Read Love Under Two Benedicts Online

Authors: Cara Covington

Love Under Two Benedicts (9 page)

BOOK: Love Under Two Benedicts
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He’d gone to a costume supplier out of town and purchased body padding, and he’d worn a blond, long-haired wig, a mustache, and glasses when he’d done so. He’d paid cash for everything he’d bought.

Tonight, he’d donned that padding, the larger clothing he’d picked up to go with it, another wig, different glasses and a beard. Driving in the get-up had been a pain in the ass, but he felt confident as he sat down in Lusty Appetites that if anyone remembered him, they would only recall the disguise he wore.

Wesley’s stomach growled in response to the aroma of food that permeated the air. He was here tonight on a reconnaissance mission, so his best course of action would be to order a meal.

He didn’t have to wait long before a waitress appeared. She poured water into the glass at his table and handed him a menu so he could peruse the bill of fare.

Her smile was bright and sunny. He couldn’t help but notice how sexy she looked in her simple white blouse and black skirt.

“Good evening and welcome to Lusty Appetites. I’m Michelle, and I’ll be taking care of you this evening.”

“Hello, Michelle.” He figured if he didn’t smile or talk, he’d stand out more in the woman’s memory than if he did. Whenever he’d gone anywhere before he got married, he’d felt free to flirt with any woman who appealed to him. He’d had to curtail the habit, especially once he decided to run for mayor. It occurred to him that disguised as he was, there was no need to deny himself a little fun. Michelle certainly appealed to him. Her sleek blond hair and soft womanly curves looked like they’d give him a very comfortable ride. He lowered his voice and asked, “What looks good tonight?”

“Our Friday special is a smothered roast beef sandwich with lots of onions and gravy.”

“That sounds really good.” He closed the menu and gave her his best smile. “No need to read any further. I’ll have that.”

He sat back and waited for his food, keeping his attention focused so that every time the door to the kitchen opened, he peered inside. Once, he saw a young woman dishing up food, but she wasn’t the woman he’d come there to see.

He remembered Kelsey Madison. For a couple of years after the incident, he’d sometimes seen her face front and center in his dreams.

His dinner was served promptly, and he had to admit the food tasted good. He could see why this place had been written up in the food section of the Waco paper.

He took his time eating, giving all the appearance of having nothing more on his mind than clearing his plate.

When the waitress returned to check on him, he raved over the meal. “The reason I came all the way here from Waco was because I saw that write-up in the Tribune-Herald last month.”

“You know, we have a lot of people coming all the way from Waco because of that article.”

“Well, it’s certainly been well worth the trip.” Then he frowned, as if trying to remember something. “The owner…Kelly, Kathy…”

“Kelsey. Kelsey Madison,” Michelle said.

“Right! Kelsey! Is she available for a moment? My mamma raised me to always say thank you for the vittles. I’d like to tell Ms. Madison how wonderful my dinner was.”

“Oh, that’s so sweet of you! Unfortunately, this is Kelsey’s early night, and she’s already gone home, but I’ll be sure to give her your compliments.”

“Thanks, I appreciate that. The beef really was quite delicious.”

“Nothing we like more than a satisfied customer. Now, can I tempt you with dessert and coffee?”

Because he needed to appear like a normal diner, he ordered the apple pie with ice cream and coffee.

It wouldn’t do to ask, so he had to assume that Friday was Kelsey’s regular early night. Actually, that could work to his advantage because Cora Lynn had a regular Friday lady’s club meeting. Friday was the one evening he could come and go without worry of interference.

His gaze wandered to the window. There wasn’t much traffic about, not many people in this dinky little town, actually. It shouldn’t be difficult to follow the woman once she left work. Probably, it would be a good idea to come here and eat a few times, so if he was seen no one would bother about him. He could be a bit of a familiar face, especially when the face and body weren’t really his.

Michelle delivered his coffee and dessert. “You know, we have a wonderful Sunday buffet, if that’s something that would appeal to you. We serve it from two p.m. till eight every Sunday.”

Wesley pretended to consider that. “Thanks. I’ll see what I can do. This food is certainly worth a second trip.”

Of course, Sunday was out of the question. He and Cora Lynn usually ate dinner at her parents’ house on Sunday.

He took note of the hours. He’d see about fitting in a lunch through the week. He sipped his coffee, glanced around the eatery.

Now that he’d been here, confidence filled him. He could do this, no sweat. One bold move, then he would be free to get on with the rest of his life. He was certainly entitled to that.


* * * *


Kelsey wondered that she didn’t shatter into a dozen tingling, pleasure-filled pieces.

Matthew used his tongue in long, lavish strokes to lap the honey from her body. He seemed in no hurry as he set about to drive her out of her mind, bringing that lovely organ so close to where she needed it most. He licked her labia and the delicate flesh above her clit. She swore she could feel that tiny nubbin stretch out of its protective hood, reaching for some of that oral play.

Kelsey let loose with an animal-like sound of frustration. Matthew responded with a soft chuckle against her moist skin and by placing one hand on her chest just below and between her breasts, as if holding her in place.

At that moment, Steven stepped away but returned to her quickly. Then she felt something wet plop onto her right breast, and the aroma of chocolate teased her senses.

Oh, God

“Yum, chocolate-covered nipple.” Steven swirled his tongue around the pebbled point, then sucked it into his mouth. The strong tug seemed to go deep inside her, down through her core, to tingle and pulse in her pussy.

She hadn’t noticed that while he’d stepped away from her she’d left her arms stretched above her head, wrists together. Now he cuffed them again with one hand, sending her a look of male superiority—no, male
—that spiked her arousal even higher.

She wanted to come. She wanted that deep plunge into bliss that these men had given her so many times the night before. She wanted to touch them, to taste them and pleasure them in any way, every way imaginable. She wanted to give and take and take and

How could she want and need so fiercely when she’d been so sated the night before?

“What’s the matter, sweetheart?”

Kelsey looked down between her legs to encounter Matthew’s gaze. One eyebrow raised, he looked every inch the arrogant male. His lips glistened wetly in the kitchen lights, and she realized it was her own nectar there.

“Kiss me.” She needed to taste herself on his lips, to share the pleasure he took from her and gave to her in equal measure.

She saw the evidence of the heightened passion her words evoked. He moved over her in one smooth, deliberate move.

They tasted of lust and of desire. The salty, musky flavor of this kiss fed a need in her, a need that had lain dormant. Feral, basic, that need grew, as if now it would no longer be held back. He pressed his hips against her, and his stiff cock, covered in unforgiving denim, brushed against her clit, sending her over the edge into raw climax.

Kelsey screamed, everything inside her burning white hot, orgasmic, as the waves of rapture threatened to down her. Even in the haze of orgasm, she knew the men anchored her, held her, and she was safe.

“Oh, baby. Do you have any idea how hot it makes us when you respond so sweetly?” Matthew bathed her face with his words as he laid kisses on her cheek and neck. He eased back, lifting his chest from her, but stayed between her splayed legs, caressing them and the inside of her thighs.

“Your nipples just went rock hard.” Steven caressed and pinched them. Kelsey whimpered, the small bite of pain bowing her off the counter, stirring her arousal to life once more.

“I want to touch you. Taste you. I want us all naked and rolling around on that enormous bed of yours.”

Steven covered her mouth with his, his tongue possessing her, tasting her in a way she’d never known before these men kissed her.

“I can taste your cunt on your lips.” His ragged whisper told her how close to the edge he’d come. “You have a flavor better than any food, any drink. I want more of it.” He looked up at his brother, then nodded. “Yeah, let’s move this party to the bedroom.”


* * * *


She barely let Steven finish undressing before she reached for his cock. He was longer than his brother, not quite as thick, but just as mouth-watering. On the bed and on her knees, she’d stopped him in his tracks. He had one foot on the floor, a knee on the bed, and now, both hands in her hair as she sucked him deep.

Hot and salty, smooth and velvety, his cock fit her mouth as if it had been made for her. She moved on him, sliding her lips down his shaft, taking him deep, swirling her tongue along the veins she could feel.

Steven hissed his breaths. His fingers clenched, then held her head even more securely. His tension increased her lust. The knowledge that she pleased him, pleasured him, and drove him to hissing and clutching stroked her sense of power, her elemental woman.

Kelsey had the dim thought that her elemental woman had been shackled too long.

Then the bed dipped, and Matthew, hot, hard, and gloriously naked, cozied up to her, rubbed his throbbing cock against her shoulder, and ran his hand down her naked back.

Using her right hand, she fisted Matthew, stroked him slowly, firmly, and played her thumb against the small hole, spreading the viscous sign of his need.


Kelsey smiled at the one word challenge, but kept her mouth on Steven’s cock. She began to slide her lips down, taking as much as she could, then backed up, nearly releasing him. Steven shuddered, and she repeated the motion two more times. When she brought her lips close to the head of his cock again, she released him, turned her head, and immediately took Matthew into her mouth.

“Woman, you have a
mouth,” Matthew said.

Kelsey began to suck him hard, making him groan. She brought her head up, released him, then deep-throated his brother.

Back and forth she worked, one cock, then the other, marveling at the different taste, the different texture, between these two brothers.

I’d be able to tell them apart, blindfolded, just from this

And their scent. She inhaled each one deeply, just there at the base of their cocks, where she could sample the compelling aroma of cock and scrotum and man. Here, too, she found a difference, yet each aroma, each flavor, thrilled and aroused her identically.

Kelsey didn’t know where this primal, feral side of herself had been hiding all her life. She only knew it had awakened now, and she would greedily gulp down all the excitement, all the stimulation that had been lacking for so very long.

She felt the men nearing their peaks and could already read the telltale signs. Their breathing hitched, their eyes closed, and their bellies had both gained a fine sheen of perspiration.

She sat back on her haunches, a hand around each cock, and continued to stroke with an even slower, lighter touch.

“Now I’m a tease.”

Two pairs of eyes opened, and two stares fastened on her as she smiled back at them.

“I do believe you were warned what being a smart ass could get you.” Matthew raised one eyebrow, his expression arrogant. He reminded her of a pirate with that roguish grin and that steely gaze he could switch on and off at will.

“Maybe I didn’t believe the warning. Maybe I’ve decided to tempt fate.” She felt bold, reckless, and brazen. As that newly awakened part of her stretched and basked, Kelsey secretly rejoiced in the sense of freedom and fun that filled her. “Or maybe,” she lowered her eyes, then looked up, letting her arousal show, “maybe I’ve decided to take you up on the offer.”

“Careful. Little girls who tease horny men sometimes get more than they can handle.”

Steven’s words shivered down her spine and tickled the area deep in her belly that quivered with sexual excitement. She met his gaze and felt it sear her, as if he could see deep inside her. He’d looked at her like this for one moment down in the kitchen, that moment when he’d returned to her and she’d left her arms as if he’d held them still.

Matthew’s hand stroked her hair, then settled on her shoulder, drawing her gaze to him. In his eyes she saw such heat and such hunger that everything feminine within her at once celebrated and trembled in apprehension.

An offer awaited just below the surface of their conversation. The brothers waited, said nothing, and Kelsey understood what did or did not happen next was completely up to her.

She nearly didn’t recognize herself because such uninhibited desire filled her. No matter what she chose, it would be fine. She had complete freedom to dare or to turn away. All the power lay in her hands, and she’d never felt so seduced.

BOOK: Love Under Two Benedicts
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