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Authors: A. C. Arthur

Love Me Like No Other (2 page)

BOOK: Love Me Like No Other
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Crossing to the other side of the room she saw trophies and commendations presented to the casino by the State of Nevada, the Gaming Commission, the governor. Whoever the Boss was, he was pretty darn popular.

Absently sliding her hand over the smooth leather arm of the couch Jade wondered what it must be like to live in such splendor. She came from a middle-class family. They didn’t starve but they didn’t have a lot of luxuries, either. Now that she owned her own business that would change, hopefully. Too bad Grammy wouldn’t be here to share it with her. She heard a clicking sound behind her and turned quickly…a little too quickly, because her heel caught in the deep carpet and she felt herself falling backward, arms flailing wildly.

Moments before her head would have hit the
edge of the marbled coffee table strong arms slipped around her waist pulling her back into an upright position. At the contact, slow and steady waves of heat slid through her body until warmth overtook her. He held her close, the front of her pressed securely against the hard strength of him. His masculine scent—she’d smelled it instantly upon entering the room—engulfed her, rendering her defenseless against its torture. Then she managed enough coherency to look at his face. She saw the eyes, remembered and immediately stiffened.


Linc had been admiring the view from behind. She wore black pants, tight around her hips and backside then stretching the length of what he imagined to be long, gorgeous legs. Her hair swayed seductively down her back as she moved. Then she’d reached out, touched the couch and let her fingers glide along the fabric. He imagined that hand moving over him in the same manner. Touching him lightly, gripping him…He took a deep breath then steadied himself before speaking.

She owed him money. This was no longer about his immediate attraction to her, but more about business. And Linc never let anything get in the way of business.

Then she’d tripped and he’d rushed over to keep her from falling. Without thinking twice he’d grabbed her, wrapped his arms around her and pulled her close, keeping her there. Those luscious breasts rubbed against his lower chest and he wanted to moan. One hand was dangerously close to the small of her back, where the roundness of her bottom began. Every inch of his body stood at attention including the one he’d been battling with since the moment he’d first glimpsed her over the monitor. He was sure she was aware of his aroused state and wondered what thoughts were going through her mind.

He looked down into her face. Noted the high cheekbones, the hazel eyes, the succulent lips…then back to the eyes again…



She opened her mouth to speak but nothing came out. It couldn’t be. Please, please, please, don’t let her luck be

It had been years. Eight years to be exact. She’d thought of him occasionally—okay, frequently—in that time. But she never, ever thought she’d see him again. She didn’t
to see him again.

But here he was, as tall, dark and breathtakingly handsome as he’d been that night. He’d developed. Instinctively her fingers tightened over
his biceps. She gasped and pulled her hands away as if she’d been burned. He still held her close. Too close. She wriggled trying to break free.

“Sweetheart, that’s not such a good idea right now,” he said through clenched teeth.

She halted as the knowledge of what he meant poked her stomach. He had grown. She swallowed then summoned the courage she seemed to have left at the door and tried again to speak. “Then why don’t you be kind enough to let me go?”

“I’m not real sure I want to do that.”

His smoldering gaze held her still, reducing her insides to mush that shifted and swirled in a fiery ball at her center. Her knees were shaking. She hated herself for this pure feminine weakness. He no longer had this type of control over her, no man did. Planting her palms firmly on his chest and trying like hell to ignore the blessed rigidness beneath her palms she pushed against him. “I don’t care what you want.”

He frowned, then loosened his grip until his hands were no longer on her. But not before letting them glide down her hips, just brushing past her bottom. Her body quaked one last time as she took a shaky step backward.

“Fine. We’ll get right to business then.” He spoke as he turned away and moved around his desk.

She watched him walk—correction, Lincoln Donovan had never walked, he swaggered. That self-assured glide that said he was the man and you’d better not dispute it. His dress pants were expertly tailored and hung over his hips and taut buttocks just right. Her mouth watered. He wore all black. His pants, his shirt, his tie, everything was black and domineering. And Jade had never loved the color more. His arms were even thicker when she looked at them from a distance, his chest broader, his shoulders squared. He was built like a quarterback, his skin the color of aged rum, dark and satisfying. Damn, he was still fine.

And he was still the man who’d taken her virginity then left her high and dry the next morning.

“Business? What are you doing here?” she asked when she’d found her voice again and stopped ogling him like some schoolgirl with a crush.

“I should ask you the same thing.” He took his seat then with a nod motioned for her to do the same.

She didn’t want to sit. She wanted to get away from him as quickly as possible. But that would prove she was afraid. And she’d be damned if she gave him that satisfaction. She sat in the chair across from his desk. “Casinos are open to the public.”

He sat back in the chair eyeing her carefully. “That they are. But they don’t give away money. At least
casino doesn’t. And according to my Pit Boss you want to speak to me about a five-thousand-dollar marker owed. How do you plan to pay? Cash or credit?”

Oh, God, this was
casino. Lincoln Donovan owned the Gramercy. She truly did have bad luck! Still, she refused to break down. There was a solution, she just had to find it. “I don’t have that much cash on hand. I can sign a promissory note and…”

He was already shaking his head negatively. “I don’t take promissory notes.”

She cocked her head to the side. “But you don’t have a problem taking innocent girls?” She hadn’t meant to say that. Yes, as a matter of fact she had. She hadn’t ever planned on seeing him again, so all the anger she’d had that morning when she’d awakened to an empty bed in a male dormitory came rushing back with a vengeance. Over the years she’d thought of a million ways she wanted to curse him out for what he’d done to her.

He frowned. “I’d rather we talked about business.”

“That’s fine. But our first order of business is the past. You know, the night you seduced me and the morning you left?”

“Jade—” he began.

“How could you be so careless? So evil?”

He stood, slamming his hand down on the desk. “That’s enough!” he roared. “I am not going to rehash the past with you. It happened. Get over it.”

“Get over it?” She stood, too, glaring at him with a look so vicious that it probably matched his. “Who the hell do you think you are? You can’t just do what you want and think you don’t have to ever answer for it.”

He came around the desk towering over her until she had to crane her neck to keep eye contact. “I
do what I want. And I don’t have to answer to you. On the other hand, if you don’t come up with my five thousand dollars I can call the LVPD and they can engage you in a question-and-answer session.”

At that moment she hated him more than she’d ever hated another human in her life. She wanted to slap him, to scream at his callousness, his arrogance. But she’d been raised better than that. So with a deep breath and a step back she decided to forego the fact that Lincoln Donovan would forever be on her most-hated list and handle her business. “I told you I don’t have the cash. So what do you want?”


That was a loaded question if Linc had ever heard one.

She was beautiful. Too beautiful for words.
But then he’d known that years ago. What he didn’t know, or perhaps hadn’t had the chance to experience, was how sinfully sexy she became when she was fired up. He’d wanted nothing more than to grab her, to toss her over his desk and have his way with her. Luckily, like Jade, he remembered their past. In the instant he’d touched her the memories of their one night together came barreling back. He’d noticed her weeks before they’d actually met and had watched her the entire time she was at the party. He’d known then that he wanted her in his bed. It wasn’t until after he’d achieved that feat that the trouble began.

Jade Vincent was incredible to look at. Who would have guessed that he’d want more? He had no idea that spending one evening with her would incite feelings of permanency that would scare him witless.

But that was then.

And this was now. Did she have any idea how much her words had turned him on? No, she was clearly too angry to see that.

This was a totally different Jade than he remembered. She didn’t have that naive look about her anymore. Her body had filled out more, her stance had become more self-assured and assertive.
No, this was definitely not the college girl he’d slept with.

And yet, he desired her just the same.

“I want you,” he said slowly and watched as her eyes grew bigger. “For an entire week. Seven days and six nights.” The thought came to him as simply as his next breath.

“What?” she whispered.

“I’ll clear your debt if you spend the week with me.”

She was already shaking her head negatively backing further away from him. It wasn’t her debt, but he didn’t need to know that. He didn’t need to know anything about her. “You are out of your everlasting mind.”

She moved and he moved with her until her back was to the wall, her front dangerously close to his. “I’m making you an offer. Spend the week with me or I’ll call the police.” To his own ears the ultimatum sounded stupid and offensive and he waited with baited breath for her to answer.

He should have stopped, should have kept a reasonable distance from her but simply couldn’t. The tips of her breasts brushed against his chest and tension fairly crackled between them. “Six nights, in my bed.” He lowered his head until his lips were scant inches from her ear. “Seven days at my beck and call.” His tongue scraped her earlobe.


Jade melted. Heaven help her she was still attracted to this monster. And now she owed him money. Simply put, she was at his mercy.

Even so what he was suggesting was ridiculous. She wasn’t for sale…her body wasn’t for sale. “No,” she stated in a shaky voice.

He traced a scorching path down her neck with his tongue. “And you don’t strike me as a woman who would renege on her debts.”

Chapter 2

even days and six nights,” Jade stated matter-of-factly.

Linc was still kissing her neck but the shift in her tone stopped him. A moment ago she’d been breathless, feeling the same attraction that he was, the same attraction that they’d shared eight years ago. He couldn’t believe he could still want her with the same urgency as a young, horny student. He had to get a grip on his actions, on what he was about to do, but couldn’t help being entranced by the woman in his arms.

He pulled back until he could once again look
into her eyes. She had deep, compassionate eyes. Eyes that held secrets and sadness. He’d always wanted to know why. Jade Vincent had intrigued him from the moment he first saw her. Linc was shocked to realize that eight years later her effect on him hadn’t changed.

“My parents are celebrating their fortieth wedding anniversary this week. There are a lot of activities planned and I’ll need a date. For reasons I won’t go into I need a woman to give the appearance of a healthy, loving relationship.”

“I find it very hard to believe that you can’t find a date,” she quipped.

Reaching out a hand he let his thumb trace her bottom lip, the very spot he longed to taste. Linc forced himself to be cautious, to take this twist of fate slowly. Eight years ago he’d let her slip away and for the last ten minutes he’d been thinking of any reason he could to keep her here.

“I can get a date. But this calls for something a little less dramatic. You’ll be doing a job, working off your debt.”

Jade folded her arms over her chest, effectively ending the intimate contact between her breasts and him. She looked up, defiance clear in those sultry eyes. He was curious as to what was going on in that pretty little head of hers but decided to wait until she divulged her thoughts, which, if he
remembered her correctly, he was sure she’d do. Jade didn’t mince words. That was part of the reason he’d left his dorm room while she was sleeping.

“A business deal of sorts?”

Her understanding didn’t surprise him. Jade was a very intelligent woman. “Exactly.” He nodded.

She tilted her head, placed a finger to her chin and gazed at him steadily. “I’ll stay with you for seven days and six nights. I’ll smile and act like I have some semblance of admiration for you.” She paused then slipped from between him nd the wall. “But I will not sleep with you. For that you’ll have to hire a professional. And if you call the police I’ll tell them you propositioned me for money.”

Linc had turned to face her and couldn’t help but gape while she spoke. The more he looked at her, the more alluring she became. She’d been pretty enough to catch his attention from across the room at the frat party. That’s how she’d ended up in his bed. And now, he could hardly focus on his so-called business deal as thoughts of having her back in his bed nagged at him. The strange thing was, in the very back of his mind, if he allowed himself to admit it, there was something else bothering him about Jade and her appearance at his casino.

She’d countered his offer with one of her own. He had to smile. That was precisely what he would have done. “Did I proposition you before?” he asked out of curiosity.

“You said that was the past. We’re not here to talk about the past. Remember?” Jade stood perfectly still mentally willing her legs not to shake and her voice not to crack. She had to get away from him or else all her thoughts would have turned to mush, as his tongue moving sinuously over her sensitive skin had raised the room temperature several degrees already. “This is a job and those are my terms.”

She’d deal with her traitorous body later. Right now she needed to deal with Mr. You’re-in-debt-to-me-so-you’ll-do-whatever-I-say. He might run a big, fancy casino and he might be filthy rich and he might even be too handsome for his own good, but he would
control her or her emotions ever again.

He smiled. Not a happy smile that reached his eyes, but a half smile that gave a slight peek of straight, white teeth. He slipped a hand into his pocket, pulling her gaze instinctively to his midsection. He was still hard, all of him. She licked her lips at the memory of his rigid erection between her thighs.

She took another protective step back although
he hadn’t made any motion toward her. “So,” she began a little shakier than she wanted to sound. “Do we have a deal?”

If it were possible Linc would swear her counter-offer had increased his desire for her. The simmering heat at his groin wanted him to accept the deal on the table even though it didn’t include that certain satisfaction he was aiming for. She’d backed up to his desk now and was leaning against it, her hands gripping the edge, her breasts heaving, beckoning him.

Without another thought he moved closer until his erection pressed against her belly again. She leaned back, possibly to escape the inevitable. Still he leaned closer until his lips hovered above hers. His tongue stroked her top lip. She moaned. He traced the bottom lip. Her nails scraped the top of the desk. Then he covered her mouth, pressing his tongue against her lips until another moan tried to escape granting him access. Delving into the warmth Linc allowed himself a taste of the days ahead.

Memories came flooding back as his tongue, thick and hot, grazed hers, pulling her deeper until she had no choice but to cooperate. Jade felt as if she were drowning and he was her only lifeline. He controlled the kiss, controlled her, his mouth moving seductively over hers
evoking a fresh wave of heat that centered between her legs.

He was thick and hard against her and she wanted nothing more than to spread her legs and let him in. The ache in her center increased as he pushed against her. He wanted her to feel him, to want him. He knew what her reaction to him was, just as he’d known all those years ago.

He’d kissed her before. Her senses froze, her heart pausing as she recalled the differences between now and then.

His tongue probed deeper, stroked more boldly over hers. Dizziness enveloped her as she clung to the wondrous feel of his hot tongue mingling with hers. Desire swept through her like a raging storm leaving her weak and submissive—two emotions she absolutely despised.

Then as quickly as the kiss had begun it ended. He pulled away. “It’s a deal.”

Leaving her, Linc moved around his desk. He pulled out the top drawer then retrieved a card. He reached into his back pocket and extracted his wallet. He handed her two cards. “This is the key to my penthouse here at the casino and this is a credit card.”

When she’d regained her senses from that kiss she looked down at what he was giving her. “What’s the credit card for?”

“There will be a formal party on Saturday, luncheons throughout the week and various other activities. You’ll need a wardrobe.”

A bit insulted by his words she frowned. “I have clothes.”

“I’m sure you do. Think of this as your uniform for the job.”

Oh, he was a smug something, an arrogant and self-assured brut that she would cut down the very next time he thought to touch her. She’d do this job because her sister’s freedom depended on it. But that was all this week was about.

With a sly smile she took the cards from him. “I love a shopping spree.”

“Then by all means enjoy yourself. I have meetings the rest of the afternoon. We’ll have dinner in the room and we’ll leave for my parents’ estate in the morning.”

“Where do they live?” Eight years ago she’d known nothing about him except his name and that he was the most beautiful man she’d ever seen. She wasn’t surprised that a part of her still wanted to know more about him.

“Northeast of the city limits. It’s a horse ranch, one of my father’s new hobbies. Do you ride?”

She looked at him, and noted the hint of desire still shadowed in his eyes. He wanted her and to a certain extent he’d gotten her. She’d be at his side
for an entire week. She’d made it clear that she wouldn’t sleep with him, but she wouldn’t pass up an opportunity to make him suffer the same way she had. “Wouldn’t you like to know,” she said with a half smile before sashaying out of his office.


The moment the door closed Linc let out a long, slow moan. He’d never been this hard, this excited over a woman before. When he’d kissed her he’d thought of nothing else but ripping her clothes off, getting his mouth on those breasts, those nipples that he’d felt harden beneath him. Did she ride? She had ridden him that night with the experience of a shy virgin. He’d coaxed her until she’d found her rhythm, until she’d driven him so wild he’d had no choice but to end the sweet torture.

She would ride him again, he thought, his hand resting on his erection. She would definitely ride again.

But that was for later. For now he had to handle some details. He had never taken a woman home to his parents and his brothers would surely get a kick out of the first time. Lifting the receiver he dialed his youngest brother’s number.

“Speak to me,” Adam answered in his deep, cheerful voice.

“It’s Linc. We need a conference.”

“What’s up?”

“It’s about this week.”

“Cool. Hold on. I’ll connect Trent.”

After a few clicks all three of the Donovan brothers were on the line. The Triple Threat as they’d been dubbed. Each one of them, Lincoln, Trenton and Adam, separated by two years each, possessed bone-deep good looks, quick minds, huge bank accounts and the ability to make any woman whimper with need. They were also confirmed bachelors. A fact that had long since plagued the women of Nevada.

“What’s going on?” Trent asked first.

Adam answered, “I don’t know, big brother initiated the conference.”

“I wanted to give you guys a heads up. I’m bringing someone with me this week.”

“Home? You’re bringing a guest home with you?” Adam asked.


“I assume this guest is a woman,” Trent offered.

“Yes. It’s a woman. Her name is Jade Vincent. She’ll be spending the week with us.”

“And who is this Jade Vincent?” Trent was an ex-Navy Seal who now owned a company of special investigators that filled high priority government assignments. He trusted no one and suspected everybody.

“An old college friend I ran into today.”

“You haven’t seen her since college and you’re bringing her home to meet the folks? That doesn’t sound like you,” Adam surmised.

“It’s not like that. It’s business,” Linc replied.

On the other line Trent frowned. “Explain.”

“She owes me a favor and I’m collecting by using her as a shield between Mom and all the eligible ladies she’ll have lined up for me.”

Adam chuckled. “Good thinking.”

“Whew, I sure am glad you’re the oldest.”

Linc frowned at Trent’s words. “And why is that?”

“Because you’re the first one she wants to marry off. Which leaves Adam and I more time to prowl the herd.”

“I am
getting married. This is just a buffer for the week. Next week I’ll be prowling right beside the two of you.”


So she’d accepted this ridiculous arrangement to keep her sister out of jail. Noelle better be damn grateful to have a sister like her. It had taken years for her to to get over what Lincoln Donovan did to her and now in the span of a half hour she’d been reduced to that brokenhearted college girl all over again.

Except now she was not only older, she was
wiser. She would not be succumbing to his charms or his smile or his scent. She was stronger than that. She’d do this so-called job and she’d walk away from him the same way he’d walked away from her.

With credit card in hand she sat back against soft leather seats as Mario, Linc’s personal chauffeur, drove down the the Strip. After Mario had indicated he’d been instructed to take her anywhere she wanted to go, she quickly directed him to the Fashion Show Mall where she did her best window shopping. There were things in the window at Neiman Marcus that she’d had her eye on for a while now.

Lately, all her money went back into the spa or toward Noelle’s college education. Noelle was definitely going to set a record for how long she would draw out a four-year degree program. Jade was no fool—she was sure Noelle was stalling. While she sympathized with Noelle’s fear of responsibility she wasn’t footing the bill beyond this year. Now she felt like a child at Christmas who’d been given the key to Santa’s workshop. Sure, this key came with lots of strings, but she wasn’t going to think about that right now. The car came to a stop and she smiled to herself. Oh, no, she was thoroughly going to enjoy this moment and she’d deal with the rest later.

Three hours later her feet had begun to feel numb, the muscles in her arms strained from the weight of the bags she carried from one store to the next. She was making her way back to the car for her fifth drop off when she figured she’d better call Noelle before she sent the cavalry out to find her.

“Hello?” Noelle answered her cell on the first ring.

“Hey, it’s me.”

“Where are you? I thought you’d be back hours ago. Did you get the money?”

Jade rolled her eyes. She should at least be proud that Noelle had asked about her before the money. “I’m at the mall.”

“That means you got the money!” Noelle said excitedly. “That’s cool. What mall? I’ll meet you there.”

Noelle liked to shop, too. That’s another reason she couldn’t concentrate on school—because she was too busy keeping up with the latest fashions.

“No. Don’t bother. I’m just about done. Look, I’m going away for the week. I need you to take over at the spa.” Jade had been grooming Noelle for an assistant manager position and although Noelle was mostly resistant to the idea she’d caught on fast and Jade trusted she could handle the responsibility for a week. Besides, Kent, her
full-time assistant, would be there should any problems arise.

“Where are you going and how come you get to go shopping and I don’t?” Noelle whined.

“Because I’m the one who sold my soul to the devil to save your ungrateful behind.”

“What are you talking about?”

Jade sighed. She really didn’t want to give Noelle too many details. “Nothing. Just take care of the shop for the week and when I come home be prepared to have a plan for your life because I don’t intend to do this for you anymore.”

BOOK: Love Me Like No Other
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