for one, think you’re worth watching.” Luke brushed his knuckles along the flat surface of her exposed stomach. “And touching,” he reached up and grazed her already erect nipple through her lacy bra, “and tasting.”

Ava closed her eyes as he leaned down and ran his warm tongue between her still restrained breasts. “That feels amazing,” she breathed.

Luke wasn’t in a rush. His every movement was meticulous in a way that had her anticipation mounting with each thud of her heart. His fingers walked over her skin like feathers floating on a slight breeze. His mouth worked to drive her mad with lust and the small sounds that escaped from his throat had her whimpering with enough need she thought she’d faint.

“Let’s take care of these.” Luke moved one finger inside the waistband of her jeans, stroking her skin ever-so-lightly and made quick work of the button and zipper. He knelt and pushed the denim down her legs, leaving her standing in nothing but her skimpy undergarments. Once her feet were free of the clothing she instinctively crossed her hands over he lingerie-clad breasts. Luke stood and pulled her arms free. “Don’t do that,” he scolded in a non-threatening tone.

“But we’re outside. What if someone sees us?” She looked around anxiously.

“There’s no one here but us. And don’t ever hide any part of your body from me, Ava. You’re breathtaking.”

Ava wished he’d stop saying sweet things like that. She didn’t want to admit how much they affected her. “Okay,” she agreed.

Luke shoved his jeans down his legs, his boxer briefs with them. He didn’t say a word as he laid down on the blanket staring up at her. Ava couldn’t help but appreciate the way his body looked in the silver moonlight beaming down like a spotlight on his flawless physique. His chest gleamed with a light sheen of sweat from the warm summer night, his rippled abdomen caused her mouth to flood and dry up all in the same breath, and his cock…Ava shivered at the thought that soon she’d have that inside her again.

“Come down here, sweetheart. I need to touch you.” Luke extended his arms up in invitation for her to join him. Need was etched across his handsome face as she lowered herself onto the blanket and lay on her side next to him. He shifted to face her, his hand reaching for hers, locking their fingers together, “Tell me what you’re thinking,” he whispered.

“I don’t want to say.” She was rather embarrassed at the thoughts flitting through her head like nervous dragonflies.

“Tell me.”

Her eyes met his and she
tell him, “I’m thinking about how bad I want you inside of me.” Her cheeks heated at her own admission.

“Want to know a secret?” Luke took his hand from hers and tucked a loose lock of hair behind her ear.


“I’m thinking I can’t wait to be deep inside you, feel you tighten around me and scream my name when you come for me.”

“Please.” Every time she was with him in this capacity she found herself begging. She didn’t normally implore for anything, but Luke brought out something inside her that she normally kept hidden.

“Let me feel you,” he said as he trailed his hand down her body. She instinctively rolled to her back and let her legs fall apart as he stroked her over the top of her panties. “Damn, you’re so hot here.” He put more pressure on her already swollen clit through the thin material. She couldn’t control the soft moans that escaped her lips as he pushed her panties to the side and ran his fingers through the wetness gathering at her center. “Do you know how happy it makes me when I feel you like this?” She didn’t answer his rhetorical question.  Just hearing his excitement over the fact that she was
turned on made her inner walls clench and more moisture seep onto his fingers. He continued to pet her, but didn’t make any moves to enter her with his fingers. “I don’t want anything inside you tonight but my cock.”

Luke rolled to his back and pulled Ava on top of him. She sat astride his body and the thick length of his erection sat nestled against her waiting warmth. “Let me take these off.” She moved to stand and he tugged her back down.

“Leave them on.” Luke once more pushed the lace to the side. “I want you to ride me, Sweetheart.” His hand wrapped around his shaft and stroked a few times before he gave her the go ahead. Ava reached out, took him in her hand and stroked, feeling his silky skin glide through her palm.

She lifted her body up, aligned herself with the swollen head and slowly began to sink down on him. Just as he entered her, Luke grabbed her hips and halted her motions. “Stop.” He sounded like he was fighting himself.

Ava’s heart skipped a beat as she knelt looking down at him. “I’m sorry.” She didn’t know what she was apologizing for, but by the look on Luke’s face, he was apprehensive about something. Did he see someone on the property near them? Did he all of a sudden decide he didn’t want to do this with her? Every insecurity danced in her head like a ballet of insanity.

“Damn it. I forgot the condom,” Luke sighed.

“We can…I mean…” She wanted to tell him that she trusted him. But the words wouldn’t come out.

“Ava, I don’t want you to think I’m making you do something you don’t want to.” He looked up at her with what she thought was affection.

“You’re not pressuring me. I’m safe and I’ve been on the shot for six years.”

“I’m clean, too.”

She leaned down. “I want to feel you,
of you. Nothing between us,” she whispered seductively in his ear. “I want to feel you come deep inside me.” She wasn’t embarrassed to tell him that. It wasn’t that she was experienced in the matter; if Luke agreed to it, he would be the first man who’d ever done that with her.

“Fuck.” He reached down and began to stroke his shaft again. “Tell me that again.”

Ava became brazen all of a sudden. She didn’t know what came over her as she reached down, yanked her panties to the side and took Luke’s erection from his hand. Lowering herself, she began to rub the head of his cock through the gathering wetness between her thighs. “I want to ride you, Luke. I want to feel your cock as it slides in and out of my pussy. I want to feel you as you fill me with cum.”

“Jesus. You’d better stop talking like that or I won’t make it inside of you,” Luke groaned.

Ava wasn’t waiting any longer; she’d had enough teasing and felt an extreme urgency to get to the good part. She brushed his cock a few more times across her more than ready center and lined him up with her waiting entrance. Her eyes flickered shut as she sank down—inch by delectable inch—until he was fully seated inside her. The feel of his intimate flesh in contact with hers had her so close to the edge of bliss already. Taking a few calming breaths she finally opened her eyes to see Luke was struggling, too.

“Better than I could’ve ever imagined,” he said, grasping her hips and holding her to him. His grip seared her flesh as he dug his fingertips into her skin as if he were holding on for dear life in a raging storm.

BOOK: Loose Ends (Magnolia Series Book 1)
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