Read Love Notes and Football Online

Authors: Rhonda Laurel

Tags: #Interracial romance, #sports romance

Love Notes and Football (9 page)

BOOK: Love Notes and Football
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“Here I thought you’d be kicking and screaming.” He laughed.

“People in glass ranch houses shouldn’t throw stones. I’m moving to Texas in a few years. It’s not fair to me to keep you frozen in time while I change my landscape. Would you like to see the model home? Your son is a wonderful architect.”

“Let me get my coat.”

“And dad?”

He turned back to look at her.

“Bring the cookies.”


* * *



The Titan’s didn’t win the Super Bowl. The game was down to the wire, but it just wasn’t meant to be. They celebrated Jake’s second birthday at the penthouse, an event that was almost as lavish as his birthday party at the ranch. But the best part of the week was making preparations to head down to the ranch for the wedding.

She cried when Jake tried on his tailored tuxedo. It was only yesterday that he was learning to crawl. Now he was a big brother, a fact that he was greatly proud of, and he was getting closer to the age when he’d be starting school. She’d thumbed through a few books on home schooling at the bookstore, but Michelle conveniently placed a book on healthy relationships between mothers and sons on her desk. It snapped her out of the ferocious desire to keep her babies in a cocoon.

And then it was time for her bachelorette party. Morgan put on a comfortable pair of jeans and a T-shirt, ready to let her friends and family lead her into heaven-knew-what.

“There’s the bride-to-be. How you feeling?” Sydney said as she descended the stairs.

“Sydney.” Morgan stopped at the kitchen threshold. “I just wanted you to know—I thought I’d never feel like I had a mother again, but I have been blessed with two wonderful women who are great moms to me. Thank you for giving me the time I needed to have this great relationship with you. I can’t tell you how much it’s meant to me that you didn’t give up on me.”

“Love waits for everyone.” Sydney smiled.

Morgan and Sydney entered the kitchen just in time to join a lively discussion. Nina and Michelle looked upset, and Isabelle was snacking on a cookie. There were raw meats and vegetables on the counter, and Teri-Lyn was wearing an apron.

“So what are we doing tonight?” Morgan rubbed her hands together.

“We’re going to have a cooking class.” Teri-Lyn smiled.

Michelle sighed. “Ladies, no offense, but I thought we were going to have a wilder time than this.”

“What year is this? Do we still have the right to vote?” Nina quipped, taking a sip of her wine. “I thought we were going to cut loose.”

Sydney put on an apron of her own. “All of you take a seat.”

Morgan, Isabelle, Nina and Michelle all reluctantly perched themselves on stools. Teri-Lyn reached into the fridge and pulled out a platter with that included prosciutto wrapped figs and cold cuts and veggies. “Snack on this, but don’t fill up.”

“I have a cook at home,” Nina said. “I’m too busy to prepare dinner at the end of a hectic day.”

“I don’t need to learn how to cook,” Michelle huffed. “My fingers are expertly trained to order takeout.”

“Tate cooks for me.” Isabelle smiled. They all looked at her. “What? He’s better at it.”

Michelle chomped down on a carrot. “I have a raunchy comeback for you when his mother isn’t within earshot.”

“Listen, you pampered princesses. It’s never too late to learn how to cook. A man appreciates when a woman makes him a good home cooked meal.” Teri-Lyn shook the whisk in her hand at them. “I am the mother of five healthy men who like to eat. How to you think they got so big and strong? Because of the love and care I put into the meals I made for them. Each of them has an appreciation for me not just because I’m their mother, but because of the soulful connection that comes when you prepare and share a meal. It may sound antiquated, but it’s hardly going to set back the women’s movement. Knowing how to cook well is a skill not many people have.”

“Seth loves it when I make ‘his momma’s grits’ on Sundays,” Morgan quipped.

“Tyler eats his weight in food in one sitting and he always comes home for my peach cobbler. Some lucky woman is going to find out that little secret and snatch him up.” Teri-Lyn widened her eyes and looked up at the ceiling.

Michelle slid down off her stool. “Give me that whisk, Mrs. Blake.”

“Gonna beat someone with it?” Morgan asked. “You look about fit to be tied.”

“I’d love to beat Tyler with it, only he hasn’t bothered to even get close enough to say hello.”

“Ahem. Well. Isn’t this better than seeing a bunch of oiled up strippers?” Morgan laughed as she washed her hands and got ready to chop onions.

“Maybe we’ll be celebrating another marriage soon.” Sydney tilted her head in Isabelle’s direction.

“Sydney!” Isabelle squeaked.

“I was just putting it out there for the universe to receive it.” Sydney winked.

“I hate to change the subject but I would like to propose a toast,” Morgan interrupted to give Isabelle some breathing room. She raised her glass. “To the wonderful women in my life that I love very much.”


* * *



Seth had a great time with his brothers. The bachelor party began with breakfast at a nearby diner and then a two hour trek to ride ATVs all afternoon. When they returned to the ranch they informed him they’d planned a bonfire. J.J. and Channing had gone to pick up supplies.

“Cal sends his best,” J.J. said as he and Channing walked through the door with boxes.

Seth pulled a bottle of vodka out of the box. “Nice.”

“So why can’t we have any of Bo’s moonshine tonight?” Tyler mumbled.

Channing laughed. “Because we’ll be seeing double tomorrow if we do.”

“I forgot to tell you, Eden’s coming to the wedding,” J.J. said.

They all looked at him.

J.J. shrugged. “I’m just as surprised as all of you.”

“She isn’t going to do something crazy like open fire at the reception, is she?” Tyler quipped. “I’m too handsome to be cut down in the prime of my life.”

“If you want to increase your life expectancy, stay out of race cars.” Tate scooped some dip on a chip and popped it into his mouth.

The door flew open with a gale force and slammed against the wall. It was Michelle with Isabelle in tow.

“Tyler Blake, you’re a jerk!” Michelle yelled.

Tyler spit out his beer and stepped behind Tate. “Michelle. What are you doing here?”

“Good question, what am I doing here? You lousy, no good bum. You’ve been avoiding me since I stepped foot on this ranch,” Michelle shot back.

Isabelle held up her hands. “Sorry guys. Michelle couldn’t hold this in until tomorrow.”

“You can’t run now, you two-bit gigolo!” Michelle advanced toward him.

“Bet you wish you had one of those race cars right now,” Tate mumbled to Tyler.

“Tyler, stop hiding and talk to Michelle.” Seth pulled Tyler away from Tate.

“Thanks Seth.” Michelle tucked a loose strand of hair behind her ear. “Why can’t you be more like your brothers?”

“Like I haven’t heard that all my life,” Tyler grumbled and took Michelle outside.


* * *



Morgan woke the next morning to find Isabelle standing over her.

“Good morning.” Isabelle pulled back the covers.

“Good morning.” Morgan looked for the alarm clock on the nightstand. “I have to feed the boys!”

Isabelle blocked her path. “Cool your jets. Sydney’s on feeding detail.”

“Why didn’t anyone wake me up hours ago?”

“Against the wedding day rules.” Isabelle held up a piece of paper. “Seth left specific instructions. We all have our parts to play today, and your part is the well-rested, blushing bride. Besides, there was practically a fight about who would help the boys get ready.”

Morgan began undressing. “Did anything exciting happen after I left the bachelorette party?”

Isabelle furrowed her eyebrows. “Why do you ask?”

“I left a bunch of drunk women downstairs eating food and talking shit. Something was bound to happen.”


“Oh no. What happened?”

“Michelle stormed out of the house in search of Tyler.”

Morgan gasped.

“Relax. We didn’t let her drive. I caught up with her walking down the road and gave her a lift to the cabin. She and Tyler were talking on the porch for a long time.” Isabelle shrugged.

“Was Tyler as drunk as Michelle?”

“If he was, he sobered up when she burst into the cabin using language would have made my dad blush.” Isabelle chuckled.

“What was she thinking?” Morgan put on her robe.

“I think she was hurting. From what I heard when I was listening at the door before Tate caught me, he was kind of pissed that she’s dating that guy Finn. Now come on.” Isabelle grabbed her hand and led her to the bathroom.

The tub was filled with bubbles, rose petals and the sailboat Seth occasionally played with when he gave the boys a bath. The soft sound of Tate’s music from his new CD came from the sound system, and a note sat on the tray attached to the tub with a mimosa beside it.

“Per Seth’s instructions, you are to take a long, hot bath, and then we’ll get you ready. No organizing. Leave everything to your capable family. I would sooner burn my violin than let this day be anything but perfect for my two favorite people.”

Morgan looked around, grateful that she had a man that took such loving care of her. She went over and opened the note.






Nothing but smooth sailing today.



Love, Seth



“Thank you, for everything.” Morgan smiled.

Isabelle put her hand on her hip. “Let’s get you married. Again.”


* * *



As Seth approached the stables, he saw that his father was waiting for him with his horse Dusty and Seth’s horse Iris.

“Good morning, Daddy.” Seth smiled as he slammed the truck door. “I guess we had the same idea.”

“I know, my son,” John Jacob said. “You would either take a ride on Iris or jog. I prayed all night that you would pick Iris. I don’t have it in me anymore to be jogging around this ranch.”

They mounted their horses and headed out toward the creek near Tate’s cabin. There was a sense of peace here that Seth couldn’t find anywhere else. He’d gone out into the world and made a name for himself as a football player, but he knew he would always be a rancher. Living this life helped him cope with the fame and the attention of being a quarterback. He’d had his wild women and wild moments, but he was fortunate enough not to have taken it seriously. Deep down inside he knew the road would lead him back to this ranch, raising a family and being one with the land.

John Jacob looked at his watch. “You probably ought to be getting back. You’ve got a wedding to get to.”

“This really is what life is all about.” Seth smiled.

“Yes, it is.”


* * *



After sneaking into the boys’ room for the fourth time, Morgan’s team of wedding coordinators swooped in on her and kicked her out. Nina did her makeup. Isabelle helped style her hair and put so much hair spritz on, Morgan was sure she wouldn’t be able to comb her hair for a week. Michelle changed the subject every time Morgan mentioned last night. Her friend looked radiant and confused, a telltale sign she and Tyler had probably done more than talk last night.

She waited until an hour before the ceremony to put on her wedding dress. When they finally finished fussing with the pink princess-style wedding dress with its full satin skirt and detailed embroidery on the bodice and hem, the room went silent.

“What do you think? I know most of you thought I’d gone mad when I selected pink. But I think it works.” Morgan twirled around.

“Morgan, honey, you look absolutely beautiful.” Teri-Lyn blinked back tears.

“Stunning.” Nina smiled.

Michelle clasped her hands together. “Like a princess right out of a fairytale.”


Chapter Eight



Morgan allowed for one more group hug before she kicked everyone out. The wedding would begin in thirty minutes and then it would be time for the good part: good food, cake and dancing with her husband. There was a knock at the door.

“Come in.”

“Morgan, you look beautiful.”

Morgan ran to her father and wrapped her arms around his neck.

“Be careful. I don’t want all your hard work to come undone.”

She smiled at him and stepped back.

He shook his head. “Look at you. Your mother couldn’t convince you to put on a dress the first five years of your life.”


“She kept trying, though. She was determined not to let you turn into a tomboy because you had three brothers.”

“So how did she finally convince me to wear a dress?”

“I told her that you were a strong willed little girl, just like her, and the more she pushed, the more you’d resist. Well, the concept of letting things be just wasn’t your mother’s style, but you wore her down. She finally gave up, and one day a few months later, you showed up for breakfast wearing a pink ruffly thing she’d gotten you a year before.”

Morgan laughed. “The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree.”

“I think you’ve always wanted to navigate your own way. You came around to the dress, just like you came around to the braces and letting your brother teach you how to drive. It takes a strong person to stand up and know what they want in life. I’ve always been proud that I had a daughter who knew her own mind. That’s why I didn’t worry when you came home from that island and said you’d married Seth. You always know what’s right for you, Morgan. And you will always be my baby girl. I love you so much.” Curtis gave her a big squeeze.

“I love you too, Dad.” Morgan gave him a bear hug.

The attendants opened the doors. Morgan took a deep breath.

“Ready, baby girl?”

She nodded and sniffed back the tears.

He crooked his arm for her, and together they started down the aisle.

BOOK: Love Notes and Football
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