Love Me Some You: A Complete Novel (6 page)

BOOK: Love Me Some You: A Complete Novel
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“Yes! Thank God for giving Moni a filthy rich boyfriend!” I screamed excitedly and pulled my Louis Vuitton suitcase quickly behind me.

“Moni, are we going to call a cab or...?” Giselle asked her, yawning as she did so.

“Tremaine hasn’t called me yet, so I guess we’ll just have to wait.”

“Guys, look over there.” Giselle pointed at a small sophisticated chauffeur who was standing outside a pink limo, that was holding up a simple sign that read, “Monique Williams.”

Ooooo! Tremaine you are an angel. A sexy angel.


Three days into Miami and we were having so much fun. So far in Miami, we had been to the spa, shopping, and next on our list was partying and we were heading to the Shelbourne Hotel for a hotel roof pool party.

Trey was nowhere to be found, and it was making Monique feel some type of way. I knew she missed him, and his dick, probably. The two freaks can never keep their hands off each other. They’ve already had Skype sex every day since we’ve been in Miami. I clocked Monique doing a strip tease for Trey on camera, but she noticed me in the background staring. So from now on, she locked the door whenever they got freaky on Skype, so I couldn’t watch.

We were wearing matching bikinis which we had bought on our shopping spree yesterday. I was wearing neon, Moni was wearing pink, Giselle yellow and Tasha black. Our bodies were looking great and I was excited to party.

“Girls, we’re here!” Tasha shouted excitedly as she applied more shimmering gloss on her lush lips and got out the limousine that had drove us here.

We exited the car quickly and made our way through the Shelbourne Hotel, up the elevator to the top floor where I had found out the location of the infamous pool party. The Shelbourne is known to host the craziest, wildest and loudest parties. I’m ready to run wild and let loose!

“Shit, this place is packed. Tell me why you chose this place Jess?” Monique questioned her. I forgot how much she hated large crowds and packed spaces. But, oh well; today, she had to deal with it.

Everyone was dancing to the loud tunes playing and people were mucking around in the largely sized pool, drinking recklessly and kissing on random males and females.

“To cheer you up! C’mon Mo, live yo’ life! And everyone knows I haven’t had some in agessss, I’m on it tonight!” I sang happily as I made my way to the medium sized bar and ordered my first cocktail.

This was going to be a great party!


It didn’t matter how many guys I danced with, or how many guys gave me their number. All I kept thinking about was him.

And how much I had really missed him. All the bad things he had done to me seemed unimportant because all I wanted was him to be with me.

But I promised myself I wasn’t going to go back there. It was over. Ryan’s history.

I needed a new fresh start.

~ 8~

~ Jessica ~

“Giselle, yes, I know... It was Jessica who noticed... My emotions were all over the place... One minute, I was crying the next I was smiling... I’ve taken a couple tests… But I’m going to the clinic tomorrow to make sure, but there’s a high chance that I am… Yes, I know!... Faye?... What if it’s a boy?... Charles?... Giselle... You’re tooo silly!... Yeah, Jess is driving to his house right now... I’m not sure, we’ll see how he reacts... I’ll call you back later, bye babe.”


Oh Lord, she’s pregnant. I don’t even know when it happened all I know is that her emotions were constantly changing ever since we came back from Miami and she’s been having a lot of sex with Tremaine. Let’s just hope Trey accepts this child. He doesn’t really have a choice or I will kill him. He couldn’t expect to get my best friend pregnant and not do anything about it.

I know for a fact that Monique was excited. She had always wanted a baby.

I was currently driving up to Trey’s mansion. He didn’t know she was coming over, so she was going to give him a good surprise, hopefully. We’ll just have to see his reaction about his new baby.

“Jess, what if he do-”

Monique’s phone began to ring, interrupting her from telling me her thoughts.

“Hello Auntie?... Yes... What? Slow down... New York?!... He didn’t tell me... Are you serious?... A TV anchor psychologist?... Oh my... Is it too late?!... No, no, tell them to wait, I’ll love to speak to them honestly... I might not even take the job but it would good to talk to them... Yeah, I’ll be quick, promise... I’m pregnant... You know?... Yeah, I have been all over the place, hormones flying... Yeah... I’ll be there soon... See you Auntie!... I love you too.”

Monique got off the phone and I figured by her quiet behavior, she had just found out something.

I pulled up to Tremaine’s gate. We smiled as Trey’s gate man opened the large gate. We entered his driveway and I slowly parked the car.

“Mo, what’s wrong?” I questioned her, wanting to know the news Auntie May had told her on the phone.

“Long story short... Just know he’s in big trouble when I see him. Can you believe I was offered a job in New York and this nigga didn’t feel to tell me at all? Once we’re done here, I’ve gotta go back to work.”

“Wow... Well when we see him, I’m slapping him up, Mo. Firstly, for getting you pregnant; now you can’t go to anymore pool parties with me! Secondly, for not telling you about New York,” I smirked and rolled my eyes. That silly fool, getting my best friend pregnant.

Monique chuckled at me playfully as we slowly got out the car, walked up the steps leading to the door and she brought out the spare keys that Trey had given her to the house. Gently, she opened the large chestnut brown door and she made her way inside while I followed her right behind.

“He’s probably in his study,” she whispered to me. “Stay here, I’ll go surprise him first,” she told me, as I watched her make her way quietly to his study. I just hoped they don’t get too freaky when they saw each other, because I need to go back home and get ready for my photo shoot.

I took this opportunity to sit down on Trey’s brown sofa and answer some e-mails on my iPhone.

There were two text messages from Ryan which I didn’t bother to read, I just deleted them immediately. He kept changing his number in order to contact me. So I knew that I would need to get a new number very soon. I was not going to allow him to think for one second that he was getting me back. We were finished and I’m not going back there. He must have been crazy if he thought that he could sweet talk me again and everything would be fine.

He was a stupid fool and I didn’t want him anymore.

I could hear footsteps running towards the living room and once Monique entered, I looked up only to see tears on her pretty face. I stood up, and went up to her. Why was she crying? Had Trey done something wrong?

“Monique, what’s wrong? Why are you crying!?”

“T-Trey’s cheating on me,” she croaked out tearfully.

What?! Wait... I don’t believe this. Tremaine cheating on Monique? With who? Then it hit me...


“I’m going to kill that idiot! Where the fuck is he?!” I was immediately enraged. I was going to kill Tremaine. Is he stupid? No... He must be! How dare he cheat on Monique after all they’ve been through?!

“J-Jess, no...” She began to wipe her tears on the back of her hand. “Let me sort this, p-please, go to the car and start the engine.”

Was she sure? She didn’t need to go through this bullshit. I could sort out Trey for her. I would definitely sort him out for her.

“Moni, are you sure, you don’t need to do this shit... I can sort him out.”

“Jess, p-please just do this for me.”

I nodded at her quickly, before giving her a long needed hug and making a swift exit out the house.

All I kept thinking about was how disappointed I was that Trey had cheated on my best friend with another woman. Only Lord knows how much I wanted to murder Tremaine right now. No wonder he was sending us on holiday to Miami. I knew he was up to something.

Fifteen minutes later, Monique exited his house, walked to my car and opened the car door. She sat down in the passenger’s seat and wrapped her arms around her flat stomach. Her eyes closed shut and I knew that she was trying her best not to cry.

“Monique, baby, don’t worry. You don’t need him anymore.”

She didn’t reply, so I decided to keep my mouth shut and start the car engine.

Unfortunately, Mr. Cheater decided to come out. However, I didn’t care about him. I was already driving towards his gate ready to get the hell out of here.

Trey ordered his gate man to keep the gate closed, as he quickly ran up to my car and stood in front so I couldn’t move anywhere. This fool! I wanted to run him down so bad.

I rolled down my window so I could tell him to get out the way. “Tremaine, move before I run you over, fool!” I said rudely, beeping and honking away at him.

“Not until I talk to Monique.” Monique wasn’t even looking up at him, she had her hands on her stomach and just kept her face down. I could see the tears on her beautiful face.

Lord knew I wanted to kill this boy.

“Move, you idiot! Don’t be thinkin’ that I’m afraid to run you over because I ain’t!” I warned him. My foot was ready to press the gas pedal and run this fool over. He needed to pay for what he had done.

“Jess, please! Just give me five minutes!” he pleaded with me, still keeping his eyes on Monique.

Well, there’s only one way he can talk to her that I will allow.

I slowly winded down Monique’s window and allowed Tremaine to crouch down near her car window and speak to her.

“Baby...” he began slowly, trying to hold her hands but she quickly moved her hands away.

What the hell? I was suddenly annoyed at the way he was trying to sweet talk her, despite the fact that he had just cheated on her.

He reminded me of Ryan.

“Yo! Don’t baby her, you rass-”

“Jess...” Monique interrupted me. “It’s okay, five minutes please,” she said gently.

I rolled my eyes, pissed off but I exited the car and began to text away in the corner. Trey made his way to the driver’s seat and got in beside Monique, rolled up the windows and began to talk to her.

That stupid idiot! How could he do this to her?! I actually thought he was a good guy, guess I thought wrong. Monique fucking loved him! She was even having his baby, and he went and did this shit!? I honestly think this is it for them. I mean, the last time they had a problem was because of Tiffany. Monique was not going to let Trey get away with this.

He was now in the car with Monique, and by the looks of things, Monique wanted to beat his ass! Good girl, I taught her well! Monique kept hitting him, and he just allowed her to. Then, Monique started crying again. Trey was trying to calm her down, he began to kiss her but she slapped him, hard! Tremaine spoke again, Monique’s eyes widened with shock, and that’s when she gave him another slap. Monique began shouting at him, and I could make out some of her angry words.

“ that bitch pregnant!?”

“...Job offer in New York?”

“I’m leaving...”

“We are DONE!”

“Son of a-”

She began hitting him again, the tears still flowing down her face. Tremaine instantly grabbed her hands, held them behind her firmly and pulled her face towards his. He said a few words before pulling her lips on to his.

Monique... Monique wasn’t hitting him this time... She was kissing him back. But I could tell this would be the last kiss they would have together. Trey wrapped his arms around her waist and that’s when Mo snapped again.


That’s my guuurl!

She was heartbroken and I knew that the only way to heal her heart was to get Trey away from her, as far as possible.

Time was up. Five minutes were done. It was over.

Suddenly, I saw that stupid hoe emerge from Trey’s house, wearing nothing but a black dressing gown, smirking and grinning to herself. This hoe, who has now ruined my best friend’s relationship. This hoe who needed to be taught a lesson, and I was definitely not shy to give it to her.

And that is when I, Jessica Carter, began to tie my hair up and take off my pearl earrings.


~ Tremaine ~

“Baby, please,” I tried to calm her down, despite the fact that she had given me one hard slap, I didn’t care. I loved her with all my heart and I didn’t want to ever lose her.

“Trey, get the fuck out!” she shouted angrily, tears flowing from her beautiful face and her fists clenched.

“So you just gon’ leave me like this? After all we’ve been through? Monique, I made a mistake, but it wasn’t my fault. She-”

“Wasn’t your fault?! Are you fucking retarded?! This is all your fault! Her stupid pregnancy, you hiding the job offer, which I am taking by the way, and my pregna-” She looked away instantly and immediately I knew.

“Baby, you pregnant?” I questioned her, slightly shocked, slightly happy. She’s having my baby? I knew her constant vomiting wasn’t normal.

“It’s none of your damn business, go check on your hoe and her damn baby... YOUR damn baby!” she fired back at me. Damn... I messed up. I really messed up. Four months we’ve been together and I’ve never, ever seen her so cold hearted like this. Look what I’ve done. I’m such an idiot!

“Monique, baby, I can’t lose you.” I can’t lose her, not now that I know she’s most likely pregnant. I can’t lose Monique. She’s mine. Mine to keep. Mine to stay.

“Tremaine, you lost me the minute you got that bitch pregnant. You even had the audacity to sleep with her, while I was sleeping upstairs! I fucking hate you, get out, we’re done, do you hear me?!” She leaned in closer to me, just to ensure I could hear her nice and clearly. “Do you fucking hear me?! We are fucking over. Don’t call me, don’t text me, delete my number!”

“But I love you, Tiffany was blackmailing me. I didn’t want her, I love
, Monique!”

“Listen to me, you idiot. If Tiffany was blackmailing you, you should have told me from the start. You are a coward. You could have prevented this from happening but yet you allowed Tiffany to take advantage of you. Be with Tiffany and stay the hell away from me.”

“Monique, I’m not going anywhere, I love you!”

“And I don’t love you. You expect me to still be with you after this?! Are you crazy!?”

“I want us to ma...”

Wait a minute... I took a glimpse at Monique’s side view mirror and I immediately saw pieces of Tiffany’s blonde weave flying in the air.


Monique turned around in her seat and started laughing hysterically before getting out to join Jess. No way did I want to get involved but Mama would kill me if anything happened to Tiffany’s baby... Our baby.

Immediately, I rushed out of Jess’ car.

“Stand up, bitch! I’m not done with you yet!” Jess shouted at Tiffany who was currently crawling on the floor, too weak to get up and fight back. Tiffany looked awful. The dressing gown she had taken from my wardrobe, was battered with Jess’s footprints and she had patches of her weave tracks that Jess had viciously ripped out.

“Get the fuck up, bitch!” Jess commanded at Tiffany who was slowly coming up on to her feet.

“Yo! Jess, that’s enough, she’s pregnant,” I informed Jess, trying to stop her from hurting Tiffany any longer.

“What the fuck?” Jess asked me dumbfounded turning round to face me.

That’s when Tiffany got up and tried to lunge at Jess from behind, but Jess caught her and slammed her down.

I rushed to Tiffany and began to help her up. “Jess, stop! She’s fucking pregnant. Damn, stop!” I held Tiffany up, and made our way into the house.

“That fuckin’ bitch,” I heard Tiffany mumble, between her soft cries. I turned around, taking one last look at Monique.

“You know I’ll always love you Monique, and I’m sorry this had to happen. I’ll nev-”

“Save it Trey, we’re done. I never want to see you again, you’re dead to me,” she said sternly, and got inside Jess’s car.

BOOK: Love Me Some You: A Complete Novel
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