Read Loving Angel 3 Online

Authors: Carry Lowe

Loving Angel 3 (8 page)

BOOK: Loving Angel 3
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“My turn now bitch,” I said after I felt she had gotten enough time to enjoy her high. “Fix that shit up for me please.” It was the first time I would be doing heroin
. But with the way Trina was acting after injecting that shit, I knew it wouldn’t be my last. It seemed like it had given her a better high than the coke.

“You gonna really enjoy this,” she promised as she prepped my

After I
’d tied the elastic around my arm, she showed me how to choose a good vein then handed me the needle. I did exactly what I saw her do and the effects were immediate. A rush of euphoria surged through my veins, causing my eyes to roll back inside my head in pleasure. Oh fucking hell, this shit was good. I was enjoying it so much that when Trina leaned over and stuck her tongue in my mouth, wiggling it around, I didn’t mind one bit. I wasn’t really into females but if she was willing to give me free drugs all the time, I was willing to allow her to play with me. Fair trade, sure as hell wasn’t robbery.

Encouraged by the fact that I wasn’t pushing her away
, she deepened the kiss, sucking on my lips and tongue. When she came up for air she smiled at me.

“I knew you liked me,” she smirked. I smiled back
, she could believe whatever she wanted to believe as long as she kept the drugs coming.

“Whatever girl, let’s go make some money so we can cop another fix. That little bit you’ve got left isn’t going to do for the both of us later.” I unt
ied the band from around my arm then handed it and the needle to her.

We packed up our contraband and after another deep kiss that Trina once again enjoyed more than me, we snuck out the bathroom. As we entered the club floor I saw Crystal frowning at us with disgust written all over
her face. I sucked my teeth at her as I gave her my back and then I smiled at a patron who was eyeing me. Even though my experience with that crazy pock face nigga with the big dick had shaken me up a bit, I had to just suck that shit up and move on. I had money to make to support my habit.

I was strutting over to my prospective client
, when someone suddenly snagged onto my arm. I rounded on my accoster and came face to face with Detective Parker. It had been a minute since I last saw him.

“How are you doing big daddy?
” I smiled flirtatiously at him, more than ready to get paid by a big spender like him.

“I need to talk to you,” he said as he pulled me towards one of the back rooms. I waved goodbye to Trina,
she was busy talking to a customer, and then I allowed him to lead me away.

“You’re in a lot of hurry for just a talk,” I teased. “Are you sure talking is the only thing that’s on your mind?”

He didn’t reply and as soon as we were in the privacy of the room he turned to me with an angry look on his face. “What did you give me?” He growled. “This morning when I woke up, I had sores on my dick.”

I immediately started acting as though I was offended
, although I knew exactly what he was talking about. I was currently having a herpes breakout too. “Listen, I haven’t seen you in a minute. So I don’t understand why you’re coming to me because you’ve got something.” It had been more than two months since he had stopped by the club. And knowing him and his addiction for strippers, he had probably been spending his money on some other trick. So there was definitely a chance he could have caught the virus from her.

“No you listen, you fucking black bitch,” he gritted as he stepped into my space. “You’re the only other person apart from my wife that I’ve fucked without a condom
, so if I have something then it must have come from you.”

Like I was gonna believe that. If he was running up in me raw and I was
nothing but a stripper at a club who was turning tricks, then there was no end to the number of other bitches that he could have fucked without a condom. Any one of them could have given him the virus, so I wasn’t going to admit to shit.

“Well it wasn’t me.
How about you go ask your wife?”

he words had barely left my mouth when he gave me a bitch slap that had my head snapping back, as my lip busted open and I tasted blood.

“Don’t you ever talk about my fucking wife
, you fucking black cunt. You black bitches never know your fucking place.”

After I had gotten over the shock of being hit in the face by the
fat fuck, I returned the favor but instead of slapping him, I punched him right in the nose.

He grabbed his busted nose as blood poured from it. “What the fuck
, you fucking hoe,” he yelled nasally. “You’re gonna fucking pay for that shit.”

I smirked at him. “You’ll have to catch me first
, you fat white little pricked bastard.” As he made a move towards me I started screaming at the top of my lungs and the room was immediately filled with three burly body guards.

“What the fuck
is happening in here?” The largest of the three asked. His name was Ed and he was a big black motherfucker who was so tall and muscular he looked like a linebacker.

“This white cracker was just calling me a black bitch and threatening me,” I told them.

“Detective Parker, you need to leave,” Ed said politely.

“I don’t have to do shit
, I’m a cop. Plus I’m the one who has been assaulted.”

“Well if you don’t leave peacefully
, we’re gonna have to call some of the guys from your precinct down here and let them deal with the situation.”

He huffed in frustration, obviously not willing to risk his pals in blue learning hi
s dirty little secret. “I’ll go,” he conceded, but he glared at me as he left the room. “This isn’t over bitch. I know you’re the one who gave me this shit.”

I gave him a little wave
. “Bye detective.”

Ed shook his head at Parker’s back. “I alway
s knew that fucker was a racist,” he said then he turned to me. “Why the fuck are you always causing problems in the club?”

“It’s not my f
ault that the people around here don’t know how to act right.” I huffed and then I stormed from the room.

I headed straight to the dressing room and to Trina’s locker. She didn’t know it but I knew her combination.
Bitch wasn’t careful whenever she accessed her shit. After opening the locker, I grabbed her black makeup bag that she’d stashed her drugs in. Then I closed it back up and headed to the bathroom.

Parker had
fucked up my high and I really needed another hit to get back in the mood. I locked myself in the bathroom, quickly prepped my heroin and then after I had the band secured around my arm, I pushed the needle into a juicy vein. As the drug entered my system I heard Trina banging on the door.

“Keya, Keya, you fucking bitch!”
She yelled. “What the fuck are you doing in there with my shit?”

That was the last thing I heard before I felt like something was sque
ezing my chest in a vise grip. I fell to the floor, twitching like I had epilepsy, and then everything went black.















Daisy looked at her phone with a frown on her face before powering it off. “I don’t know why he keeps calling me,” she sighed.

We were riding in my truck
and were on our way to Harlem to do a surprise drop in at Keya’s apartment. Since learning of Keya’s extra-curricular activities I had been trying to get in contact with her but she wasn’t accepting my calls or replying to my texts. If she was really selling her body at Glitter I was going to have to let Tyga fire her ass. But I wanted to be a hundred percent certain before I went to him with the information. So since Keya kept ignoring me, I had no other choice but to ambush her at her crib.

“Was that Delco again?” I asked my cousin the obvious.

She nodded. “I don’t know why he just won’t leave me the fuck alone.”

“You know he’s not going to give up,” I told her as
I honked my horn at the asshole who had just cut me off. People in New York liked to drive so fucking dirty. “I’m surprised he gave you the night to cool off.”

“If he’s calling because he thinks I’ve cooled off
, he has got another thing coming. I’m still mad as hell,” Daisy huffed. “I just can’t get over how he tried to hide that shit from me. I could have accepted it a lot easier if he’d been upfront with me from the get go. I mean it’s fucked up that he went back and had sex with that hoe after leaving her ass, but we weren’t officially back together yet so I could forgive him for that, even as hard as it would have been. But he discovered this hoe was pregnant months ago and didn’t say shit to me.”

I completely understood where she was coming from. If it was Tyga who had
done some shit like that to me, there would have been hell to pay.

“So what are you going to do?” I asked her. I didn’t think she’d leave him and I wasn’t going to encourage her to do that either. Yes he
’d lied and it was fucked up. But I knew without a doubt that the asshole loved my cousin and I was sure he was currently seeing the error of his ways.

“I don’t know yet,” she confessed. “I really need some time to think. He really hurt me because I thought we were finally good. Now I’m sure he expects me to have this crazy trick in my life forever.”

My phone rang, interrupting our conversation. “Can you see who’s calling, please?” I asked my cousin.

After fishing my cell
from my purse and checking the screen she said, “It’s Mina.”

I hadn’t heard from my mother since the day I caught her and Chance fucking each other. She hadn’t called me and I sure as hell hadn’t called her. That fiasco was still an embarrassment I was trying to live down. Although both my husband and
my cousin agreed with me that Mina was scandalous for sleeping with Chance, they also thought that shit was fucking funny and that I was making too much of a big deal of it.

They didn’t understand the embarrassment I felt because not only was my mother sleeping with someone who was younger than me, he was also someone I considered a brother.

I was just tired of her always disregarding my feelings when it came to men and doing things she knew would hurt me. And to add insult to injury, after making disparaging remarks about my pregnancy she didn’t even have the decency to call and apologize.

That bitch knew the only reason I was uncertain about my child’s paternity was because I had been raped
. But the insensitive cunt still had the audacity to act like I’d been running around in the streets with my pussy on my forehead and that was why I didn’t know who I was pregnant by. I wasn’t going to allow her to do this type of shit to me anymore and get away with it, so I didn’t know why the fuck she was calling me.

I wasn’t going to answer her call but then
I changed my mind. Though I was pissed at her, I was still afraid of ignoring her and then discovering later it was an emergency. “What do you want Mina?” I greeted her.

“I hope you’re happy now. Because of you
, Chance won’t see me anymore,” she accused. And I was immediately sorry I’d answered her call.

“You do realize that Chance is young and ya’ll weren’t going to be together forever?” I snapped at her.

“How can you know what the future holds? You’re always interfering in other people’s business like your shit don’t stink but let me tell you…”

I dial toned her ass. I was starting to realize which family member Keya inherited her selfishness from. My mother and cousin were like two peas in the same damn pod.

I never told Chance to stop seeing her. It was actually his suggestion. The day after I caught them together, Chance had come to me and apologized. He had said his relationship with Mina wasn’t anything serious and that he would stop seeing her if I was uncomfortable. I had told him it was his decision to make but I would never be happy or comfortable with their relationship. I guess he must have given her ass the axe.

“Damn, she was about to go off on you,” Daisy commented.

I exhaled exhaustedly. “I don’t know why she’s blaming me because Chance left her dumb ass.” My phone rang again and after seeing that it was my mother calling back I sent her straight to voicemail.

My cousin chuckled. “I still can’t get over that one. Mina really got her groove back on a younger buck than the one she had before.”

I scowled in disgust. “That shit isn’t funny Daisy. I don’t even know what to do about her anymore. She just keeps getting worse.”

I had just turned onto Keya’s block when my phone rang once again. Was she just going to keep calling back to back until I answered?

I snatched my phone off my lap, ready to tear my mother a new one but the incoming call wasn’t from Mina, it was from my aunt.

“What’s up Aunty?”

“Angel, thank god you answered,” Aunt Missy said. And her voice sounded off. “I’ve been trying to call Daisy but she isn’t answering her phone.”

BOOK: Loving Angel 3
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