Loving The British Billionaire (BWWM Romance) (8 page)

BOOK: Loving The British Billionaire (BWWM Romance)
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Releasing her tits, they slid back into place and her nipples were rock hard. He bent over and captured one between his teeth, nipping on her tender flesh. “Stand up, Chandra, and show me to your bedroom.”


She tried to get up but her knees were wobbly and he noticed, helping her up with a strong grip on her arm. He half dragged her back deeper into the small apartment and quickly found her bedroom. His eagerness was clear as he tossed her down onto the bed, her body slightly bouncing with the strength of his toss. Chandra looked up and waited as Keith started to undress.


Her brown eyes darkened as his thick chest and shoulders were revealed. Tiny hairs curled everywhere and her fingers ached to touch him. His arms were ripped, as well as his abdomen. She was breathing hard by the time he pushed the half-opened pants down to reveal thick, muscular thighs covered in soft, dark hair.


Chandra watched him while her finger played in her own curls, touching the sensitive spots. Her core wept for touch and when she slid a slim finger inside of her tight snatch, she cried out in pleasure. Her eyes were closed and her lips pursed. She had almost forgotten about Keith in the room with her until she felt the bed compress beside her with his weight.


“Let me take these off for you. You must be burning up.”


She nodded her head and lifted her hips when his hands skimmed her waistband and then pulled her shorts down with a jerk. She gasped and her thighs shut. Keith started to kiss and lick on her ankles, moving up to her knee before she started to let them open up for his perusal. His mouth moved hungry over her and as he reached her peak, he switched thighs and continued his torture up her stomach and ribs. Her whole body was covered in goosebumps, her eyes shut in a perfect pleasure that she never wanted to end.


Chandra’s hands delved into his thick brown hair, pulling him closer to a nipple that he threatened to lick. She lifted up, as her hands held him down. A sound of gratitude escaped her lips before she felt the heaviness of his cock on her slit, disturbing all thoughts. Her body stilled as he pushed the head along her wetness.

“So wet, Chandra, you are already ready for me, but I want a taste.” Keith’s mouth lazily went to her other nipple and slurped up the tip, his hips pressing his length against her heat. Chandra’s lip was mashed between her teeth, as his mouth moved lower.


His descent was far slower than his ascension and she tried to urge him along with a rise of her body. “Please, Keith. I have waited long enough. I'm wet enough, just do it.”


Keith did not move any faster, though he did stop and look up at her for a second before moving down to swirl his tongue around her navel. He crept ever closer, driving her mad. Her hips shot up and her hand pushed hard on the top of his head. The first touch made her squeal and hold him down even harder.


His tongue slid as she pushed, but stopped and attached to the top of her slit that was so sensitive. “Yes, fuck.”


It was only seconds before Chandra was gasping for breath and burning up with the raise in temperature. She felt a build-up of tension as he sucked harder and slurped on her hard nub. Chandra couldn’t speak. She could only feel as he pushed her closer and closer to the edge of madness. Thighs shook around his head and the extra sensation of two thick digits pushing up and inside of her.


“Oh God!” Chandra screamed and squirted fluid out and into his mouth. He continued his assault on her body and senses. Chandra had never come so hard before and her hands that had held him down were now trying to push him away. The pleasure was turning to pain and she needed a moment, a break from it.


“Please, Keith.” Her whimpers of his name were desperate and her legs finally pushed him away. She backpedaled against the headboard, finally opening her eyes. Chandra clenched her thighs together as the waves continued. Her mouth was dry and his long length bobbing between his thighs held her transfixed. She was not ready for more and was still trying to get over something so small as his tongue.


Chapter 12

“I knew you would be perfect, Chandra. So damn sexy and you taste sweeter than anything I have ever had between my lips. I want more.”


Chandra whimpered as hands pulled her towards him with a hard jerk. Her thighs were pried apart and his mouth devoured her wet flesh with gusto. Every time she tried to get away, he just dragged her back till she was at the point of hysterics again. Never had she felt such a willing dominance before and never had she came so much in her life. The fact that she was so primed and had not been entered came to mind as he settled back on his knees and wiped his face. His eyes held hers and the look exchanged made her shiver.


She waited for him to come to her, his hands stroking his cock while he eyed her tight slit. Chandra trembled in anticipation and started to scoot towards him when he got off the bed. His eyes drew her to him, his need so great. The pupils had all but taken over and his eyes appeared almost black in the dimmed light of the room. She shuffled down until her ass was inches from the edge of the bed.


Keith rubbed against her core again, harder and pushed deeper in. He did not fully penetrate for several strokes, just popping the head in and out of her hole as he passed. Chandra was getting frustrated and she lifted up several times to impale herself.

“No, Keith. I need you in me now!”


He slammed forward with enough force to push her body back on the bed. His growl was low and turned Chandra’s insides into jelly. The stretch was intense and it seemed like every single inch of her was being overwhelmed with his hot rod. Her insides convulsed and she suffocated his length. The growl turned into a grunt and he pulled back.


Just the head was still engulfed in her sweetness. Keith’s fingers fell on her slit. He could not last long and he tried to bring her back to the frenzy so they could finish together. His hands danced, while his hips thrust forward in a devastatingly fast pace. Her tits bounced with each stroke and her fingers pulled and tugged as her climax came closer. Then she was exploding and screaming out his name.


“Yes, Keith. Oh baby, come for me!” Her thighs shook as he pounded into her with abandon. Her squeals turned louder and her eyes squeezed shut as her body tensed for another wave of sheer bliss. His cock slamming deep and spewing against her womb pushed her over the edge. Chandra wrapped her legs around his waist and held on, while his cock throbbed deep inside of her. It was perfect and when he pulled out and laid next to her, pulling her into his sweaty embrace, it was magical.




Liam stood outside of her door. His hand had been poised to knock for several minutes, but he found himself enthralled in the noises that Chandra made. He was supposed to be the one that she cried out for, not Keith, the name he heard repeatedly before he stalked off in the direction of his apartment. He knew exactly who to talk to, to get Keith out of the way. Or at least get back at the woman who made him care and then dropped him like a bad habit. It was maybe not his feelings that had been hurt, more like his pride as a man. Liam knew exactly how to change that.

Chapter 13

“Chandra, wake up!”


Chandra groaned and looked up at the blurry figure of her friend. The only reason she knew it was her was by the voice and the flame of hair dancing in front of her eyes.


“Girls, go wait in the living room please. I got to talk to your mama, Angela.” The two girls nodded and Chandra pulled the sheet over herself when she realized that she was not dressed. She also realized that Keith was gone and she felt a moment of sorrow. She knew that he shouldn’t be there, but she had loved the way he felt next to her. He had held her until she went to sleep, safe and in his powerful arms.


“What did you do last night?” Kelly sat on the edge of the bed. “You know that everyone could hear you, right? I mean damn, Chandra. You could have woke the damn dead. Troy was talking about coming in here and getting him some of the action. I think you made a few more friends here, so don’t be surprised if you got some men crushing on you this morning.”


Chandra giggled and flushed with embarrassment, but by the look on her friend’s face, there was more that she needed to know. “What’s up, Kelly? Is everything okay with Angela?”


“Yeah, honey, she’s fine. It’s just, I think you made an enemy last night for choosing Keith.”


“How do you know it was Keith?”


Kelly rolled her eyes, “Honey, everyone in the damn building knows it was Keith. You kept saying it over and over again. What the hell did he do to you?”


“Everything.” Chandra sat back on her pillow and smiled. There was no way to describe it and she was more relaxed than she had been in years. Chandra didn’t know if it would happen again, but she really wished it would. She couldn’t stand the idea of touching another. Keith was all she had eyes for then.


“Well Liam heard it all and Brandon told me that he was talking about telling management.”


Chandra sat up, her eyes widening as the sleep was thrust from their edges. “What?”


“Yeah, he called Brandon last night drunk and told him that you broke his heart. Brandon said he probably won’t once he wakes up, but he wouldn’t listen to him last night. Oh, Chandra, I'm so sorry. I would have never hooked you up with him if I would have known this is how he was. Brandon said he had never seen him like that before. What did you do to him?”


Chandra would laugh if she didn’t feel like crying. “Do you really think they will fire me just for someone gossiping to the management?”


Kelly shook her head and watched Chandra get up. She threw some clothes on and went out to visit with the girls, wiping away the worry. It was a beautiful day and she had a couple hours before her shift. Angela was excited to tell her about her night and what the girls had done. Chandra listened while she made breakfast, her face not holding the inner turmoil that she was feeling inside. She dreaded getting ready for work, unwilling to believe that she was going to be fired for Keith. He had practically chased her down and how could she deny the feelings that they had felt for each other. She wanted to be mad at him for seducing her, but it was hard to be upset about such a perfect night. Her only chance was that Liam would sober up and realize that it just wasn’t meant to be.




“Yeah, give me a second.” She was putting her eye liner on and then she heard a knock. “What?”


“It’s management. They told me to let you know that you need to see them before reporting for work this morning.”


Her heart sank. Apparently that was not going to be the option that actually happened. “Alright. Tell them I will see them in a few minutes.”


Her eyes held her worry, but she looked at her face until it hid again in her smile. She never wanted her daughter to see the struggle of it all. Kelly wished her luck that they both knew she needed and Chandra went to her last day of work. She half expected to see Liam sneering when she opened up the door, but he was not there to confront her. All that was there was a beautiful sunshine and birds chirping as a greeting. It was all so innocently menacing.


She took her time getting down to the main office. It was tucked far in the back of the compound and offered a great view of a stocked pond that many used to catch and release. Chandra tried to still her nerves. She didn’t want to feel guilty, but at the same time, she didn’t want to lie. She had never been very good at it and it was one of the reasons she had always been so direct with people. It was easier just to be honest and let the chips fall where they will.




Chandra waited outside of the boss’s office like she was an elementary student waiting for punishment from the principal. It was how she felt as well, the secretary eyeing her like she knew why she was there. Chandra had gotten several strange looks on the way there and her guilt was quickly turning into paranoia.


The heavy wood door opened and she saw a stern looking woman, her eyes falling to Chandra’s attire as she stood up to go in. The room was as stiff as the woman in it, little to no decorations on the walls. None if you didn’t count the picture of her diploma as a decoration. There were no family pictures and certainly no ring on the older woman’s finger. Chandra took in all the information and came to the conclusion that she was screwed. She had hoped that the VP of operations was a man, but it was a woman in her fifties by the name of Pam Englewood. The name rolled in her head as she sat down on the low seat across from her.


“Chandra, I will just get right to the point.” Pam shuffled through the papers in front of her and pulled out a handwritten document. Chandra had an idea whose chicken scratch handwriting that was and she tried not to clench her teeth. “A situation has been brought to my knowledge that goes against our company’s policies. Policies that are crystal clear in the handbook that you signed when you were hired. Do you know what the situation is?”


“Yes,ma’am.” Chandra did not elaborate, she didn’t feel like saying her offenses out loud would help at all. She had accepted her fate long before she walked into the stuffy office. It was what it was and there was really nothing she could do about it but kick herself for letting her desires control her fate.

BOOK: Loving The British Billionaire (BWWM Romance)
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